23 MARCH 1878

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These are the European terms, with the addition that the

The Spectator

Russian army must retire within three months, the question of the Straits being left nearly as before, though right of passage is guaranteed to merchant ships at all times ; but...

Lord Stratheden and Campbell on Thursday tried once more to

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bring the Government into contempt by declaring its duties, which he assumed would not be performed. He held that the object of the Conference should be to prevent the Treaties...

Lord Derby closed the debate in a speech in which,

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after denying the reports of differences between himself and the Premier, he stated the precise position of the negotiations. Her Majesty's Government, on the 13th inst., had...


The Spectator

T HE full text of the Treaty of Peace was published in St. Petersburg on March 21st, but there is little in it which has mot already been discussed. Montenegro is declared...

It appears to be certain that there is, at all

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events, no secret Treaty. Indeed, the Russians say such an arrangement is impossible, as a secret document would be at once betrayed to England. The whole of the binding...

A statement was published on Friday in the Standard that

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Count Andrassy had definitively declined an English alliance, A statement was published on Friday in the Standard that Count Andrassy had definitively declined an English...

*,* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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The " State of Siege" Bill has passed the French

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Legislature, and puts an end to that opening for a legal coup d'itat which was the great fear of the constitutional party during the long suspense of October and November last....

The Rev. Henry John Dodwell was acquitted yesterday week of

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the attempt to murder the Master of the Rolls, the evidence going to prove that there was only powder, and no bullet, in the pistol with which he fired,--that only a bit of...

The curious report about the conduct of the chief Moollah

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or priest at Koniah is, in part, confirmed. It was stated in some telegrams that this personage, who gives to each Sultan a sort of consecration by girding on his sword, and who...

The Constitutionalists of the Right behaved adMirably in the Senate

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in relation to this Bill. They preferred for themselves a somewhat less stringent clause than the clause of the Govern- ment as to the contingency of an insurrection or war...

Mr. W. H. Smith seems to have made a very

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lucid and satisfac- tory speech on the Navy Estimates yesterday week ;—certainly his statement was well received in all parts of the House. Into the main points of that...

The great world has been much interested this week in

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the marriage of the Earl of Rosebery with Miss Hannah de Roths- child. Lord Rosebery is a man who, if he had a little more persistence and perhaps judgment, of had had the...

Mr. O'Donnell on Tuesday called the attention of the House

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of Commons to the new Indian Press Law, which he denounced in a just, but needlessly vehement speech, which, however, called up Mr. Gladstone, who evidently did not approve the...

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We are glad to see that another ship has been

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built on the prin- ciple of the Castalia,'—i.e., the twin-ship principle,—and one which can count on more than double the speed. The Castalia was admirable for its...

Theorists on Irish affairs are proverbially eccentric. Mr. Lowther had

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no sooner expounded his views of the one-legged- ness of Ireland since 1870, than Mr. Delahunty made a speech against £1 notes, and discovered in them the cause of all evil in...

Mr. Frederic Harrison gave a lecture on Tuesday in the

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Memorial Hall, Farringdon Street, on "The Practical Modes of Disestablishment," in which there were a good many very good words. He warned his hearers against permitting a kind...

Mr. Anderson on Tuesday brought up the question of the

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American Mail contracts, contending that the Government, in giving a monopoly to three companies, wasted money and fostered a bad system. In 1876 the traffic was thrown open,...

Consols were on Friday 951 to 95k.

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A subscription list has been opened, we, hear, in France,

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for the foundation of a memorial to the great physiologist, Claude Ber- nard, and we observe with regret that the chief English physiolo- gists have formed a committee to aid...

In the discussion on the Tenants' Improvements (Ireland) Bill, on

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Wednesday, the new Secretary for Ireland, Mr. Lowther, availed himself of the opportunity the Bill gave him for deliver- ing a blow at the Irish Land Act of 1870. He declared...

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T HE Times sometimes exercises a very ill-judged economy in virtually suppressing speeches of far more real pith and moment than those which it gives at length. It was so in the...


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THE SITUATION. T HE situation, as we understand it, is rather disagreeable than dangerous, but of course either the Czar or the British Government can make it dangerous at any...

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THE CHARGES AGAINST RUSSIA. T HE least intelligible and perhaps the

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most dangerous feature about the existing irritation against Russia is its astonishing vagueness. Everybody professes to hate Russia, or dread Russia, or distrust Russia, but...

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A LETTER from Mr. J. Dennistoun Wood, formerly At- torney-General of Victoria, which we publish in another column, in correcting one or two inaccuracies in the cursory notice of...

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MORE BISHOPS. T HE creation of new Bishoprics is a subject

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on which it is easy to be smart, and by consequence, easy to be silly. Lord Houghton will probably succeed in being smart when Lord Beauchamp's Bill comes on for its second...

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'r English journals, and even the English philanthropists, are almost afraid to touch the subject of the Chinese Famine. The region in which it is raging is so far off and so...

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understand why a vehement opposition is expected, and indeed We

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arrive at the question how far the proposed tax would already apparent, on the part of the National Liberals. The fulfil its destined purpose in regenerating the national...

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L ORD GRANVILLE, following therein Lord Palmerston, thinks it expedient, when asked for an after-dinner speech, to make an amusing one, but he rarely finishes without saying...

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I N the last number of the Gardener's Chronicle, a very curious account is translated for that journal, and illustrated with engravings by a traveller in New Guinea,—Signor...

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THE POLITICAL SITUATION IN VICTORIA. (To THE EDITOR OF THE ,, nrstrraroa. - 1 SIR,—The paragraph in the Spectator of lasf Saturday on the political situation in Victoria...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] regret that the omission of the word "upper" rendered Mr. Fairfield's comments necessary. The statistics given are quoted in the Nate Freie...


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"LEAD, KINDLY LIGHT." Due, alma Lux, circumstat umbra mundi, Due, alma Lux ; Est atra Nox, mei jam vagabundi Sis ergo dux : Serva pedes,—non cupio longinqua Videre ; satis...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIB, —The garden of Lincoln's Inn Fields is, I believe, one of the• largest of the kind in London, and within fifty yards of it are some...

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THE TURNER DRAWINGS. [SECOND NOTICE.] OF the three groups which we discussed in our last week's article on this gallery, two were concerned entirely with Switzerland and Italy...

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TWO POSTHUMOUS WORKS OF SAINTE-BEUVE.• SINCE the death of Sainte-Beuve, which took place on October 13, 1869, not only his writings have excited constant attention, but his...

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Mn. BOWEN tells us that he has kept this translation " well-nigh forty years " since it was first written, and that he publishes it now only to save friends who care to read it...

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" IT was a bold and happy thought," writes the editor, which prompted a correspondent of the popular journal called the Dalic-iin to wait upon General Von Moltke, in October,...

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A monn venturesome experiment on the patience of novel- 'readers has rarely been made than by Miss Grant in the com- mencement of her new and, let us say at once, clever story....

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READERS who have made acquaintance with the theological writings of Evangelical Dissenters, and with the biographies of Dissenting ministers, will be aware of certain forma of...

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AMONG the antiquities of a great nation, its tombs always hold a foremost place. They are invariably an index to its character and its ideas. Hence they are invaluable to the...

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Christian Life and Practice in the Early Church. By E. do Pressens4, D.D. Translated by Annie Harwood, Holmdon. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—Dr. do Pressensics work naturally...

Madge. By Lady Dnffus Hardy. 3 vols. (Hurst and Blackett.)—

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Madge is the daughter of a rich ironmaeter, and is placed by her father in the charge of a lady of rank, who is willing for a consideration to in- troduce her into the best...

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Echoes of Spoken Words. By S. A. Tipple. (Sampson Low.)—Thee

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are, in fact, sermons which Mr. Tipple, it seems, in the first instance preached extempore, and which he was subsequently persuaded b y some of his admiring friends to publish....

We have received the second volume of a new and

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revised edition of Beeton's Dictionary of Universal Information. It contains over 5,000 new articles more than the previous one, and as far as we have tested it, is well up to...

A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek

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Testamen By the Rev. Ethelbert W. Bullinger. (Longmans.)—This elaborat work, containing more than a thousand pages of the largest octav size, reflects the greatest credit on...