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The German festivities did not, it appears, pass off without

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one fearful outbreak of the evil military spirit. On the night of Satur- day the 7th September, when the three Emperors dined together in private with their Ministers, there was...

The Lord Chief Justice (Sir A. Cockburn) supported,—though on grounds

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not yet assigned, and not on the now published grounds of the other Arbitrators,—the judgment against the Alabama, but differed from the judgment against the Florida, which was...

There has been plenty of fresh news of no great

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value concern- ing the meeting of the Emperors and its object. It is asserted in several different quarters that the Emperor Francis mooted the subject of the Treaty of Prague...


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T HE Geneva Judgment finds us guilty of negligence as regards three vessels, the Alabama, the Florida (not the Georgia, as was rumoured), and the Shenandoah, and condemns us to...

The writer of the City Article in Thursday's Times must

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have been dreaming when he spoke of the indemnity which we shall have to pay to the United States twelve months hence without return, as one of the elements tending to the rise...

M. Thiera' visit to Havre last Saturday was turned into

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a sort of modest counter-demonstration to the festivities at Berlin,—an offi- cial attestation that France still believes in herself, and is not without external friends....

The Czar is said to have acted at the Berlin

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meeting the part of l'ami de la ,naison,—not to have stood on his rank, but to have played the mere admiring nephew to his imperial uncle ; and joined in treating the Emperor...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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None know better than Prince Bismarck how to make the

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weak things of the world not confound,' but confirm the mighty_ Mr. Arthur Kinnaird, M.P., speaking for the (Protestant) Arch- bishop of Armagh and a handful of other...

The Municipal Ballot at Birmingham was for the election of

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a . Town Councillor, and the issue taken was on the Education ques- tion,—for religious or secular education. The number of votes polled was less than a third of the total...

The Preston election ended in the return of the Conservative

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candidate, Mr. Holker, by a majority of 718 votes (Holker, 4,542 ; German, 3,824). The Conservative card system,—the system by which each reputed Conservative elector received a...

Nevertheless, we think that no candidate's agent should be permitted,

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at least in the vicinity of any polling-booth, to ask any man, directly or indirectly, how be had voted. No doubt these voting-cards are not real evidence of the vote, and might...

A case has occurred in the Gironde which shows that

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a French , jury understands the conditions of religious liberty. A Protestant pastor, named Steeg, the editor of a paper called the Progres des- Communes, was libelled last week...

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Here is a delicious story illustrative of the religious impotence

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of two sharp Yankees suddenly confronted with death. They were iu a yacht on the Delaware river, in imminent danger of wreck. "Seth," said Peleg, " say a prayer." " I can't,"...

Consols were on Friday 92i to I for money.

The Spectator

The danger of the Bakers' Strike is not yet at

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an end, as the journeymen bakers seem very reluctant to give up the absolute rule of from 4 o'clock to 4, even in night-shops, where the masters promise to pay at a higher rate...

The new Bavarian Ministry of Herr von Gasser, appears at

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length to have been, after great difficulties, constructed. But it is certainly not a very ' particularist' Ministry, after all. Herr von Gasser has got one colleague who is a...

We trust that the report given with some confidence in

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yester- day's Lancet, that Mr. Stansfeld is about to appoint as Inspectors under the new Sanitary Act chiefly junior laymen, and not edu- cated medical men, is not true. We have...

Mr. Thomas Hughes, M.P., addressed his constituents at Frome on

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Tuesday, in a meeting of a turbulent character, of which some very erroneous reports have gained currency. The newspapers have, by implication at least, accused the...

M. About has been apprehended at Saverne, and lodged in

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prison in Strasburg. The accusation brought against him is not known. He was at Saverne to exercise his "option" as a native of Alsace-Lor- raine in favour of France, and had no...

The Duke of Rutland, a somewhat eccentric speaker, seems to

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have made both a sensible and very good-humoured speech at Derby, on Wednesday, at an annual dinner of the Agricultural and Horticul- tural Sociey. He defended the strong...

Lieutenant Dawson published in the Times of Wednesday what he

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calls his "first and last manifesto" in answer to the censure pronounced upon him by the Special Committee of the Royal Geo- graphical Society for not pursuing his journey to...

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THE GENEVA JUDGMENT AND THE FUTURE. T HE Geneva Judgment can hardly be expected to.be at first received in England with much gratulation. There is no denying that on some...

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As to the other great principle laid down by the

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Arbi- bauchery than the old public elections, but how much trators, that a neutral's " due diligence " in preventing the of this is due to the abolition of nomination-days, with...

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E VEN the Ku-Klux outrages hardly appear to us of such decidedly evil omen for the future of the South as does the repudiation of a portion of her Debt by the State of Georgia....

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T HE Spanish Premier must be an exceedingly wise or an exceedingly rash man to come before the Cortes with the enormous programme announced in the Royal Speech on Sunday last,...

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I N his Address to the Jurisprudence Department of the 1 Social Science Congress at Plymouth, Sir John Coleridge necessarily embraced an immense number of topics of very various...

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CHURCH AUTHORITY IN EXTREMIS. T HERE is something pathetic in the

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fresh evidence which every week brings that religious men in all directions are groping painfully for something which shall be at once an authority on which to lean, and no...

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T HE news has just reached us from Denmark of the death of the most venerable man of letters in Europe, who had almost completed the round of ninety years, and whose faculties,...

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T HE usual autumn cry is being raised—was raised by a great hotel-frequenter in Wednesday's Times—for English tables d'hote, both for breakfast and dinner ; and we should be the...

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THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—I only venture to intrude upon you because I come, in some sense, in the interest of public morality, and this makes my mission respectable. Mr. John...


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DARWINISM AND THEOLOGY.-1.11. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, —Another head of offence in Mr. Darwin's theory, beyond those referred to in my previous letters is...

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THE "SPECTATOR. ") SIR,—It is to be hoped that Mr. Brooke Lambert's manly and out- spoken sermon the other day, before the Social Science Association, may do something to...

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[TO THE EDITOR, OF THE "SPECTATOR.") owe it to "A Radical Squire" to say that I have read with great interest his letter published in your last number, and that I feel to some...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The system of examination which is now being brought forward and urged as so important a part of the education of women, no less than...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 Sin,—Your correspondent " A Lover of Books" has called attention to a want which might easily be remedied. The strictures of the French...


The Spectator

GOD'S WAYS. Got , speaks to hearts of men in many ways : Some the red banner of the rising sun Spread o'er the snow-clad hills, has taught His praise ; Some the sweet silence...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] Sin, —" A Radical Squire " thinks it a strange notion of mine that the labourers' friends are simply asking that certain allow- ances in...


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THE laughing children playing on the shore Heed nothing but their sport ; the boundless sky, The ocean that with languid waves doth sigh Or hurls its thunder with a wild uproar,...

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DR. LIDDON'S ELEMENTS OF RELIGION.* Tars is a fine series of lectures, in which our readers will find some of the most candid, temperate, and thoughtful answers which have ever...

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JAVA.* " I was there, such things befell me," are

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the words from La Fontaine with which the Comte (now Marquis) de Beauvoir prefaces the wonderful story of his visit to Java, in 1866, an incident of his voyage round the world...

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MA. HELPS has succeeded in what ought to be the object of every biographer,—not so much to tell us what the subject of his memoir did, or even thought, but, if he be worth a...

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LIFE OF ST. JANE FRANCES.* Wrrn the noble life of

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Mother Margaret' still in our memory— fresh from inspecting the self-sacrificing labours of the sisters at the Hotel Dieu—and with a vivid remembrance of the faces of many of...

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THE title of this volume is not inappropriate. In a number of brief lyrics and in a variety of metres, Mr. Moore describes, or attempts to describe, the aspects of nature in...

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Greville Landon. By Pier Lisle. 3 vole. (Chapman and Hall.)—

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The author overrates, if not his own powers, certainly those of the human race. Greville Landon is one of the very longest novels that we have ever seen, and it scarcely...


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The Queer Things of the Service : illustrated in the Correspondence between Mr. .7oseph Meanwell, at the Antipodes, and Sir John Shortbill, Knt., of London. Edited by James...

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KAY - SHUTTLEWORTFI — On Saturday, the 14th inst., mtat 55, at the Bathe of Soden, Lady Kay-Shuttleworth, the beloved wife of Sir James Kay-Shuttleworth, of Gawthorpe Hall,...


The Spectator

Army of the North-German Confederation, by a Prussian General, Svo (King) 5/0 Beecher (It. W.), One Thousand Gems from, by Evans (Hodder & Stoughton) 5/0 Beecher (II. W.),...