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The Conservative Government,—we suppose the Duke of Buckingham has the

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credit of it,—have made a very good appoint- ment to the Governor-Generalship of Canada, having promoted Sir John Young, now Governor of New South 1Vales, and formerly of the...

A relief fund, to be called the Ecuador Earthquake Relief

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Fund, has been opened at the National Bank and its various branches, and the amounts subscribed will be forwarded to Ecuador by each mail. The sufferings of the survivors,—for...

Mr. Disraeli has gone to Balmoral,—perhaps to " educate "

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his Queen for the coming campaign. He has as yet issued no address to the electors of Buckingliattu3hire, which is a disappointment both to his supporters and his opponents. The...

The French Government have to some extent retrieved their defeat

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in the Department of the Jura by a success in the Depart- ment of the Var, where their candidate, M. Peyrue, was carried by a majority of nearly 5,000, out of about 30,000 votes...

At Ashford, in Kent, it seems that a few women

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have got on the Register for want of any challenge to their claim. It seems to be the rule that a claim made and unchallenged is allowed without examination ; and so here, at...

A frightful calamity befell Peru and Ecuador between the 13th

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and 17th of August last. We only know the results as yet by Atlantic telegraph, and there are hopes that the extent of the calamity is exaggerated ; but private telegrams put it...


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T HE condition of Europe is not changed since last week. The Emperor has been received, not only at the camp at Chalons, but at the camp at Lannemezan (in the Hautes Pyrenees),...

Sir Stafford Northcote has had rather a hard time of

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it in North Devon,—probably not the lees hard because he is decidedly the most reasonable member of the Administration, and the most respectful in treating his opponents. He...

Miss Lydia Becker is not the wisest of the exponents

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of women's electoral rights. She appeared before Mr. Hosack, the Revising Barrister at Manchester, to appeal on behalf of a number of women in Chorlton-on-Medlock against Mr....

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The news from Paraguay,—received, of course, through Bra- zilian sources,—is

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unfavourable for Lopez. After the evacuation of Ilumaita, which the Brazilians were destroying, a force of Paraguayans under General Martinez, who had retreated to the peninsula...

We are happy to find that a sound Liberal candidate

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has been started for West Surrey,—in opposition to Messrs. Cubitt and Bris- coe,—Mr. Pennington, who has pledged himself to support Mr. Gladstone. We understand that his friends...

The Ritualists are evidently getting a little cracked. At Lambeth,

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and at Haydock in Lancashire, they are going in for the most tremendous ceremonial on the most extraordinary occasions. At All Saints', Lambeth (Mr. Lee's), on the eve of the...

Shere Ali definitively occupied Cahill with 5,000 men and - 4 '

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ascended the throne" on the 14th of August.

Mr. Roebuck, not, perhaps, very well satisfied with his recent

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achievements at the Sheffield banquet to Mr. Reverdy Johnson, has published a lengthy address to his constituents, in which he expresses his hope that as he has grown older he...

The action of the Russians will not fail to add

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to the excitement. So much at least is evident in this week's intelligence from St. Petersburg. The Russian Government will not ratify the treaty of General Kaufmanu with...

The State elections in Vermont and Maine, the meaning of

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which we have discussed carefully elsewhere, promise very ill for the high-raised hopes of the Democratic party. In Vermont the Republican majority (over 30,000) is greater than...

The disturbances on the North-West frontier of India turn out

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to be much more serious than appeared from the telegram on which we commented last week. The immediate scene of hostili- ties is the Agror valley, in the Huzara district,...

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The Marquis of Bute, who attained his majority this day

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week, .after a very long minority, is said to be the owner of 300,000/. a year ; and certainly the festival was celebrated as if it were the birthday rather of the eight...

The girls have taken to cricket,—a game which, but for

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the petticolts, which are not favourable to good running and good fielding, is a thousand times superior to that languid croquet, though, of course, it excludes flirting, being...

At Haydock, in Lancashire, a Ritualist harvest home was cele-

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brated last week of the most ridiculous description. There were, -of course, the grandest conceivable clothes, of which the following -are to us unintelligible, and only minute...

Rather more steadiness has prevailed in most departments of the

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Stock Exchange, and with but few exceptions the move- ments in prices have been favourable. The Gomel Market has ruled firmer, although the trausactious have been by no means...

A shameful, nay, an infamous trick has been played,—not, we

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trust, by the Liberals,—in the canvass for Deal, Sandwich, and IValmer. One of the Conservative candidates, Mr. H. Worms, is, it seems, of Jewish race, and, as the Standard...

Efforts are being made to raise a modest monument to

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the late Mr. Leigh Hunt, whose grave at Kensal Green is entirely undis- tinguished. About 150/. will be required, of which, as we understand, 75/. have been already raised, and...

A German of the name of Franz Vester, living in

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the United States, has actually been good enough to invent a safety coffin, the .merit of which consists in its enabling any one who happens to be buried alive in such a coffin,...

Yesterday and on Friday week the loading Foreign Bonds

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left off at the annexed quotations :— Sept. 11. Sep t. 18. Se )1 11 Sept. 18, Brazilian, 1865 761 761x. 0. Russian (Anglo-Dutch) 92 1 14 i Egyptian, 1864 87/ 871 Spanish,...

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THE AUGURIES FOR FRANCE. I T is scarcely to be numbered among the good auguries for the Emperor of the French that M. Guizot has become his patron, if not exactly his friend....

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G IVEN a social state and economic arrangements in which, for the mass of men who work with their hands, every- thing is not for the best in the best possible of worlds—how...

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O UR " Yankee " correspondent wrote, in a letter which we- published on the 29th August, that on the political issues now raised between the Republicans and Democrats in the...

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AL LL parties alike seem to us to play into the hands of those wise and beneficent people who are promoting the most thorough and extensive schemes for women's education....

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T HE advantages of legislating in a hurry and without any definite idea of the object in view are now being clearly shown, to the satisfaction of those entrusted with the duty...

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F OR the first time since 1832 the Liberal electors of White- haven are in the political field to try their power, and the power of free principles, against the dominant and...

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W E have sometimes wondered that more has not been written about Dolls, who are surely very important members of the - family. For they are nothing less than the children of the...

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Av HEN we hear the announcement that a region of the earth as large again as Great Britain has been shaken by an earthquake shock, that a dozen important towns have been laid in...

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11.—LOCII SCRESORT. VIEWED in the soft sparkling light of a windless summer morning, Loch Scresort is as sweet a little nook as ever Ulysses mooned away a day in during his...

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IL—THE cot. DE JAMAN. Vevey, September 14, 1868. WE left Thun, and especially its garden churchyard, with regret ; but as the time when we could seek rest there altogether was...

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(TO THE EDITOR OF THE 'SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Much amusement may be extracted from the gratuitous and anonymous advice which is so generously showered down upon the public after any...


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ROMAN GOSSIP. WE are once more in Rome—the Rome of the Romans, not the Anglo-Saxon and American colony of "the season." No double chain of crowded carriages clogs the old...


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(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—May I venture through you to suggest to those clergymen who believe Bribery to be a sin to speak out boldly their con- victions on this...

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THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD.* [SECOND NOTICE.] AT the end of our first notice of this volume we expressed a hope that we should find something in it which we could praise. Having...

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WE are afraid Lady Di Beauclerk will hardly take it as a compli- ment to be told that but for her name she would hardly have found a publisher, and certainly not a reader. But...

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OUT OF THE MESHES.* Tars book can scarcely be called

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a novel, but it is a very lively though perhaps not a very impartial sketch of the * 04 of the Meehes. A Story, 3 TOW, Lyndon; Tinsley, character of English administration in...

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NOTWITHSTANDING the ascendancy of European arms and diplo- macy in the East, the intercourse of the Western nations with China is still practically confined to the provinces on...

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AMONG the thousands of novels everywhere cropping up around us, and mostly read to be forgotten, and deservedly forgotten, there every now and then appears one destined to leave...

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will be some eight.years hence, when "woman's rights "shall have

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beers successfully asserted. A native of Boston, who has spent ten years its China, never reading the newspapers because they are all false by ths time they get there, comes...

Memoirs of the Earls of Granard. By Admiral the Hon.

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John Forbes. Edited by George Arthur Hastings, Earl of Granard. (Long- mans.)—The Earl of Granard publishes in this volume a MS. which has been in the possession of his family...


The Spectator

The Ilree Heavenly Witnesses. By the Rev. Charles Forster, B.D. (Deighton and Bell ; Bell and Dakly.)—This is an elaborate plea for the authenticity of the famous text 1 John v....