26 APRIL 1980

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The hypocrisy of the law

The Spectator

The hypocrisy of the law No doubt the member of the House of Lords, the Eire MP, the vicars, barristers, solicitors, accountants and businessmen who found their Christmas party...

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It takes two to pussyfoot

The Spectator

Political commentary It takes two to pussyfoot Ferdinand Mount The nickname which the Daily Express has drummed up for the Employment Secretary fails to ring true....

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The Spectator

Notebook The Annual General Meeting of the National Council for Civil Liberties was held in London last weekend. The NCCL should in theory deserve the support of anYone who...

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One Denis too many

The Spectator

Another voice Another voice One Denis too many Auberon Waugh A few years ago, in a last desperate attempt to prove I was young at heart, I rejoined the Denis the Menace Fan...

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The world after Pennsylvania

The Spectator

The world after Pennsylvania Henry Fairlie Washington VY gU'L~lurl What is emphasized by the fascinating results of the Pennsylvania primary is the heads-down arms-locked,...

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Will Sihanouk return?

The Spectator

Will Sihanouk return? Richard West Bangkok In Saigon, where I spent last week, the food trucks destined for Cambodia were massed behind the old parliament building, much to...

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Chad: gore and gloire

The Spectator

Chad: gore and gloire Xan Smiley These days it is fashionable to take Africa seriously. Each of the 50-plus countries which the Organisation of African Unity considers part of...

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Sartre: a moralist at heart

The Spectator

Sartre: a moralist at heart Raymond Aron When Jean-Paul Sartre received the Nobel Prize Pierre Brisson asked me to write a few Pages for Le Figaro Littgraire on my...

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Growing up at York and Essex

The Spectator

Growing up atYork and Essex Charles Clover In Square 4 of Essex University, there is a fountain in the form of a mobile sculpture. A faltering spout fills a brightly coloured...

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'Insiders' and the law

The Spectator

'Insiders' and the law Anthony Rudd It now seems that legislation making 'insider trading' illegal is finally to reach the statute book. The necessary provisions, which...

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Refugees from Afghanistan

The Spectator

Refugees from Afghanistan Sir: Karan Thapar, in a fine article, 'The men of the Khyber' (12 April), has stated that the Government of Pakistan was compelled to reduce the daily...

[Sir: Richard Ingrams's comments on the...]

The Spectator

'Sir: Richard Ingrams's comments on the Benjamin Britten television programme include a statement to the effect that, in his view, the mere fact of two men living together in a...

Hong Kong's good fortune

The Spectator

Hong Kong's good fortune Sir: The article 'The lesson of Hong Kong' (19 April) omits to mention the two major factors in Hong Kong's success - geography and politics. Put that...

[Sir: Why should many viewers of A Time...]

The Spectator

Letters Ingrams on Britten Sir: Why should many viewers of A Time There Was ... be distressed to learn thatBritten and Pears lived together? I had to read twice the appalling...

Le Fanu fan

The Spectator

Le Fanu fan Sir: Where did Jonathan Keates acquire the impression (12 April) that Sheridan Le Fanu lived in 'neurasthenic evangelical gloom', and that the society he belonged...

In defence of public servants

The Spectator

In defence of public servants Sir: Your editorial 'Paying for inflation' (19 April) was more in keeping with the editorials of some of our cheaper so-called 'newspapers'...

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Somerset Maugham Ted Morgan The Scandal of Syrie Maugham Gerald McKnight

The Spectator

Books Coming the old acid-bath Alastair Forbes Somerset Maugham Ted Morgan (Cape 9-95) - - --- I- . The Scandal of Syrie Maugham Gerald McKnight (W.H. Allen £6.95) 'For...

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1943: The Victory That Never Was John Grigg

The Spectator

Lost victory Hugh Fraser 1943: The Victory That Never Was John Grigg (Eyre Methuen £7.95) As a questioner of the conventional wisdom and disrespecter of persons, Mr John...

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Moscow Diary Veljko Micunovic

The Spectator

Fateful years Nicholas Bethell Moscow Diary Veljko Mifunovi6 (Chatto £1 2.50) Veljko Micunovi6, such was his communist faith and natural (for a Montenegrin) proRussian...

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George Macaulay Trevelyan: A Memoir by his Daughter Mary Moorman

The Spectator

Historian Robert Blake George Macaulay Trevelyan: A Memoir by his Daughter Mary Moorman (Hamish Hamilton £9.95) One of my most vivid memories is of staying at Trinity soon...

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Affectionate Cousins Sylvia Legg

The Spectator

Much 'appier Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd Affectionate Cousins Sylvia Legg (Oxford The kissing cousins featured in this literate love story are Thomas Sturge Moore and Marie...

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The House of the Prophet Louis Auchincloss

The Spectator

As told to . Francis King The House of the Prophet Louis Auchin- cross (Weidenfeld £5.95) Postwar English journalism has produced a gaggle of 'serious' commentators who...

A Month in the Country J. L. Carr The Sweet Shop Owner Graham Swift A Soldier's Embrace Nadine Gordimer

The Spectator

A Month in the Country J. L. Carr (Harves- ter £6.50) The Sweet Shop Owner Graham Swift (Allen Lane £5.95) A Soldier's Embrace Nadine Gordimer (Cape £4.95) Remembering the...

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Art as departure

The Spectator

Arts Art as departure Hans Keller On Friday, 25 April, at 7.30, Andr6 Tchaikowsky's Friday Concert at Pebble Mill (in the BBC's Studio 1 in Birmingham) will be relayed live...

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The Spectator

Art Ironist John McEwen Ties between American and English cOntemporary art are today much closer thani those between English and European, so it was both surprising and...

1941 Mirror

The Spectator

Cinema Scene painting Peter Ackroyd 1941 ('A' Leicester Square Theatre) Mirror ('U' Camden Plaza) 1941 is announced as 'a Steven Spielberg film'. We didn't need to be...

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Three Sisters (RSC, Warehouse) Creditors (New End)

The Spectator

Theatre Rhubarb Peter Jenkins Three Sisters (RSC, Warehouse) Creditors (New End) Trevor Nunn's small-scale production of Three Sisters, the deepest and darkest of the...

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The Spectator

Television Waffle Richard Ingramns Graham Greene, as we all know by now, won't go on the telly. I am not sure whether he has ever given his reasons for his refusal to...

Having a go

The Spectator

High life Having a go Taki At 2.15 p.m. London time last Thursday afternoon, there was an attempt on my life in the resort town of Glyfada, near Athens. Perhaps the phrase...

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Good girls

The Spectator

life Lowr life Good girls I.- Jeffrey Bernard I Was quite fascinated to read about the man Who got a divorce because his wife wouldn't mfake love with him more than twice a...

Old hats

The Spectator

Postscript Old hats Patrick Marnham Sometimes an old press cutting picks out a forgotten life with uncomfortable brilliance, so that one wonders how it was that such an...