27 JULY 1945

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The Spectator

T HE nation has spoken, and with no undecided voice. That, on the whole, is satisfactory, even to those who deplore the change of Government most. A stalemate at such a crisis...

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Education in the Colonies

The Spectator

The three reports—one of Mr. Justice Asquith's General Com- mission, one of Col. Walter Elliot's African Commission, and one of Sir James Irvine's West Indian Committee—on...

The Petain Trial

The Spectator

With all that sense of tragic drama which the French possess in a unique degree, the late head of the French State, a soldier once venerated by the people, has been brought to...

Potsdam Progress

The Spectator

The only reliable news that Potsdam has yielded this week is that the Conference agrees about the necessity of co-ordinating the zones of occupation, and that Germany is to be...

The Projection of Britain

The Spectator

In a letter to The Times last Tuesday, Sir Angus Gillan deals with two opposite arguments about the British Council, both of which in his opinion are wrong. The Times, in giving...

Quicker Housing Measures

The Spectator

Public opinion is fully aroused to the necessity of using any and every means to-increase accommodation for families urgently in need of dwellings ; and the resort of the...

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The Spectator

P OTSDAM, it is clear, will have an immediate bearing on San Francisco—so much so that if, by any disaster, the conference at Potsdam were to fail it is hard to believe that...

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A SPECTATOR'S NOTEBOOK I T is unfortunate that the Ministry of

The Spectator

Health should appear to have taken action in the matter of requisitioning of empty houses as a direct result of the campaign of the Vigilantes, and still more unfortunate that...

If I were one of these Parliament men who often

The Spectator

use their time so ill, I should make an earnest attempt at abrogation of the law, or the interpretation of the law (tor I believe no specific statute is involved), whereby in...

Disclosures about other agg ple's habits are always entertaining. and a

The Spectator

great deal is to be led about this nation's holiday habit , from a singularly interesting Booklet (called simply and sufficientb. Holidays) published by the Oxford University...

* * *

The Spectator

Another aeroplane flight in which a Minister and a number of other important public servants were concerned ended, as some chance and a good deal of skill on the part of the...

The announcement of the appointment by the Minister of Town

The Spectator

and Country Planning of a Committee to make recommendations on the whole question of National Parks coincides to the day (most appropriately) with the publication by the...

There was something ominous in the announcement made in the

The Spectator

B.B.C. news services on Sunday that Armenians living in certain Turkish areas adjacent to the Soviet Union had petitioned the Big Three at Potsdam to agree to their transference...

* * * * I wish this eye-rubbing business by

The Spectator

members of my profession. or attributed by them to others, would stop. As a physical process ocular friction is open to many objections ; as a literary cliché it is open to...

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The Spectator

By GORDON HARRINGTON A CCORDING to the air photographs eighteen per cent. of Berlin was devastated by bombing, but from the ground the damage 'seems far greater. Even the...

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The Spectator

By BRIGADIER STEPHEN H. LONGRIGG W HETHER they have been discussing Italy's colonies at Potsdam has not been stated, but it would be very surprising if they had not. Italian...

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The Spectator

By MAX BELOFF T HEY are at pains to impress on one in Paris that the provinces are " different." It is certainly true of France, and may well be true of other countries on the...

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The Spectator

By HELEN LIDDELL A T the end of this month the Voluntary Car Pool will be dis- banded. It was formed in July, 1942, by the Ministry of Home Security when private motoring came...

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BROKEN MARRIAGES By DAVID R. MACE T HE Archbishop of Canterbury,

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in his address last week to his Diocesan Conference, tendered the nation a timely service. No one will question our dire need of houses. Dr. Fisher has reminded us, however,...

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The young men present had perhaps never heard of Meredith,

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but they listened to Valery's story with awed respect. The con- versation turned, as was inevitable, to current politics. The young men of the resistance were demanding...

In the interval Valery devoted himself to literary criticism and

The Spectator

to the composition of those aphorisms which seem so incidental, but which are in fact so profound. And then in 1922 came Charmes. Again we find that constant, almost scientific,...

Born at Cette in 1871, Paul Valery studied at Montpelier,

The Spectator

where he came into contact with Pierre Lout's, who persuaded him to come to Paris and to devote himself to literature. Almost immediately he fell under the influence of...


The Spectator

By HAROLD NICOLSON T HE announcers of the B.B.C. have been trained to read the news in a flat monotone: they adopt exactly the same tone whether they be recounting some Far...

In the first week of last March I had the

The Spectator

good fortune to see Valery again in Paris after many years. I met him in the company of several young leaders of the resistance movement, and it was with pleasure that I noted...

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The Spectator

The First Gentleman." At the New Theatre. — " Ballets Jooss." At the Winter Garden Theatre.—Sadler's Wells Ballet. At the Sadler's Wells Theatre. HISTORICAL plays are not to...


The Spectator

The Promenade Concerts THE Promenade Concerts entered last Saturday upon a new series without their genial creator who had sustained them for fifty years. For the first night...


The Spectator

"Now — the Peace." At the London Pavilion. " I Live In "Now — the Peace." At the London Pavilion. " I Live In Grosvenor Square." At Warners and the Empire. RECENT writing on...


The Spectator

UNDER the auspices of the British Council another major English composition has now been recorded, Hoist's suite The Planets, played by the B.B.C. Symphony Orchestra under Sir...

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The Spectator

R.A.F. TRAINING SIR,—May I, as a former R.A.F. Education Officer, say a few words from first-hand knowledge about the troubles of Education Officers in connection with...


The Spectator

SIR,—Mr. Leonard Stein is, of course, correct in saying that the San Francisco Charter does not itself specify that discussion of disputes is to be regarded as a procedure...


The Spectator

S1R,—May I express gratitude for the many admirable comments on Franco-British affairs which have been appearing in your columns. I think in particular of articles by Mr. Harold...


The Spectator

Stit,—It always comes as a shock to me to read in English and American newspapers or magazines that the order not to fraternise with the Germans is not popular in your armies....


The Spectator

SIR,—May I, as one who knows the Aleppo district and the Beduins of that part of Syria, say that I entirely agree with all that Mr. Brian Stuart says in the excellent article of...


The Spectator

SIR,—I am sorry that Miss Freda White does not like the sentence in my letter which contrasted the right of veto given by the Charter to the Big Five in the Security Council...

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Sta,—The Report of the Commission appointed by the Church of

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England " Towards the Conversion of England," which deals with the question of Evangelism by Advertising, leaves the question of what shall be advertised for future...


The Spectator

Sta,--Considering the record of housewives in this war, is it presump- tuous to ask that the Government may cease to regard us as morons? During the last few years the Ministry...


The Spectator

SIR,—Mr. Edward Thompson does not strengthen the argument of his etter in your issue of July 13 by inaccurate statements about an Indian State, obviously about Hyderabad. He...


The Spectator

Sta,—Dr. Sangster raises . a very important point when he says that the specimen of a possible advertisement reproduced in the text of the Evangelistic Commission's Report, "...

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The Spectator

SOME while ago—apropos shellholes that became fishponds—I wrote something about the mystery of the arrival of fish in such places. Both the best example I know and the best...


The Spectator

S'ut,—" Janus " alludes to the signature of King John on the Magna Carta. Could he write? Is any royal autograph known earlier than that of [" Janus " writes: It may be so ;...


The Spectator

SIR,—Mr. Grant's letter in your issue of the zoth July surely discloses a very disturbing state of things. Mr. Grant says that before the war the average number of bricks laid...

Mouse or Bird ?

The Spectator

Do birds suffer in reputation from the acts of quadrupeds? The question is. suggested by the observation of some young women who watched a field mouse climb into a cherry tree...


The Spectator

SIR,—I congratulate Janus on nailing to the counter in your last issue the suggestio falsi directed against the Prime Minister in a recent number of the Manchester Guardian. You...

In My Garden One of the shrubs that seems to

The Spectator

have found its optimum of conditions this summer is the barberry known as Dictyophyllum. It has g rown beyond precedent,, and the whiteness of the bark is the more startling as...

An Elevated Hen A queer nesting adventure has been watched

The Spectator

to its successful conclusion by a close neighbour of mine. On her house, as on mine, flourishes in unusual profusion a red honeysuckle, much enjoyed as a nesting sire. This...

THE Ministry of Supply have granted additional paper for periodicals

The Spectator

to be sent overseas. This will enable copies of The Spectator to be forwarded to friends of our readers, both civilians and those in the Forces, in any part of the world, except...

Postage on this issue: Inland, rid.; Overseas, id.

The Spectator

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The Meddlesome State

The Spectator

Law and Orders. By Carleton Kemp Allen. (Stevens. 15s.) LORD JUSTICE SCRUITON once declared that " war cannot be carried on according to the principles of Magna Carta."...


The Spectator

Hunted by the Gestapo Freedom Was Flesh and Blood. By Jose Antonio de Aguirre. (Gollancz. 7s. 6d.) Tins is the first of what will probably soon be a long procession of books....

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An Individual Socialist

The Spectator

Time's Winged Chariot. By Ernest Thurtle. (Chaterson. 10s. 6d.) Tins book is part autobiography, part political commentary. When the author is not in Parliament, we learn what...

Painters and Craftsmen

The Spectator

GENIUS is not a result of " the infinite capacity for taking pains," and yet there is a half-truth in this saw. Genius, to coin a slightly different maxim, is to some extent the...

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New Penguins

The Spectator

A South Sea Diary. By S. W. Powell.—Escape to Switzerland. By G. R. de Beer.— The Island of Captain Sparrow. By S. Fowler Wright.—Within the Tides. By Joseph Conrad.—La Franc...


The Spectator

The Winds of Fear. By Hodding Carter. (Gollancz. 8s. 6d.) Young 'Un. By Herbert Best. (Cape. 9s. 6d.) Through the Storm. By Philip Gibbs. (Hutchinson. 10s. 6d.) Folly Bridge....

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The Spectator

[4 Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, August 7th. Envelopes...


The Spectator

04,4JW144TIFIt_ digit+ 0 % 0 1 PTAIR.A 13:f S :8 P L A O t L HCf M T'l.J:5iK g S 4;PIP1.1 WI A 4 1_ , Y PRO 1 . ( 1 1.:V ! ITiEtt 'IN A i E I M EIT i u ,f, ic :0 V A ••0.' N...

Page 22

FINANCE AND INVESTMENT By CUSTOS How will markets react to

The Spectator

the election result? To this question, uppermost in the minds of investors, the answer will be known by the time these notes appear in print. To attempt a forecast so close to...

Shorter Notices

The Spectator

Hostels for Old People. (Friends Book Centre. Is. 6d.) IN a population which, the statisticians tell us, is rapidly ageing, more thought must be given to the happiness and...

THE INDEX of Vol. 174 of "THE SPECTATOR" is now

The Spectator

READY. One shilling and sixpence should be enclosed with instructions and addressed to INDEX DEPT., " The Spectator," Ltd., 99 Gower Street, W.C.1,. England.

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The Spectator

THE sixtieth annual general meeting of Harland and Wolff, Limited, was held on July 19th at Belfast. Mr. Charles J. G. Palmour, chairman the company, presided. The Chairman...


The Spectator

WELLMAN SMITH OWEN ENGINEERING IMPORTANT WAR ACTIVITIES T HE twenty-sixth ordinary general meeting of the Wellman Smith Owen gineering Corporation, Limited, was held on July...