27 APRIL 1839

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The Spectator

EXHAUSTED legislators needed repose, and have enjoyed it this week. The Parliamentary record is almost a blank ; presenting only three subjects which invite remark. The Board of...

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Accounts from Lima to the 24th of December, and from

The Spectator

Val- paraiso to the 12th of January, confirm the intelligence of the evacuation of Lima by the Chalon forces ; and mention a subse- quent defeat of the invaders, who effected...

Debatts anb Vrocetbinns in Vraliament.

The Spectator

GOVERNMENT OF JAMAICA. In the House of Commons, on Monday, Mr. LABOUCIIERE moved the order of time day, for the second reading of the Jamaica Government Bill. He proposed that...

According to letters from St. John's, New Brunswick, an ar-

The Spectator

rangement has been concluded, by which the troops both of Maine and New Brunswick are to retire from the disputel territory, which is to be left to the care of the civil power...

The other European intelligence is unimportant.

The Spectator

The" interim Ministry " in France has not yet been superseded

The Spectator

by one of a more constitutional character. The leaders of the different parties in the Chamber of Deputies, being distinctly called upon by M. MAUGU1N for information respecting...

Rumours of Ministerial changes are rife in Whig - Radical coteries, and

The Spectator

are seriously discussed in Conservative newspapers. No doubt of there heing a prodigious quantity of' political intrigue on foot. Busy Members, both of the gobe - monche and the...

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Zbe (Court.

The Spectator

TEE Queen and the Dutchess of Kent attended divine service on Sun- day, in the Chapel Royal, St. James's. Lady Flora Hastings accom- panied the Dutchess of Kent. Her Majesty...

The Anti-Slavery Delegates from various parts of the kingdom held

The Spectator

a meeting at Exeter Hall on the 18th instant, and established a new as- sociation, to be called the " British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society," for the " universal extinction...

At the Mansionhouse, on Wednesday, Mr. Bradfield informed the Lord

The Spectator

Mayor, that a petition had been placed in Mr. Leader's hands to be presented to the House of Commons, praying for the abolition of the tax of one shilling and a penny per ton,...

Zbe afittropolis.

The Spectator

The Court of Common Council held a meeting on Monday ;hen that part of the Report of the Committee on time m Corpo- ration Refor of the which recommended a reduction of the...

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A fire, on Thursday, in the timber-yard at Thames Bank

The Spectator

belonging to Messrs. Cubitt, destroyed property worth about 2,000/. It is be- lieved to have been wilful, but no person on the premises is suspected. An explosion of gas...

The case of Stockdale versus' Hansard, which involves the rig-lit

The Spectator

of the House of Commons to publish libels on individuals, has been under discussion this week in the Court of Queen's Bench. Mr. Curwood addressed the Court for Stockdale, Sir...

At Bow Street Office, yesterday, Mr. Martin, M.P. for Galway,

The Spectator

and Captain Ryder Burton, TIN., were charged with fighting in the streets. Captain nurtoa made several attempts to detail the origin and circum- stances of the affeay ; but Sr...

The Stafibrdshire E.?'untiner publishes the particulars of a case brought

The Spectator

before the Westbromwich Magistrates on Tuesday last, which, if correct, are highly discreditable to Lord Dartmouth. The circum- stances are thus summed up, in a leading article...

br Vrobinets.

The Spectator

We are informed that additions have been made to the Radical con- stituency of Rath, to an extent which insures not only Mr. Roebuck's election, but that of another gentleman of...

The Suites-set County Gazette states, that Baron Gurney's sentences in

The Spectator

the criminal courts on the late Western Circuit have attracted much at- tention, on account of their severity- " Never did we see such a calendar of sentences as that of our...

Railroads ilitVc already so much affected turnpike trusts, that some

The Spectator

histances are known in which mortgagees are in the receipt of only 40/. a year where they used to receive 2001., and in many cases nothing will be paid.—Clies/er Gazette. Mr....

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From a petition presented a few days ago to the

The Spectator

House of Lords, it appears that a couple, whose relationship was within the prohibited degrees, were recently married at St. Saviour's Southwark, after having in vain...


The Spectator

As her Majesty has commenced dining out, we presume Lord Mel- bourne will be the next. nobleman honoured by her Majesty's presence. His Lordship will, of course, see that his...

At a meeting of the Drury Lane renters, held on

The Spectator

Monday last, it was resolved to appoint a Committee of ten to look after their rights; to report on the 11th of' May. Some severe observations against the recent style of...

A paragraph in the daily papers mentions, that Sir William

The Spectator

Moles- worth, who intended to vote for Mr. ameombe's Reform amendment, on Saturday morning, was absent from the division through an accident. By the death of Dr. Wood, Master...


The Spectator

Judge Johnston, who was prevented from going the last Circuit in consequence of a fall in his own hall, has met with another accident of the same kind, which is likely to be...

The Members of the Anti-Corn-law League are not idle. They

The Spectator

have commenced, in Manchester, a newspaper called the Anti-Corn-bur raw., containing information respecting the history and open:lion of the Bread-tax, and suggestions for...

Preparations are beginning to be made for the grand tournament

The Spectator

at Eglinton Castle, to be given by the Earl of Eglinton in September next. Among the paraphernalia of' the pageantry already procured, is the splendid gold and silver carpet...


The Spectator

Mr. J. A. Murray has been appointed a Judge of the Court of Ses- sion, Mr. Andrew Rutherford Lord Advocate, and Mr. James Ivory Solicitor-General for Scotland. An address to...

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The Spectator

. SATURDAY NIGHT. Lord Joux RUSSELL informed the House of Commons, lest night, that the Committee on the Jamaica Bill would- be postponed' from Monday to Friday next ; and that...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AVTERNOON. Notwithstanding the sinister appearance of monetary affairs, and the con- tinued demand for bullion, the investments of the public arc forcing...

Mr. Keersley's counsel withdrew their opposition to Mr. Ewares election

The Spectator

this afternoon ; and the Committee passed the usual resolution, that Mr. Ewart had been duly returned for Wigan.

A rumour of the death of the Duke of Wellington

The Spectator

was in circulation about town this morning. We are gratified in being able to state, on authority, that the illustrious Duke has never enjoyed better health than be does at the...

No progress has been made in the arrangement of Ministerial

The Spectator

dif- ficulties in France. The Paris papers mention rumours of changes in the Cabinet of St. Petersburg, but are bare of other Continental news. Three mails from Madrid were due...


The Spectator

BIRTHS. On the 19th inst., in itelgrave Square, her Grace the Dutchess of Mo.:Taos% of a daughter. On the 25th inst., the Countess of UXBRIDGE, of is son, ou the 18111 inst.,...


The Spectator

The Trafalgar, Baxter, froni Liverpool to New South Wales, was totally wrecked at the Cape of Good Mope on the 2Ist Febroary, Arrived—At Gravesend, April 23d, Cardine, Williams,...

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The Spectator

WHEN the fourth Philharmonic Concert arrives, the character of the season may be considered as fixed. Any new arrow in the Directors' quiver is shot during the first half season...


The Spectator

WAR-OFFME, April 23.—lst M.O. of Drags.—J. Morris, Gent, to be Cornet, by pur• chase, vice Cracruft, who retires. 15th Light Drags.—Lieut. M. W. Smith to be Capt. purchase, vice...


The Spectator

THE Italian Opera, of late years a very meagre topic for musical 'criticism, is now become almost a barren one. To notice it were only to record the reiteration of stale operas...

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The Spectator

THE " FINALITY " DIVISION ON "FURTHER REFORM." TrrE hour at which the division after the "grand debate" took place, prevented us from doing more last Saturday than indicate one...


The Spectator

Fr is sonic time since we noticed the existence of this Club; not be- cause we are unconcerned spectators of its proceedings or regardless of its welfare, but musical clubs...

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The Spectator

Ix the House of Lords on Tuesday last, Lord BaouGnam stigma- tized in very severe language the Ordinance respecting the Press recently issued in the island of Malta, on the...

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The Spectator

THAT a small ship of war, well manned, will prove its superiority in action to a vessel of much larger dimensions, and carrying more guns, but lacking its complement of...

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The Spectator

TIIE petitions fur Post-office Reform are not the work of popular "agitators," neither has the Church or the Aristocracy been active in procuring them. No such effort has been...


The Spectator

Mn. IlinvEv, who, despite the eccentricities which occasionally impair his usefulness, is continually deserving well of the public, moved on Tuesday last a resolution to rescind...

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The Spectator

THE Seventh Volume of this diffuse but readable publication corn- prises four leading divisions. The first embraces the Indian Go- vernment of the Marquis of WELLESLEY, preceded...


The Spectator

Harrows, History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in 1789 to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 1815. By Archibald Alison, F.R.S.E., Advocate. Volume the...

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The Spectator

THE COURT OF CHANCERY. THE current of publication upon any given abuse, is not only a tolerable proof of the evil, but of the strength and depth of feel- ing upon the subject ;...

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The Spectator

THE neglect into which the works of Ideaincx have fallen, is often a matter of astonishment with the readers of English poetry. Possessing great sprightliness with an unrivalled...


The Spectator

Booxs. The Court of King James the First, by Dr. Godfrey Goodman, Bishop of Gloucester ; to which are added, Letters illustrative of the Personal History of the most...

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The Spectator

A RESUSCITATED REMBRANDT, WHEN one hears of the discovery of a fine picture, the work of a great master, the first feeling is of a sceptical kind : with such an impression, we...

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The Spectator

Six new views have been added to this little gallery, whose windows open upon scenes in all parts of the world. There are Trichinopoly, with its rock-fortress crowned with a...


The Spectator

Tits Diorama reopened for the season yesterday, with a picture of The Coronation, and the furious bteri4::• of the Church uf Santa Croce at Florence, exhibited two years ago,...