23 DECEMBER 1848

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In spite of her gigantic agitations, France appears to keep

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ahead of her Continental neighbours in respect to settlement as well as revolution. The President of the Republic was installed in his office on Wednesday ; and there seems...

Some surprise has been excited by the nomination of Mr.

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Baines, the Member for Hull, to succeed Mr. Charles Buller as President of the Puor-law Board. Mr. Baines is a lawyer of re- pute; as Recorder for Hull, previously to his return...


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PARLIAMENT is summoned to meet on the 1st of February for the despatch of business ; and many signs foretoken a busy session. PARLIAMENT is summoned to meet on the 1st of...

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gin QG ourt.

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Tan Queen bald a Privy Council on Saturday, at•Osborne: .the Ministers present were Lord Palmerston, Sir George Grey, and Mr. •Labonehere. The principal business appears to have...

gin Alftetropolis.

The Spectator

The annual election of Common Councilmen and other Ward officers took place on Thursday, St. Thomas's Day, in all uncontested cases. In five Wards, however, there were contests;...

lEtt CS.

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A striking letter from Mr. Cobden, addressed to Mr. Robertson Glad- stone, was read at the meeting of the Liverpool Financial Reform Asso- ciation, on Wednesday evening. It...

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A numerous meeting of Poor-law Guardians from all parts of Ireland was held in Dublin on Tuesday. The Marquis of Westmeath presided, and many influential noblemen and Members of...

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The Government has revived a demand against the heritors of Brechin for the teinds due to the obsolete bishopric of that name; a claim which had fallen into disuse for several...

,foreign anb

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FRANCE.—The President of the French Republic has been proclaimed: the Assembly, fearing perturbations on Thursday, the day commonly an- nounced for the ceremony, unexpectedly...

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The Parliament met in skeleton form on Tuesday, in the. House of Lords, for the purpose of being prorogued by commission: the Lord Chan- cellor, Lord Campbell, and Lord...

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SATURDAY. In Paris, yesterday, it was reported that M. Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte will come to London, as Envoy Extraordinary, to announce the installation of the President of...

Advices from Vienna, of the 17th instant, state that the

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Imperial troop!„ under Jellachich, had gained a complete victory over the Hungarian& Advices from Vienna, of the 17th instant, state that the Imperial troop!„ under Jellachich,...

The Risorgimento of Turin, of the 16th instant, publishes the

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text of a decree by the two Chambers of the 11th instant, provisionally depriving the Pope of temporal power. It declares there shall be elected, by an absolute majority of the...

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The West Indian mail-steamer Great Western arrived at Southampton yesterday

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morning. Her dates from Jamaica, Tobago, and Trinidad are to the 21st of November, Barbados the 28th, St. Lucia 29th, Antigua 30th, from St. Thomas the 1st, and Bermuda the 7th...

The Wymondham Magistrates examined Eliza'Chestney, Mrs. Jenny's servant- maid, yesterday,

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in the presence of Mr. Rush; who was taken to Stanfield Hall and confronted with her. Chestney stated positively that Rush was the man who fired at herself and at her mistress:...

The smart dialogue of Mr. J. M. Morton, and the

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strong humour of Mr. Keeley, give force and fulness to a little farce called Your Life's in Danger; which without such colouring would be extremely weak, as it simply turns on...


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In Cornwall, it is, we believe, a received culinary maxim, that every comestible can be used as a material for a pie. Whether the article belongs to the animal or the vegetable...

The Christmas bill of fare will be something like this—At

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the Lyceum, there will be a burlesque called the King of the Peacocks, written by Mr. Planchd; at the Haymarket, a burlesque on the Arabian tale of " Prince Camaralziunan,"...

The election for Lynn, took place yesterday; when Lord Stanley's

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son' Mr. E. H. Stanley—now travelling in America—was returned. Mr. Dixon, a Chartist, opposed him at the nomination, and obtained a preponderant show of hands, but declined to...

The cholera returns cf the week give these results. London—cases

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61, deaths, 11; Provinces—cases 34, deaths 15; Scotland—cases 738, deaths 319. The disease is most virulent in Glasgow and Old Kilpatrick. The cholera has appeared in Belfast:...


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STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. A sort of upward panic occurred on Monday and Tuesday; many of the spe- culators who had recently sold largely seemed to be influenced by a...

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"THE NATIONAL BUDGET." Mn. COBDEN'S budget would in some respects be a great im- provement on that which will be officially proposed next session— if the scheme, or anything...


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Mr. Ilullah has commenced a new series of choral concerts at Exeter Hall. On Thursday evening be produced Mendelssohn's Sacred Cantata, "Lauda Sion"; and repeated the...


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(Front the Epilogue to Doctor Birch and his Young Friends] I'd say, we suffer and we strive Not less nor more as men than boys; With grizzled beards at forty-five, As erst at...


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A new painting has been added to Mr. Burford's panoramic rooms in Leicester Square,—a picture of Pompeii. The circle is small, and the picture is brought close to the spectator:...

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FRANCE has elected her President ; the typical English county has elected its new Member; and the facts of the two elections fulfil what we had anticipated : France is all alive...

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THE dispute between the South-western Railway Company and its customers is of a kind that might be terminated by a more complete explanation. On the face of the matter, the...


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IT is not in politics but in aesthetics that the English people ex- hibit their anarchical tendencies. A total want of order and regi- men prevails throughout the several...


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Pari.r, December 21. It • appears we must get accustomed to be "taken by surprise." The Revolu- tion of February itself was a surprise; the proclamation of the Constitution,...


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EUROPE of 1848 is to stand alone in history, distinct alike from 1847 and 1849 ; for the incessant shifting of the scene is not yet over. Mr. Wyld will still be called upon to...

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I.—THE MODERATE PARTY. I have been asked how many parties there are in Italy. You seem in England to be struck with this common yet unfounded notion, that we are too much di-...

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County of Roscommon, December 18. As the Poor-law question, in its various ramifications, is now universally recognized as the paramount question of the time, I have taken...


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TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Sra—I cannot help thinking, that in the discussions with which you have re- cently indulged me on the subject of Criminal Law Reform, we...

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BIOGRAPHY, Life and Letters of Thomas Campbell. Edited by William Beattie, M.D., one of his Executors. In three volumes .Hozon. THAVRIA, Dalmatia and Montenegro ; with a...

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THE line of mountainous country that lies along the North-eastern shore of the Adriatic, with Croatia and Albania at either end and Herzegovina or rather Bosnia behind, is not...

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THE breadth and clearness in which the Christmas Fancy of Mr. Dickens is deficient are preeminent in Doctor Birch and his Young Friends, by Mr. M. A. Titmarsh ; while there is...


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WHATEVER is intended for popularity must be broad and plain. The production may be full of faults of detail, false views, and offences against taste, or even against nature; the...

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Boom,. Dalmatia and Montenegro; with a Journey to Mostar in Herzegovina, and Remarks on the Sclavonic Nations; the History of Dalmatia and Ragusa; the UbC008, &c. By Sir J....

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A Morning and Evening Cathedral Service, composed for a Chorus of four voices, with an Organ Accompaniment. By W. 7'. Best. Three Preludes and Fugues, composed for the Organ,...

Wood's Edition of the Songs of Scotland. Edited by George

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Farquhar Graham. Having reviewed this work at an earlier stage of its publication, we mention it again chiefly for the purpose of informing our readers, that having brought it...

" 0, Christnzas is the season." A Madrigal, composed by

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Alphonso Matthey. This clever composition-dedicated to the Madrigal Society of Man- chester-is not, strictly speaking, a madrigal. It belongs to the class of part-btiflaAR, or "...


The Spectator

Tuesday, December 19. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Rigg and Bottomley, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-stuff manufacturers-Jones and Co. Liverpool, rope - makers - Murray and Co....


The Spectator

On the 13th December, at Merton, near Cove, county of Cork, the Wife of Godfrey T. Baker. Esq., of a daughter. On the 14th, at Richmond Lodge, Portobello, N.B. the Lady of John...

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BRITISH FUND S. (Closing Prices.) &turd. Momiey. nealey.IWedme. Thurs. Friang. 3 per Cent Consols shut — — Ditto for Account STI ee d 581 3 per Cents Reduced 871 88}...