22 AUGUST 1903

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All this while "the Powers" are in commotion. Opinion in

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Rarssia, inflamed by the murder of the Russian Consul, M. Rostkovskv. almost compels the authorities to act; and the Government, besides demanding the execution of the...

It is necessary, if we are to comprehend affairs in

The Spectator

the Near East, to draw a careful distinction between the insurrection in Ma.cedonia, and the action of the Powers in consequence of that insurrection. The "general rising" which...


The Spectator

T HE country has been greatly concerned all through the week at Lord Salisbury's condition. The alarming nature of the earlier bulletins was increased by the announce- ment on...

One of the complications of the Macedonian muddle is the

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possible attitude of Servia. King Peter is trying to eman- cipate himself, with the aid of the Radical party, from the control of the officers who killed King Alexander, but has...

In support of these demands, and possibly also to overawe

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Bulgaria, a Russian squadron has been despatched to Turkish waters, and is now anchored in Iniada Bay, on the Black Sea, some sixty miles from the Bosphorus. Ger- many, though...

• The Madrid correspondent of the Times evidently expects a

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revolution in Spain. In a long and most interesting letter published on Tuesday he explains that all classes of the people, peasants as well as bourgeoisie and artisans, have...

0 * * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

The Spectator


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But though we welcome the experiment, Mr. Pulitzer will, we

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fear, find that his larger ideas will fail. He might as well try to breed poets as journalists. No education, no training, no gifts even, will make a successful journalist...

The verdict in the Humbert case has not reached us

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in time for this issue, the speeches of the Procureur-General and of the prisoners' counsel having occupied rather more time than was expected. The former gave the jury a long...

Full details are given in Monday's Times of the School

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of Journalism at Columbia University endowed by Mr. Pulitzer, the proprietor of the New York World, which is to be opened next year. It is pointed out that there are two...

M. Pelletan, the French Minister of Marine, has made a

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bold, perhaps even an unwarrantable, experiment. He has been dissatisfied with the usual tests for ironclads, and ordered the Suffren,' a fully armed man-of-war, to be attacked...

It is at last admitted semi-officially that the Austrian Government

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claimed and exercised its ancient right of veto, inherited from the days when there was but one Emperor in Europe, to prohibit the election of Cardinal Rampolla. Count...

The campaign in Northern Nigeria against the Fulahs has been

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brought to a successful conclusion. On Thursday tele- grams were received at the Colonial Office announcing that the town of Burmi, which was unsuccessfully attacked in the...

A terrible cyclone, which lasted from midnight on Monday, August

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10th, to 7 a.m. on the following day, has devastated great part of the island of Jamaica. Kingston suffered greatly, but Port Antonio, the depot of the American fruit trade, and...

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The papers are telling a story of a multi-millionaire, one

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Pedro Alvarado, who has just died in Mexico. Four years ago he was a working miner, but he discovered the Palmillo silver mine, and became suddenly immensely rich. His wealth...

The newspapers of last Saturday published a very striking letter

The Spectator

dealing with the fiscal controversy signed by fourteen Professors and Lecturers of Political Economy, among whom are Mr. Leonard Courtney, Mr. Edgeworth, Mr. Alfred Mar- shall,...

On Tuesday was published a letter from Mr. Chamberlain addressed

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to Mr. Boscawen which contains the following statement :—" I have never suggested any tax whatever on raw materials, such as wool or cotton, and I believe that such a tax is...

Mr. Chamberlain's fiscal policy has acted as a splendid tonic

The Spectator

to Sir William Harcourt. No better evidence of his welcome restoration to health could be forthcoming than his vigorous, witty, and genial letter in the Times of Wednesday....

Mr. Chamberlain will, of course, be able to do nothing

The Spectator

of the kind. No doubt he can take part of the duties off tea and sugar and tobacco, but if he does he will not be able to recover the money lost to the Treasury by a bread and...

A tax on corn, continues Sir William Harcourt, is not

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only essential to the realisation of "the Chamberlain policy," but it must be a considerable tax, and "all the ability of Mr. Chamberlain will fail to convince the most simple...

Bank Rate, 3 per cent.

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Consols (21 per mot.) were on Friday 901.

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THE GROWTH OF THE NATION'S WEALTH. T HE most striking comment yet made on Mr. Chamber- lain's policy is one not made consciously or directly, or by any partisan, but...

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THE POSITION IN MACEDO T HE condition of affairs in the

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Near East b4o mes more and, more threatening. Amidst the shower of lies— most of them deliberate—which arrive daily from Con- stantinople, it is becoming clear that the general...

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MR. JOHN HAY. T HE news that arrangements have been made

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for the signing of the Commercial Treaty between the United States and China, including a clause providing for the opening of the ports of Mukden and Ta-tung- tao, on October...

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TS the Czar by any chance copying the British Govern- ." Ment in its method of providing for the government Of India? The creation of a Viceroyalty of the Far East at least...

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M R. CHAMBERLAIN'S utterances have of late assumed a character which makes a commentator a useful, if not a necessary, part of his political equip- ment. The sacred text is...

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A CORRESPONDENT of the Daily Mail has been exercising himself about "a new peril,"—the man who has more money than he can conveniently spend, or, as he has been called, the...

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I T is a pleasant sensation to wake up in the morning and feel that one is a guest. Strange wall-papers and strange furni- ture surround one's bed, and there is a strange view...

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T HE town-bred child haa nothing to replace that vista of dreams which the country child can retrieve at will. He moves in set and ordered ways, even as the stars in their...

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THE LATE MRS. MARILLA INGALLS. [To THE EDITOR OD TH1 " SPECTATOR."] Sfa,—I wish to be permitted to say a few words regarding the life and work of Mrs. Maxilla B. Ingalls, an...

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MACEDONIA AND THE GREAT CHRISTIAN POWERS. [TO THR EDITOR OP TIM *SPECTATOR.') Sin,—People are now attributing the present deplorable con- dition of Macedonia to the dissensions...


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[To THR EDITOR OD THR " SPECTATOR.1 STR,—You have often pointed out to us the injustice suffered in other less wise and happy countries of the world by the citizen who, when he...

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"SFECTATOR.1 Sut,—The letter of Mr. Cooper (Spectator, August 15th), and your comments upon it, require some notice, and I would ask your indulgence if, in default of a better...


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• [To THE EDITOR . 05 . TRE "srsorkioa."] • Susr—As a farm labourer, I choose to call Protection 'False- trade, and think that what is called. Free-trade might be much freer to...


The Spectator

[To THE EDF/OR ON THE " SPROTATOIL".1 SLE,—Being deeply interested in the subject mainly occupy- ing the tapir just now, I invested in a Spectator for the first time in my...


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THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—The exhaustion of the natural fertility of soils by long- continued corn-growing is not understood as it should be. Admirable as were the experiments in...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—Your correspondent, Mr. Booth, gives some very inter- esting facts about the milling trade in Liverpool in the Spectator of August 15th....

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"] SIR,—The instance given by

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your correspondent, Mr. Arthur Platt (Spectator, August 15th), of the loser of " LG0,000 in five years" in the flour-milling trade is one which has not the slightest bearing...


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SIR,—Y011 make in the Spectator of August 8th what appears to me a most astonishingly inaccurate statement as to the cause of the decay of the agricultural industry in this...

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[To TIM EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Rees (July 18th) and Mr. Harry Jones (July 25th) have between them succeeded in proving that the tin- plate trade of South Wales is quite as...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May not the decay of the plush and aniline industries in England be in some measure attributed to the changes in taste and of fashion ?...

[To TILE EDITOR OP THE "spicrievon..1 Sin,—Sir Joseph Lawrence, M.P.,

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who has been painting in the Times a doleful picture of the tinplate trade as an industry ruined by hostile tariffs, will be interested to learn that Sir John Jones Jenkins, a...

[To THE EDITOR OE TIlE "SPECTATOR."] S111,—An instance of an

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industry ruined by Free-trade appears to be afforded by the thread trade. In 1885 Marshall's firm had a large thread factory at Leeds and another at Shrewsbury. The heavy...

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[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR, —Will you permit me through your columns to make an appeal to Free-traders without regard to party distinctions to support the Cobden...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Srn.,—A constant reader for over twenty-five years of your valuable paper, but by no means an out-and-out supporter of your views on fiscal...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECT■TQR:1 Sin,—Your footnote is, perhaps, a sufficient answer to Mr. Czarnikow (Spectator, August 15th); and one certainly gets tired of following the...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR.'i SIR,—The questions contained in the letter on "Classical Quotations" in the Spectator of August 8th tempt me to ask a similar question about...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] ;...iiu,—The enclosed cutting from the Iron Age of July 23rd may interest your readers.—I am, Sir, &a., . 24 Pitudrary Square, London, B.C....

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sra,—Will you excuse me if I say that the phrase "I want to know !" (Spectator, August 8th) is not generally used by Americans as an...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR."] SIE,—In my letter, published by you in the Spectator of August 15th, under the heading "The Dublin Populace and the King's Visit," there is a...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIB,—Perhaps it is worth while, as the topic has found a place in your columns, to point out that Pinder was not a worshipper of wealth, and...


The Spectator

MACAULAY'S ESSAYS.* THE time has only just come when it is possible to arrive at a fair judgment of Macaulay's indubitable talent. He was so vastly overpraised in his own day,...


The Spectator

THE OLD POET. 1In memory of Richard Wilton, poet and divine ; born 1827; died August 10th, 1903.] LET OW unrestful spirits pay The homage of a sigh to one, The poet of an...

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COBDEN AND THE CORN-LAWS.* ONE of the commonest cant phrases

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of the present con- troversy is that it is worse than useless to quote Cobden or the early Free-traders. If it is merely meant that the con- ditions have changed, that...

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MR. SAVAGE LANDOE entered Persia by way of the Caspian Sea, and journeyed through Teheran, Isfahan, Yezd, to Kerman ; and then, making a wide loop up to Birjand and down to...

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NAPLES IN 1799.* Ix her very interesting but scarcely unbiassed

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account of that melancholy fiasco called the Parthenopean Republic, Signora Giglioli uses many hard words about Nelson's part in its tragic downfall. Her indictment is long and...

Page 23

A Gentleman of the South. Edited, without change, from the

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MS. Memoirs of Colonel Stanton Elmore by William Garrott Brown. (Macmillan and Co. 6s.)—As with all novels dealing with the Southern States of America, an atmosphere of pro-...

Jerusalem. Translated from the Swedish of Selma LagerlOf by Jessie

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Brochner. (W. Heinemann. 6s.)—This book also is melan- choly reading, though its sadness is of the North, not of the South. The story deals with the inhabitants of a Swedish...


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'1 LIE CALL OF THE WILD, ANIMALS have long played an important and honoured part in the region of the fairy-tale, while in poetic narrative they have figured prominently from...

Page 24

Chris of All Kinds. By S. Baring-Gould. (Methuen and Co.

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6s.)—Mr. Baring-Gould is effective in this story, as, indeed, he never fails to be in whatever he may see fit to write. It is not difficult to point out faults. The chief of...


The Spectator

A 'ITMELY BOOK. The Free - Trade Movement and its Results. By G. Armitage- Smith, M.A., Principal of the Birkbeck College. Second Edition. (Mackie and Son. 2s. 6d.)—This is an...


The Spectator

Free-Trade and other Fundamental Doctrines of the Manchester School. Edited, with an Introduction, by Francis W. Hirst. (Harper and Brothers. 5s. net.)--From this volume may be...


The Spectator

[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as hays not We reserved for review in other forms.] Baptism and Christian Archaeology. By Clement F. Rogers, MA. (The...

Sweet "Doll" of Haddon Hall. By J. E. Muddock. (J.

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Long. 6s.)—Mr. Muddock has not succeeded in making the personages of his story live. They appear on the stage, and walk about clothed in correct historical costume, but somehow...

The Countess, and The King's Diary. By Percy White. (Eveleigh

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Nash. 6s.)—The second of these stories is a most drearily sad production, and the reader sees no particular reason why the history of so unhappy a man as Archibald Seaton should...

Buddhist India. By T. W. Rhys Davids, LL.D. (T. Fisher

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Unwin. 5s.)—Professor Rhys Davids undertakes in this volume to tell the story of India—i.e., of India in the flourishing period of Buddhism—from the Buddhist, as distinguished...

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Doubts About Darwinism. By a Semi-Darwinian. (Longmans and Co. 35.

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6d.)—Whatever may be the argumentative force of this little book, it is certainly an admirable example of the manner in which argument should be used. There could not be a...

Stevenson's Shrine: the Record of a Pilgrimage. By Laura Stubbs.

The Spectator

(A. Moring. 5s. net.)—This "pilgrimage" was made, it appears, eleven years ago. The first chapter is given to pre- liminary portions of the voyage ; the second brings us to...

After a considerable interval we have another of "Murray's Handy

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Classical Maps," edited by G. B. Grundy, M.A. (John Murray, is. net), Asia Minor, with Index, edited by J. G. C. Anderson, M.A. The plan of the maps, we may explain for the...

Another addition to the already long list of books on

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gardening is A Concise Handbook of Garden Flowers, by H. M. Batson (Methuen and Co., 3s. 6d.) Mr. Batson adopts the alphabetical order. His space, in view of the size of the...

NEw EnrrioNs.—In the "Library of Standard Biographies" (Hutchinson and Co.,

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Is. net), The Life of Oliver Goldsmith, by John Forster, edited by Roger Ingpen. This is a reprint from the third and abridged edition. The editor has added a few notes, and...