27 APRIL 1934

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Our Dominion Rivals The correspondence between the New Zealand Govern-

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ment and our own puts the Ottawa agreements in what to some people seems to be a new light, though it was always in reality obvious enough where they were going to lead. In a...

Unemployment Finance The debates on the Finance Bill and the

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financial clauses of the.Uneinployment Bill have raised no questions of any particular interest,. for the criticism of -Mr. Cham- berlain's provisions regarding the new scale of...


The Spectator

T HE most notable comment on the latest develop- ments in international affairs is the statement, unofficial and quite possibly unauthentic, that President Roosevelt, as a...

OFFICES : 99 dower St., London, W.C. 1. Tel.': MUSEUM

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1721. Entere.i as seccuul-class Mail Matter at the New York, N.Y. Past -Office. Dec. 23rd, 1896. Postal subscription 30s. per annum, to any part of the world. Postage on this...

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* * * * May Day Anxieties May Day, which

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falls next Tuesday, will be a time of anxiety in many European countries. While the choristers are raising their voices on Magdalen Tower men may be killing or preparing to kill...

* * By-Election Morals The moral of the two by-elections

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of the past week, Basingstoke and Hammersmith, is substantially the same. There is an almost exact reversion to the 1929 position. That is particularly true at Basingstoke, with...

More Inquiries in Derelict Areas The . Minister of Labour. acted

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with some promptitude last week in endeavouring to correct the unfortunate impression created by the Prime Minister's unwillingness to recognize the exceptional position of...

* * * The Warsaw Talks Recent events have thrown

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Poland into a position of rather unexpected prominence in Europe, and in the last twelve months Marshal Pilsudski has found himself wooed successively by Russia, Germany and...

Black-coated Unemployed The tragic condition of the so-called " black-coated

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" unemployed, which was recently discussed at some, length in these columns, is one of the subjects of a report prepared for the Women's National Liberal Federation Council. It...

Increased , Crime Among the Young The most disturbing feature in

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, the report of the Commissioners of Prisons for 1932 is the serious increase in the number of youths sentenced to imprisonment, and in the number of youths between 16 and 21...

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Budget matters were revived on Monday when a new clause

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respecting the restoration of benefits was moved by the Government in Committee on the Unemployment Bill. The House was pleasantly startled to hear from Sir Henry Betterton that...

The Week in Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes : As

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was to be expected, the Budget debates so far have produced so little criticism that Mr. Chamberlain, in winding up the general discussion last Thursday, found little to which...

Illicit Narcotics Concerted efforts organized through the League of Nations

The Spectator

are gradually 'making an impression on the illicit drug traffic. Russell Pasha, the Cambridge man who is doing such brilliant work as the head of the Cairo police, mentions in...

A Cumbrian National Park It was the enthusiasm of Canon

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Rawnsley and his friends many years ago which secured for the National Trust a magnificent stretch of lake-land country on the shore of Ullswater. If Canon Rawnsley were alive...

One word of congratulation is due to Mr. Godfrey Nicholson,

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who has achieved the rare feat of getting a Private Member's Bill through the House of Commons. This is a Bill to meet the point that injured miners lose their compensation if...

Parliament and the Bridge Aften ten years of exhausting controversy

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concerning Waterloo Bridge (in which Mr. Baldwin, as Prime Minister, 'found it necessary to intervene, a Royal Com. mission sat and reported, and Parliament finally arrived at a...

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The Spectator

E VENTS both in Europe and in Asia concur to force once more upon the world a choice of paths. Again and again in the crises that have had to be faced in the post-War years some...

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I N his Foreword to the first number of Politics in Review Mr. Baldwin writes on Political Education. Among the many reforms needed to make the British system of government more...

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* * * * One or two sidelights on . the

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economic situation in Italy which reach me from that country have their significance—though I should be sorry to exaggerate it. For the first couple of days or so after the...


The Spectator

M R. HAROLD NICOLSON could be relied on to collect most of the best anecdotes—some of them already classic—about Lord Curzon. From the selection contained in his second article...

Lord Snowden seems strangely forgetful in mentioning in the early

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chapters of his autobiography that when he came to London in 1906 there were no cinemas and the principle of wireless telegraphy was still undiscovered. In fact by that time no...

I have more than once commented in this column on

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the diverse influences going to determine the policy of various Paris newspapers. In the light of that a little dialogue which I abstract from a report of the Stavisky Inquiry...

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the knotty problems which confront the British Commonwealth there can be few more difficult than that of Palestine, and nowhere do the difficulties present themselves with...

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By ROBERT BERNAYS, M.P. W ITHIN a week I have had two political experiences that have provoked disquieting thoughts about the future of Democracy in Great Britain. The first...

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By DAME EDITH LYTTELTON T HE Old Vic and Sadler's Wells close their doors at the end of this week until the autumn. Both the theatres have had a most successful season, the...

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By HARRY ROBERTS P ANEL doctoring is the system under which nearly every working man and woman in the country— totalling sonic fifteen millions—receives medical atten- tion. It...

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By DAVID CLEGHORN THOMSON T HROUGHOUT the many heated discussions which have been going on around the subjects of Scottish Renascence, and cultural revival, it is remarkable...

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By RYES EDYNBRY T HE partial truism that if one waits long enough one will meet all the world at the Café de la Paix is almost paralleled by the fact that of the hundreds of...

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The Spectator

[VON EINEM DEUTSCHEN KORRESPONDENTEN] D ER Wandervogel ware in diesen Tagen 35 Jahre alt geworden, wenn er nicht im Dritten Reich auf- gelost und seine Mitglieder...

A Hundred Years Ago

The Spectator

" THE SPECTATOR," APRIL 26TH, 1834. Tag FREES IN FRANCE is public opinion. How is it treated Let us show you. The Tribune has been put down by force of arms, though the Tribune...

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" It Happened One Night." At the Tivoli THERE is

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fine material • in this tale of a runaway heiress (Claudette Colbert) who travels half across America by motor- coach. She is escorted by an enterprising journalist (Clark...

The Cinema

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" Autumn Crocus." At the Rialto Miss DOME Smrra's play had a long run, and this talkie version, directed by Basil Dean, is a capable piece of work. Mr. Dean shows us the...

" The Dark Horizon." By Lesley Storm. At Daly's Tins

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play observes the Three Unities in an age which had forgotten them. Its action, which occupies hardly more of the characters' time than of ours, takes place in " a large...


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Miss Ruth Draper. At the Haymarket Theatre ANOTHER performance of Miss Draper's serves to confirm a fear one had already held, that the 'first occasion on which one sees and...

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The Whistler Exhibition IT is rather difficult for the visitor who goes to the Whistler Exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum to fix his attention on any one of the...

A Broadcasting Calendar

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FRIDAY, APRIL 27th 14.30 Some Books I Like-Oliver Twist : S. P. B. Mais N. 19.10 Ideas for the Kitchen Garden : E. R. Janes N. 19.3o What I Believe-3. Theosophy : H. S. L....

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Protected Flowers A complete list of the Rowers especially protected

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in the several counties has been made out by the Council for the Preservation of Rural England, One list is of great interest to the general public, and another to botanists in...

Are Dowsers Dupes?

The Spectator

During a discussion of the drought the other day—and recent rains have hardly bettered our case—an eminent physicist gave me an account of a trial to which he and another F.R.S....

From Perth to Kent Some of the difficulties of bird

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protection are being experi- enced in a new sanctuary in the south of England. The place was preserved largely for the sake of saving the nesting ground of the Kentish plover....

A Question from Peebles A queer query in natural history

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comes from Peebles, on a subject that has been recently producing some discussion. In clearing away an old sparrows' nest the gardener disclosed a well-conditioned toad which...

British Bulbs

The Spectator

The displays of British bulbs—at Spalding, Holbeach and several other centres—have, I think, delighted and perhaps surprised most observers ; and it is pleasant to know that the...

Foster Children

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A habit in some egg-collectors (though not, of course, the better naturalists among them) has been brought to my notice both from Scotland and the West of Britain. After taking...

Winter Nests Old nests are greatly appreciated by a good

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many creatures for very different purposes. I once found a bat preparing to hibernate in one. In clearing out old blackbirds' and thrushes' nests the other day—in order that...


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Migrant Farmers A tendency in farming, to which the Oxford University economists have for some time paid close attention, seems to be still increasing ; or so several examples...

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The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—In your footnote of April 13th to Dr. W. H. Spoor's protest against your continued support of dangerous motoring (i.e., driving too fast...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR, —There can be no doubt that private flying has come to stay ; and rather than stunt its growth by high taxation, as Sir Thomas Hughes...

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR, —I should like to

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endorse The Spectator's views on the question of rear lights for cyclists, and in particular to reply to Mr. Watling's letter. If motorists could " drive within the limits of...


The Spectator

[Correspondents are requested to keep their letters as brief as is reasonably possible. T.!..e most suitable length is that of one of our " News of the Week" paragraphs. Signed...

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Szn,—A great many people

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will be pleased to see Sir T. Hughes' timely protest. There is one safeguard which I suggest ought to be imposed without delay. People who ' wish to fly should be put under the...

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The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Now that Mr. Chamberlain has adjusted our finances so satisfactorily on a national scale, might I venture to suggest that certain of his...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] is natural that Mr. Brown, as a convinced Communist, should feel that any analysis of the situation which differs from that of Marx has its...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—One reads in the Press the alleged " generous gestures " of various people who wish the German colonies to be restored to them. But I...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sue,—In your issue of March 30th I have read with great interest the article by Mr. J. L. Paton on " Alternatives to the Public Schools." In it...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The Government's decision to continue its aid for indus- trial research and to stimulate the search for oil fields in this country makes...


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[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIB,—I am grateful to Mr. Powys Greenwood for so clearly stating the point only touched on in my letter. Namely, the need to attract every...

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[To the Editor of TILE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I am endeavouring to compile an anthology of poetry written by young poets aged 25 or under, and should be grateful for the opportunity...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] " A Spectator's Notebook " Janus writes in con- nexion with geographical names for wines, .&c. : " Gin no longer has any special association...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In " A Spectator's Notebook " of April lath, Janus , writes, " I am told that no payment is made [cc. by the B.B.C.] for religious talks...


The Spectator

SIR,—An authority on motor traffic points out that we have more mechanical vehicles per 100 miles of road, and per square mile of area, than are to be found in any other...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Grievances are responsible for far more letters to the Press than gratitude. I hope I am not baser than most people, but I certainly find...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of Tim SPECTATOR.] Sni,—The following paragraph in your last issue is of capital importance. You quote Sir Austen Chamberlain as saying : against the aggressor...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In your issue of February 23rd you published an article from my. pen, headed as above, into which for the purpose of elucidation I found...

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Lowes Dickinson

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By J. T. SHEPPARD This book is first of all a portrait, simply and beautifully drawn by a close friend. It is a personal impression and it is all the better for that. The lines...

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Local Sociology

The Spectator

Economic and Social Investigations in Manchester, 1833-1933. By T. S. Ashton. (P. S. King. 5s.) MR. RAMSAY MU•IR deplored the other day with much justice the tendency of London...

What Now ?

The Spectator

IT is not likely that, as a brilliant conspectus of the history— political, physical and ideological—of our century so far, Mr. Heard's book will have a rival. All of us, of...

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Marx B owdlerized

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What Marx Really Meant. By G. D. H. Cole. (Gollanez. 5s.) ON the Continent, where Marxism still matters, there are Marxists and anti-Marxists. In England, where Marxism has...

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Exodus From Cape Colony

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The Great Trek. By Eric Anderson Walker, M.A., F.R.H.S. (Black. 15s.) THIS new volume in a series of Pioneer Histories, designed to " provide accounts of the several movements...

Sir Henry Lawrence

The Spectator

Lawrence of Lucknow. By J. L. Morison. (Bell. 15s.) THE Residency of Lucknow is one of those rare places that stand worthy of the memories which they enshrine. The walls remain...

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The Last of the Stuarts

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the ancient mystery of touching for the King's Evil, and among those who attended the ceremony at Whitehall was the infant Samuel Johnson. Boswell; characteristically, asked him...


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Remembering Sion. By Desmond Ryan. (Barker. 8s. 6d.) Now that the members of his calling are accused of discovering a new masterpiece every week, the reviewer is naturally shy...

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Digressions in the Caribbean

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THE writing of books on travel, like the writing of books on Shakespeare, is an activity for which it is becoming increasingly difficult to find an excuse. The great travel...

" The Pinchbeck Lyre " The Modern Muse. Poems of

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Today, British and American. (Published for the English Association by the Oxford Uni- versity Press. 5s.) PEOPLE sometimes express surprise when told that the appreciation of...

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Aboriginal Sin

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Shame the Devil. By Liam O'Flaherty. (Grayson. 10s. ed.) As much has been written on the incompatibility of art and life as on the supposed conflicts between art and religion,...

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Popular Science

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The Progress of Science : An Account of Recent Fundamental Researches in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. By J. G. Crowther. (Kegan' Paul, 12s. 6d.) Science Today : The...

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By H. E. BATES An Altar in the Fields. By Ludwig Lewisohn. (Hamish Hamilton. 7s. 6d.) 7s. 6c1.) An Attar in the Fields and Haunting Europe are both novels with a strong...

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Current Literature

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VIE DE MOZART Par Andre de Hevesy In 1845, Holmes, the friend of Keats, published a short life of Mozart, which in spite of inaccuracies remains an excellent biography, and was...


The Spectator

Climbers, for whom valleys are troughs and places of ignominious descent between ranges, visualize landscapes rather like the cross-sectional maps to be found in the front of...


The Spectator

Of all the possible types of travel books, only two seem to be in fashion at the moment—those, namely, which amuse and those which instruct, though naturally many authors aim at...

TEMPLE CHURCH MONUMENTS By Mrs. A. Esdaile Squeezing blood out

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of a stone would seem to be an easy task compared with extracting matter to fill two hundred large pages from the tombs and memorials of the Temple Church. But only the most...

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HAPPY RETROSPECT The Reminiscences of Count Wilczek Count Hans Wilezek

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was a remarkable man. Having known Metternich and Strauss, he entertained Lizst and Dumas, and then lived on to see a socialist, post-war Vienna. In the course of his life he...

THE SUNSET SHORE By lain F. Anderson

The Spectator

There is one valuable thing in this book : the final brief section itemizing the various cruises possible along the sunset shore "—that of the Lochbroom,' those of the '...

MODERN ENGLISH PUNCTUATION By Reginald Skelton If right punctuation can

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be achieved by someone with no ear for sound and a C3 standard of intelligence, then this is the book he should learn it from. One means no disrespect: it is admir- able in its...


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From the Travels of Zacharias Conrad von Uffenbach This is the most myopic, and in some ways the funniest, of all the foreigner-in-England publications of the last few years....

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Travel Holidays in Southern Ireland THE nearest country that I

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know where you can most quickly and easily feel abroad is Ireland, It is, true that France is actually nearer, but then for three hours from the Channel Port the train will be...

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Afterthoughts on the Budget ALTHOUGH as explained in the column of Financial Notes there his been a moderate reaction in securities during the past week, this reaction does not...

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It is impossible to read the speech of Sir Harry McGowan at the recent meeting of Imperial Chemical Industries—a summary of which appeared in our last issue—without being...

Financial Notes

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QUIETER MARKETS. THE Budget fulfilled market expectations, and now there has been the almost inevitable reaction in prices. The general public always finds it hard to...

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A SOUND UNDERTAKING' I am glad to note that Sir

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Frederick Gascoigne, the Chair- man of the Army and Navy Co-operative Society, Limited, fully maintains the good practice of his predecessors in taking shareholders into the...

* * * * ROLLS-ROYCE.

The Spectator

I referred last week to the excellent, character of the Annual Jteport of Rolls-Royce, Limited, and the •good, impression created by the Report was strengthened by the...

The Annual Meeting of the Rio Tinto Copper Company is

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always awaited with interest by reason of the speech of Sir Auckland Geddes, and on this occasion particular interest was taken in Sir Auckland's views on the general situation...


The Spectator

The Report of Odhams Press, Limited for the past year shows a substantial increase in profits; the figure, inehasive of interest and Dividends from investments is £527,235...

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The Spectator

It was a foregone conclusion that when Mr. B. G. Catterns, until recently the Chief Cashier of the Bank of England, had been elected to the Bank Court he would be relinquishing...


The Spectator

' • • e s : • • El R I CIE L Ul SI I 1 17 1 13 1 NIAISICE 11 SITIO - 1P' TIUIIIL = RIIIE S flUI U1Q1LI A • UIAINIE HI I RI IIAIIIEaBLEI LIU! El I I TINIM Artr..1171 LI LI I...

" The Spectator " Crossword No. 83

The Spectator

.- BY XANTHIPPE. [A prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked "...