1 JULY 1882

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The preparations made for effective intervention iu Egypt— should that

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ultimately prove necessary—are said to be very complete. •Under Mr. Childers' new arrangements, a First Army Corps, comprising 25,000 men of all arms, is already furnished with...

The Conference on Egypt is still sitting at Constantinople, and

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as yet complete secrecy has been maintained as to its proceed- ings. The correspondent of the Times, indeed, affirms that everything is going wrong, that the majority wish to...

The Stock Exchange has been the scene of some alarm

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this week. The heavy and continuous fall in Egyptian Stocks, which has amounted altogether to more than twelve . millions, has embarrassed speculators, who have been forced to...

*** The _Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

The Spectator



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E. GLADSTONE stated on Thursday that the Govern- ment "are very sensible of the difficulties in which the House is placed with respect to the remainder of the time of the...

A great Tory meeting was held at Willis's Rooms on

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Thurs- day, attended by all the heads of the party, but presided over by that political nondescript, Mr. E. P. Bouverie. The object was declared to be to assist in inducing the...

There has been another bad murder in Ireland. Mr. Blake,

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the land agent of the Marquis of Clanricarde, and his bailiff, Thady Roane, were shot dead on Thursday, within half a mile of Loughrea, through a loopholed wall. Mr. Blake was...

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On Thursday night the debate raged high on the clause

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for levying compensation for crime on the district in which it was committed, Mr. Healy distinguishing himself by saying that if districts which do give up the murderer were not...

The Irish denunciations of Mr. Kavanagh's programme are more violent

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than coherent. The Iriehmao calls it "demoniac,. hideous, and damnable," and then goes on as follows :—"The Cromwellian Company must arm and drill a ferocious rabble of...

This project was brought before the House of Commons on

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Monday night,—in discussing the proposal to go into Committee of Supply,—and denounced with his usual violence by Mr. Biggar and his colleagues in the Land League, who fastened...

Mr. Kavanagh, in a letter addressed to last Saturday's Times,

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announced the formation of an Irish Land Corporation, for the purpose of aiding the Irish landlords against the illegitimate terrorism of the Land League. Mr. Kavanagh declares,...

A very hot discussion on the Alien Clause, in the

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Crime Prevention (Ireland) Bill, took place yesterday week, when Mr. Bright vindicated his own course, and again referred to the open treason of Members of the Irish party in...

The discussion on Tuesday and Wednesday had reference to the

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penalties for witnesses of crime who may refuse to give evidence, and to the clause for inflicting on a district where undiscovered crime occurs the expense of an extra...

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On the other hand, the question which was discussed this

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week at some length in the Canterbury Diocesan Conference on. 'Wednesday as to the possibility of co-operating with the "Sal- vation Army," or in case that be deemed impossible,...

The Commander-in-Chief has issued a very stringent order upon the

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mess expenses of officers in the Army, published in the Times of Wednesday. The monthly bills must be paid on, the 7th of every month, under penalty of arrest or suspension from...

Strikes are becoming quite a feature of life in the

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United States. The iron miners of Pittsburgh are out, and the cargo handlers of New York, and the grain handlers at Baltimore, and. the colliers in the Clearfield District, and...

The Courts of justice seem to be almost as paralysed

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as Parliament. Tray ity Foir recently declared that Mr. Belt, the sculptor, did not do his own work, but paid assistants to do it for him, taking all the benefit of their work....

Consols were on Friday 09 to 098- x.1

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The "Salvation Army" are justly proud of having bought the

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lease of the Grecian Theatre (the Eagle Tavern) for £16,750, in addition to which they have to pay £365 a year ground-rent. he premises will hold 5,000 persons, and the...

Cetewayo is to visit London, after all. The Colonial Office,

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perceiving the very general feeling in his favour, have con- -milted Sir H. Bulwer by telegraph, and the Governor of Natal has replied that he no longer sees any objection to...

The Postmaster. General, on Monday, made a speech in answer

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to Mr. Cameron, which virtually admitted that the charge for telegrams must be reduced. The number sent, he said, through- -out the :United Kingdom was only 80,000 a day, and as...

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THE GOVERNMENT AND EGYPT. T HERE was hardly any interest in the proceedings of the Tory meeting of Thursday on Egyptian affairs. Its criticism of Government was all in the air....


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landlords' hands which the Government do not think that they ought to possess,—what are we to say of the waste of night after night on the most trivial amendments and on the...

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E NGLISHMEN - are watching the foreign policy of France with such interest, that they scarcely notice the steadi- ness and rapidity with which the Chamber is moving towards...

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M R. TUKE'S very remarkable and touching paper in the new number of the Nineteenth Century, on the little emigration exploit by which he has relieved to some slight ex- tent the...

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T HE very severe Order issued by the Commander-in-Chief on Tuesday on the subject of Mess Expenses is not one whit too stringent. The evil-attacked lies at the very root of the...

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T HE answer which Mr. Chamberlain gave on Monday to Mr. Bromley Davenport's question about the Channel Tunnel points to a singular state of things. It seems that in April last,...

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T HE author of " Ecce Homo" is deeply impressed with the conviction that there is much injustice done to those who give up "supernatural religion," by the assumption that there...

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I T must be a dreadful bore to any public man to have to speak to the toast of "The Press." He is expected to say something not quite formal, what he says is rather keenly...

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T ES DEUX FRERES," which has been dramatised under the title, Les Bantam., is one of the most powerful, but least pleasing, of the works of the famous collaborateurs, MM....

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OUR CANAL POPULATION. [To THE EDITO4 or THE " SPECTAT011."j 'n,—The letters that have appeared in the Spectator during the last few weeks upon my letters, "Canal Adventures by...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SFECTAT011."] SIR,—Will you allow me to say that I am responsible for the account of Mr. James Mill's treatment of my father, Edward Strachey which was...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The correspondence in your columns as to the value of exercise has been very interesting; but it seems likely to close. and leave us...

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TO MARY—AG-ED SEVEN DAYS, 13 Rio IIT as the morn that heralded thy birth, So bright may all thy life be, little Fairy! And thou shalt bear the prettiest name on earth,— All...


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THE HO YAL ACADEMY. [LAST NOTICE.] IN this concluding notice of the Royal Academy for 1882, we propose to cast off all the responsibilities of a critic, and to walk at ease...

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B 00 K S.

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MO Z LEY' S RE MINISCENCE S.* [SECOND NOTICE.] Mn, MOZLEY'S reminiscences of Oriel are linked, with those of a generation earlier than his own. When he was a boy at Derby, in...

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THE author of this curious and interesting 'book declares, with an irony of which be is rather fond, though we doubt its effi- ciency, that "he is one of those simpletons who...

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A CERTAIN exaggeration of Carlyle's qualities is the note of this book. He went to Ireland in July, 1849, when he was more than usually sick with indigestion and megrims, - and...

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A HANDBOOK FOR BENGAL.* Ir. any further proof were wanted

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that India is attracting greater attention and a wider interest than at any previous epoch, it would be afforded by the volume lying before us. Mr. Murray may have anticipated,...

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THE MARTYRDOM OF MADELINE.* Ma. Bucnerws is a master in

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the art of story-telling; he pos- sesses in an unusual degree the power of arresting and keeping the attention of his readers, and his words and thoughts flow easily and...

Page 22

Recaptured Rhymes. By H. D. Traill. (Blackwood and Sons.)— Mr.

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Traill will not be surprised, if we express the opinion that his non-political verses are the more successful of the "rhymes." He can anyhow be read with a more general and a...

La Bou7bou2e. By Dr. G. H. Brandt. (H. K. Lewie.)—La

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Bourbonle is in Auvergne, and is famous for its arsenical springs. The great or Perriere spring is of a temperature of 132 (Fahrenheit), and contains, besides the chlorides of...


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The Poems of Virgil, Translated into Engitidh. Prose. By john Conington, MA. (Longman.)—Many Oxford men will remember that the late Professor Conington was accustomed...

Opium.Smoking in America and China. By H. H. Kane, M.D.

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(G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York.)—Dr. Kane, with the character- istic devotion of medical science, has made many interesting experi- ments of the action of opium on himself, has...

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The Belgium of the East. By the Author of "Egypt

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under Ismail Pasha." Edited by Blanchard Jerrold. (W. H. Allen and Co.)— Just now, when events are moving BO rapidly, it is dangerous to write about Egypt, and not less...

The Epoch of Reform, 1830-1850. By Tustin McCarthy, M.P. (Longmans.)—Mr.

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McCarthy explains his object as being "to give a clear and ooncise account of the changes in our political system, from the introduction of Lord Grey's first Reform Bill to the...

We have received the following :—Catalogue of the Liverpool Free

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Public Library, " Reference Department," Part II. (Marples and Co.) —Vol. I. of the Bibliographer, and Vol. IV. of the Antiquary (Elliot Stook).—Handbook of Heraldry, by J. E....