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The Spectator

T wenty-five Conservative MPs wrote to the chairman of the 1922 Committee calling for a vote of confidence in their leader, Mr lain Duncan Smith. The Labour party expelled Mr...

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The fall of IDS

The Spectator

T my MPs have decided to get rid of their leader in what are, on the face of it, surprising circumstances. The party is ahead in the polls by as much as 5 per cent. The recent...

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The Spectator

I was as excited as a kid going to Disneyland to be invited on Concorde's last flight from New York to London. I've always regarded it as one of Britain's greatest ambassadors,...

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Who was there when IDS needed support? Not the Tory press

The Spectator

STEPHEN GLOVER T he Tories, we are told, are a party of unstable men who are genetically predisposed to plotting against their leader. I would certainly appreciate a learned...

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The Questing Vole

The Spectator

Jamaica T he Vole's sagacious manservant, W.F. Deedes, this week found himself in the middle of a hypothetical Bateman cartoon: 'The Man Who Told A Rastafarian He Was At Haile...

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The cult of treachery

The Spectator

The 25 letters are in. lain Duncan Smith will soon be out. The treachery of the flunkeys has triumphed. Peter Oborne outlines what the new leader must now do to save the party...

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The multicultural thought police

The Spectator

The BBC report on the racist police recruits has given new ammunition to those who are curbing our legitimate freedoms, says Leo McKinstry I n our modern secular society, we...

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Bloody hypocrisy

The Spectator

John Laughland says Kill Bill is cheesy and evil, and wonders why it is tolerated when depictions of real violence are censored A brutal-looking 17-year-old girl takes a long...

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Banned wagon: global

The Spectator

A weeldy survey of world restrictions on freedom and free trade Teesside waste-management company AbleUK has won a £10.8 million contract to dismantle 13 US navy ships at its...

o more Mr asty Guy?

The Spectator

Ahead of next year's regional elections in Provence, JeanMarie Le Pen is using his daughter to give the National Front a kinder, gentler face. Philip Delves Broughton reports...

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Mind your language

The Spectator

My husband's favourite programme on television, to judge by what he shouts at the screen, is Grumpy Old Men. You should hear him when they sound off about automated telephone...

The oldest fresher in town

The Spectator

Rachel Johnson talks to the Hon. Sir Oliver Bury Popplewell, 76 and sprightly with it, who is reading PPE at Oxford H e may have caught your eye at the Freshers' Fair for...

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Now for the good news

The Spectator

Simon Henderson on the unremarked progress being made by the coalition forces in Iraq T he first snows are arriving in New Hampshire, but the action for the first of the US...

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Ancient & modern

The Spectator

Mars closed in, and astrology freaks wet themselves with excitement — the poor dears. In the ancient world, astrology came under the category of divination, which Cicero hit on...

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Tell us the reason why

The Spectator

The Suez intervention was illegal, says Jesse Norman. It is now up to the government to show us that the Iraq war was not also illegal S lowly, the pressure is building on the...

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Pig business

The Spectator

Tracy Worcester on how the American pork industry is invading Poland with the help of EU grants W e ignored the 'No Entry' sign at Smithfield hog factory, near Szczecinek, west...

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Who said there's no such thing as a free lunch?

The Spectator

p Aki ico4 m y father died almost exactly 60 years ago. I was at boarding school, on the eve of my 15th birthday, and the news came without warning. His illness was sudden,...

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Out with the Count — Transylvania fires a silver bullet at the euro

The Spectator

CHRISTOPHER FILDES I t was a mistake, historians will agree, to let Transylvania sign up for the euro. At the time, Ed Balls, the Chancellor's eurosceptical adviser, summed up...

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Thank God for the rain and for the gentle Afrikaners

The Spectator

MATTHEW PARRIS Limpopo Province, South Africa o ttoshoek means 'Otto's corner' or perhaps more colloquially 'Otto's place' in Afrikaans. But this cabin in the Soutpansberg...

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Not quite indifferent

The Spectator

From Stephen I Hayhow Sir: One point regarding Mary Wakefield's article 'The mystery of the missing links' (25 October). The problems with Professor Dawkins's views are...

Ugly reality of Mahathir

The Spectator

From Bruce Leeming Sir: Sholto Byrnes asks us to recognise the merits of the approach of Dr Mahathir Mohamad to government (`Mahathir knows best', 25 October). This is the...

Liddle slips

The Spectator

From Dr Cyril Laming Sir: Rod Liddle's 'Thought for the Day' (18 October) was up to his usual freshness and — er — penetration in both topic and style. But he must surely have...

Fairness rather than fear

The Spectator

From KJ. Marsh Sir: Rod Liddle's article (`Thought for the Day', 25 October) was inaccurate. He writes — in connection with my decision not to broadcast part of an interview...

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Passionately British

The Spectator

From Douglas Carswell Sir: Mark Steyn is correct that British Conservatives should be wary of being seen as wanting to ape US-style local democracy ('How to save the Tory...

No demand for GM

The Spectator

From Edward Collier Sir: Forget about the flawed field trials, ignore the (largely US) vested interests and the gung-ho scientists on the 'pro' side, and the Luddite conspiracy...

Diana's death fears

The Spectator

From Jennifer Miller Sir: Stephen Glover (Media studies, 25 October) might care to consider that for years rumour had it that the late Princess anticipated being sabotaged in...


The Spectator

From Andrew Daley Sir: Why does Theodore Dalrymple (`Thick accents', 25 October), a writer with whom I usually agree, believe that the pronunciation of 'Newcastle' used by the...

Come along, Ken

The Spectator

From Michael Knowles Sir: So Ken Livingstone objects to The Spectator carrying the leaflet from the Campaign for an English Parliament about its Open Conference on The Future of...

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Solving the Polish conundrum

The Spectator

Adam Zamoyski RISING '44: THE BATTLE FOR WARSAW by Norman Davies Macmillan, £25, pp. 660, ISBN 0333905687 T he Warsaw uprising of August 1944 was one of the most tragic...

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Come, friendly bombs . . .

The Spectator

Henry Hobhouse CRAP TOWNS: THE 50 WORST PLACES TO LIVE IN THE UK edited by Sam Jordison and Dan Kieran Boxtree, £10, pp. 156, ISBN 0752215825 T his inelegantly titled book has...

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More honest than most

The Spectator

Jonathan Mirsky MADAM SECRETARY: A MEMOIR by Madeleine Albright Macmillan. £20, pp. 562, ISBN140503369X I t is a mark of the excellence of this memoir by the highest-ranking...

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From the sublime to the ridiculous

The Spectator

Byron Rogers SUNDRIE PIECES by George Herbert Gregynog Press, £375, pp. 99, ISBN 0954194217 H ah, that's had you fumbling with your bi-focals, but no, there is no printing...

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A triumph of optimism

The Spectator

Christopher Howse THE MEANING OF EVERYTHING by Simon Winchester OUP, £12.99, pp. 260, ISBN 10198607024 A da Murray, the wife of the long-bearded progenitor of The Oxford...

Rocks and guts and bullocks

The Spectator

Lloyd Evans COLLECTED POETRY by Ted Hughes Faber, £40, pp. 1332, ISBN 0571217192 T ed Hughes was the first living poet I loved. The same is probably true for countless kids who...

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Shooting lions and lines

The Spectator

Tom Stacey HEMINGWAY IN AFRICA by Christopher Ondaatje HarperCollins, £24.95, pp. 237, ISBN 0002006707 1 t's not fair to blame a book for its subject — a book by a decent...

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Getting both socks on

The Spectator

Andrew Gimson How TO BE A BETTER PARENT by Cassandra Jardine Vermilion, £8.99, pp. 229, ISBN 0091889723 C hildren, like dogs, need to be trained. After this promising start,...

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A soldier breaks ranks

The Spectator

George Osborne WINNING MODERN WARS by General Wesley K. Clark Perseus Group, £18.99, pp. 218, ISBN 1586482181 H ere's a good rule of thumb: never read a book by a politician...

A super-selective memory

The Spectator

C. D. C. Armstrong HOPE AND HISTORY by Gerry Adams Brandon, £20, pp. 406, ISBN 0863223176 H ope and History is the second volume of autobio g raphy by Gerry Adams ; to g ether...

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Dogged by ill fortune

The Spectator

Simon Courtauld CAPTAIN SCOTT by Ranulph Fiennes Hodder, £20. pp. 508, ISBN 0340826975 S ir Ranulph Fiennes has done Captain Scott's memory some service. For the past two...

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Forty years on

The Spectator

Karl Miller T he New York Review of Books has been celebrating the paper's 40th anniversary, and it's only fair to join in, with a show of hands across the sea. The first few...

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Guardian of the nation's treasures

The Spectator

Susan Moore celebrates 100 years of the National Art Collections Fund E xhibitions celebrating the nation's art treasures have a habit of backfiring. Within 50 years of the...

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Sense of overkill

The Spectator

Andrew Lambirth Bill Viola: The Passions The National Gallery, until 4 January 2004 A 'though I do not value most video art 1 - 1.— too much of it is sloppily made and vacuous...

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Delighting in flotsam

The Spectator

Laura Gascoigne Eric Rimmington Scalar Fine Am 35 Bruton Place, London WI, until 28 November I es a strange irony of the throwaway society that objets Iron yes — 'found...

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Opera at the seaside

The Spectator

This year's obscurity rating at Wexford is down, as Tom Sutcliffe reports I t does seem bizarre, considering the dismal state of opera in Ireland, where Dublin's usual diet of...

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Surprise package

The Spectator

Giannandre a Poesio Kammer Kammer, Ballet Frankfurt Sadler's Wells W illiam Forsythe challenges the common perception of what a ballet performance should be like. This talent...

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Partridge in the Pampas

The Spectator

Ursula Buchan I never used to like Pampas grass. In fact, 1 hated it. It was one of the first plants I could name as a child, but not because it appealed to me. There was a...

Nordic blues

The Spectator

Stuart Nicholson A s every American is at pains to insist, rjazz is American. And in the sense that America was where it originated and America was where it evolved, it is, But...

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Bucketloads of panache

The Spectator

Lloyd Evans Thoroughly Modern Millie Shaftesbury Electra Gate Thoroughly Modem Millie has a thor oughly disturbing storyline. An innocent flapper comes to New York and pitches...

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Gluck's genius

The Spectator

Michael Tanner Paride ed Elena Barbican riluck is a composer who tends to divide opinion more than one might expect, given that his art is hardly one of extremes. While many of...

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Genuine talent

The Spectator

Marcus Berkmann C igns of material success are not hard to Ospot in the modern pop star. Tattoos, extreme drug usage, high levels of paranoia, feeble albums — we've seen it all...

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Tropical paradise

The Spectator

Sebastian Smee is seduced by the Tahitian art of Paul Gauguin Elalse seduction is not something we like to equate with great art. But it's a feeling, a suspicion, that presses...

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Wheelwright of the heavens

The Spectator

Michael Vestey B BC radio is pretty good at popularising science; so, nearly 300 years ago, was James Ferguson, the subject of Inventors Imperfect on Radio Four last week...

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Time to buy

The Spectator

Simon Hoggart T HE best sitcom on television at the moment (I think even better than Will & Grace on Channel 4, a formula which works perfectly because Will is clearly not gay,...

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A bit of a thinker

The Spectator

Robin Oakley M rs Oakley and I have only one dissonance in our lives. When we are due to travel somewhere, she is of the cautious school and I am of the last-minute variety....

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Blind date

The Spectator

Taki New York T believe it was Jemima Khan's idea, the 1 search for a beau for Princess Diana — after her divorce, that is. It was late 1995 going into 1996. If memory serves,...

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Unmasked in Venice

The Spectator

Jeremy Clarke I T've got these vertical lines running down face, on either side of my mouth, and they are bothering me, You know the lines I mean. The ones that make serious...

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Leave well alone

The Spectator

Petronella Wyatt Virginia A merica appears to have de-politically orrected itself. On my last trip to New York before 11 September, I was likely to get mud in my eye if I did...

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Ask a silly question

The Spectator

Jaspistos In Competition No. 2313 you were invited to outMary 'Dear Mary' by raising a preposterous question of social behaviour and providing an absurd and ingenious answer....

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The Spectator

G OSH, there's some not very nice wine about. The other day I tried a few bottles of something called 'Origin', a branded series of wines from single-grape varieties. They're...

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Racism's redoubt

The Spectator

MICHAEL HENDERSON K ICK racism out of football,' proclaimed a banner at the football match I attended last weekend. Before the game, and during half-time, young people carried...

Dear Maly

The Spectator

Q. My husband and! are planning to celebrate our 55th (emerald) wedding anniversary with a modest family party. We have verbally accepted a quotation for a finger buffet from a...