20 OCTOBER 1849

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Austria, throwing off the mask, stands confessed in her old

The Spectator

tyrannous cruelty, her old inexorable meanness. Count Louis Batthyani has been made to suffer a penal death at Pesth ; and at Arad several military leaders have been...

France can exhibit her reaction and her renegade. The Com-

The Spectator

mittee on the Roman expedition, who had chosen M. Thiers for its reporter, sanctions his report applauding the expedition, and laying the power of France at the feet of the...


The Spectator

Beamtss unsettlement is the characteristic of the day,—an un- easy dissatisfaction at what is, mingled with hopeful if solicitous glances at future, which plays nearly as large...

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Site (num

The Spectator

THE Queen and Prince Albert left Buckingham Palace, for Windsor, on Saturday; and were joined at the Castle on the same afternoon by the Royal children, from Osborne. The...

Vlbe A special Court of Aldermen was held on Tuesday,

The Spectator

"to receive an im- portant communication from the Lord Mayor." On the assembling of the Court the doors were closed, and it was " understood" that the Lord Mayor read a letter...

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be Vrobinces.

The Spectator

The Representative and Financial Reform movement has been rera n _ mined, without raising much local excitement, by a routine of public meet lags. Mr. George Thompson, M.P., Mr....


The Spectator

The Dublin Evening Post authoritatively contradicts the statement pro- fessing to relate the tenour of a letter from Prince Albert to the Lord-Lieu; We are authorized to :nate,...

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The Spectator

Aberdeen has marked its sense of Sir Robert Peel's public services and personal worth by presenting him with the municipal freedom of the city. Sir Robert and Lady Peel and Miss...

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The treaty of marriage between the Prince Royal of Sweden

The Spectator

and the Princess Gullehnina Maria ' eldest daughter of Prince Frederick of the Netherlands, has just been signed at the Hague. The celebration of the nuptials will take place at...

The expected death of the Bishop of Llandaff took place

The Spectator

at Hardwick House, the episcopal residence, near Chepstow, on Sunday afternoon. Edward Copleston was the son of the Reverend John Radford Copleston, Pre- bendary of Exeter;...

One of the things demonstrated by the Attendance-Accounts published in

The Spectator

last week's Spectator, is the intimate relation between close attendance in the House of Commons and the tenure of places revocable at pleasure. The members of a Government...

ntint any Marked feature of good or bad management," the

The Spectator

public shall "benefit by the example to the fall." The series is continued daily, under the general head of " Labour and the Poor ": an Thursday appeared the first -...

Beaune of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis

The Spectator

for the week ending on Saturday last- Number of Autumn Deaths. Average. Zymotio Diseases 372 .... 307 DrePsY, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat 56 .......

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Dr. Reid has sent us a reply to Mr. William

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Hempath; but we cannot spare room for controversies on the technicalities of medicine or chemistry. Dr. Reid says that Mr. Herapath's application of his principle is not re-...


The Spectator

Mt: , Miseready!s perfolniantie of Hamlet arid Macbeth has been found so i tla attrlintiaelitittt I% lic, that, as far as he is concerned, there has been no */ .....


The Spectator

SAT URD AY. The Aide-de-camp of the Emperor of Russia, who arrived yesterday in Paris, has been presented to the Minister of Foreign Affairs by M. Kisselef, the Russian...

The obituary notes the death of Sir Thomas Buckler Lethbridge,

The Spectator

who for many years was a prominent Member of the House of Commons on the Conservative side. Sir Thomas was twice married, and he has left a numerous family. He is succeeded by...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY APT'S:WOOD. The fluctuations of the market have been greater than usual; the extreme range of variation in the price of Consols having been about 1 per...

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The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. 10th October 1849. SIR—It appears to me that the discussion opened in your last number between yourself and your correspondent M. D. S. involves...


The Spectator

A striking evidence of the feeling entertained against the French nation by Italians, has been afforded by the treatment which a young debutante from Paris lately met with on...


The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. London, 17th October 1849. Sra—The strictures on the attendance at divisions of Members of Parliament contained in your list paper, will no...

The skating-scene in Les Plaisirs Miser, which gave rise to

The Spectator

such in- genious controversy between M. Paul Taglioni and the magnates of Covent Garden, has been made the basis of an Adelphi sketch, called Mrs. Bun- Wry's Spoons. The author,...

At the Lyceum, we have a version of Le Chevalier

The Spectator

d Essonne,—one of the pieces in Mademoiselle Nathalie's repertoire at the St. James's. The English title—A Lady in Difficulties—promises more fun than the piece actually...

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The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. 7th October 1849. Sue—The purpose of the abstract of the evidence given before the Committee of the House of Commons on the Woods, Forests, and...

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The Spectator

THE SPIRIT OF EVIL. Miscssitsi gains the ascendant in the central continent of tio civilized world, wearing the crown and wielding the imperial sceptre. The Revolution of 1848...

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The Spectator

LITERALLY fulfilling our anticipation, Sir James Duke has shown that to maintain the high standard of Mansionhouse hos- pitality is not incompatible with healthy civic rule: his...


The Spectator

IT is reported of a patient, that in silent dudgeon, he unex- pectedly rose and left his couch, while his astonished physicians were in grave consultation over him ; and the...

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The Spectator

THEORY opines that the Water Companies of London were created for the benefit of its inhabitants practice shows that the Com- panies take no other account of L ondon than as of...


The Spectator

To live too fast is quite possible in business as well as in pleasure The Americans live too fast to digest either their meals, their ideas, or their duties ; they go ahead so...

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The Spectator

UNABLE to comhat our Parliamentary statistics openly, the Illorning Chronicle admits them in order to weaken their effect by smothering the facts in excuses. Like Archelaus the...

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The Spectator

THE LINDSAY PAPERS. * THE papers contained in the third volume of the Lives of the Lindsa lis differ from the generality of family documents both in subjects and rel ate ter....

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independent of Dacca, with instructions to correspond with the Presidency

The Spectator

direct. de terre of Shirley. Whether this &et-or : higher motives might Influsgefk ._ The, Honourable Robert was not Yet, however, out of the wood, for neither was he a man o...

Page 17

LORD ROBERTSON'S SONNETS. * Ar.mouGn nnadapted in its versification to the

The Spectator

less flexible genius of the English tongue, the sonnet has frequently been a favourite mode of com- position, and of late years a fashion. This is very much owing to the...

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THE OGILVIES. * THERE are three kinds of fictions descriptive of

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common contemporary life and manners. The first, where the materials are derived directly from observation, and the writer possesses experience enough to compre- hend the...

COMMERCIAL GAZETTE. Tuesday, October 16.

The Spectator

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Whitehouse and Co. Wednesbury Bridge—C. and Si. King, Abinger, millers—F. and G. Ward, Stratford-upon-Avon, booksellers—Dixon and Co. Ipswich,...

MILITARY GAZETTE. oct.19.—Gth Regt. of Drag. Guards—Gent. Cadet P. Pinckney,

The Spectator

from the Royal bill. Coll. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Hawker, promoted. 7t1,, Drag, Guards—Capt. P. S. Thompson, from half-pay 7th Drag. Guards, to be Capt. elm Sehonswar,...


The Spectator

On the 11th October, at Grantham House, Grantham, the Wife of Dr. Joseph J. A. Brown, of ailed. On the 11th, at Bloodworth Lodge, Lady Knighton, of a son, still-born. On the...

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The Spectator

BRITISH FUNDS. (Caoaing Prices.) Soturd. Nonaluy:Tuakiug. Wedge,. Thu, s Friday,: S per Cent Console - - Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank...