21 OCTOBER 1899

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It is stated in a serious way that the French

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Government is at last alarmed at the perpetual increase of expenditure. The country Deputies are becoming restive from fear of their constituents, one or two taxes have ceased...


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U P to noon on Friday no news of a decisive action had arrived from South Africa, but at the moment of our going to press War Office telegrams came to hand, supple- mented by...

The Austrian Government after a long struggle, during which Premier

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after Premier has fallen, has abandoned its effort to establish legal equality throughout the Cisleithan States. The "Language Ordinances" by which German was deposed from its...

It seems to be admitted on all hands that the

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Foreign Office is much occupied with the affairs of Samoa. German public opinion is much inflamed, and the Emperor is said to be urgent in insisting that the islands, which now...

We cannot say that justice has overtaken Captain Voulet and

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Lieutenant Chanoine, but retribution has. Just at the moment when a memorial service was being performed in Paris in honour of Colonel Klobb, news was received that his...

*** The Editors cannot wndertake to return Manuscript, in any

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In the debate on the Address in the House of

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Lords Lord Kimberley spoke for the Opposition. His speech was well described by Lord Salisbury when he said that the first part of it filled him with despair because he found...

On Monday a meeting was held in the Guildhall, the

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Lord Mayor presiding, for the purpose of expressing approval of the policy of the Government in regard to South Africa. The meeting was in every way representative of the City,...

The Norwegians have taken another step forward to entire independence

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of Sweden. The popular party has just drawn up its programme, and its essential point is "independence," to be brought about by means of a separate Norwegian Ministry for...

The really important passage in Lord Salisbury's speech was that

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at its close. With regard to the future there must, he said, be no doubt that the sovereign power of England is paramount; there must be no doubt that the white races will be...

After Mr. Balfour's speech the debate degenerated into an Irish

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wrangle, Mr. Dillon moving a long and laboured amend- ment denouncing an ignominious war with "two small nations numbering in all two hundred thousand souls." We cannot profess...

Parliament met on Tuesday. The Queen's Speech was short and

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confined to a single point,—the need for calling out the Reserves owing to the state of affairs in South Africa. and for providing for the extra expenditure required. The word "...

In the House of Commons, Sir Henry Campbell-Banner- man made

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one of those hedging speeches for which he is becoming famous. He cheered the Government as a patriot, but at the same time he felt bound to point out that they had entirely...

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The debate was continued on Wednesday by Mr. Philip Stanhope,

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who moved an amendment expressing "strong disapproval" of the conduct of the negotiations "which have involved ns in hostilities with the two South African Re- publics." Sir...

On Thursday Mr. Chamberlain opened a long and trenchant speech

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in defence of the policy of the Government by a handsome tribute to the tone and substance of Sir William Harcourt's arraignment. He declared that he preferred the open opposi-...

On Wednesday the Speaker read to the Commons a Queen's

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Message, stating that a proclamation was about to be issued embodying the Militia and calling out the Militia Reserve "or such part thereof as her Majesty shall think necessary,...

Major F. Baden-Powell informs the Times that he has just

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inspected the aerial steamship now building in Ger- many, which will, he expects, in a few weeks commence its voyages. It is in appearance " a huge bird-cage " of aluminium, a...

From 1881 onwards, continued Mr. Chamberlain, the Boers had been

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patiently and persistently endeavouring to oust the Queen from her suzerainty, until at last they threw off the mask and declared themselves a sovereign independent State, After...

All who care to read narratives of adventure should study

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the account of the wreck of the `Scotsman' on Septem- ber 21st on a little island off the coast of Labrador. It was written by Mr. E. Coleman and corrected by Mr. Maurice...

Bank Rate, 5 per cent. New Consols (21) were on

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Friday 1031.

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• RECONSTRUCTION. -FI ORD SALISBURY has most wisely refused to pledge the Government in any sort of way in regard to the final settlement in South Africa. Owing to this, and...

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NO one who reads carefully Mr. St. George Mivart's letter in the Times of Tuesday will regard us as using the language of exaggeration when we speak of the peril of the Roman...

THE NEW LIBERAL DANGER. T HE Liberal party is just now

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most unfortunate, and that in a way which threatens one of the greatest interests of the country. They lost their best men and their most influential supporters over the...

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I F we were quite sure, which we are not, that the difficulty could be overcome by human wisdom, we should say that the statesmanship of Europe in dealing with the question of...


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I T is not often that political prophecy is fulfilled, but we think we may take credit to ourselves for a prophecy which is, at least, in course of fulfilment. In dealing last...

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V ERY few of the practices which seem irrational, but are found to exist in many tribes at great distances of space and time, are wholly without some explanation in utility, and...

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L ONDON during the past fortnight has had plenty of proofs of the work done by the Church of England, and the doings of the great Nonconformist bodies are always in evidence. We...

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T HE collection at the Zoo of all the equine animals, whether zebras or wild asses, now found on the globe, gives ample scope for conjecture as to how the horse as we know it...

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THE NEW LIBERAL CATHOLICISM. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] desire to draw attention to the remarkable exposition of the new spirit of Liberal Catholicism which is...

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THE MOTIVE OF THE FREE STATE. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, —The vehemence of President Steyn and the suicidal conduct of the Free State Government in the present...


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(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—May I again ask for the hospitality of your columns in order to reply, very briefly, to the criticism of my letter by " Africanus " in...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR, —Your reviewer of my " King Robert the Bruce " (" Famous Scots Series") says :—" Mr. Murison does not profess to throw any fresh light...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Is it allowable to express some modest doubts about year very interesting article in the Spectator of October 14th concerning unlucky...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Mr. Reginald Statham's amplified account of the dis- tinguished dinner party at Pietermaritzburg, some eighteen years ago, is not in...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Your timely and insistent note in the Spectator of October 14th on the " Queen Victoria Clergy Fund" is a strong appeal to all true...


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[To THE EDITOR or THE "CPFCTATOR."] SIR,—On the afternoon of Wednesday, October 11th, at 3 o'clock—by Transvaal time 5 o'clock, and so at the very moment when the Boers...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.' SIR, —Every one knows the wonderful keenness of scent which dogs possess, and many illustrations of this will recur to your readers, but it...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The motor-car divides with President Kruger the honour of being the hero of the autumn. Even the reason- able Spectator (on September...

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THE CULT OF THE ORCHESTRA. THOUGH the cult of the orchestra has undoubtedly attained startling dimensions within the last ten years, many of the special features of modern...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIB,—There is something sad and pathetic about the hasty utterances and false logic of the extreme sacerdotalists, and for this reason,...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:I SIR,—The following information, which was quite new to three distinguished individuals to whom I mentioned it, may not be without interest to...


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THE SAILING OF THE LONG-SHIPS. OCTOBER, 1899. THEY saw the cables loosened, they saw the gangways cleared, They heard the women weeping, they heard the men that cheered, Far...

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IT is curious to reflect how many ways there are of producing the likeness of a person by drawing or painting on a flat sur- face. The methods vary so much, and indeed often...


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STALKY AND CO.* Tins is in many ways one of the most striking and interest- ing books Mr. Kipling has yet written, though it will not, we expect, earn any very great popularity....

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AUSTRALIAN BUSHRANGERS.* Ma. BOXALL, who has told the tale of

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the Australian bush• rangers, is rather industrious than picturesque. He has gathered together a vast deal of information, but he has spent so little trouble in its arrangement...

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NATURALISM AND AGNOSTICISM.• PROFESSOR WARD, whose excellent account of the

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psychology of Herbart marked him out as a careful and trained thinker, has now given us a work which does much to redeem Cam- bridge as a centre of philosophical thought, and...

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NOVELS OF THE WEEK.* YEARS ago, when Madame Ristori was

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playing Lady Macbeth in Manchester in English, her strange accent led to some rude remarks from the gallery, and these in turn provoked an indignant letter in the local Press...

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The Art of Thinking. By T. Sharper Knowlson. (F. Warne

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and Co. 2s. 6d.)—Mr. Knowlson gives plenty of good advice, and arranges it in an orderly fashion that will doubtless add to its usefulness. There are some specially good remarks...


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SOME BOOKS OF THE WEEK. ,Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been yeserval for review in other forms.] Realms of Gold. By John Dennis. (Grant...

A Day in my Clerical Life. By the Rev. R.

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E. Veagh. (T. Fisher Unwin. 38. 6d.)—" Veagh" is, we presume, a pseudonym, and the "Archdeacon Veagh" who is reported as recommending his clergy to " cultivate a sense of humour...

The Century, May - October, 1899. (Macmillan and Co. 108. 6d.) —This

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volume of the Century is not the less interesting, at least to the English reader, because there is not a word, as far as we have observed, about the Civil War. That subject is...

Peaks and Pines. By J. A. Lees. (Longmans and Co.

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Os.)--. " Life would be tolerable but for its amusements," said an eminent sage, and Mr. Lees would be amusing but for his fun. He is a sportsman, though the account of the not...

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A pathetic interest attaches to How to Tie Flies for

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Trout and grayling, by H. G. McClelland (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co., es.) The author contributed under a pseudonym a series of articles on fly-tying to the Fishing Gazette....

England in the Nineteenth Century. By C. W. Oman. (E.

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Arnold. 3s. 6d.)—Mr. Oman, whose " History of England " has had a deservedly great success, carries it to the present time in this volume. His book will be more than commonly...

TREOLOGY.—Doubt and Faith. By E. J. Hardy, M.A. (T. Fisher

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Unwin. 6s.)—Mr. Hardy, who attracted many readers by his "How to be Happy though Married," was appointed to deliver the Donnellan Lectures at Trinity College, Dublin. He has...

Of technical books on various subjects we have to mention

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Optics, by A. S. Percival, M.B. (Macmillan and Co., 10s. net). Mr. Percival explains that he writes in the first place for students of ophthalmic medicine. It is obvious that...

Johnson Club Papers. By Various Hands. (T. Fisher Unwin.

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Gd. net.)—It is only to be expected that these fifteen papers should be of varying merit. It could not be hoped that every contributor should write as well as Mr. Augustine...

GIFT-BOOKS.—Wars of the 'Nineties. By A. Hilliard Atteridge. (Cassell and

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Co. 7s. 6d.)—The last decade of the century has yet more than a year before it is completed, and here is a big volume of more than eight hundred pages taken up with the story of...

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New EnmoNs.—The Sonnets of William Shakespeare. (G. Bell and Sons.

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2s. 6d. net.)—In the series of " Temple Dramatists " (J. M. Dent and Co.) we have Thomas Otway's Venice Preserved (1s. net), edited by Israel Gollanez. The play was first acted...