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Short reckonings are clearest. The first act of the Session
The Spectatorbeing over, we shall, following our usual custom at Easter, take a retrospective view of the eight weeks' work. And first let us see what Ministers have done. They hiv.a...
The Spectator&snit makes the customary break in the Parliamentary Ses- sion; but by far the greater portion of Members commenced holyday-making on Saturday last, and the number of attendants...
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Tlie expedition of General EVANS against the fortified Cellist. town
The Spectatorof Hernani, has ended in his complete defeat. In our last paper we mentioned, that on the 10th the combined English and Spanish troops under EVANS bad driven the Carlists from...
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iBehated an Prateettingt in fartiamtut. IRISH CORPORATION REFORM.
The SpectatorThe House of Commons went into Committee on the Irish Muni- cipal Bill, on Monday. The several clauses down to the 96th, which gives the Lord-Lieutenant a veto on the...
It does not appear from the French news of this
The Spectatorweek that Louis PHILIP is getting rid of any portion of his unpopularity, or that the Ministry is gaining ground in public opinion. The only attempt at conciliation is an...
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Cbt Court.
The SpectatorTILE King caise to town on Wednesday, and held his Levee at St. James's !educe. In the list of the coeipany, which was DOE numerous, we notice the la ries of Earl Grey. the Earl...
Cbt AletropaIbt.
The SpectatorA meeting of several of the more influential electors of Westminster was held at the British Coffeehouse in Coekspur Street, on Wednesday evening, for the purpose of receiving...
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ebe Country.
The SpectatorWell done, Sir William Molesworth !—Sir Hussey Vivian has found it necessary to promise his support to the Ballot, //the majority of the electors of East Cornwall should require...
Mr. Burbidge, the late Town-Clerk of Leicester, demanded pulls, ment
The Spectatorof the Town-Council of sundry bills, amounting to 4,939/. 9s. 6d. The Council refused to pay this sum ; and it was agreed to refer the claim to Mr. Mills, a gentleman of Tory...
The General Shipowners Society had their annual meeting on Times-
The Spectatorday, at the City of London Tavern ; Mr. George Frederick You n g in the chair. The report of the Committee was read ; and we gather from it that the shipowners are doing pretty...
A General Court of Proprietors of India Stock was held
The Spectatorat the India House on Wednesday. Several matters of routine were disposed of ; and the Secretary read a long account of Kearney's connexion with the Company, from the...
At the late Assizes held for the county of Durham,
The SpectatorAnthony Gib- ben was charged with cutting and maiming William Joplin, with ea intent to do him some grievous bodily hartn. The prosecutor ap- peared and produced the shovel with...
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The SpectatorLord Durham, it appears, is about to return to England, on account of his health—that is the too probable reason assigned. But the quid- nuncs will have it that he has some...
We regret to learn that some of the largest manufacturing
The Spectatorhouses le Glasgow are restricting their works to a great extent. Several steam. loom proprietors have shut up whole flats of their factories, in conse. quenee of' the depressed...
It has been said, that their Majesties will hold their
The Spectatorfirst drawing , . room at the new Palace ; but it is not, perhaps, as well understood that Buckingham Palace is not at all adapted for state occasions. At St. James's, there is...
The SpectatorMr. O'Connell has written a letter to the Cork Southern Reporter on the subject of the Irish Poor-law. He advocates an amendment be proposes to move, for the exemption of all...
The SpectatorLord William Bentinck has announced that he will not offer him- self as a candidate to represent Glasgow. at the next election. The Dundee Radical Association, dissatisfied...
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The SpectatorSATURDAY NIGRT. News has reached town, we understand, of the death of Dr. Butler, Bishop of Liehfie1,1 and Coventry.— Courier. We fear that this news is too true. Dr. BUTLER...
Some of the Liverpool Reformers—not very hearty or sincere in
The Spectatorthe cause, we suspect—are taking measures to introduce Mr. Evervie DexisoN as a candidate, in conjuuction with Mr. EWART, for the representation of Liverpool in the next...
The Spectator&WIC EXclispioe, TorlisritT AFTFRNOON, The En g lish Stock Market has been rather firmer, and an advance of price has occurred within the last few days. This rise may be...
Archdeacon Bathurst has addressed a letter to the Church-rate Abolition
The SpectatorSociety in London, urging them, for the sake of "peace," to follow the example of his father, the very old Bishop of Norwich, and abandon their opposition to Church-rates- "...
A return of the casualties of the Auxiliary Legion in
The Spectatorthe battle of Herneni, given in the Post this morning, makes the total of killed, wounded, and missing, 740 men.
The run on the French savings bunks still proceeds, and
The Spectatormust be taken to a certain extent as evidence of the falling off of employment for the working classes. A portion of the panic is, however, ascribed and ascribable to the...
The SpectatorArrived -At the Cap !. Jan. Otb. Galatea, 'Fait. from London. At lhoinbay, Sealeby Castle, Sourly ; Carnatic, Broglie; and Triumph, (1 ''ii : from lane:oil. A le t tais,...
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The SpectatorTO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Manchester, 231 Marelt1837. San—I was much surprised at the remarks you copied into your last number from the Liverpool Journal on the...
The SpectatorParis, 20th March Is.r. SIR—Of all the measures of Foreign policy of this Government since lea), the most important are those concerning Spain and Poland. To both cona. tries,...
The SpectatorTO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. SIR—Is it quite clear that Mr. RIGBY WASON is correct in finding "only one honest mode of increasing benefices in private patronage? " Is not...
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The Spectatorrevenue over expenditere in the United States, arising from an uniform awl perm went system in the dis- posal of public lands, has led to a sttggestioo that the Govern- ment of...
The SpectatorKING STEPHEN AND KING WILLIAM. "THE Coercion. Bill of the MELBOURNE Ministry " seeme to be out of favour with. those who an " reluctantly " brought it forward. Have they...
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to vote in favour of, measures which be approves of,
The Spectatorrather than Mischievous and melancholy are the consequences of the course oppose the Whig Ministers, with whom he is connected. He is taken by Sir HENRY PARNELL. In the first...
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The SpectatorTHE splendid ballet of last season, Beniowshi, has been substituted for the picturesque one of Le Brigand de Terracina ; principally for the purpose of exhibiting HiRMINIE...
The SpectatorTor hat of these agreeable and instructive concerts was on Saturday night. The selection was, substantially, of the same character as that of the preceding concerts. Between the...
The SpectatorTHERE will be abundance of playhouse amusement for the holyday- rankers this Easter, which will compensate for the lack of other sights. Indeed, were these more numerous. a...
The SpectatorTHE prefaces and notes to the collected edition of SCOTT'S Works have made the public acquainted with the quarries whence Sir W ALTER drew his materials, and the circumstances...
The SpectatorBIO0RATTIY. Meteuirs of the Lire or sir Walter Scott. Bart. vol. I. Noway. and Whittaker ; Cada, Edixtunjk. GPSTR•T. LITERATI/NZ, The Miseellaneues Wurks of Oliver Goldsmith....
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The SpectatorPERHAPS no collection of any single writer has been so exten- sively popular as the Miscellaneous Works of GOLDSMITH: the causes of which must be attributed to the variety, or...
The SpectatorTills is not the best novel that Mr. HOOK has written ; but it possesses his usual characteristics of shrewdness, drollery, and power of amusing idle readers. Jack Brag is the...
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The SpectatorIs the title of a story of the loves of William Clifford and Blanche Courtenay ; who after suffering the tortures of absence, uncertainty, apprehension, rivalry, and an...
The SpectatorTHE numbet of proposed new railways before Parliament, for England and Wales, is 4S: their length is 1,233 miles : the esti- mated amount of their cost, 19,352,0001. The length...
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The SpectatorTIIE SOCIETY OF BRITISH ARTISTS. II!ORE attentive survey of this exhibition, on a brighter (lay, mid 'catalogue in hand, has confirmed our first impresion, that it is but an...
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Toccata for the Pianeyhrte. By W. P. BEALE.
The SpectatorThe talents and acquirements of this :infieldsi tames; man were of a high order. He was an ardent lover of his art, and un accomplished player of the best school; while his...
"Sweet are the charms of her I love." A Canzonet.
The SpectatorBy W. T. WOOD. A proud disdain of emphasis marks this canzonet ; nor does its author hesitate to clip the King's English, - as the following line sso printed in the copy) will...
Twenty-fire Short and Easy Voluntaries for the Organ. By the
The SpectatorChe- valier NEUKOMM. These Vcluntaries may be ranked in point of merit with a similar set by that equally industrious and once equidly well-known composer, J. MARSH, Esq. of...
Introduction and Variations on the Theme " Alice Gray." By
The SpectatorC. Ptsreett. After "Alice Gray' had taken her turn on the street-tarp, na, we hardly expected to see her advanced to the pianoforte. Such, however, is Mr. Porrea's ; and her...
Cliffihritrre de Mozart. A new and correct edition of the
The SpectatorPiano.. fin te Works of Mozeae. Edited by C. POTTER. The appearance of another edition of Mozear's Pianoforte music, is a :strong and welcome evidence that its sale is not...
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The Grand March, performed at the various Conservative Dinners.
The SpectatorComposed by HENRY HERZ. Written, like the foregoing pieces, to order, and of the same stamp.
" England's Hope." Sung by all the Principal Vocalists at
The Spectatorthe Conserva- tive Meetings. Composed by H. R. Bisnoe. How does it happen that BISHOP, with his acute perception of all that is really grand and graceful in music, should now...
very Ancient German Christmas Carol. The Melody harmonized and the
The SpectatorWords translated by R. L. PEARSALL, Esq., of Willsbridge, Gloucestershire. This composition is equally curious and beautiful. It was found by its learned and accomplished...
" The Hero of a Hundred Fights." By S. NELSON.
The SpectatorThe last song was in praise of PEEL-this of WELLINGTON. Here, but here alone, the composers meet on equal terms; and NELSON, for once, rivals Balm!