21 DECEMBER 1901

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After denouncing the Government for snatching an election in the

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autumn of last year, and declaring that it was a mon- strous in'sult to the nation to say that there was no alterna. tire to the present Government possible—" Sir, in all my...

Lord Rosebery's much-expected speech was delivered on Monday at Chesterfield

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in the carriage-shed of the Lanca- shire, Derbyshire, and East Coast Railway. Oratorically the speech, which lasted just two hours, was a very great success, and clearly showed...


The Spectator

T HE war news of the past week has been without exception good. The captures and surrenders have been very large-- over 'five hundred — and include Kritzinger, the notorious...

" Lord Rosebery ended his speech by the following &clam :

The Spectator

ion :---" I am quite . aware that. my policy does not run on party lines; but it is not to party that I appeal. Party in this matter can avail little or nothing. I appeal . unto...

As for amnesty, Lord Rosebery would grant one at once,

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and would also give civil rights to Boers who had signed a drastic oath of allegiance. Representative self-government could not be given at once, but he would hasten its...

In drawing an indictment against the present Government, Lord Rosebery

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dwelt. upon the fact that they had not "probed the Raid," and bad not made the'Committee a reality. They refused to press for those documents which it was claimed would have...

* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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Mr. Asquith and Sir Henry Fowler both addressed a great

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public meeting at Bilston on Thursday. We cannot find space to deal with their speeches at length, but both spoke with the utmost devotion and enthusiasm of Lord Rosebery and...

The leading German newspapers take an unfavourable view of the

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prospects of the Tariff Bill in the Reichstag. The Committee to which the Bill has been referred reflects the views of the Deputies as a whole,-20 being supporters and 8...

We note with the utmost satisfaction the ratification by the

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American Senate of the Hay-Pauncefote Isthmian Canal Treaty. Under the terms of the Constitution a two-thirds majority was required, and it was expected that the opposi- tion...

The German Emperor never fails us. Like Cleopatra and the

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great Lord Brougham, "custom cannot stale his infinite variety." On Thursday he addressed the sculptors who executed his Avenue of Victory at Berlin on the principles of their...

There is an interesting despatch in the Times of last

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Saturday on the subject of Russia's attitude to Germany over the recent troubles in Prussian Poland. It seems that although the question has been passed over with studied...

The finding of the Court of Inquiry appointed to investi-

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gate the charges against Admiral Schley in connection with the battle of Santiago was issued on Saturday last. The majority of the Court, consisting of Admirals Benham and...

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Captain Clover, Naval Attaché to the American Embassy in London,

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has, if correctly interpreted by the Washington correspondent of the New York Sun, a high opinion of the efficiency of the British Navy. England, he is reported to have said,...

On Saturday last the Daily Telegraph published a very interesting

The Spectator

and important communication from Mr. Rhodes (enclosing letters to Mr. Arnold-Forster and Lord Milner) dealing with the subject of placing British settlers on the land in the...

Last Saturday the Daily News printed the names of 5,270

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Free Church ministers who had signed the peace manifesto, with the comment—"there is thus a clear issue between the Free Church ministers and the King's advisers." It further...

There is, in our opinion, a great deal to be

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said for Mr. Rhodes's scheme, and we trust that it will be most carefully considered. In our view, the money required, whether in the sums desired by Mr. Rhodes or in smaller...

On Tuesday the Liberals of Birmingham attempted to hold a

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meeting in the Town Hall, to be addressed by Mr. Lloyd-George. The idea of a Pro-Boer demonstration— which the meeting, rightly or wrongly, was held to be—proved most...

The further Blue-book on the concentration camps pub- lished on

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Saturday last furnishes additional proof of the terrible difficulties with which the authorities have had to grapple, and the energy, zeal, and sympathy with which Mr....

Bank Rate, 4 per cent.

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New Consols (2i) were on Friday 94.

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LORD ROSEBERrS SPEECH. J - FUDGED either as a piece of platform .omtory or as a statement of political views, Lord Rosebery's, speech was a very striking one. It was, in fact,...

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W E cannot say that we are able to attach any very great practical importance to the talk about terms and conditions of peace encouraged by Lord Rosebery's words on the subject....

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!THE French nation has been very careful not to inquire _I_ whether the Russian Alliance has brought any disad- vantages in its train. It has been eminently a case of not...

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Englishmen who have been inclined to fear that amid all the anxieties connected with the re- settlement of South Africa, in respect of the relations between Boers and British,...

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iErE country has a right to demand and, when the time comes, will insist that, whatever party ma y b e in power, the Cabinet by which it is governed shall not consist mainly of...

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T "generations ago the great theologian pt. Paul wa s alined' deified.: When men spoke of " Evan- gelical truth" the acceptance of which they considered neees- sau to salvation,...

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11HE scientific event of the week has certainly been the 1-• announcement which the Times correspondent 'at St. John's made on Monday on the authority of Mr. Marconi, to the...

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There is a strong prejudice on the part of many stock- breeders against pure white animals, though there are some pleasure farms the owners of which prefer to have only white...

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THE CHARMS OF HUNTING. (TO THY EDITOR OF TUE "8PECTATOR:1 Sin,—When men are no longer compelled to hunt for their food and clothing they continue doing so for pleasure. And...

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THE PROBLEM OF AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE. (To THE ED1T011 05 THE "SPECTATOR:1 Sm—The problem of the right method for Australia to adopt for the protection of her sea-borne trade and...

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Sin,—Your advocacy of the establishment of an Australian Navy in the Spectator of November 30th is evidence of a wide sweep of vision, a faculty of forethought, and further, an...

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[TO TUE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—" R. H. S.," in his important communication to you upon the above subject in the Spectator of December 14th, states the fact that my...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:] Sra,—The letter of "E. R. P." in the Spectator of Decem- ber 14th hardly seems to call for an answer, but I would ask your permission to send...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SD1,—Will you allow me, as one who has devoted years of careful study to the consideration of our relations with Russia, to offer a brief...

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[To TICE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR,'?] Biz—The orders issued by Lord Roberts to general officers commanding districts, with a view to encouraging the learning of elementary drill...


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SER,—In view of the fact that the two wings of the Unionist party in Scotland are working together with perfect harmony and concord, it is a pity that your correspondent, Mr....

rrn TIM EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR."] Srs,—Mr. John Murray's scheme

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is open to the fatal objection that we are ruled by King Edward and net by Kaiser William. It means conscription, and, as you point out, ccnscription in a peculiarly one sided...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEC PATOR."] Sm,—The correspondence upon dew ponds which has ap- peared lately in your columns has been of great interest to me, coming at a time,...


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Sr, — In the Spectator - of October 12th there is a letter signed "E. H.,"which ends up with—" Why do the troops go on short rations ? Because the officers carry pianos." A...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR." I Sin,—With reference to the "Spectre of the Brocken " mentioned in correspondence re Tennyson's "In Memoriam," the following may be of...


The Spectator

SIR,—In the review of "The Care of Books" (Spectator, December 7th) it is mentioned how an Abbot finishes a book with an imprecation on any one who should steal or take it away....


The Spectator

"SPECTATOR." , ainonth ago I read in an evening paper an account of . a new pastime. - I found it very interesting and fascinating, but Iha,ve never seen any second mention of...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—So much has been said by the Press on the subject of officers with mobile columns in South Africa carrying pianos and kitchen ranges...

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[To TER EDITOR Op TILE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, --- A8 a lover of slum children I must thank your writer in the Spectator of December 14th for giving us the expression "the new...


The Spectator

MR. BALFOUR ON BELIEF.* Mn. BALFOUR may fairly be congratulated on seeing the eighth edition in six years of his book on The Foundations of Belief. It is to the credit alike of...


The Spectator

CHRISTMAS, 1901. Gown are the leafy noons, and far behind The suns that rose and set to warbled song, The moons that heard the deathless nightingale ; And the last furrow is...

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A BOOB may change a landscape to the eye of the reader, and the present writer feels that the aspect of a certain piece of country, always watched for by him with interest when...

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SIR HARRY SMITH.* IT is characteristic of Sir Harry Smith

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that he wrote the greater part of his autobiography in two months. Nearly six hundred pages, alive with energy, were "scrawled over by him at full gallop" between August 11th,...

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BURTON'S WANDERINGS.* THE late Captain Burton is now chiefly remembered

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by one of his latest works, the notorious translation of The Arabian Nights, and his early exploits as a traveller are apt to be for- gotten. Yet they were memorable feats of...

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LET NOT MAN PUT ASUNDER.* THERE are few figures of greater interest to the student of contemporary manners than the modern American woman of fashion, few more interesting...

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A Younger Son. By V. Fetherstonhaugh. (Downey and Co. Gs.) — The

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hero of Mrs. Fetherstonhaugh's clever novel of English society and North-West Canada is a thoroughly good fellow- And though he gets "more kicks than ha'pence " through child-...

The End of an Epoch. By A. Lincoln Green. (W.

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Blackwood and Sons. 6s.)—In The End of an Epoch we have an amusing jets d'esprit showing how the whole civilised world was suddenly depopulated and sent back to the desert stage...

Yorke the Adventurer. By Louis Becke. (Fisher Tinwin. 6s.) —This

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is a book of stories and impressions of the South Seas and of Australia early in the last century. The people who went to those parts seem to have been all either heroes or...

Love and Life Behind the Purdah. By Cornelia Sorabji. (Freeman

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tie and Co. 6s.)—The stories told by this Parsee lady Love and Life Behind the Purdah. By Cornelia Sorabji. (Freeman tie and Co. 6s.)—The stories told by this Parsee lady of...

Richard Halpin : a Romance of the New Navy. By

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Morgan Robertson. (Smith, Elder, and Co. 6s.)—Richard Hatpin is the sort of novel of which it is only necessary to say that it is a spirited story of adventure, in which a boy,...

The Fields of Dulditch. By Mary E. Mann. (Digby, Long,

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and Co. 6s.)—This is a collection of stories telling of the lives of the labourers in the fields around the village of Dulditch. They are written with a sympathetic knowledge...


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THE AGRICULTURAL HANDBOOK AND DIARY FOR 1902. The Agricultural Handbook and Diary for 1902 (Vinton ant Co.) is published at the reduced price of 2s. It is edited by two repre-...

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[Under this heading we 'notice such Books of the wok as have not keen reserved for review in other forms.] Select Documents of Eng:ish Constitutional History. Edited by George...

My Island. By Eilian Hughes. With Illustrations by Lady Stanley.

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(J. M. Dent and Co. 2s 6d.)—My Island has for one lecommenda.tion the merit of being quite unlike other books. It has also some singularly charming drawings of children by Lady...

" S. Higgledy-Piggledy Memories of a Happy Childhood,

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Written for Children, from a Child's Point of View." From the ethical point of view, this little book is open to the criticism that perhaps too much space is devoted to...


The Spectator

Beautiful Bilds, By Edmund Selous. (Dent and Co. 4s 6d.)— With a good deal of this little book we have much sympathy. It is an account, adapted for children, of the various...

The War of the Polish Succeision. By the Crown Prince

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of Siam. (Blackwell, Oxford. 2s. 6d.) —This is a lucid state- ment of the causes which brought about the war of 1733-35. One is struck in reading it how personal these causes...

Reading Abbey. By Jamieson B. Hurry, M.A., M D. (Elliot

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Stock. 15s. net.)—The Monastery of Reading was founded by Henry for monks of the Cluniac Order. The public history of the foundation was eventful. It was the scene of some great...

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The "Warwick Edition of George Eliot's Works" (W. Black- wood

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and Sons) is concluded by two volumes, Impressions of Theo- phrastus Such, Essays, and Leaves from Note Books, and The Spanish Gypsy, Jubal, and other Poems (2s. net each...

Messrs. De La Rue and Co. send us an assortment

The Spectator

of diaries of many sizes and shapes, and adapted to many uses and pur- poses. The Desk Diary, with the usual information (an addition to last year's contents being the...

Joscelyn's Pictures. By the Hon. Mrs. Alan Brodrick. (Warren ind

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Son, Winchester.)—We are glad to see a second edition of this very pleasing little volume, all the more so because, by some accident, the first issue escaped attention....

In the "Home and School Library" (J. Murray, Is. 6d.)

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we have First Makers of England, by Lady Magnus. The author gives us, by way of introduction, a short account of Caesar, as one of the " makers " of this country, and proceeds...

We have received the annual volume of Burke's Peerage and

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Barottetage (Harrison and Sons, 42s.) We can only say of it as we have said so many times before, that it as good as ever, and that it has been brought up to date with the most...

The Spectator