24 JULY 1852

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- President Bonaparte has- crossed the Rhine. True, it is

The Spectator

only on a friendly private visit to a cousin 7 rme say, an -a wooing expe- dition; nevertheless, a _certain class ot political speculators are delighted with the incident, and "...

NEWS:. 0. - Y: THE: . WEEK.

The Spectator

THE stream of the election:s trickles languidlY. The first impetu- ous gush has spent its force, and-the last drops are rolling down the channel. By the close of the month all...

- Queen Victoria has sought refuge from the heat on

The Spectator

the cool bosom 'of the ocean. The necessity of being at hand to communi- cate with her Ministers,—who have had two Cabinet Councils thiS week,thOugh the elections are not...

All through England - there is 'the promise °fan' abundant crop,— though:

The Spectator

those charteredgratiblerithe farmers do mutter something about rust or blight in, the -wheat,—and many fields are already "white unto harvest." • Owing to the protracted cold...

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The Spectator

MEMBERS RETURNED. (The letters x and N heading the columns of figures in the following list indicate "Ministerialist " and " Non-Minis erialist" respectively—the only simple...

The public have been reminded of the fact that the

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German Cus- toms Congress has been sitting at Berlin for some weeks past, by a rumour that it is about to be adjourned. Austria maintains the ground she originally occupied ;...

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tbr Court. THE Royal Family has left Osborne for the

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uncertain deep. The Queen and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Duchess of Kent, the Prince of Wales, and the Princess Royal, attended divine service at Osborne on Sunday : the...

'hr 3rtrupolio. -

The Spectator

In these "piping times of peace " a camp on Woolwich Common has attracted the attention of crowds of London sightseers. Nine companies of Artillery are encamped on the West side...

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Cbt ihnuiurm

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Tiptree Hall has become famous. Mr. Mechi gave his annual enter- tainment on Wednesday ; and a very striking set of guests he assembled. There were present, one Peer, Earl...

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The Spectator

The Banner of Ulster reports the establishment of a submarine electric telegraph between Donaghadee and Port Patrick in Scotland. Seven miles of wire were successfully sunk on...

$ntrign uub

The Spectator

PRANCE.—M. Bonaparte has made another royal progress. Early on Saturday morning, he passed along the Boulevards on his way to the Strasbourg railway station, accompanied by four...

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Two Cabinet Councils have been held this week, at the Foreign Office —the first on Tuesday, the second on Friday. Sir John Romilly is reported to have used (we suppose at...

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C4t t*trts.

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he reposing list. A few days before it betook itself to its slumbers, a young lady, named Temple, made her appearance in a slight French comedietta ; but the only impression she...

Tamworth inaugurated a statue to the late Sir Robert Peel

The Spectator

yester- day, in the Market Place, in the presence of Sir Robert Peel and Mr. Frederick Peel ; who both addressed the people present. The statue is the work of Mr. Noble, and is...


The Spectator

SATURDAY. The list of Members returned to Lord Derby's House of Commons, as continued for the present week in the table on our second page, makes the total of Ministerial...

The yacht America, which carried off so many laurels last

The Spectator

year, was defeated by the Arrow and the Musquito in the race for the Queen's cup of the Royal Yacht Club's regatta, on Thursday, off the Isle of Wight. The America does not...

The declaration of the Middlesex poll was made at Brentford

The Spectator

on Fri- day— Lord Robert Grosvenor.. .. .. 5241 Mr. Osborne .. 4390 Marquis of Blandford .. 4258 The speaking after the declaration was very similar to that which lids been...

President Bonaparte left Bade; where he had been feasting and

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dancing, and arrived in Strasbourg on Thursday morning, He proceeded by Luneville and Nancy to Paris ; where he arrived on Friday evening. There was a great assemblage of...


The Spectator

STOCK EXORANOR, FRIDAY Arms:room. . The English Stock Market has continued in the state described in our last report. Stock has been brought, to, market almost daily ; and...

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THE RIGHT COURSE IN THE NEW PARLIAMENT. TnE difficulty which exists in classifying the Members of the new Parliament, so as to give any truthful or intelligible idea of the...


The Spectator

The Provincial Music Meetings of this year will be the Birmingham and Norwich Festivals, and the meeting of the Three Choirs of Worces- er, Gloucester, and Hereford. The...


The Spectator

Some years ago, a work appeared developing the theory of an entirely new system of architecture, of which the elements are to be, not stone and timber, bricks and mortar, but...

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The Spectator

FRANKLIN PIERCE, President presumptive of the United States, speaking the funeral oration of Henry Clay, has taken the fit occa- sion to make a declaration in favour of the...


The Spectator

IT daily becomes more difficult to understand what creditable mo- tive can take a man into the House of Commons. It can hardly be for the sake of the company ; since the Members...


The Spectator

THE agricultural mind has been awakened ; the bucolic Cymon has seen his Iphigenia, Science, and is losing his stolid impenetra- bility. Under the influence of this new activity...

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The Spectator

AMONGST other arts, that of living upon your wits, and upon others' want of wit, has been brought to its greatest perfection in our day. We read of illustrious bandits and...


The Spectator

Fens will soon be obsolete in Europe. Even the great fair of Leipzig sees its glories begin to pale in this day of railways. Fairs belong to a time when there are no roads, or...

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The Spectator

Sin—With your correspondent of last week I hope you Will resume the consideration of the injustice done at present by the non-representation in Parliament of local minorities....

Itittro In Of ihitur.

The Spectator

ME. GLADSTONE'S ELECTION. . . 19 Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Pdrk, 19th July 1852. Sin—For many years past I, have been a constant reader of the Spectator; and as I look at the...


The Spectator

Ashton, Somerset, 22d July 1852 years .4. Sin—For five years the press has been pointing a stalish sort of moral at the expense of the electors of Edinburgh. Concurring as I...

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21st Tuly 1852. Sin—I am one of these who, like yourself, took a keen interest in the late election at Oxford : I rejoice with you that the strange coalition between the driest...

The Queen has resolved to have the Koh-i-noor diamond recut,

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so as to snake it a more brilliant ornament than it was in the Crystal Palace. Lapi- daries and jewellers were consulted on the feasibility of recutting the gem, and it was at...


The Spectator

LEWIS'S TREATISE ON OBSERVATION AND REASONING IN POLITICS. * IN art, in literature, in ethics, in politics, in religion, the acknow- ledged want of our age is...

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FREEMAN'S LIFE OF KIRBY. * VITE life of a lesser naturalist,

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whose explorations areconfuied to, his own country, is rarely very . eventful ; and that of Kirby is no exception to the rule. For sixty-eight years he resided at the parish of...

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series of essays on topics connected with self-government and our duties towards ourselves, followed by an autobiography of the writer; who, it turns out, is a female, not-...

THE LOST INHERITANCE. * COMMON nature goes for little in works

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of art, unless the artist can en t the general upon the individual, and make both his story an his persons types of a class. The series of events called an action must contain...

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elrautugo from 14t Blue %oaks.

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MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION. [Presented to Parliament by her Metlesty's Command.] These papers are a kind of periodical chart, showing the latest advances...


The Spectator

Boons. Adventures and Recollections of alone: Landmann, late of the Corps of Royal Engineers. In two volumes. Louisa. From the German of Voss. By James Cochrane, Translator of...

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The Spectator

Wes-cures, July 28.—Coldstream Regt. of Foot Guards—The Hon. W. H. Wel- lesley to be Ensign and Lieut. by purchase, vice D. R. Williamson, who retires. 3M Foot—Capt. F. C. P. A....

Ten Weeks Week of 1941-60. of 1831.

The Spectator

Zymotle Diseases 2,967 . •• 213 Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat 441 .... 99 Tubercular Diseases 1,348 .... 192 Diseases of the Brain, Spinal...


The Spectator

On the 15th July, Lady Roper, of a daughter, stillborn. On the 15th, at the Rectory House, Woolwich, the Wife of the Rev. Henry Brown, of a daughter. On the 16th, at Queen's...

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The Spectator

BRITISH FUND . - - 3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock, 8 per Cent India Stock, 103 per Cent ' Exchequer.Bills,...


The Spectator

Tuesday, Judy 20. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. - Bradshaw and Wolstenhohne, Padiham, plumbers- Gover and Son, Winchester-Gillbanke and Co. Carlisle, grocers-Scott and Co. Liverpool,...