24 NOVEMBER 1939

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The Spectator

A BOUT the main facts concerning the new form of barbarism adopted by Germany at sea there can be no dispute. The mines that sank the Dutch liner Simon Bolivar' on Saturday, the...

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The Munich Bomb Story

The Spectator

No one is surprised that Herr Himmler, Chief of the German Police, has succeeded in finding a scapegoat for the bomb explosion in the Munich Beer Cellar on November 8th, or that...


The Spectator

T HE War is showing rather greater signs of liveliness. It might indeed by this time have developed into all the full intensity of the latter months of 1914 if Germany had not...

The Future in India

The Spectator

Not much news is coming through about developments in India, but what is known is on the whole reassuring. The situation is no worse, and in some respects it seems a little...

The Terror in Prague

The Spectator

Nazi rule knows no half-methods of terror when it finds itself confronted with any symptoms of discontent or unrest caused by its own tyranny. The city of Prague has been...

Marking Time in Finland

The Spectator

No steps have yet been taken to promote a resumption of the Finnish-Soviet negotiations, but that the question is far from being shelved is shown by a threatening article in...

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The Best Investment for Small Savings

The Spectator

Sir John Simon's announcement of the new plans for enlisting the savings of small investors as a contribution to war finance comes at a moment when much attention has been give...

Russia and Japan

The Spectator

It can no longer be regarded as extraordinary that with one hand Russia is extending support to China and with the other endeavouring to reach an understanding with Japan. The...

The Army's Progress

The Spectator

A survey by the War Minister of the military situation when the military situation is comparatively static gives no great scope for descriptive eloquence. In such circumstances...

A Balkan Peace Bloc?

The Spectator

Count Csaky, the Hungarian Foreign Minister, speaking in the Hungarian Parliament last Tuesday, spoke of a realistic reconstruction of Danubian questions. The shadow of possible...

Men for Home Defence

The Spectator

The War Office announcement that 20,000 men are urgently required for Home Defence Battalions gives an opportunity for men between 35 and 5o to perform military service, mainly...

Turkish Trade

The Spectator

M. Numan Menemenjoglu, the Turkish Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, is now on his way to London for economic talks. It is of the utmost importance for this country no less...

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The Spectator

W AR spells inevitably devastation and destruction. The greater, therefore, the value to be attached to any constructive effort which unites nations, and the individuals...

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The Spectator

T HE reasons which Sir John Simon gave for dropping the Criminal Justice Bill were such that he could scarcely be pressed to alter the decision. Yet his sug- gestion that the...

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The war, which has been responsible for the death of

The Spectator

many journals, is to see the birth of one to which I look forward with rather lively interest. It is a village product, its title The Abinger Chronicle, and the contributors to...

Even though it is denied by Dr. Goebbels, the statement

The Spectator

that Field-Marshal Goering's Swedish wife has just borne him a second child at Lausanne recalls the fact that Field- Marshal Goering's Swedish brother-in-law is well known as an...

There is something cynically attractive about the story, sent by

The Spectator

The Times correspondent at Belgrade, of the Czecho-Slovak margarine factories which are compelled to pack their produce in paper sent from Russia and marked U.S.S.R., the idea...

We have been all too well familiarised with the name

The Spectator

Simon Bolivar in the last few days. The great liberator's surname is invariably pronounced by the B.B.C. announcers with the accent on the first syllable. I had always thought...


The Spectator

T HERE are few things more difficult today than to reach .1 any assured conclusion about the state of Germany. What appear to be best authorities, whether Germans outside...

The verdict given in the Court of Appeal on Monday

The Spectator

in the libel action Newstead v. The Daily Express well illus- trates (failing a reversal of the judgement by the House of Lords) the pitfalls which the law of libel prepares for...

" Finnish Military Chiefs Provoking War."

The Spectator

" Troops Moved Up to Frontier: All Calm on Soviet Side." —The Daily Worker. jAN1JS.

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The Spectator

By STRATEGICUS T HE events of the last week call the attention back to Holland, and it is impossible to gather what is Germany's intention with regard to it. Obviously if...

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4. Extract from a sermon preached on November 12th, 1939

The Spectator

(Armistice Sunday), by the Rev. Theodore Venables, Rector of Fenchurch St. Paul, Lines, and printed in that week's issue of " The Fenland Weekly Comet." . . . It is well, I...


The Spectator

By DOROTHY L. SAYERS TALLBOYS, PAGGLEHAM, 17th November, 1939. Nit. GREAT PAGFORD, HERTS. . . . I've been trying to write an article about war-aims and peace-aims, though I'm...

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The Spectator

By V. S. SWAMINATHAN A LL along the line France is stronger today than twenty- five years ago. During the last war the enemy advanced over the whole Lorraine field, shutting...

Sunday evening, i9th November, 1939.

The Spectator

. . . So I rushed over to the Vicarage, and there was Mr. Goodacre taking dead leaves out of the bird-bath. " Oh, Vicar," I said, " what has happened? I've played the volun-...

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The Spectator

By R. A. SCOTT-JAMES T ODAY many persons who belong to the so-called middle classes are looking back a little wistfully at the past and facing the future with resignation. The...

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The Spectator

By LIONEL ROBBINS HE rapidity with which in recent weeks the idea of T federalism has been accepted as a desirable principle of the future peace settlement must necessarily be...

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The Spectator

By F. A. v. HAYEK T HE outstanding topic in fi nancial circles in the past week has been the ingenious proposal which we owe to the most fertile mind among living economists....

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The Spectator

By CLELAND SCOTT I N many ways there is a similarity between lions and man ; in adolescence there is a good deal of the hoyden about the male, and as he grows up he generally...

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Nature Calendars

The Spectator

It is a pity that some of the smaller societies have not been able to hold on. Among those that have suspended animation is B.E.N.A., whose periodical and annual diary have been...

An English Vintage

The Spectator

This year will remain famous in country annals for the superabundance of apples, especially of bitter-sweets or cider apples. Trees of Rayon d'Or broke themselves in pieces with...

Autumnal Rivalry

The Spectator

The claim for Warwickshire and Hertfordshire that they were still producing plentiful raspberries seems to have stirred general rivalry, and accounts of overflowing dishes of...


The Spectator

An Altruistic Bouquet Some of the little evacuated urban children will have to be classed with the green plover as supreme friends of agri- culture. I met one little girl...

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I have been driven to these reflections by reading Mr.

The Spectator

Amery's Days of Fresh Air. The tonic quality of this book has filled me with envy and regret. Mr. Amery seems to have climbed everything, even the mountain of which he is the...


The Spectator

By HAROLD NICOLSON T HROUGHOUT my life I have suffered from being " bad at games." By this I do not mean merely that I am less proficient than are other- men at catching or...

It was a Frenchman who first released my soul from

The Spectator

this feeling of perpetual inferiority. Of the many debts which I owe to France it is this debt which warms me with the deepest gratitude. He was a professor at a small...

My professor, observing that I would return wet and exhausted

The Spectator

from these long and gloomy expeditions, suggested that this passion for taking exercise was " an English fallacy." " It is," he explained, " a fallacy which is highly dangerous....

The Greeks, I suspect, would not wholly have approved of

The Spectator

my five French professors. Socrates, who in many ways was a tolerant man, took young Epigenes fiercely to task for his neglect of physical exercise, and Plato was most emphatic...

I have no conception why so vast a disability should

The Spectator

have fallen to my lot. Astigmatism is not a sufficient explanation, nor can I in any sense plead lack of vitality or ill-health. I have my hearty sides ; I like cold baths in...

Or was I? Am 1? When I look back upon

The Spectator

the last thirty years, I observe with surprise that the high points of enjoy- ment which rise above the level plain of memory are in most cases associated with a mood of...

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The Spectator

• Juarez." At Warner's.—" Rulers of the Sea." At the Plaza. Juarez (pronounced, so the programme tells us, War-ezz) is what is known in the trade as a distinguished film: it...


The Spectator

MUSIC The Sad Case of the Count di Luna THE production of 11 Trovatore was the most successful event of last year's season at Sadler's Wells, and its present revival is very...

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The Spectator

Contemporary British Painting at Oxford How much more enjoyable it is to be rude about pictures than to praise them: to fire off a volley of unqualified abuse about a painting...

THE SPECTATOR COMPETITIONS No. II THE manager of a circulating

The Spectator

library recently stated in an interview that a large proportion of his customers selected their reading exclusively by examining the opening pages of the books displayed. Prizes...

REPORT ON COMPETITION NO. 9 PRIZES were offered for the

The Spectator

best answers in not more than 300 words to the question : " Which of the recognised classics of Literature do you most dislike and why? " The shadow of the School Certificate...

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The Spectator

(Correspondents are requested to keep their letters as brief as is reasonably possible. Signed letters are given a preference over those bearing a pseudonym, and the latter must...

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The Spectator

SIR,—.May I express my deep gratification to the Archbishop of Canterbury for having confirmed by an authority of the Church the political judgement we have expressed in exactly...

THE WAY TO FEDERALISM Sta,—In your issue of November 3rd,

The Spectator

in your leading article " The Way to Federalism," the suggestion is put forward that one might argue that " if the League of Nations has failed because its member States were...

WAR AIMS SIR,—The numerous amateur efforts to indicate what are,

The Spectator

or should be, our war aims, which have appeared in your paper and elsewhere, are calculated to fill one with a deep despon- dency. Can there still be people, with any...

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The Spectator

SIR, — May I answer the letters of your correspondents about rabbits in your issue of November loth? Nothing I have written applies to tame rabbits, with which no one can have...


The Spectator

Sia,—(r) (a) "Qualls artifex pereo! " Suetonius, Nero, c. 49 (b) "He was by nature an artist . . . . and as an artist he would end his days." Hitler (about himself) to the...

SIR,—A visit to the conscientious objectors' tribunal at Leeds this

The Spectator

week made clear to me the difficulties which quite sincere men trained only in law find when trying to assess " conscientious objection." The chairman deserved great praise for...

SIR, — Your remark that Mr. Churchill's speech of Novem- ber 12th,

The Spectator

with its references to " Hitler and his Hum " and " General Goering—I beg pardon, Field-Marshal Goering," failed curiously, in spite of its brilliance, to gauge the temper of...

BRITAIN AND THE DOMINIONS Sit, May I be allowed, through

The Spectator

your kindness, to thank Sir Norman Angell for his article in the November loth issue of The Spectator, especially for the paragraph dealing with the relationship of Britain to...

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The Spectator

SIR,—In his admirable letter, published earlier this month in The Times and elsewhere, Mr. Stanley Unwin spoke of the wording of the New Defence Regulations as " ominous." He...


The Spectator

Sm,—Mr. Hamilton confines his fully justified remarks to Germany, but Britons who left Czecho-Slovakia on account of the War are in the same position. Now many of them are...

ARTHUR VAN SCHENDEL SIR, —In my review of November 3rd in

The Spectator

your journal I stated erroneously that Grey Birds by Arthur van Schendel was the first novel of this Dutch author to appear In transla- tion in England. I have since been...


The Spectator

Snt,—Owing to absence from London I have only just seen your issue of October 27th. I should be very grateful if you would allow me space for a reply to the correspondence of...

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Between Two Wars

The Spectator

An Introduction to World Economic History. By J. P. Day. .(Macmillan. 3s. 6d.) An Introduction to World Economic History. By J. P. Day. .(Macmillan. 3s. 6d.) MR. FRANCIS' book...

Books of the Day

The Spectator

A Realist in Search of a Utopia The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939: An Introduction to the Study of International Relations. By Edward Hallett Carr. (Macmillan. tos. 6d.) THE...

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A Great European

The Spectator

The Emperor Charles V. By Karl Brandi. Translated by C. V. Wedgwood. (Cape. ors.) THE career and destiny of Charles V exerted a fascination upon the minds of his contemporaries...

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_ A Place in the Sun

The Spectator

Orchard's Bay. By Alfred Noyes. (Sheed and Ward. 8s. 6d.) Orchard's Bay describes in the first place a garden retreat in the Isle of Wight, describes it with a tender richness...

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In Defence of Freedom

The Spectator

May God Defend the Right ! By Nathaniet Micklem. (Hodder and Stoughton. 3s. 6d.) As a Tract for the Times, this " open letter ".to the author's fellow-Christians could hardly...

Quebec and the Far West

The Spectator

CANADA'S success in handling her large French-speaking minority is a fact of great importance in these days when racialism run mad is devastating much of Europe. Thus Mr....

Enter a Child

The Spectator

Enter a Child. By Dormer Creston. (Macmillan. 7s. 6d.) OF all the sinister shadows that hang over the life of man, threatening injury and destruction, few if any can be com-...

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New Novels

The Spectator

Miss Lucifer. By Ronald Fraser. (Cape. 7s. 6d.) What Are We Waiting For By Michael Harrison. (Rich and Cowan. 8s. 6d.) Viper's Progress. By Mary Mitchell. (Methuen. 8s. 6d.) No...

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The Spectator

THE Chancellor of the Exchequer is launching his first offensive with a drive to tap small savings. While there is nothing particularly novel about either the new series of...


The Spectator

It is just over a month ago since Mr. Kenneth Moore, chairman of Trinidad Petroleum Development, exposed a serious defect in the Chancellor's Excess Profits Tax. He pointed out...


The Spectator

The two leading rayon producers have come into the news during the last few days. Courtaulds' £16,000,000 Unit:td States subsidiary, American Viscose, has acquired from the...


The Spectator

From the Stock Exchange standpoint, of course, this sort of drive to tap the nation's savings brings no grist to the mill, but the City is well aware of the financial exigencies...

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The Spectator

Rev. H. C. ■ SOLUTION NEXT WEEK The winner of Crossword No. 37 is the Sidnell, 72 Wadsley Lane, Sheffield, 6.


The Spectator

[A prize of a Book Token for one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked...