20 DECEMBER 1924

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The Spectator

ix. STRONG resolve that something large shall be done about housing, and shall be done quickly, is evident in both the Government and the public. The popular Press has taken up...

For the rest, he stated that under his 1923 Housing

The Spectator

Act 53,535 houses had been approved for erection by local authorities, and 116,158 by private enterprise. In the twelve months ending September 30th 110,000 houses had been...

EDITORIAL AND PUBLISHING OFFICES: 13 York Street, Covent Garden, London,

The Spectator

W.C. 2. A SURSCRIPH1ON to THE SPECTATOR Costs Thirty Shillin g s per annum, including posta g e to any part of the world. The Posta g e on this issue is: INLAND, Id. ;...

Mr. Chamberlain, describing his visit last week to Glasgow, where

The Spectator

he inspected Lord Weir's new form of house, said that "steel house" was really a misnomer. The houses are composed of wooden frames lined with steel outside, and inside there is...

The debate on Tuesday was opened by Mr. Wheatley, the

The Spectator

ex-Minister of Health, who moved an amendment regretting that the Government were leaving the solution of the housing problem mainly to private enterprise and to occupying....

CHRISTMAS WEEK The next issue of the SPECTATOR will be

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on sale on WEDNESDAY MORNING, the 24th &1St., instead of on Friday as is usual.

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In the House of Commons, on Thursday, December 11th, in

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answer to questions about the Campbell case, Mr. Baldwin said that it would be useless to re-open the whole matter, but he then made a statement which caused general surprise....

In the House of Commons on Wednesday, in replying to

The Spectator

the Liberal amendment on Free Trade, the Prime Minister made an important statement of fiscal policy. A large part of the debate was just heavy artillery fire of the usual kind...

Mr. MacDonald asked whether previous Cabinets had - not discussed

The Spectator

political prosecutions with the Law Officers. For our part we can well believe that such things have happened. When the Attorney-General is a member of the Cabinet it is almost...

The situation in Morocco is very uncertain. There seems no

The Spectator

doubt that the Spanish army has succeeded. in extricating itself from the mountains and defiles of the Riff, and establishing itself on a new, shorter line covering Tetuan. But...

We cannot think that the enthusiasm of Mr. Neville Chamberlain

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and Lord Weir is false or unfounded, because, as we have seen, they are perfectly willing to let the public judge for itself. The public will be able to say whether Mr....

Mr. Chamberlain dismissed the idea of making the League of

The Spectator

Nations responsible for an Egyptian settlement, but we still hope that something may be done in this direction. We fully agree that the League could not possibly settle what is...

In the House of Commons on Monday Mr. Austen Cham-

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berlain made a long statement on foreign policy. He did not say very much that was new, though the form of what he said was excellent. He declared that the Government's...

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• At a recent meeting of the Psychical Research Society,

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Mrs. Henry Sedgwick read a paper describing a long series of experiments in Thought Transference, which had been undertaken by the family and friends of Professor Gilbert...

If this is the true view of the facts, it

The Spectator

does not, of course, as Mr. Haldane remarks, destroy the interest of the experiments :— " The phenomena are nevertheless of very great physiological interest as demonstrating in...

Mr. Piddington, the secretary of the Society, said that he

The Spectator

considered that these were the most important expe- riments in telepathy which the Society had ever had. We agree with him. The Society has at last succeeded in eliminating...

But the reactions of a Moroccan disaster would not be

The Spectator

confmed to Spain alone. France is watching the progress of affairs with the closest election. Already she asserts—and asserts rightly—that Spain has violated her international...

There seems to have been another and obscure change in

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the situation in China. It *ill be remembered that the defection of the Christian General Feng ruined the cause of General Wu Pei-fu, who, up to a few months ago, was dominant...

A new German Government has not yet emerged from the

The Spectator

manoeuvring of the parties since the General Election, nor, indeed, is one to be expected yet awhile. The real question seems to be whether the Centre Party will go Left or...

Next week the Spectator will be on sale on Christmas

The Spectator

Eve, December 24th, in order to allow a clear week-end holiday to the staff. In that number we shall announce a Literary Competition. Its nature and conditions will be found at...

Bank Rate, 4 per cent., changed from 3 per cent.

The Spectator

July 5th, 1923. 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 1011 ; Thursday week, 1011 ; a year ago, 99. 3/ per cent. Conversion Loan was on Thursday, 79; Thursday week, 79k ; a year...

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The Spectator

INTER-ALLIED DE liTS THE , preliminary success of the Dawes Scheme has - 11 - already made a difference to the whole problem of inter-Allied debts. In the bad old • days when...

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CHEAP - FOOD AND THE . EMPIRE [In this article !` Modem

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Imperialist" makes suggestions for reducing the price of food in this country, and at the same time pressing on with Imperial development. We do not say that his suggestions are...

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[Durin g the Session "New Member" will each week give his

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impressions of the House of Commons, its personalities and its activities.] T HE Debate on the Address has proceeded in an atmosphere which has exceeded our most sanguine...

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THE SIN AGAINST THE LIGHT BY DR. C. W. SALEEBY. L ATE in the nineteenth century, a young medical student, baffled of cricket on the customary wet Saturday afternoon in...

SUBSCRIPTION RATES The SPECTATOR can be sent to any address

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at home or abroad for twelve .months for 30s.; six months, 15s.; three months, .78. 6d. Particulars of LIFE MEMBERSHIP can be obtained by application to the publisher.

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The Spectator

O NE of the most surprising things which the European finds in the American picture is the existence of large blocks of some foreign-speaking people maintaining their solidarity...

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The Spectator

WOOD-CUTS Ix one of his books Nietzsche has written that "the artist has the ability not to respond to immediate stimuli." What a wealth of meaning is contained in the...


The Spectator

"THE EPIC OF EVEREST" AT THE SCALA WE go to the cinema and do not know or ask what it is : vet there must be something in common between Buster Keaton's Sherlock Jar. and a...

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The Spectator

THE SLUM AND THE EMERGENCY HOUSE [To the Editor of the SrEer.vroa.] Sm,—The article in the Spectator two weeks ago on this subject has again called attention to an issue vital...

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The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] your issue of November 15th, Mr. Julian S. Huxley says of the population of the United States : "Roughly 10 per cent. are Negro, only about 20...

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Housing is rig:Ttly made

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an integral part of the pro- gramme of whatever body of legislators happen to be in power, and the efforts ef our new Government in this connexion will naturally. be followed...

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In a recent article

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by Mr. Julian Huxley, in the Spectator, the following statement is made regarding the population of the United States : "Roughly ten per cent, of 1i .e whole population are...

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The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—NOW that Mr. Darling has in your last issue frankly acknowledged his adherence to what he describes as the gold standard "with which we...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—The Prime Minister's grandfather was not" an eminent Scotch Presbyterian minister," as described by your corres- pondent, Mr. John...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Common sense would surely make everyone agree that Mr. Darling is correct in thinking that we should make every effort to buy as little as...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] ,Sin,—Mr. MacLeod is unfortunate in his " Scottish " list of Prime Ministers, which for some reason he starts from 1806 with Lord Aberdeen...

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The Spectator

GHOSTS. When purple on the hill Struggles the dwarf thistle—. A hand that grips below Forbids its stem to grow— From the spear thistle's crown Shakes loose the thistle-down....


The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SrEcrAroa.] Sin,—It is proposed to commemorate the life and work of the late Dean of Carlisle by a public memorial in that diocese. For this purpose a...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Relative to your recent editorial on the League Protocol and its Japanese amendment, perhaps the following brief comment may interest...

4 4 [To the Editor of The SPECTATOR.] Sut,—" Honour to

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whom honour is due" being a maxim of your interesting paper, you will be pleased to correct a mis- statement made in your issue of November 29th by your correspondent, Mr. John...

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An Aethiopian History of Heliodorus. (Underdowne's Trans- lation.) The Abbey Classics. No. 23. (Chapman and Dodd. 3s. ad. net.) IF Theagenes and Cariclia is the first of all...


The Spectator

THIS WEEK'S BOOKS A MULTITUDE of reprints and line editions and translations have been sent us. The most notable of them, perhaps, is the edition of The Apocrypha, published by...

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A LITTLE over twenty-five years ago— about the year 1898--

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• when Mr. Hueffer was living at a cottage at Lithpsfield, engaged in agriculture and literary work, a stranger of dis- tinguished and rather haughty appearance was brought to...

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The Spectator

The Greater Problems of Industry. By Alexander Ranigay. .(Birmingham "Journal," 3s. 6d. net.) The Federal Trade Commission. By Gerard C. Henderson. -(Yale University Press. His....

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WEST s - Western Civilization and the Far East. By Stephen King - Hall. (Methuen and Co., Ltd. 15s.) ALMOST—but, alas ! not quite—Mr. King-Hall has written a really important...


The Spectator

SHOALWATER AND FAIRWAY. By H. Alker Tripp ("Leigh Hoe"). (The Bodley Head. 8s. 6d. net.) MR: TRIPP has chosen with some ingenuity the pseudonym, —" Leigh Hoe "—under which he...

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The Spectator

THE PROPER STUDY OF MANKIND The Penultimate Adventure, By Norman Davey. (Elkin Matthews. 6s. net.) Ghosts and Marvels. Tales selected by V. H. Collins. Brazilian Tales....

A HANDBOOK OF HOUSING. By B. S. Townroe. (Methuen

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and Co. (i8. net.) . . LET us hope that when Mr. Neville Chamberlain lays down his task at the Ministry of Health it may be possible for a book to be written half as...

TIDEMARKS. By H. M. Tomlinson. '(Cassail. 12s. 6d.) THERE is

The Spectator

a certain tediousness inherent in books of travel— a tediousness which is latent all the time, but which only shows its head when the writer allows himself to wander from plain...

THE FOLKLORE OF BOMBAY. By R. E. Enthaven, (Clarendon Press,

The Spectator

14s.)' THE FOLKLORE OF BOMBAY. By R. E. Enthaven, (Clarendon Press, 14s.)' MR. Erman - EN modestly describes this work as an attempt to carry out the design laid down by a...

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Man. By E. F. Benson. (Fisher Unwin. 7s. 6d. net.)

The Spectator

—Contains a closely observed study , of an elderly novelist whose fame is waning. Ile is not an attractive figure. The theme is a-little slender for a full-length novel,, and...


The Spectator

- INDUSTRIAL PROBLEMS [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,-At the recent meeting Of the P. and 0. Steamship Company, the Chairman, Lord Inchcape, said some straight things...

Much Delusion. By Gertrude Spinney. (Arnold. 7s. 6d. net.)—Althpugh !giss

The Spectator

Spinney has not succeeded in producing so romantie an atmosphere as in The Painted Castle, Much Delusion is - a very entertaining little book. The reader is left in doubt as to...

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The Spectator

Unless, in the meantime, there should be a very remarkable change—which is most unlikely—in market tendencies, it looks as though the year on the Stock Exchange would end under...