26 APRIL 1856

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By some breach of confidence, which gives rise to much

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con- jecture, the text of the treaty of Paris has been published, wanting four articles, but on the whole perhaps substantially correct. The actual words give us no information...

Just as we received a version of the treaty of

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peace, we have a report of a speech by Count Walewski, the chief Plenipoten- tiary for France - at the Paris Conference, throwing out hints. professedly for the purpose of...


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Pt - 1mm bUsiness was suspended on Wednesday, in order that Queen, Lords, and Commons, and as many of the British nation as oould, might go down to Portsmouth to review the...

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The incidents of the week in Parliament show an encroaching

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control exercised by both Houses over the Administration, and a progressive increase of weakness in the Ministry. It has sus- tained two defeats, added to a list of reverses now...

&ban nut Vrarrdiugu iu paliamtut.

The Spectator

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF THE WEEK. HOFSE OF Loans. Monday, April 21. Church Discipline; the Lord Chancellor's Bill thrown out. Thursday, April 24. The Naval Review ; Complaints...

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The review of the fleet at Spithead by Queen VictOria took place on Wednesday—St. George's Day. It had been eagerly anticipated by sight-seers of every degree. The great...

igt tuna

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MiLrrAny and naval reviews are the characteristics of the Court intelli- gence. On Saturday, having slept the previous night in her pavillion at Aldershott, the Queen witnessed...

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gt 3rtrufnlio.

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At a meeting of the Court of Common Council, on Tuesday, a long address prepared by a Committee of Aldermen, on Sir George Grey's Corporation Reform Bill, was read, and ordered...

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The aspect of the colliers' strike becomes serious. It is computed that in the Western coal-fields there are no fewer than 30,000 men idle, while iron-furnaces are " blown out "...


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The Maynooth question is eagerly canvassed by both sides. A meeting of the Dublin Protestant Association was held on Monday, to vote thanks to Mr. Spooner, and to stigmatize-the...

lorrign nit Canuillt.

The Spectator

iraurr.—The Plenipotentiaries have now left Paris. The Emperor Napoleon desired to bestow the grand cordon of -the Legion of Honour on Lord Clarendon ; a distinction which...


The Spectator

- Two strikes are reported. The ship-painters of Liverpool turned out for 58. a day instead of 4s. 4d. ; some of the masters have granted the increase. The stone-masons of York...

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[An- imperfect copy of the Treaty of Paris found its way into an after- noon edition of the Daily News on Wednesday ; and in default of a com- plete copy it has been accepted by...

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The Earl of Clarendon returned to London on Monday. The

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Globe of Tuesday stated that "her Majesty expressed her wish to signify her re- cognition of his services by conferring a Marquisate upon the noble Earl, but Lord Clarendon has...

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In the House of Lords, Earl ST. GERMANS called for a decision on the second reading of his bill to legalize marriage with a deceased wife's sister. The debate was carried on,...

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The Inde'pendanee Belga publishes what purports to be the whole

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of the protocol of the proceedings in the Paris Congress on the 8th. A portion relates to the Principalities ; then follows Count Walewski's " discours." When the Count had...

Two brief telegraphic despatches are published this morning-the first of

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doubtful authenticity, the second more likely to be correct. One from Vienna, of yesterday's date, states that "all foreign troops are to quit Turkey and the Principalities...

04tIlt115 3Nu5ir.

The Spectator

Mr. Lumley has issued the prospectus of his arrangements - for Her - Majesty's Theatre. Efe , sets out by alluding to the eircumstanceslmder which he has once more taken the...

There was a large meeting yesterday at the Mansionhouse, the

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Lord Mayor in the chair ' " to consider the means of preventing crime among young people, and also of recovering young offenders to virtue." The meeting was addressed by Lord...

The Court of Directors of the East India Company, at

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a meeting yes- terday, voted an annuity of 50001. to the Marquis of Dalhousie, late Governor-General of India. A General Court of the Company, at which the Directors' resolution...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY APSE:MOM. The transactions in the English Funds this week have been limited; and, under.the influence of sales by the Court of Chancery,preparations for...

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Le Asteur, deemed one of the best works of the old dramatist Regnard, was revived at the Theatre Francais, with great éclat, on Monday last. M F Lemailre is now going through a...

Oxford and Cambridge Club, 15th April.

The Spectator

Sin—As a humble member of the rank and file of the army of Wranglers whomyron have challenged in your last number, will you kindly allow me space for a few words in defence of...

Sadler's Wells, during the time of Mr. Phelps's annual recess,

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is not exactly the place to which one would- naturally direct one's attention when in search of histrionic novelty. " Stars" of the theatrical metro- polis ordinarily emigrate...

The New Philharmonic Society's second concert, on Wednesday even- ing,

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was good and successful. Agreeably to their plan of giving as much novelty as possible, they produced a new symphony by M. Gounod, the young Parisian composer whose sacred...

22d April 1866.

The Spectator

SLR—The statement herewith is offered as a condensed and easily . com- prehensible view of the pr of that the moon turns on her • own axis - in the same period that she moves...

At the Lyceum, Donizetti's Elixir d'Amore was produced on Tuesday,

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for the first appearance this season of three favourites of the public, Bo- sio, Gardoni, and Ronconi. Rosie, however, was indisposed and unable to appear ; so her place was...

Mr. Hullah, for the time at least, has brought his

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Orchestral Concerts to . a close. The fourth and last was given on Monday evening ; when St. Martin's Hall was crowded to the doors. Mr. Hullah's experiment of giving concerts...


The Spectator

22d April. But—It is a postulate in . this question admitted by all parties, that the moon revolves round the earth, always presenting the same face towards it. No instrument,...

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean have announced their benefit. for

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Monday next; and they intend to signalize it by the production of the Winter's Tale, so put on the stage as to be the theatrical pageant of the season. The play-bbok, which is...

Ittirrs to hitnr.

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WINCED OM. Sin—The National Society, the Conventicler, and the politicians of the Off-hand school, led by Mr. Henley, Mr. Hadfield, and the Knight of Netherby, may be left by...

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THE NAVAL REVIEW. IT is natural to feel pride in the display of maritime strength at Portsmouth on Wednesday ; not unnatural to ask what good end it served—to what use that...

Sm—Let " Astolfo" and Mr. Symons take two oranges, one

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greater to represent the earth, one smaller to represent the moon. Let them place the greater on a table. Then let them run a needle through the smaller, having first made a...

Suppose that the moon , instead of being detached from the

The Spectator

earth, were connected with it by an inflexible rod equal in length to her mean distance, and joining her centre to that of the earth : then, supposing the moon to revolve round...

24th April 1866.

The Spectator

Bra—It occurs to an humble questioner, that the moon controversy will not be perfectly profitless ; and the hope suggests a few more questions. 1. - 1% , ill not astronomers...


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GOVERNMENT illuminates because there is a peace, and "the peo plc " will rejoice because there is an illumination ; facts quite compatible with the existence of very little...

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EVERYBODY admits that the 'present state of ecclesiastical juris- diction is altogether too scandalously unsuited to the present day to continue ; but nobody can be got to...


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IF it were worth while to scrutinize the speech ascribed to the Emperor Alexander, it might be open to more than one interpre- tation. In one pari, for example, he is made to...

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CORPORATIONS; it is said, have no heart. The Court of Alder- men refutes the calumny ; it is a body which has heart, and head too, and it gives eloquent voice to its deep...

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HERIVALE 9 8 HISTORY OF THE ROILLNS UNDER THE EMPIRE--VOLITMES IV. AND V. * character of Mr. Merivale's History of the Romans under the Empire is already fixed by three previous...


The Spectator

IT is a prevalent dogma that benefits to mankind come chiefly from those who are seeking a reward for themselves ; that " enlightened self-interest " is the root of beneficence....

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NEW NOVELS. * In John Halifax, the author of Olive has

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made a consider- able advance upon her previous works. There is more solidity in the matter of the story ; the classes of society introduced into the tale are more varied, and...

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BOORS. • THE bustling excitement of the Naval Review has not prevented the publishers from labouring in their vocation. Messrs. Parker- and Son send us Mr. Froude's " History...

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• On the 5th March; at Tabrees, Persia, the Lady of Keith Edward Abbott, Esq., her Majesty's Consul, of a son. On the 16th April, at Turin, the Hon. Mrs. Edward Erskine, of a...


The Spectator

PROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, APRIL 22. Partnerships Dissolved.—Lovelock and Forster, Streatham, ancrDowgete Hill, Indiarubber-manufacturers--Myers and Co. Rotherham, Yorkshire,...


The Spectator

WAR DEPARTMENT, April 18.—Cavalry-5th Regiment of Dragoon Guards- -Lieut. H. L. Payne. from the 9th Light Dragoons, to be Lieut. vice Sir E. S. Hut- chinson, Bart. appointed to...

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The Spectator

BULLION. Per oz. Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard. 4.2 17 9 Mexican Dollars 0 0 0 Silver in Bars, Standard 0 0 0 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales....