24 JUNE 1843

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The Spectator

Tni House of Commons have rehearsed a chapter in political and social economy ; the text being the Sugar-duties, discussed in Com- Tni House of Commons have rehearsed a chapter...

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Debates ant Vroteetrings in Varlfament.

The Spectator

SUGAR-DUTIES. In the House of Commons, on Thursday, the motion having been made, that the House should go into Committee on the Sugar-duties Bill, Mr. COBDEN moved an...

The Irish fever has a little abated, and the delirium

The Spectator

exhibits an access of folly rather than furor. To realize his three million of Repeaters and their shillings, Mr. O'CONNELL resorts no longer to the appalling—like the...

The fourth division of the United Kingdom, Wales, has its

The Spectator

open turbulence, now aspiring to the character of revolt. For some months there has been a resistance to the payment of tolls ; which seems to have originated in a suspicion...

The state of Spain has hitherto not materially altered. The

The Spectator

in- surrection in the North has spread : but on the other hand, Mont- juich, the commanding post of the Catalonian capital, is faithfully held for the Queen's Government ; and...

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Zbe eourt.

The Spectator

ROYAL movements have again been rife this week. The Queen held a Court at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday. Her Majesty gave an audience in the royal closet to the Prince and...

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gbe Itictropotis.

The Spectator

A Court of Common Council was held on Tuesday, for the despatch of public business. Mr. R. L. Jones moved the adoption of the report on the improvements of the City ; and, with...

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gbe iBrobinres.

The Spectator

" Rebecca and her Daughters" have grown in the audacity of their crusade against the tolls in South NVales, until they have drawn retri- bution on themselves. Some minor events...

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The Spectator

Mr. O'Connell had a demonstration at Ennis, for the county of Clare, on Thursday the 15th instant ; and the meeting is described as more numerous than any that preceded it—the...

gortign 24 . tbis.

The Spectator

&MIN.—The insurrection in Spain has somewhat spread, yet without materially altering its character. The events at Barcelona, whence we have intelligence to the 17th, should...

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The Spectator

The Kentish Gazette states that the Queen and Prince Albert, with their children, will in a few weeks visit Walmer Castle, for the sake of short excursions on the coast in the...

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The Spectator

SATURDAY NIGHT. The Irish Arms Bill was discussed all over again in the House of Commons last night, on the motion to go into Committee ; and there was a long debate...


The Spectator

BIRTHS. Ou the 11th June. the Lady of the Rev. EDWARD FRANCtS COKE, late Curate of All Saints, Hereford, of a daughter. On the 11th. at the Countess of Memborougles, in Dover...

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. It is stated, that after the reduction of wages

The Spectator

has been carried to as low a point as it is safe to attempt, the manufactured article will not at present fetch within 1/. per ton of the cost of production ; and that there is,...


The Spectator

THE theatrical world has been for a long while moving westward, and now the old haunts of playgoers are utterly deserted : the stage has migrated from the purlieus of Drury Lane...

Dublin papers of Thursday announce the dismissal of Mr. Hewitt

The Spectator

Bridgeman and Mr. Cornelius O'Brien, the Members for Clare, from the commission of the peace ; and the resignation of Mr. H. O'Rorke. Mr. Alderman Musgrove, and Mr. F. G. Moon,...

The Journal des Debuts of Thursday states, that General Alvarez

The Spectator

had invested Granada on the 10th instant ; where the Junta had raised the ancient " Catholic banner" of Ferdinand and Isabella, not previously displayed since the war of...

Accounts from Carmarthen, to Thursday evening, state that no fresh

The Spectator

disturbance bad taken place in that town ; but about the country several more gates have been demolished by armed bands of some hundreds, and threatening letters are sent to...

The feeling that some great change must be made in

The Spectator

the position of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland pervades every party ; and evi- dences of the feeling peep out in the most unexpected quarters. The Whig Lord Palmerston...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The buoyant appearance exhibited by the market during the last week has continued during the present; and the general result of the operations...


The Spectator

AoorvED—Off Plymouth, 22d June, Jane Catherine, Blake, from Ceylon. Orr Fal- mouth. 19th ditto. Fortitude, Hutton. from Manilla. At Liverpool. 17th ditto, Mary, Mackie. from...

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The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. As a sincere believer (though convinced against my will) in the truth and importance of the mesmeric phxammena, I venture to question the...


The Spectator

THE concert of Monday night was below the average excellence of the season, and may be dismissed with very little comment. ACT r. Overture, Fidelio BEETHOVEN. Resit... Eli...

The dark clusters that hang so thickly under the Opera

The Spectator

colonnade on propitious evenings—insuring the enterprising le. see a glorious vintage- -formed earlier than usual this Thursday, on the occasion of FORNASARI'S benefit : and the...

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The Spectator

TRUSTING TO THE CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTS. A SUSPICION gains ground, that Sir ROBERT PEEL, when he under- took the task of governing, had, properly speaking, no plan in view but to...


The Spectator

THE Carmarthen riot is what theatrical managers would call the revival of an old stock-piece. The small farmers and huxters in Carmarthenshire grumbled sorely at what they...

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The Spectator

THE opinions of the Judges on the points submitted to them in relation to monomania, go, as might have been expected, to esta- blish that, under a strict interpretation of the...

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The Spectator

Broaessar, Memoir of the Life and Correspondence of John Lord Teignmouth. By his Son, Lord Teignmouth. In two volumes Hatchard. Militant ADVENTURE, The Closing Events of the...

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The Spectator

NOTWITHSTANDING the lateness of its appearance, Captain Lochs Closing Events of the Comperign in. China is one of the best books that the war has produced, if not the best of...

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The Spectator

IN spite of a rather matter-of-fact style in scenes of interest, whets such a style is out of place, and occasionally of too obvious an art to introduce incidents exhibitive of...

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The Spectator

From June 16th to lime 22cl. BooKs. The English Universities. From the German of V. A. HUBER, Pro- fessor of Western Literature at Marburg. An abridged translation, edited by...

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The Spectator

THE ROYAL COMMISSION. THE carvers in wood and stainers of glass have been invited by the Royal Commission to show what they can do towards adorning the New Houses of...

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The Spectator

THE parlour of the Mansionhouse has been the field of a bloodless battle, fought not with but for cannon ; ballot-balls being used instead of bullets. The combatants were the...


The Spectator

Tuesday, June 20. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Ward and Wagstaff. Sudbrooke, Lincolnshire, farmers-Shillicorn and Gill, Liver- pool, painters-Aiuswor.lt and Co. Little Bolton,...


The Spectator

WAS-orerce, June 23, 1st Drags-Lieut. E. H. Lloyd to be Capt. by pnrchnse, vice Sands, w ho retires ; Cm net and Adj. R. C. Noake to have the rank of Lieut. ; Cornet T. Thereto°...

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The Spectator

BRITISH FUNDS. (Closiug Prices.) Saturday Monday. Tuesday. 'redoes. 94 941 1011 12 9 180 43 62 REIGN FUNDS. during the Week ending Friday Evening.) - Mexican 5 p. Ct. Ditto...