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" (customs-union,) -has merged into the latter. _ The treaty

The Spectator

providing for the incorporation of Hanover into the - Ger- manic Customs Union has been ratified. The Free Towns and Oldenburg must follow ; and in a short time the whole of...

In Ireland, the sectarian agitation, the result of the Durham

The Spectator

Letter and the Ecclesiastical Titles Bill, has experienced at least a temporary lull. The patriots who figure at public meetings in the sister island are, for the moment,...

"It moves notwithstanding," said Galileo after he had been: forced

The Spectator

to recant the doctrine that the world tarns round. So our social machine continues to move, although the statesmen to whom has been delegated the task of regulating and guiding...


The Spectator

Wrrif the exception of Mr. Hume, Mr. Disraeli is the only one of our House of Commons notables who has yet complied with the time-honoured practice of addressing the general...

The press is probably subjected at this moment to more

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relentless persecution in the French republic than even in the most despotic state of Germany. - M. Francois -Victor-Hugo has been sentenced to imprisonment and a fine for...

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- 3littropa1is. TM the 450 of the year 1850, the

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then existing Commissioners of Sewers decided upon a plan for the general drainage of London. This plan was diNded into three portions—the Northern, the Southern sides of the...

Sir Harry Smith's despatches, published this week in the Gazette,

The Spectator

speak of victory in the abstract, but enumerate reverses in the de- tails. Government are no more deceived by this Napoleonic sub- terfuge than the public ; for they are sending...

"Do everything by halves," appears be the maxim of our

The Spectator

present Administration. A Parliamentary Committee recommends monthly steam-mails to Australia, and Ministers advertise for tenders to carry mails once in two months. The...

By the last intelligence from India, Lord Dalhousie remained at

The Spectator

a distance from Calcutta and his Council. He had moved from Simlah, but only to the base of the mountains. This apparent aver- sion to the constitutional cheek of his Council is...

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44t Puniurr5.

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Mr. Disraeli has taken the opportunity afforded at a Buckinghamshire meeting to make an address to his county constituents. The special occasion was the dinner at Aylesbury, on...

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A little juvenile disaster has rippled the even surface of family life at Balmoral. The Princess Royal was thrown to the ground by the falling of her horse—" fortunately with...


The Spectator

The maladministration of the funds advanced by the Legislature to the Irish Unions for the relief of the poor after the famine of 1849, is now forming the practical ground for a...

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lartIgu null Catania'.

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FRANCE. —The President of the Republic laid the foundation-stone of The vast Central Market halls which the Municipality of Paris are about to erect, at a cost of more than a...

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The movements of the Premier have been a source of gossip; or rather, there has been gossip and speculation about movements which he did not make. The Dublin correspondent of...

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The accounts of the great sporting meeting of the North state that the attendance of the aristocracy this year was thin—" such," add the turf accounts, "has been the fact this...

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The Emperor of Austria left Vienna on the 12th instant,

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with a nume- rous suite, for a progress through Trieste, Venice, and the chief towns of Lombardy. Reviews of nearly the whole of the Austro-Italian army in the neighbourhood of...


The Spectator

SATURDAY: We have received a voluminous mass of correspondence and papers from the Cape colony, on the alarmingly critical state of affairs there. Time and space are not left...

A proposal has been made, from an official quarter, of

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a purpose to - which the Exhibition Palace, or a portion of it, may now be ap- propriated, as a memorial of the works of industry which it has enshrined. The local Committee of...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, VRIDAT ..kFTERNOON. The English Stock Market has been heavy, without any material varia- tion in prices. The fluctuation of Consols has been from 95i to 964; the...

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THE FORGOMEN SUBJECT. THIS is the season that taxes the ingenuity of active politicians in and out of Parliament ; the season when all who require to keep the public ear...


The Spectator

"NOBODY expects impossibilities," says the Times, " nor would it be reasonable to exact that a journey of two hundred and fifty miles should be performed without the error of a...


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NOT the least obvious of the advantages accruing from the war in Caffisria, is the fact of its affording some relief to the discussion of ordinary Colonial polities. When the...

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The Spectator

THERE must be some truth in the homceopathie doctrine of the efficacy of minute doses. In Edinburgh, the favourite haunt of medicine and medical practitioners, there are only...


The Spectator

A emmusr, which has often struck the observer, is noted by a correspondent of the Times, in the following letter. 1 ‘ Sir—Will you allow me, through the medium of your columns,...

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A letter from Alexandria says that Cleopatra's needle is hardly

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worth the trouble and expense of bringing it to England. "It is interesting from the associations attached to it, but it will cause disappointment if it is expected to prove an...


The Spectator

INTE11ESTING evidence was g iven before the Income-tax Committee of the Rouse of Commons, by the Honourable Dudley Selden and. Colonel johnson, formerly Senators of the State of...

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- ed . olerr Ro HISTORY OF rolftixe's wxit. '

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THE main subjcel! of this work has no further attraction for Eng- lish readers than 'what the author can create for it ; though it may be different with Americans, to whom the...

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ALTHOUGH " sonnets " form only a portion of Mr. Townshend's volume, his poems are of the nature of the sonnet throughout. Reflection, or personal feeling, or scenery deriving...

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O'NEILL DAUNT'S GENTLEMAN IN DELT. * To exhibit Irish society in

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the provinces and the capital some cen- tury ago, is the design of Mr. Daunt's novel. For this end, the elements are better than either the plan or the execution. The gentleman...

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Trio for the Pianoforte, Violin, and Violoncello. By _Leopold lama-

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There was a concert here in July last, for the benefit of the Hungarian refugees, at which Mademoiselle Anna Zerr ' the eminent singer, and M. Jansa, the author of this trio,...


The Spectator

A Set of Songs, and a Trio for Female Voices. Composed by Mewerbeer. Die English Version of the Words by Thomas Oliphant, Esq. These songs, which have been selected by Mr....


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BooKs. Two medical publications are before us ; the first on an important, the second on a curious subject ; but the philosophical mind is wanting in both cases. The history...

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Pieces for he Pianoforte. By Emanuel Aguilar.

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These pieces consist of a study in A_ minor, a romanza in A flat, a ca- price in D flat, and a descriptive morcesur called "La Fete Villageoise," in F. They are among the most...

altaltingo frum ti t Viut 93noko.

The Spectator

MR. COODE'S REPORT ON THE LAW OF SETTLEMENT.. EN the year 1848, the Poor-law Board commissioned Mr. George Coode, of - the Inner Temple, to go into the counties of Leicester,...


The Spectator

ARY SCHEFFEE'S CHRIST IN THE GARDEN. Mr. Grundy of Regent Street is now in possession of a cabinet picture, by Ary Scheffer, representing Christ in the Garden, comforted by an...

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The Spectator

On the jOth September, at Chester, the Lady of Sir Edward Walker, of a son. On the 12th, at Tylehurst Rectory, the Wife of the Rev. J. W. Routh, of aeon. On the 13th, at...

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The Spectator

BRITISH FUNDS Satan. (Clordng Monday Prices.) ruesday. Wsdnss. a per Cent Consols ..... 961 951 96 951 Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced 32 per Cents Long Annuities...


The Spectator

WAS-OFFICE, Sept. 10. - -4th Regt. of Drag. Guards-Lieut. J. Biggs, from the 8th Foot, to be Paymaster„ vice Ralston, who retires on half pay 6th Drag Clients- Major I1. - 11....


The Spectator

Tuesday, Septimber16. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Williams and Newton, Manchester, doublers of cotton- yaLaCk - wood and Staggles, Pemberton Row, stationers-Prieur fits and Dorn-...