21 NOVEMBER 1846

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There is a commotion also, if not within our Cabinet,

The Spectator

yet about it. This dull season is always rife in rumours. In the miipt of the dark tunnel of the recess, just as we lose the light of last ses- sion, when the state train ran in...

That numerous class of politicians, the suspicious and discon- tented,

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begin to scrutinize in no very satisfied mood the position of Ministers towards the O'Contiells. The complaint is, that by official patronage and countenance, the Agitator and...


The Spectator

THE most striking occurrence of the week is not an event, but some writing, highly . Palmerstonian in its savour. According to this characteristic effusion, all Europe is about...

Much industry is bestowed just at present on a mercantile

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movement to reduce the Tea-duties. It would be very desirable to have no duty on tea ; desirable to have a smaller duty : but at present the question is one of revenue. The...

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The annual festival of the friends of Polish nationality took place on Wednesday evening, in Guildhall. The interest in this reunion has been observed to flag of late years; but...

Zbe Court.

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Tau Court has left Windsor Castle for the Isle of Wight. The Queen, Prince Albert, and the Royal Family, departed on Wednesday morning, and arrived at Osborne House early in the...

As a result of discussions in the last session of

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the Chambers at Baden, a formal motion is shortly to be made in the Diet of the Confederation at Frankfort for a law regulating the liabilities of authors and publishers in...

A London journal that has deserved praise for its consistent

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ad- vocacy of Italian freedom has this week made a marked change in its mode of commenting on the conduct of Pius the Ninth— one day a eulogy, the next a disparagement. One day...

There is a cry from Cracow, that Austria is about

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to annex that "free" city to her territory ; the " experiment " of its inde- pendence having failed. The Augsburg Gazette announces that the three Protecting Powers, Russia,...

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Vrbt Probintts.

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Mr. John Bright attended a public meeting of Manchester electors on Wednesday, as the chosen candidate to succeed Mr. Mark Philips. He WWI still suffering from indisposition;...

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The employment of the people on public works increases rapidly. Up to the 8th instant the numbers amounted to 150,000. Several vessels have arrived at Cork with supplies of...

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The annual election of a Lord Rector took place in Glasgow University on Monday. The contest was severe, and excited unusual interest from the names set up having been those of...

,foreign anb

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Fxnrcx.—At a Cabinet Council held at St. Cloud on Sunday, the reply of M. Guizot to Lord Palmerston's last note on the Montpensier marriage was definitively approved. This reply...

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We believe that the meeting of Parliament for the despatch of business will not be delayed more than a week beyond the time to which it is pro- rogued. The 19th of January is...

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ARRIVED-At Gravesend, 19th Nov. Hebrides, Meldon, from China. In the Downs, 19th, Glentanner, Brock, from Manilla ; Belle, Tillman ; Carthaginian, Jacks ; and James T. Foord,...

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The Spectator

The smouldering flame of war is again raised in North-western

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Ind*. In second editions, the daily papers publish intelligence brought by two overland mails, from Bombay and Calcutta, with dates respectively to the 8th and 15th of October....

Three English vessels, presumed to form part of the expedition

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under General Flores against the Republic of Ecuador, have been seized by Mr. Forsayth, the principal searcher of the Customs, for a contemplated breach of the Foreign...

Our Frankfort correspondent writes, on the 18th instant-

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" A long list of bank statutes has been published at Berlin, where an official description of the new bank-notes appeared a short time previously. The dilemma r especting...

In the Court of Queen's Bench, yesterday, Lord John Russell

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and several of the Cabinet Ministers took the usual oath of allegiance and supremacy. The Liberal electors of Weymouth held a meeting on Thursday evening, to receive Colonel...

A private letter from Philadelphia informs us of a very

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interesting geolo- gical discovery. About two months ago, Dr. Dickeson of that city had exhumed, near Natchez on the Mississippi, from the depth of one hundred feet below the...

Gravesend has been the scene of another dreadful conflagration. At

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one o'clock yesterday morning, a fire broke out in the house of Mr. Garrett, in West Street; and in a short time it extended in all directions, till it caused the destruction of...

News was received yesterday from Portugal of a very important

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bearing, but in a most imperfect and doubtful shape; and so it remains. The master of a smack, which left the Tagus on the 11th instant, has furnished some further information...

Accounts from Madrid, of the 13th instant, announce that an

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official decree had been published, claiming the monopoly of salt on the part of the Government. The 6th of December is fixed for the general election, and the 25th for the...

A correspondent, who informs us that the Spectator is read

The Spectator

in Germany, and that weight is attached there to our notice of foreign matters, is de- sirens that we should modify an opinion expressed in a recent allusion to the position...

The Spectator

POSTSCRIPT SATURDAY NIGHT. The news respecting the annexation of Cracow is confirmed by the Journal des Debate of Thursday, in a long paper, which, coming from that semi-offi-...

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• The French Theatre in King Street, St. James's, opens

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with a very promising aspect. Mademoiselle Brohan, the soubrette of the Theatre Francais, and daughter of one of the most celebrated soubrettes that ever lived, has come—has...

Two new actors have appeared of late; a Mr. Lester

The Spectator

at the Haymarket, and a Mr. Scott (an American) at the. Princess's. Mr. Lester is a promia- lug light comedian, of good figure and easy address; but he must be seen in some...


The Spectator

At Drury Lane, a great sensation has been produced this week, by the appearance of Mademoiselle Sophie Fuoco, a young and fascinating dansense from the French Academy. In daring...

Some one remarked of Sheridan, that though his productions were

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not very numerous, he had written works which were respectively the very best of their several classes—the best comedy, the best opera, the best farce. Mr. George Bolton, the...


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STOCK EXCUANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Till this morning no transactions of importance had occurred in the English kinds. There was a slight upward tendency observable in...

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THE MINISTRY. To judge by the bubbles on the surface, there would seem to be some ferment in the Cabinet. One of the signs is the very pre- valent rumour that there is a "...


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IT is as little the part of an enemy as of a flatterer to ask the French Government—to ask King Louis Philippe, and his Mi. mater, M. Guizot—what they have gained by the...


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Tax paper which has so long filled the office of leading journal for the Whig party reasserts Lord Palmerston's position in the Montpensier affair. The declaration is provoked...

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A soma occurred at the Mansionhouse, on Saturday, which reads like a passage in the Reports from the Commissioners on the old Poor-law, in 1833 and 1834. Several girls were...


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been a vexed question between the Master of the Rolls and the Treasury for the last eight years. It is impossible that the necessity for building a repository at once should...

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Mn. THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY is not an- orator, nor a rhetorician, but a declaimer. Whatever his other gifts, he has not that in him which forms the great speaker—the...


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OUT of evil cometh . good : even from a disaster which wears an aspect of such unmitigated evil as the death of Mr. Meager by his own hand, a good may be extracted. Why he...

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Td ulvsereaL obx buoXoysiv Tivi alcrxpdv, AXAci anIcILacSeilefeiv e pyw iiorxwv• Thugd. Funeral Oration. To confess poverty is no disgrace : far greater disgrace is it not to...

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POLITICAL CORRESPONDENCE, Correspondence of John. Fourth Duke of Bedford : selected from the Originals at Woburn Abbey. With an Introduction by Lord John Russell. Vol. III....

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IF the library demand is sufficient for a voluminous, elegant, and com- plete edition of Beaumont and Fletcher, here is the supply. The Reverend Mr. Dyce has formed a purer and...

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Is a clever piece of novel-manufacture, rather than a picture of anything that actually exists.' Real life has indeed suggested some of the remelts and a few of the sketches,...

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The Art of Singing at Sight, taught by Progressive Exercises. By James Turk, Organist of Westminster Abbey, and Edward Taylor, Gresham Professor of Music. THE authors of this...


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BOOKS. Memoir of the Life and Services of Vice-Admiral Sir Jahleel Brenton, Baronet, K.C.B. Edited by the Reverend Henry Ilaikes, Chancellor of the Diocese of Chester. King...

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ME. J. Z. BELL'S SCHOOL OF ART. AMONG the facilities recently offered for the study of the arts of design in the Metropolis, the establishment of a school of art on the plan of...

A Mass for Four Voices, with an Accompaniment for the

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Organ. By William Jackson, Masham. Being unacquainted with the name of Mr. Jackson, (we presume he is the organist of a Roman Catholic chapel,) we have perused this mass with...


The Spectator

On the 7th November, at Plymouth, the Lady of W. D. Burnett, Esq., Commander, H. M. S. Alban, of a daughter. On the 7th, at Osberton Hall, the Lady Selina Milton, Wife of George...

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PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Shaw and Maud, Leeds, booksellers—Armstrong and Tucker, Lucas Street, Bother. !tithe, wood-merchants—Bindloss and Nicholson, Kirkland. Westmoreland,...

MILITARY GAZETTE. Friday, Nov. 13, 1846.

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WAR-OFFICE, NOV. 9.—Her Majesty has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned Officers of the East India Company's Forces to take rank by Brevet in her Majesty's Army, in the...

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The Spectator

BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) 3 per CentConsols Ditto forAccount . 3 per Cents Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock, 7 per Cent India stock, 1011 Exchequer Bills,...