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The Spectator

T I IL tragic death of Dag Hammarskjold on his way to negotiate a cease-fire in Katanga means far more than the loss of a man who had devoted himself tirelessly to world peace....

The Spectator

The Spectator

No. 6952 Esta blish ed 1828 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1961

- -Portrait of the Week— MR. DAG HAMMARSKIOLD, United Nations Secre-

The Spectator

tary-General, was killed in an aeroplane crash in Northern Rhodesia on his way to negotiate with President Tshombe of Katanga—for the control of whose capital, Elizabethville,...

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The Politics of the Rope

The Spectator

From CONRAD BOLLINGER WELLINGTON, N November, 1949, a psychopathic young 'product of a religious orphanage raped and strangled a middle-aged woman on a hillside above the...

Der Alte

The Spectator

'ER DICKE MUSS WEG . (Fatty must go) was the slogan under which the pro-German parties campaigned in the Saar against the French puppet, Hoffman, Now, helm ins Reich, it is the...

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Katanga Realities

The Spectator

By ERSKINE B. CHILDERS M R. HAMMARSKJOLD'S death came at a moment when his representatives, troops under the UN flag, and the very organisation for which he gave his life were...

Next Week

The Spectator

The Hour After Midnight Colin Morris went out in 1956 to be a missionary in the Copperbelt with Father Huddleston's Naught for Your Comfort in his suitcase and 'Somerset...

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Onward, Onward

The Spectator

By BERNARD LEVIN IP it is possible to have a digression before actually start- ing, I digress. Have you ever noticed that while others may wax and wane, come and go, veer and...

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The Spectator

CAPE TOWN S OUTH AFRICANS are sore, very sore. It's not easy these days, being a native European in fkfrica. However hard you may try to be good, they're down on you. Every...

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September Sunday

The Spectator

By BRIAN INGLIS H AVE so many police ever congregrated in so small an area? By three o'clock on Sunday afternoon they were already beginning to space themselves - out around...

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English for Foreigners

The Spectator

By NORMA N LEVINE T H. classrooms were above an optician, by a seedy restaurant, overlooking a large bare cathedral. When I started, at the beginning of May, the season had not...

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Term Begins

The Spectator

1. Public Schools for Whom? By CHRISTOPHER HOLLIS T HAVE recently been involved in a consider- 'able correspondence about the future of the public schools. The popular...

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2. Scientists for Export By BENJAMIN SPEAR F ROM time to

The Spectator

time the press reminds us of the large number of scientists who have been leaving Britain (and especially the universities) year by year to go and work in the United States. It...

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3• Down the 'C' Stream

The Spectator

By DAVID HOLBROOK T HAVE just finished a year's experimental work 1 as part-time teacher with eighteen most valu- able young human beings. They are delightful company, even if...

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The Spectator

SIR,—Brenda Ley's story of the unmarried mother of her acquaintance needed to be told, and it is to be hoped that it will not fall upon deaf ears in the quarters responsible for...

Bench and Bar Louis Blom-Cooper and R. L. McEwen The

The Spectator

Unmarried Mother Gwendolen Desch, Lynne Reid Banks, 'Consulting Paediatrician; 'Unmarried Mother,' Dr. Natalie Bogdan Arrests in Spain Manuel de Irujo English Pubs Kingsley...

SIR,—As a consulting pmdiatrician with charge of newborn children, I

The Spectator

would say that Mrs. Brenda Ley's description of the way in which an unmarried mother was treated by hospital staff gives a picture which is not exceptional—though this...

SIR,—Vera Finch's letter describing how 'countless girls (unmarried mothers) return

The Spectator

to'the Society to say how grateful they are' is doubtless true. Countless girls also return to the Society for another reason— namely for their second, third, and subsequent...

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SIR,—Would it be naive to suggest that the un- married

The Spectator

mother mentioned in your correspondence of September 1 would spare the midwives of this country a great deal of extra work, and her acquaintances from a dangerous level of...

SIR,—Several people have written to you on the pre- dicament

The Spectator

of the unmarried mother: I feel I may have something to add, being one myself—although I have since married. Brenda Leys, and not the other people and organ- isations she...


The Spectator

SIR, — Mr. Creighton, in 'Jam Tomorrow,' was a little hard in criticising Mr. A. E. P. Robinson's article written in defence of the Federation of the Rhodesias and Nyasaland. It...

ENGLISH PUBS Sut,—Proper draught beer, as Mr. Joe Lyde points

The Spectator

out, is indeed flat. It is also, in nine pubs out of ten, undrinkable, for it needs careful attention if it is to be served in the condition intended by the brewer, and this...

ARRESTS IN SPAIN SIR, — I should like to bring to your

The Spectator

notice a matter which will, I am sure, rouse the concern of your readers. Forty young Basque men were imprisoned in Spain in July and August of this year, charged with activi-...

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The Spectator

SIR,—Really, really, must we in addition to commer- cial television suffer the further indignity of com- mercial radio? Already the moronic jingles and other advertising...

SIR,-1 think someone must reply to Mr. Bamber Gascoigne's remarks

The Spectator

about Robert Kemp's Scots translation of L'Ecole des Femmes. In the first place, the title Let Wives Tak Tent Is not in the least incomprehensible in Scotland. I asked the...

DIVINE DIFFERENTIALS The motives of men in being ordained are

The Spectator

known only to God. 2. Anything which encourages bishops to retire in good time is to be commended. NICK EARLE


The Spectator

SIR,—In his review of Culloden, by John Prcbble, Mr. Rees writes: 'When Waverly tsici meets Charles Edward after his wanderings in the High- lands, he gasps, "A Prince to live...

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The Spectator

Israel, 1961 By DAVID CAIRNS rr HE first Israel Music Festival, which came to 1 an end this week, had in a sense nothing especially Israeli about it. It is true thatthe...

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The Spectator

How and How Not By CLIVE BARNES ception of the Covent Garden audience, which received both works with the same show of clammy warmth. Nor was this merely a case of one good...


The Spectator

Tinker's Fuss By BAMBER GASCOIGNE The Taming of the Shrew. (Aldwych.)—A Whistle in the Dark, (Theatre Royal, Strat- ford E.) THE date of The Tam- ing of the Shrew is unknown,...

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The Spectator

Vagrants By ISABEL QUIGLY A Taste of Honey. (Leicester Square Theatre.) — 11 Grido. (Paris-Pullman.) — Playing at Love. (Academy.) WITH its touching, chirpy, ur- ban charm,...

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The Spectator

The First Blitzkrieg BY ANTHONY HARTLEY T im Franco-Prussian War, which is now the subject of an intensely exciting and readable book by Michael Howard, * looks at once ana- c...

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Last Empire

The Spectator

The New Imperialism. By Hugh Seton-Watson. (Bodley Head, 10s. 6d.) The New Imperialism. By Hugh Seton-Watson. (Bodley Head, 10s. 6d.) WE are now experiencing the unfortunate...

Winged Victory

The Spectator

ACCURATELY subtitled The Battle of Britain at the Rise of Air Power, 1930-1940,' this is a first' class book. It is clear but not dry: the facts at` all here, but so presented...

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Grubbiest Ally

The Spectator

Oldest Ally. By Peter Fryer and Patr McGowan Pinheiro. (Dennis Dobson, 25 Portugal and its Empire : The Truth. Antonio de Figueiredo. (Gollancz, 18s.) LIKE some ageing roué...

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Partibus Fidelium

The Spectator

Beaumont, 1861-1961. By Peter Levi, SJ. (Deutsch, 18s.) Beaumont, 1861-1961. By Peter Levi, SJ. (Deutsch, 18s.) Tiff-. Catholic public schools, of which Beaumont is one, have...

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Good Capitalist

The Spectator

Seebohm Rowntree, 1871-1954. By Asa Briggs. (Longman, 30s.) SEEBOIIM ROWNTREE was perhaps the finest flower of Christian capitalism in England. His father, Joseph, was a Quaker...

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Inside Stuff

The Spectator

View from the West. By Claud Cockburn. (Mac- Gibbon and Kee, 21s.) S cotsman's Return. By Hugh MacLennan. (Heinemann, 21s.) CLAtip COCKBURN is a born insider. 'Gnebbels in the...

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Thaw in Archaeology

The Spectator

Archaeology in the USSR. By A. L Mongait. (Penguin Books, 5s.) HERE was little ideological interference with archaeology in Russia for the first decade after the revolution....

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A World and its Weakness

The Spectator

The Mighty and their Fall. By I. Compton-Burnett. (Gollancz, 16s.) , °w, as in the past, the term 'great' is applied 1 ° all sorts and conditions of writers. I recently Sa W...

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Master Craftsmen

The Spectator

The Custom House. By Francis King. (Longmans, 18s.) Perspectives. By Bernadine Bishop. (Hutchinson, 15s.) Every Advantage. By John Verney. (Collins, 16s.) The Way to the...

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Murder a La Russe

The Spectator

Tins weird translation of Platonov, one of Chekhov's earliest plays, by Mr. Dmitri lv fakaroff, is preceded by an even weirder intro- duction by Mr. George Devine, who was r...

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The Spectator

The full alphabetical index of contents and contributors to Volume 206 of the Spectator (January' to June, 1961) is available. Orders, and a remittance of 5s. per copy, should...

World Banking Blues

The Spectator

By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT WHILE the world revolution marches on, upsetting the old order of things in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, the Far East, while the political...

Investment Notes

The Spectator

By CUSTOS T HE start of a new account and some cheerful tipping in the Sunday press brought a feW rises in the equity market, but the death o1 Hammarskjold knocked the recovery...

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Waiting at the Church

The Spectator

4 1\ /NG at last taken the plunge and sent in her application form for the Common Mar- "et Club, Britain finds it a little disconcerting to be' sitting in the ante-chamber...

Company Notes

The Spectator

M R. JOHN OLDHAM, OBE, chairman of Oldham & Sons Ltd. of Denton, Man- chester, battery and electrical engineers, gives shareholders with his report for the year to March 31,...

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Thought for Food

The Spectator

British Cuisine By ELIZABETH DAVID A COMMUNIQUg from the British Epicure Society (not that I'm a member of this body) informs all whom it may concern that at New Year 1961 the...

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Postscript • • • `HAVE you anything to say?' said

The Spectator

the magistrate. Only thing was, this wasn't a nuclear disarmer but a barrow boy, found guilty of obstruction in the West End, one of the mixed bag of drunks,...

Consumii . tIterest

The Spectator

Close Shave By LESLIE ADRIAN of those pipedreams that might not be dreams at all, like the Swedish everlasting match inven- tion, said to have been bought up and suppressed by...