25 APRIL 1874

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And Sir Stafford Northcote was only too happy to get

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the opportunity of endorsing this doctrine. Evidently he had not enjoyed the quasi-recalcitrancy of his colleague, Mr. Ward Hunt, and was eager to show that the Cabinet wholly...

President Grant, we are happy to say, has vetoed the

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" In- flationist" Bills passed by Congress, declaring that he desires a return to specie payments. It is a bold step, and reveals with curious clearness the immense extent of...


The Spectator

L ORD DERBY'S chance has arrived. M. de Lesseps has warned the Admiralty that, in future, British men-of-war must pay the passage-dues before entering the Canal at Port Said,...

Mr. Gladstone's criticism of the Budget on Thursday night was

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more than candid and mild,—almost unreasonably tender. Not only did he refrain from saying a word in favour of the alternative policy he had recommended to the country, and -...

Mr. Goschen is a very clear and very earnest speaker,

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but what with his candour and what with his habit of speaking as if his audience knew something, he sometimes gives to outsiders an impression of admitting that which he is...

Mr. Ward Hunt, the new First Lord of the Admiralty,

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brought forward his Estimates on Monday. They are, with one slight exception, Mr. Goschen's estimates, and amount to a demand - for £10,000,000 sterling for the Navy. The...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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The talk of the world is getting extremely ecclesiastical or

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anti- ecclesiastical, which, after all, amounts to much the same thing. W e- have had two ecclesiastical debates this week on successive days in the House of Lords, one on...

For the rest, the financial discussion of Thursday night was

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very miscellaneous, and not very fruitful. The Chancellor of the Exchequer justified his hopeful expectations of revenue by vari- ous ingenious and, on the whole, impressive...

The German Parliament has come to a compromise with the

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Government on the subject of the Press Law, which will work well or ill, according to the discretion shown by the heads of the police in the various great towns of the Empire....

Mr. O'Donnell, Member for Galway, moved on Tuesday that abstracts

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like that of the papers on the Bengal Famine ought to 'contain the author's name. In a clear speech, a little injured by discursiveness, he showed how severely the papers had...

France, says Sir James Stephen, has committed every crime- except

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that of being dull. He never read the discussions on the• meaning of the Septennat. They began with its birth, and if they last much longer will end with its death, caused by...

There is no news from Spain this week. Serrano is-

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intriguing, Manuel Concha collecting troops, Topete playing Queen's Mes- senger, the Carnets gasconading, and Bilbao suffering, but there is nothing new in any of those things,...

The Times of Saturday published a letter from Sir E.

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Kerrison, the well-known landlord and virtual owner of Eye, the best pocket borough in England. It is past all question the greatest contribution yet made to the discussion of...

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The Indian Badget was published in Calcutta on the 23rd

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inst., and in London on the 24th. It looks bad, but it is not so The Indian Badget was published in Calcutta on the 23rd inst., and in London on the 24th. It looks bad, but it...

Mr. Forsyth writes to the Times to say he had

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no doubt of being returned for Marylebone, and only rejected the Solicitor- Generalship for one reason. It was not offered to him. Then it ought to have been, and we suspect...

Sir Michael Hicks-Beach is not fulfilling the promise of his

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first speech as Irish Secretary. Yesterday week, in resisting Mr. Butt's Municipal Corporations (Ireland) Bill, he made an exceedingly arrogant and not very wise speech,...

The Judges of the Queen's Bench decided this day week

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that we are to be saved from the calamity of a new trial in the Tich- borne Case, though they did not deliver their reasons fully on that occasion, but reserved them for more...

The Swiss Liberals have carried the Revision of the Constitu-

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tion by fifteen Cantons to eight, and by a popular vote, 320,000 to 170,000, or thereabouts, a majority of two to one. We have endeavoured to explain the main provisions of the...

The official telegrams this week about the Bengal Famine do

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not seem to us so optimist as the nmes says. They contain the usual nonsense about 21 deaths, while the "chief magistrate of Tirhoot," in a letter accidentally published,...

Dr. Hayman has been solaced for his tribulations at Rugby

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by the Rectory of Aldingham, in Lancashire, put down as yielding £1,000 a year, independently of the house. Mr. Disraeli, in offering it to him, wisely guarded himself from...

Consolswere on Friday 92i-921.

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• THE NAVAL DEBATE. T HE British Fleet may be perfect or imperfect, able to sweep the seas, or fit only to be broken up and reorgan- ised from the beginning, but at all...


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T HE Archbishop of Canterbury's speech on Monday night was good, and his spirit was good, but we confess we don't think his measure was good. To give the Bishops a summary and...

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T HE moat enduring impression which the country is likely to derive from both last week's and this week's debate on the Tory Budget, is that there is very little, if any,...

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T HE changes in the Swiss Constitution, accepted on Sunday by a double majority of the people, and a threefold majority of the Cantons, are most serious, and have evidently two...

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T HERE is a gleam of daylight at last. Sir Edward Kerri- son, in a letter to the Times of Saturday, has suggested a compromise in the present struggle between Labourers and...

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T HE burial of David Livingstone in Westminster Abbey, the honours paid to his remains by the representative men who followed his coffin, and many even of the somewhat wild...


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M R. PROCTOR, our own well-known astronomer, after delivering above a hundred astronomical lectures in the United States, has been summing up in New York the general lessons...

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THE OLD NOBLESSE OF FRANCE. • TN Quatre- Treize Victor

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Hugo has put forth all his 1 strength in painting a typical member of that class which once treated the common people of France as mere beasts of burden, and which the...

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THE BUSY BEE. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECIVITOR.") Sin, --I have read with much interest your article on my paper on bees and also the letters of your correspondents, from...


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SIR,—As a bee-keeper I have read with much interest your arti- cles and your correspondents' letters on the " Busy Bee." I do not know whether you will think the following...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, — The Editor of the Spectator — guum tot sustineat et tanta negotia — may well be pardoned if he lets some error creep into those...


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(TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR, — Even those who differ most from some of the opinions of the Spectator cannot help admiring the high purpose and the love of truth and...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Mr. Brooke Lambert's eminently true and practical re- marks on the " Flower Mission " in your last issue lead me to offer you a...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR, — Within the period of twenty-nine years, from 1844 to 1873, 42 Atlantic steamships have been lost, being on an average for each year....

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." Sin,—In your interesting review of Dr. Schweinfurth's work on Central Africa which appeared in the Spectator of the 4th inst., you say, "...


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THE OLD WATER-COLOUR SOCIETY. Tun Seventieth Exhibition of the Society of Painters in Water Colours appears to us to be one of the best which has been seen of late years. There...

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MR. LLEWELYN DAVIES ON SUPERSTITION.* WE have seldom read a wiser little book. The four sermons it contains are short, terse, and full of true spiritual wisdom, expressed with a...

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SINCE Mr. Lowth's Round the Kremlin, no such interesting record of travel in Russia as Mrs. Guthrie's book has come under our notice. It is fresh, bright, simple, and...

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WHILE serving on the Staff of Sir Hope Grant at Aldershot, Captain Knollys, It.A., was allowed to read the diaries kept by his chief in 1857-58, when there was hot work for...

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THIS is an honest book, both in the frankness of its statements , and in the carefulness of its execution. The author accepts the doctrine of evolution without the slightest...

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TRADITIONAL TALES.* IT is common to say that human nature

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is the same everywhere and always, but it is truer to say that it changes like physi- • Traditional Tales of the English and Scotch Peasantry. By Allan Cunningham. London: F....

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THE reputation which the late Member for Brighton (and as we hope, the future representative of Hackney), has achieved as a politi- cal economist and a bold and outspoken...

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A Treatise on Trade-Marks. By F. M. Adams. (Bell and Sons.}— This book, though small in size as compared with many law-books, is yet a compendious and reliable treatise on the...

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SCHOOL - BOOKS. — We have to notice the third and concluding volume of

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the very useful work, the Abridgment of Professor Co nington's Virgil, by Mr. H. Nettleship, MA., and Wilhelm Wagner, Ph.D. (Whit- taker, Bell, and Sons).—This volume contains...