27 NOVEMBER 1880

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The Spectator

I T is announced on all sides that in the Cabinet Council of Wed- nesday it was resolved not to apply for a Coercion Bill for Ireland until a January meeting of Parliament. This...

The occupation of Dulcigno has not, as we write, been

The Spectator

officially announced, but there is no reasonable doubt that by Monday it will be part of Prince Nicola's dominion. Some new impulse has been felt in the Palace at...

Dr. Pusey wrote a clear and sensible letter to the

The Spectator

Times, of Wednesday, defending himself against the imputation of having encouraged parsons to persecute the laity ; and he cer- tainly makes out a complete defence. The only...

4 ** The Editors cannot undertaketo return Manuscript in any case.

The Spectator

The Lord Chief Justice of England died suddenly on Satur-

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day night, without any previous illness. He was a man of ex- traordinary power, both oratorical and judicial, and the grasp which he had of a complicated mass of evidence like...

Besides Mr. Dale, there are now two candidates for imprison-

The Spectator

ment,—Mr. Enraght and Mr. Green, who have both been in- hibited, for their mode of conducting public worship, have both paid no attention at all to the inhibition, and are both,...

It should be noted that, according to a telegram to

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Paris —which must have come from the French Consul at Ragusa— Dervish Pasha, before advancing to Dulcigno, issued a pro- clamation ordering the Albanian League to dissolve its...

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Mr. Ashton Dilke, M.P. for Newcastle-on-Tyne, delivered a lecture at

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Birmingham last Tuesday on " The House of Lords in Account with the English Nation," in which he asserted that the House of Lords, which is supposed to have the special duty of...

The American Government has obviously decided not to allow any

The Spectator

further immigration of Chinese into the United States. So strong has been the pressure of opinion, that the Secretary of State recently proposed to Pekin that the Treaty...

The French Chamber is about to discuss a Bill substituting

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election by scrutin de lisle for election par arrondissement. That is to say, the system of single candidatures and single votes is to be abandoned for that of a list of...

This day week, Mr. E. A. Leatham, addressing his consti-

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tuents at Huddersfield, defended stoutly the action of the Government on the Irish question, and described the violence of the Irish agitators as due to the belief that their...

Yesterday week, a Hackney Conservative Club was founded, and at

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the banquet held in honour of it, Lord Salisbury, the President, took the chair, and delivered a sharp, though not very effective, attack on the Liberals. After declaring that...

The Premier of Cape Colony has telegraphed that the colony

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has no intention of applying for Imperial troops, its own " spirits and resources" being " apparently " equal to the work of suppressing the rebellion. He sends, however, un-...

Then Lord Salisbury fell upon the Government for their Irish

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policy. He held the Government guilty of the change for the worse in Ireland since the Conservatives went out,—not, indeed, of the whole change for the worse, but of a great...

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We omitted last week to state that the strange letter

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supposed to have been written by Mr. Ruskin, on which we had commented. the week before, was a forgery,—and a forgery, as it seems to us, produced, with extreme unfairness, at a...

The Times' correspondent forwards a precise account of the victory

The Spectator

of the Republican party in the Union. They have carried the President and carried the House of Representatives, where they will have a majority of seventeen. They have not,...

According to the most recent accounts, there is little present

The Spectator

chance of the South-American war coming to a speedy close. It may even extend. The Chilians demanded as the price of peace a large cession of territory from Peru, but this...

Mr. Bryce, M.P. for the Tower Hamlets, made a good

The Spectator

speech to his constituents on Thursday on the Greek question. Ho pointed out the grounds which justified and required the cession to Greece of Thessaly and Epirus. These were no...

Consols were on Friday 1001 to 1004.

The Spectator

The Times' correspondent in Paris attributes to the Due Decazes

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a pamphlet in which it is asserted that Prince Bis- marck stirred up the Eastern Question, in hope of a quarrel with France. The Duke, if the writer be he, asserts that from...

The debate in the German Parliament on the position of

The Spectator

the Jews has ended in nothing. The Government drily declared that it had no intention of interfering with Jewish liberties, which'% guaranteed by the Constitution, but expressed...

The students of the University of St. Andrew's have chosen

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for their Lord Rector, Sir Theodore Martin, in preference to Mr. Freeman,—that is, the" Historian-in-waiting," as a witty foreign writer has dubbed Sir Theodore, in preference...

Many of the Irish landlords, whose views are expressed in

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the pamphlet on " Contract or Confiscation ?" noticed elsewhere, are still opposed to any concession of fixity of tenure. Many more, however, including a large number of Liberal...

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The Spectator

THE SURRENDER OF DULCIGNO. T HE lesson of the Dulcigno affair is easy to read. The Sultan, when he pleases, has the power to obey the com- mands of Europe ; but, until...


The Spectator

T HE greater part of Lord Salisbury's speech last week, at Hackney, was too violent and too weak to interest the English public for eight days together. But he made one remark...

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The Spectator

T HE Irish Landlords do not put their case very well. The remarkable pamphlet called " Confiscation, or Contract?" just published by Messrs. Ridgway, is issued with the sanc-...

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The Spectator

IT is quite evident that election by scrutin de liste is becom- ing the dominant question in French politics, and it is worth while, therefore, to study that proposal and its...

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The Spectator

IN Sir Alexander Cockbu rn , we lose one who, after all due abatement has been made from the rather indiscriminate eulogies of the past week, must be acknowledged to have been a...

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The Spectator

T HE success of the Jews in Western and Central Europe, of . which so much is being said just now in Germany, is not, we think, very hard to understand. The Jewish, like every...

DR. PUSEY AND MR. DATE T HE difference of temper between

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Dr. Pusey's letter and the letter of " A Diocesan Chancellor " will blind a good many people to the fact that, though the one writes like a Christian and the other like a...

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The Spectator

L ORD BEACONSFIELD'S worldly wisdom has changed singularly little with age. It was as ripe as it was ever to become, in " Coningsby ;" it is neither richer nor poorer in "...

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The Spectator

The Photophone is the latest development of Professor Graham Bell's ingenuity, and for its scientific novelty, if not for its practical utility, well deserves a brief...

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The Spectator

A PYRENEAN HOLIDAY.—V. TO LUCHON. (coNctusiox.) (To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.1 Sfit,—The change from Saint Sauveur to Bagneres de Bigorre is a plunge from perfect peace...

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The Spectator

THE NEW OXFORD STATUTES. [TO THE Enrroa OF THE SPECTATOR.] SIR, — My friend Mr. Monro, Vice-Provost of Oriel College, in a letter which you print to-day, refers to an article...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR."] SIR,—For some time past, there has appeared in certain articles of the Spectator, the indication of a feeling which might possibly lead those...

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The Spectator

(TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR-1 SIR,—I should not presume to utter a word in a controversy between such eminent persons as yourself and Dr. Liddon, had I not suffered with...


The Spectator

(TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Allow me to call the attention of your readers, and especially of Mr. Voysey, to the following extract from a letter written to you by...


The Spectator

others to defend the divine constitution and mission of the Church against the interference of the world- power in things spiritual, which is at the root of the whole Ritual...

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The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.") SIR, —Travellers, from the days of Mandeville, have been privileged to see and hear strange things ; but if your reviewer this week is to be...


The Spectator

CABINET OILS AT THE DUDLEY GALLERY. THERE is no exhibition of the year which shows more strikingly than does this winter one at the Dudley Gallery the kind of work which is...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.") Sit,—A newspaper writer must have his liberty, but if—as you ask—Dr. R. Smith were to speak of Peter describing " Paul's style as crabbed,...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 di Sin,—Your critic, in reviewing "A Sailor's Sweetheart," speaks of the " Wreck of the ' Grosvenor' " as a one-volume story, and compares my...

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The Spectator

" ENDYMION." * Endysz;on is at least a step above Lothair, not a step below it ; aucl though we cannot admit that this hybrid kind of amalgam between fact and fiction, in which...

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SIR CHARLES GAVAN DUFFY'S book, large as it is, will

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have for politicians more than the interest of a novel, as well as more than the instructiveness of a history. It has come out in a happy moment, when men are puzzling over a...

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JAPANESE DRAMAS.* THIS is one of that kind of books

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that are more interesting generically than individually. So short a time has elapsed since Japan was an almost unknown world, producing nothing but lacquer, fans, and teapots,...

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The Spectator

WE might expect that Wyclif's works would have found an editor among his fellow-countrymen, who have good right to be proud that the first of the great Reformers was an...

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The Kandahar Railway. Note by Sir Andrew Clarke. Reprinted from

The Spectator

"Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers." Published at the Institution, 25 Groat George Street, Westminster.—All who desire to know what can really be done in the way...


The Spectator

CHRISTMAS BOOKS. The Tiny Natural History (Griffith and Ferran) answers well to its name, being a series of small books about animals, their ways and doings, told in the...

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The Spectator

MACHAT. — On the 19th inst., at 4 Market Place, New Barnet, Julia Elizabeth, wife of Archibald Mackay, aged N. NICoLLa.--On the 23rd inst., at No. 2 New Vanbrugh Terrace,...


The Spectator

Abbott, Laws of Merchant Ships, &c., 12th edition, royal 8vo (Shaw & Sons) 42 '0 Alcott (L. H.), Little Woman, illustrated, 4to (S Low & Co.) 18/0 Aahe (Major) and E. V. W....