22 NOVEMBER 1879

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The Duke of Argyll addressed 20,000 people at the evening

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meeting in Huuslet Lane, but, unfortunately, his voice was not equal to the enormous demand upon it, and he was but poorly heard. The speech ,nevertheless, contained a fine and...

The most popular speech, however, of the evening meeting was

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Sir Wilfrid Lawson's, who spoke late, after the Mar- qnis of Ripon and other speakers. He complimented the meeting on having already used up the voices "of one Duke, one...

A great Liberal demonstration at Leeds was held yesterday week,

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at which Mr. Forster, the Duke of Argyll, and Sir Wilfrid Lawson took a leading part. Mr. Forster was the principal speaker at the luncheon held in the Victoria Hall in the...

*** The Editors earnnot undertake to return3fanueerpt in any case.

The Spectator

The British Government has either succeeded or failed at Constantinople,

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according to its unrovealed intentions. It has certainly succeeded, if it be success to irritate all Turks until they declare the British worse than the Russians ; but then it...


The Spectator

P ERHAPS the most truly important event of the week is the arrest, by order of Government, of three Irish agitators against rent,—Mr. J. B. Killen, a barrister, Mr. J. Daly,...

So completely secret does this Government keep its policy, that

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it is impossible to ascertain whether the Fleet was ordered to proceed to Turkish waters or not. Reuter affirmed that it was, and that Admiral Hornby had issued orders to be...

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The telegrams are full of the Cesarewitch, who has called

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at Vienna and Berlin, and has been received, of course, with honour at both places. All the gossips give accounts of his conversation, the general drift of it being that he is...

The Standard's Berlin correspondent, writing on Thursday night, forwards the

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following detailed statement, which, if correct, is the most important that has yet reached England :— " The German artillery is to be augmented by eighty-seven bat- teries,...

All the news of the week from Afghanistan conveys the

The Spectator

same meaning. General Roberts, with all his energy, with good subordinates, and with full support from his superiors—who have made him a local Lieutenant-General, with command...

Mr. Dillwyn met his constituents at Swansea on Tuesday last,

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and delivered an excellent criticism of the foreign policy of the Government, in which he brought out, much better than any one else has done, the extraordinary ignorance in...

A collision between Lord Salisbury and the Duke of Argyll

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has resulted from the Leeds meeting. The Duke had said in his speech :—" If you want to hear more of the way in which the people of this country are misled by the Government, I...

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Consols were on Friday 98 1 1. to 981.

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The final arrangements for the appointment of two Con- trollers

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for Egypt are, at all events, distinct. They concede the ultimate sovereignty of the country to MM. Baring and De Blignieres, in the interest, of course, of the Bondholders. The...

The Court of Queen's Bench on Thursday delivered a some-

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what important decision, in the case of 's Lawson v. Labouchere." Mr. Lawson, as all the world knows, is prosecuting Mr. Labouchere for a libel, part of which consisted in...

M. Lepbre, the French Minister of the Interior and of

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Public 1Vorship, has issued a circular to the Prefects, calling their attention to the alleged fact that many priests omit from the service the " Domine, salvam fac...

M. Frerc ()than made a great speech on Tuesday in

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the Belgian Parliament, on the subject of the conflict between the Belgian Bishops and the State in relation to the Belgian educa- tional legislation, and showed how strongly...

The Press has grown singularly easy-tempered. We remember the time

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when a code for newspaper correspondents such as that published in the Times of Tuesday, would have produced. a storm which would have blown the Commander-in-Chief out of...

Mr. Chaplin, who moved in the House of Commons for

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the Commission now sitting on the causes of Agricultural Distress, made a rather iffiportant speech — qmportant, we mean, when we -consider the influence he seems to exercise...

Lord Rosebery made a very amusing speech this day week

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at Hawick, in affiliating the Hawick Liberal Association to the Liberal Association of the North of Scotland. He quizzed the action of the Government on all important questions,...

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MR. GLADSTONE'S POSITION. I T is high time that the Liberal leaders should give their anxious attention to the question of Mr. Gladstone's position in the country, and his...

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T HE " finding-out " of a flashy Government by a largo Democracy such as ours, is a slow process, and it can hardly even be said that this process, which, as the Duke of Argyll...


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NY E do not think it just to blame the Government for prosecuting anti-rent agitators in Ireland. They may have selected the wrong individuals, or have spared men who should...

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U NLESS we mistake the symptoms greatly, her Majesty's Government have made a muddle of their recent effort at Constantinople. They certainly exerted great pressure there, and...

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T HE Elections to the London School Board come off on the 27th inst., before our next issue appears, and we are • desirous to say a final word upon the subject. We believe the...

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W E agree with Lord Penzance in regretting the assertion of jurisdiction by the Queen's Bench, in the case of "Martin v. Mackonochie." It is not, however, for the reason...

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W E publish in another column an interesting criticism by Dr. Abbott on the remarks made in this journal last week concerning his conception of Liberal Christianity. To a good...

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W E do not know a more puzzling contest, in a small way, than that which rages in half the parishes of England between the Bag and the Plato. It has become customary, for one...

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THE REPRESENTATION OF IRELAND. (To THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.") Sin,—The Home-rulers complain of injustice, and they have good reason for alleging that Ireland is not on an...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE niSPEOTATOR."1 SI11,—My attention has just been called to a passage in the Lancet of September 27th, which I think deserves to be noted by those optimist...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THR " SPROTATOR."1 'Si,—In asking you to allow me space for HOMO reply to the article in your last impression entitled, "Dr. Abbott on Liberal and...

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" SPECTATOR.") Sta,—A correspondent who calls in question the justice of some of your censures of the late Professor Clifford, thinks that if he had found Christian teachers...


The Spectator

[TO THE ED/TOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—My bad writing is to blame for making more than one part of my last letter to you obscure, and for inducing you to make a comment which...


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STR,—It would be a mere absurdity to assert that the negroes are still slaves. Unhappily, notwithstanding Mr. Murphy's strange assertion in the Spectator of the 15th inst., it...

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RENAN ON THE ORIGIN OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH.* IN a dignified and stately fashion, M. Renan, with lengthened intervals between each step, is giving to the world his concep- tion...

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Tuts is a story marked by very irregular power, but very powerfult throughout. Like the features of its hero, it is singularly uneven,. and at times out of keeping with itself....

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A CRITIC disposed to paradox might say of Mr. Escott's book, that it would have been better if it had not been quite so good. It is laborious, accurate, and conscientious ; it...

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AN AMERICAN CHILDREN'S MAGAZINE.* Tins is a huge book—too huge

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for children, or even grown-up people, to handle with ease—of eight hundred and fifty pages, of double-column and smallish type. " Nevertheless, it seems to us a perfect mine of...

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E RN ST MO RITZ ARNDT.* THE earliest years of

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the present century were marked by the accomplishment of a silent revolution, which was indeed hidden amid the roar and smoke of battle, but which is now, and has been for more...

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IT is not long since we made some remarks on Dr. Maudsley's article on Materialism, in the Fortnightly Review. That able writer was then before us in his character of ethical...

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Early Chard:. History. By C. Merivale, D.D., Bean of Ely.

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(Longmana.)—In four lectures, Dean Aferivale gives us a brief survey of the history of the Christian Church from the fourth to the sixth century, taking St. Ambrose, St....

The Black Forest : its People and Legends. By L.

The Spectator

G. S4guin. (Strahan and Co.)—This is a cross between an ordinary guide-book and a collection of old German legends, and as such forms no bad companion to the tourist in the...


The Spectator

Luamrious Bathing : a Sketch. By Andrew W. Tuer. With Etchings by Sutton Sharpe. (Field and Tuer.)—A sturdy and shapely bound nass lies before us, ruled with thick gold lines,...

Life of the Duke of Wellington. By Rosamond Waite. With

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Portrait, Maps, and Plans. (Rivingtons.)—This is the fourth of a series of " Historical Biographies," edited by the Rev. M. Creighton. The plan pursued in them is based on the...

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The Home of the Eddas. By Charles G. Warnford Lock.

The Spectator

(Sampson Low and Co.)-Mr. Lock was not au ordinary summer tourist in Iceland (for that is the equivalent of the Home of the Eddas). He represented a commercial undertaking, his...