22 JUNE 1872

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The Monarchical section of the Assembly, irritated by M. 'Thiers'

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speech on the Army Bill, and the growing popularity of the Republic, has been trying all this week to diminish the .Pre- Aident's power. They propose to elect a Vice-President,...

Mr. Gladstone appears to understand that the other parts of

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the Treaty of Washington,—those referring to Canada, at least,—may (or may not) hold good, independently quite of the Alabama section of the Treaty. At least this is how we...

Lord Justice Christian has been attacking the Lord Chancellor of

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Ireland again. Indeed, he appears to think that this is one of his principal functions as a judge. The Vice-Chancellor had ruled that a particular matter ought to be decided by...


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A LL kinds of rumours have been in circulation this week 11. about a project of M. Thiers to hasten the evacuation 'of French territory. According to the demi-official...

'V' The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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The secrecy observed by the Tribunal at Geneva appears to

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be very unsatisfactory to our newspaper correspondents, who send very long telegrams about the order in which the members of the Tribunal arrive and depart, the companions they...

It is, at present, of course, a matter of pure

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conjecture what the drift of the communications still actively interchanged be- tween the British and the American Governments may be. Some suppose that it is intended to...

The news from Spain this week is with one exception

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all favour- able. It is stated that the Conservatives resigned because the Xing refused to agree to a coup d'etat, declaring that he had signed the Constitution "as gentleman as...

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The Emperor of Austria is to visit the Emperor of

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Germany at Berlin in the second week of September, and of course there are - endless rumours of possible combinations. The general belief appears to be that the two Kaisers will...

On Thursday it was decided, after the Scotch Members had

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evinced a very considerable unanimity on the point, that in the case of children whose parents were too poor to pay for their education, the fees should be paid, not by the...

The Duke of Richmond has kept his word. On Monday,

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during a debate which we have analysed elsewhere, he introduced, and carried by 83 to 67, amendments intended to make secrecy optional with the voter, thus reducing the Ballot...

Tne German Parliament has passed the Bill against the Jesuits

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placing them as aliens at the disposal of the Executive by 131 to 93 votes, and a proposal to make civil registration essential to the validity of a marriage by 151 votes to...

The Scotch Education Bill is nearly through the House of

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Commons, the Government having defeated various amendments in relation to the clauses affecting religious teaching. On Tues- day Mr. Anderson moved the exclusion of "all...

Colonel Sykes, Member for Aberdeen, died GC Monday, at the

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age of 82. He was almost the last of a species once common—the Anglo-Indian who really believed in the " Company " and its system, and regretted its abolition. He had served...

It seems that the supersession of Mr. Colfax by Senator

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Wilson as Vice-President in the Philadelphia Convention, was a bit of electioneering. The wire-pullers thought that Mr.. Wilson, with his popularity in New England, would...

The French Protestant Synod, after days of debating, has adoptel

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by 61 to 45 a profession of faith declaring the sovereign authority of the Scriptures in matters of faith ; and its belief in salvation by Jesus Christ, who died for our sins ;...

Lord Abinger on Tuesday night carried a motion against the

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Government which experts say will very seriously embarrass the War Office. It is well known that promotion in the Artillery has. been so slow as to produce great despondency,...

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Mr. Fitzjames Stephen proposes a new scheme for securing Law

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Reform. He would have a Legislative Committee of Privy Council appointed, consisting of three persons, independent of party, and of course paid, who should draft bills, which...

The Tinies is in great glee over a return of

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local taxation, which shows, it says, that the local taxation of England is only 121,000,000, when Sir Massey Lopes and the reformers said it was £30,000,000. They didn't. They...

We record with regret the death of Dr. Norman Macleod,

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editor of Good Words, and one of the moat liberal of the clergy of the Scotch Establishment, perhaps the only man in it who was also in the best sense a thorough man of the...

According to the Pall Mall Gazette, which relies on the

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French journal Le Malin, a Montpellier doctor has been making experi- ments on the alcoholisation of fowls with this result; —that the creatures take as eagerly to brandy, wine,...

The Bank of England has reduced its rate to 3

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per cent.

Consols were on Friday 92f to 921 for money.

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Mr. John Colam, Secretary to the Society for the Prevention

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of Cruelty to Animals, writes a valuable letter to the Times. He says nightingales are trapped and caged in great numbers, and can be purchased of all the bird-dealers, who...

England has been enjoying this week the blessings and the

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miseries of a semi-tropical climate. The thermometer has risen to 85, everybody wants to bathe at once, and the provinces have been visited with terrible thunderstorms. In the...

The week has produced the dreaded Lock-out in the London

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Building Trades ; but at present it appears to have been but languidly enforced, some building firms absolutely refusing to take any part. To a great extent the men are in...

Mr. Whalley made an inquiry yesterday week of the Secretary

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for Ireland, in language so fearfully and wonderfully incoherent and emancipated from grammatical laws, that the noble Marquis himself voluntarily assumed the duty of...

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THE REIGN OF LAW IN SPAIN. pronunciamiento, the new Government is to face the endless difficulties of its position with only its legal powers, but, as Zorilla hopes, with the...

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have much more interest in the success of the Alabama

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re- thing quite unintelligible as an explicit contract. Still, well as disappointment ; that they can have received Mr. Fish's we admit at once that the Senate showed none of...

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T HE behaviour of the Peers on Monday during the discus- sion in Committee upon the Ballot Bill will not raise them much in public estimation. In a burst of petulant discontent,...

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T HE Working-men of Great Britain are usually even eager in professing their adherence to the principle of fair arbitration in relation to their disputes with their masters ;...

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that there neither is, nor can be, any magic propriety

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or And the third fact is the increase in the popular preference any " intuitive " morality about the maximum which it for "plain men" as candidates for office. It is quite...

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W HILE the Irish nation seems to be altogether absorbed in the exciting pastime of burning Judge Keogh in effigy as a diversion to that of sending gentlemen labelled "Home...

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M R. ARNOLD has done the greatest possible service to the public by putting in a concrete and very striking form before the managers of schools not the controversial, but the...

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T HE death of Dx. Norman Macleod, writes to us an admirer who knew him well, "has deprived Scottish Presbyterianism of its best known representative, and has made society the...

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T HE meeting held in the Albert Hall on Friday fortnight, under the presidency of Lord Lyttelton, has scarcely received the attention it deserves. If the project then sketched...

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THE DISMISSAL OF ASSISTANT-MASTERS. [To TEE EDITOR Or TEE "Bram/mai 'Sra., — The question of the dismissal of Assistant-Masters is becoming daily more serious, not, I believe,...

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(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.') SIR,—Your note appended to my letter implies that some of my statements require confirmation, and comparison with the text of that speech of...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The case of "optional" versus "compulsory Athanasianism" may be simply stated in the familiar formula that "half a loaf is better than...


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[To MR EDITOR 01 TEl "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Will you kindly give me space for a few words on an indirect way in which farmers sometimes manage to lessen the already too small wages...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] beg to thank my courteous critic for his letter. Having called his attention to a statement of fact, I need not follow him into matters of...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Stu,—In your article this day upon the Chesterfield Correspondence, you refer to "the early letters of Lord Chesterfield, addressed to his...


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[SECOND NOTICE] WHEN Mr. P. Graham first attracted general attention with his powerful and promising picture, "A Spate in the Highlands," there were a few admirers who thought...


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go THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR "] :SIR, —The conspicuous candour, which is not the least merit of the Spectator, makes me willing to believe that you will answer two questions...

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JOHN CONINGTON.* [FIRST NOTICE.] NOTHING could be written with better taste and judgment than) the memoir which Professor H. J. Smith has furnished for this collection of the...

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TILE death of Dr. Norman Macleod in the full vigour of his intellect and usefulness will be felt by many as a personal calamity. The influence exercised by the editor of Good...

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PHILIP VAN ARTEVELDE.* THE appearance of Philip van Artcrelde in

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a new edition, at no very distant date from the last preceding one, marks an increasing • Philip ems Artevelde. By Henry Taylor. A New Edition. London: Smith, Elder, and Co....

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IT must be regarded as marking a distinct advance upon men's religious conceptions that Christianity has come to be con- * Paul of Tarsus: an hupstry into Me Times and Me (Sopa...

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CARLYLE, in a very characteristic letter to the author of the Purgatory of Suicides—a poem of some power, ten books in length, and written in Spenserian verse, we wonder how...

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THE Marquis de Beauvoir is a remarkable young man, not only because he has travelled all round the world before attaining his majority, but because he has had so much to say...

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Macaronic Poetry. By J. A. Morgan, A.M. (Hurd and Houghton, New York.)—Here is a book on a subject which it requires scholarship to treat, written by a gentleman who adds to his...

My Cousin Maurice. (Sampson Low and Co.)—This novel produces. upon

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us the effect of a translation from the German, and yet we con- clude it is not a translation, as there is no intimation to that effect in its form or upon its title-page. It is...

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The Scandinavian Ring. By J. Pomeroy. 3 vols. (Tinsloy.)— Writers

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of ordinary novels would, we think, consult their own interests, which centre, it may be presumed, in being read, if they would make their stories easily intelligible. Most...

Tender Tyrants. By Joseph Verey. 8 vols. (Tinsley.)—Mr. Verey trusts

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that "brother journalists and critics will recognise in Tender Tyrants a spirit akin to that which has animated him on previous occa- sions in writing for the Press." We have...

Lilliput Legends. By the Author of Lilliput Levee." (Strithan.)— "Lilliput

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Levee" was so very clever that we feel the more disappointed at not being able to say very much in praise of Lilliput Legends. But it seems to us that the author falls into the...

Bruna's Revenge. By the Author of "Caste." 3 vols. (Hurst

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and Blacket.)—Bruna's Revenge is the longest of four stories which the author has included in the orthodox three volumes, by what is surely a somewhat perverse adherence to an...

China's Place in Philology. By Joseph Edkins, BA. (Triibner.)— 'The

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present writer is not one of the few Englishmen who have a right to give an opinion on the merits of a book on the affinities of Chinese with the Aryan and Semitic languages. He...

Sancho Panza's Proverbs, and others which OCCUP in Don Quixote.

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With a literal English translation, notes, and an introduction by Ulick Ralph Burke. (Pickering.)—Were it not that so much has been written on the proverbs of all nations, it...

Sorties from Gib. By E. Dyne Fenton. (Tinsley.)—A number of

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stories and sketches strung together by a somewhat loose tie, the fact of their having in one way or other come across the author's *bur.. vation or experience while he was in...