22 DECEMBER 1894

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The German Diet has refused permission to prosecute the Socialist

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Deputies who did not rise when the Emperor's name was cheered, by 168 votes to 58. The Government, of course, gives way, but has resolved to prosecute Herr Liebknecht, as soon...


The Spectator

M UCFI the most important intelligence received this week from the Far East comes oddly enough from an English- man, now in London. Captain F. E. Younghnsband, the...

The Indian Government, sorely against its will, has been compelled

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to sanction a punitive expedition against the Wuzeerees. The Ma.hstul section of this tribe holds part of the Sulaiman range, crossing the route between Gilghit and the Khyber...

Italy has a Parliamentary crisis of a serious kind. After

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excited debates, during which all the fractions of the Opposition fused themselves, Signor Giolitti, the late Premier, produced an envelope full of documents which, he said,...

The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any case.

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The Government of India has at last extorted from the

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India Office permission to choke the deficit by putting on a duty of 5 per cent. upon Lancashire cotton. Mr. Fowler has however accompanied this concession, rendered almost in-...

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The London elections of Saturday and Monday, for Vestrymen and

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Guardians, have not justified the hopes of the Radical party. The Moderates hold, out of all the Vestries, three to two, including—which is the significant fact—districts like...

The death of M. Burdeau left the Presidency of the

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French Chamber vacant, and on Tuesday M. Brisson was elected President by 249 votes, against 213 given to M. M6line. The Paris correspondent of the Times, who is rather too...

Lord Salisbury, in a letter addressed to the Secretary of

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the Cirencester Constitutional Club, published in Tues- day's papers, again puts forward in strong terms the Referendum view of the functions of the House of Lords. If the House...

As we expected, Mr. Gladstone has intervened in the Armenian

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question, of course with a statesman's moderation. At a public meeting in St. Martin's Town Hall, Charing Cross, held on Monday, a letter was read from him to the Secretary of...

But the most important point of Mr. MacEwan's speech was

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his demand not for a weaker, but for a much stronger and more effective Second House of Legislature than the House of Lords. He thought the hereditary principle obsolete, and...

On Monday Mr. MacEwan, the Member for the Central Division

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of Edinburgh, delivered a most remarkable speech, in which he declared that the Irish Home-rule Bill of 1893 is " dead ; " that no such Bill can be carried in "this genera-...

On Monday Mr. Bryce, in addressing a meeting of his

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constituents, sketched the course of the next Session. The Government hoped to have a Factories Bill and a Bill for conciliation in trade disputes, a Bill to deal with the...

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A very humorous complication of cross-actions was heard in Ireland

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on Monday, each of the litigants, who were brothers-in-law living in Tipperary on adjoining farms, claiming £1,000 damages, and neither of them getting more than a farthing._...

Lord Rosebery spoke at Stratford yesterday week, his chief eubject

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being an exhortation to the Independent Labour party, represented by Mr. Keir Hardie in the neighbouring constituency of West Ham, to co-operate with the Glad- stonians at least...

On Monday, a Reuter's telegram from Auckland announced the death

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of Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson, the well-known novelist. He died on Monday evening, December 3rd, Two hours before the end Mr. Stevenson said to his wife, "I have a strange pain...

A little riot in British Honduras aptly illustrates the kind

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of ferocity which all Labour disputes nowadays seem to pro- voke, The Government of that Colony has abolished silver currency in favour of gold, the old currency being treated...

Bank Rate, 2 per cent.

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New Consols (4) were on Friday, Mi.

Mr. T. W. Russell contributes to Wednesday's Times what appears

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to us a very sensible and moderate letter on the pro- posals of the Irish Land Acts Committee. The main object of those proposals was contained in the declaration that " the...

Dr. Robert Pringle, Brigade-Surgeon Lieutenant-Colonel, sends an interesting evidence of

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the elephant's long memory to the Times of Thursday. He said that, being with his children in the Zoological Gardens, he wished to make one of the elephants there salute before...

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THE GOVERNMENT'S CANDID FRIEND. A VERY important event has occurred in Scotland. The glamour which Mr. Gladstone's unique eloquence and impressive personal character cast over...

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cross-examination, able insinuation passes for evidence, and. it is not

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etiquette to tell an honourable Member that THE ITALIAN SCANDALS. he is perjuring himself up to the lips. Passion tolls in Parliament has deprived himself, if he is guilty, of...

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T HE British working man must be a very aggravating person to the whole-souled enthusiastic Socialist. He is always deluding those wild but well-meaning sec- taries into the...

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THE INDEPENDENT LABOUR PARTY. F OR once we agree heartily with

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Lord Rosebery that the Independent Labour party would do not only much better for the nation, but also much better for itself, if it united itself heartily with one of the great...

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T HE extreme annoyance manifested by the Radicals of London at their defeat in the election of Parish Councillors, is both natural and intelligible. They thought thoy were about...

UNEQUAL JUSTICE. T HE readers of Truth are familiar with what

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Mr. Labouchere calls his "legal pillory." For those who have not this advantage we may explain that it is a parallel list of sentences passed during the previous week on...

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W HIT is it that makes Mr. Stevenson's literary work never wholly satisfying ? What is the something in which his books fail to content, even when they most excite, the emotions...

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O F all the schemes for producing the sense of equality among men—we do not mean the fact of equality, which of course cannot exist, but the sense of it—the scheme of a common...

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p ROFESSOR HAECKEL has no more notion of the atti- tude of doubt than the most confident monk of the Middle Ages. He is a dogmatist of the purest water; but a dogma- tist who...

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'T HE first conclusion of a naturalist from a visit to Mr. Labouchere's toy show at the Albert Hall is that the schoolmaster has been abroad again and left his mark on toys....

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " BrECTATOR."] Sin,—Your correspondent, "A

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Country Rector," has made at least two mistakes in his letter in the Spectator of December 15th. He says, "Twenty clergymen in all (the prefix Rev.' shows so much where other...


The Spectator

THE PAROCHIAL ELECTIONS. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—My comment on the principle of the Act as laid down in your article in the Spectator of December 8th, on "The...


The Spectator

SIR,—I beg to point out that "A Country Rector" is in error in his letter in the Spectator of December 15th, where he says that" a District Councillor is a J. P. ex officio."...


The Spectator

SIR,—In a letter of "A Country Rector," in the Spectator of December 15th, it is stated that a District Councillor is a J.P. ex cifficio, and a false analogy is drawn from this...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPROUTORr] SIR,—Your correspondents give us from time to time quaint and wise sayings of children. I have examined elementary schools for many years, in...


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In,—May I be allowed to add to the sayings of children in the two last numbers of the Spectator by another, illustrating the faith of a child? I had expressed to my little boy,...


The Spectator

[To TEl EDITOR OP TER "SPECTATOR."] Slia—In your paragraph on the "Hungarian Ecclesiastical Bills," in the Spectator of December 15th, you wrote,—" The legality of civil...

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THE CHARTIST MOVEMENT.* Tins volume is a reprint of matter which was, we presume. widely disseminated at the time when the events with which it deals were fresh in...

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THE confidences of children are such precious things that they should be held sacred ; we have no business to pry into their thoughts for our own amusement, or to make fun of...

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THE LILAC SUNBONNET.* IT is really very hard to review

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a book like this of Mr. Crockett's. One takes it up determined to be before all things a conscientious and discriminating critic, but insen- sibly all thought of criticism melts...

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The History of Sicily, By Edward A. Freeman, Vol. IV. Edited by Arthur J. Evans, M.A. London s The Clarendon Pros,. 1894. PROFESSOR FREEMAN'S death left his great work on Sicily...

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ice must be some ten or eleven years since we reviewed Dr. Edith Romney, and during the interval the author's output, if not penurious, has certainly been frugal. That she is,...

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MISS CROMPTON'S STORIES OF CHILDREN.* THE pleasure that grown-up people

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take in children's stories is a latter-day product. In bygone times children had a literature of their own with which their elders had little to do. Nowadays, childhood and...

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Uncle Peter's Riddle. By Ella K. Sanders. (G. Bell and

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Sons.) —Molly Demeter is a spoilt child, who is as selfish and trouble- some as such creatures commonly are. She has to go through a pretty severe discipline of trouble and...

Cassell's Family Magazine (Cassell and Co.) is so well-known a

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periodical, and so firmly planted in popular favour, that it is needless to say much about it. It maintains just proportions of the various things which young readers will like....

The Art Journal. (J. S. Virtue and Co.)—This oldest of

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the art periodicals continues to hold its own with its rivals. Its eight etchings, two of them by Mr. C. 0. Murray, and one an original Work by Mr. Edgar Barclay, four...

We welcome another volume of Our Darlings, edited by Dr.

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Bernardo (John F. Shaw).—This "Children's Treasury of Pic- tures and Stories" will meet, we are sure, with a hearty recep- tion, both for its own sake, and for the sake of its...

A Romance of Lincoln's Inn. By Sarah Doudney. (S. W.

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Partridge.)—There is not much to be said about this story. As a tale, it is poor ; but, as one expects in any work that comes from Miss Doudney's pen, it is well written....

Jim and Napoleon.' By Lydia Phillips. (Religious Tract Society.)—Miss Phillips

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enforces an excellent moral. Jim, a waif of the streets, is kept from altogether going to the bad by love for his cat Napoleon: He stints himself to give the creature some food....

A Commonplace Woman. By A. Fraser Robertson. (Religious Tract Society.)—Kate

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Crawford, coming to live with her brother and his wife, thinks very meanly of the pair. They are common- place themselves ; they do not appreciate her. How she finds out her...

A Garland of Country Song. Collected and arranged by S.

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Baring-Gould and H. Fleetwood Sheppard. (Methuen.)—Here we have fifty songs, each accompanied by its "traditional" melody. Mr. Baring-Gould, who is learned in these matters,...

Harry's Trip to India, By the Rev. W. J. Wilkins.

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(Religious Tract Society.)—Harry Scott, sent, for health's sake, on a voyage to India, makes good use of his opportunities. His introduction to the country is made by a relative...

Fairy-Tales. By Basil Field. (Horace Cox.)—This is a beautifully printed

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and beautifully illustrated volume of fairy- tales, which are quite original, and the author of which has set himself not to edify, but merely to amuse. The first, which bears...


The Spectator

GIFT-BOOKS. The Magazine of Art. (Cassell and Co.)—This art periodical fully maintains its character for attractiveness and interest. The etchings and photogravures keep up...

Sir Henry Layard : his Adventures and Discoveries. By Alfred

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E. Lomax. (Sunday School Union.)—This is one of the "Splendid Lives" Series, in which, indeed, the story of Layard's life and work well deserves a place. Many qualities were...

The New Fairy - Book Edited by William Andrews. (William Andrews and

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Co., Hull.)—Although Mr. Andrews does not, in this volume, attempt anything in the shape of competition with the well.known series of fairy-books for which Mr. Andrew Lang is...

We have received from Messrs. Routledge and Sons a new

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edition of Gulliver's Travels, Adapted for the Young, — a necessary thing to do, even the strongest advocate of the "whole truth" would, we imagine, admit. All four parts,...

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We are very glad to see a new edition of

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"The Sea-Stories of Michael Scott" (Gibbings and Co.). Tom Cringle's Log (2 vols.). with two illustrations by Frank Brangwyn in each volume, is the first instalment. Michael...

Noel : a Book of Carols for Christmastide. (David Nutt.)—There

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is no doubt about the beauty of the music in this book, which is contributed by Mr. H. A. Vincent Ransom, or of the fantastic power of the illustrations, which, with the carols...

Laboratory Manual of Physics and Applied Electricity. Vol. I., arranged

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and edited by Professor E. Nichols. (Macmillan ) — This is a junior course, and a comprehensive one. It is well furnished with all the necessary formulas for experiments and...

flighlatad Cousins. By William Black. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.)—We

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may take this novel as a sort of counterpart to " A Princess of Thule." Jessie Maclean is also a beauty of the Hebrides, but she has nothing of the Princess about her, except it...

Daily Bible Readings from the Church Services. Selected by Francee

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Arnold-Forster. (Skeffington and Son.)—The selector of these readings has availed herself of the whole range of the appointed services. The Psalms and Ordinary Lessons are...

Economic Geology of the United States. By Professor Ralph S.

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Tarr. (Macmillan.)—Apart from the usefulness of this book as a guide to the valuable minerals of the United States, it possesses the interest naturally attaching to the...

Agricultural Zoology. By Dr. J. Ritzetna Boa. (Chapman and Hall.)—Dr.

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Boa's book has been translated by Mr. Ainsworth Davis, and has an introduction by Miss Ormerod. That it is interesting we may assure all concerned in agriculture. The method of...

Post-Offloe London Directory, 1895. (Kelly and Son.)—This huge volume grows

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and grows, like the city to which it supplies so marvellously complete a guide. Its bulk has increased since last year by scores of pages. In the matter of late corrections, the...

The Cheltenham College Ladies Magazine, Autumn. (T. Hailing, Cheltenham.)—It is

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not often that we see a college or school magazine so good in quality. The writers have a " college " qualification, now and then a little extended, as when a " son-in- law"...