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Four men were hung at Liverpool on Saturday, the 12th

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inst., all murderers of the worst class. The execution was attended by upwards of 100,000 persons, and, contrary to custom, they seem to have been impressed with a beneficial...

The news from New Zealand is, as we anticipated, very

The Spectator

warlike. The Wailtatos have broken out into rebellion, and Colonel Cameron has therefore withdrawn the troops from Taranaki for the defence of Auckland, and a portion of the...

"The Insurrection in Poland," by a Recent Traveller, which was

The Spectator

published in ow- last number, may now be had in the form of a pamphlet, on application at the office, price Sixpence.

The week has brought but little intelligence from America. There

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are reports, as usual, that General Lee intends to invade Maryland and capture Washington ; but public attention is still fixed on the siege of Charleston, which does not seem...

The Dibats (September 17) publishes a long despatch from the

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National Government to Prince Czartoriski. It notices one point of importance in the international law of the cat) By the Treaty of Vienna, while the Russian Governmenke i+. 17...

Mr. Lincoln's letter to the mass meeting at Illinois is

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a striking specimen of masculine logic, unfortunately furnished, however, with a kind of tag or tassel of Yankee vulgarisms, not unmixed with Yankee humour. Mr. Lincoln...

The military news from Poland is again unimportant, except that

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the news of Lelewel's death is confirmed. He was an excellent partisan leader, attacking the Russians, it is said, on an average, once a week, and commonly beating them. Vic-...


The Spectator

T LIE English and Austrian rejoinders to Prince Gortscha- kelt and a summary of the French one, have all been published this week. They all prove that the Prince is wrong in his...


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interest now appears in the SsEerkron, and will be continued, either weekly or at short intervals, giving an Account of the Great Governing Families of England in Relation to...

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- Lord Stanley's address to the Preston School of Art

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has been published this week. His doctrine is that true art can never be the "offspring of luxury and the plaything of wealth," since it is by its nature universal, and adapted...

The co-oporative system seems at length to be working- its

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way South. The Worcester Co -operative Company, estab- lished about three years ago, held a meeting last week to celebrate the erection of a reading-room for the use of the...

A correspondent accuses us of inviting attention to the brutalities

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of the Confederates alone, but proves his case only by the assertion that in reciting the frightful atrocity com- mitted by Quantrell in Kansas last week we did not seize the...

The Central Relief Committei of the eaten districts have published,

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a table of the gradual decline in the pauperism pro- duced by the cotton. famine. It is exceedingly satisfitetorse as it proves that the recut apparont relapses were merely...

The Times appears to give credence to reports widely circulated

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on the Continent that the Geniis''s have fairly determined to coerce Denmark by sending an army to Schleswig. The Emperor of Austria is said, to have informed the Danish...

A. new scienlia scientianon is needed to know where the

The Spectator

different sciences congregate. Physical Science this year had scarcely ceased to get wet in Newcastle when Statistical Science cropped up in the arid soil of Berlin, meeting a...

Cardinal Wiseman has been lecturing on self-culture in the Hartley

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Institution, at Southampton, where he seemed to think it necessary to apologize for delivering "what might be considered a moral and, perhaps, a worldly discourse." Whichever...

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An extraordinary case of cruelty to a wife was brought

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beforo the Lord Mayor on Tuesday. It appeared from the evidence of the wife, an English girl who had married a German, that she had had no home for years, that they got lodging...

The news from japan is, as usual, important-, but unintelli-

The Spectator

gible. The Princes, or one or two of the Princes, have, it appears, fired into a Dutch vessel, the Medusa, the American -steamer Pembroke, and the French despatch steamer Kien-...

Mr. Kinglake'a "Invasion of the Crimea," the fourth edition of

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which- has just appeared, has already spread over the Continent. Tauchnitz, at Leipzig, has not only published a German translation of the work, but likewise a oheap English...

The Act recently passed in Italy for the suppression of

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brigandaAe seems to be working well. It offered a locus penitentice, in the shape of a short period during which those who surrender will receive a full pardon, after which...

A man named John Hicks, a cooper, was charged before

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Mr. Woolrych with threatening a Pole's life, under circumstances showing a curious brutality. Hicks had engaged to extract a rat's teeth with his own, and had succeeded, but...

The Marquis Townshend died at Raynham Hall last week, and

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that indiscreet but active philanthropist, Viscount Itaynham. who will sacrifice his time for a week to punish an not of cruelty, and. then bring in absurd bills which would...

Spain is quarrelling with Morocco again. The Moors attack her

The Spectator

garrison in Melilla, and 5,000 men are to be sent to chastise their presumption.

The Bishop of St. David's has been presiding at a

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" Gorsedd," or Council of Bards, and made a very noteworthy speech, flavoured, of course, with the praise dear to the local mind. The assertion that the Eisteddfod is a nobler...

Sir Tatton Sykes' magnificent stud has been brought to the

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hammer, and the great breeders of Europe thronged the sale with their representatives. The prices obtained were unex- ampled, the brood mares, 111 in number, averaging 81...

It is reported that a bill for the suppression of

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Hindoo polygamy is to be brought before the Indian Leg islature; but this is a mistake. Hindoo polygamy, like most other Hindoo -customs, is quite unique in its character. A....

The General Committee of the Relief Fund have this week

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settled a most important question. It was proposed that the Relief Committees should undertake contracts for public works, handing them over, when the distress ended, to the...

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MR. LINCOLN'S LETTER. T ANGUAGE with Mr. Lincoln is certainly no instrument 1J for concealing thought. It is difficult to imagine any- thing more lucid, more oppressively...

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S INCE the time of Virgil a terrible change has come over the life of the farmer. Then his was the pattern occupa- tion of mankind ; and while the only drawback to it was his...

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I N this generation diplomacy has made no such failure as in this matter of Poland. For nearly six months the picked diplomatists of Europe, men like Lord Napier and M. Drouyn...

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LORD PALMERSTON AND MR. LINCOLN. T HE two humourists who are

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at present virtual dictators of English and American policy, and, each in his way, almost perfect representatives of the political feeling of their respective nations, offer...


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I T is neither for its eloquence nor its fra n kness—though it is both eloquent and frank—that Mr. Grant Duff's speech at Elgin is a noteworthy one. It is pleasant, in these...

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6IENCE and Faith refuse to recognize, and, therefore, tend to 13 obliterate, the dividing lines of birth and class, but the Fine Arts certainly in some sense take deepest root...

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T HE hopeful form of belief in witchcraft seems to have disap- peared. Nobody now tries, as men did in the Middle Ages, to raise spirits, in order to extort from them power, or...

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IA TE are among a new order of magnates. The House of Cavendish does not belong to the rcll of Norman nobles, conquered no acre of soil, sent no leader to the Crusades, lost no...

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New York, August 5th, 1863.

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No moral or material change that needs comment from me has taken place here during the past week; but before I say something in continuation of the subject of my last letter,...

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_Dieppe, Sunday, Sept. 13. I HAVE just come away from hearing a very remarkable sermon at the Protestant church here, of which I should like to give you some idea before it...

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To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR." Belfast, September 14, 1863. SIR,—In your article of the 12th, on "The Sun as a Dwelling- place," you assume the hypothesis of the sun's dark...

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usik tht gIntma.

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"LB SECRET DE MISS AURORE." Miss BRADDON ought certainly to be content with the dramatic popularity enjoyed by her novels. Her two most successful works have supplied materials...


The Spectator

MOMMSEN'S ROMAN HISTORY.* " Fon a whole generation after the battle of Pydna," writes Mommsen, "the Roman State enjoyed a profound calm. Its dominion extended over the three...

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Tax disadvantage of the position which Miss Braddou holds is that she cannot now retire from it. She is known for a certain sort of work, and people go to her for that peculiar...

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AUSTIN'S JURISPRUDENCE.* AMONG the thousand pleas by which vulgar minds

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justify their own propensity to worship success and neglect merit none has acquired wider currency than the assertion that genius makes its own way. Those who honestly believe...

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To all persons, especially young ladies, who wish to perfect themselves in the art of fine writing, we heartily recommend the perusal, nay, the affectionate study, of Mrs. Anna...

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Ma. THOMAS ADOLPHUS TROLLOPE writes with a simper of self- approbation, and in the varied mood of a man who sits in the spirit consciously supreme over exclusive but adoring...

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The Genuineness of the Book of Daniel asserted on Evidence

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External and Internal. By J. Conway Walter, B A., Curate of Trinity Chapel, Brighton. (Longman and Co.)—It is with pleasure we recognize the temperate spirit of this little...


The Spectator

We are requested by the solicitors of Mr. Andrew Bell, whose book, under the title of A History of Feudalism, we reviewed in our issue of the 8th August, to explain that the...

Three Weeks in Majorca. By William Dodd, A.M. (Chapman and

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Hall.) —The knowledge possessed by the mass of the British public respecting the Balearic Islands is, we imagine. sufficiently wanting in detail to give Mr. Dodd's book a better...

Ralph; or, St. Sepulchre's and St. Stephen's. By Arthur Arnold.

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(Tinsley Brothers.)—Confirmed devourers of novels seem for the most part to require nothing but an easily written narrative abounding in incident. This Mr. Arnold gives, and...

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The Battle Won. By a Carthusian. (Riving,tons.) —This is an

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epic poem in twelve books, narrating the Old Testament history in the first seven and the New Testament history in the last five. "How goodly are thy tents, 0 Jacob, and thy...

Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London. Vol. II. Now

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series. (Murray.)—A goodly octavo, containing thirty papers, read. before the society from November, 1861, to June, 1863. It would be, of course, impossible to enter into any...

Introduction to Zovlogy, for the Use of Schools. By Robert

The Spectator

Patterson, F.R.S. (Simms and 31-Intyra, Belfast.)—It is not necessary to ex- patiate on the merits of a work of which 27 thousand copies have been sold since 1816. Hitherto the...

Black's Tourist's Guide to Derbyshire. Third edition. (Adam and ,

The Spectator

Charles Black.) — Chambers' Handy Guide to the Kent and Sv.g.r Coasts. (W. and R. Chambers). — Bradshaw's Illustrated Handbook to the Tyrol (W. J. Adams).—The first and most...

The Corylete French Class - Book. By Alfred Hard. A new edition.

The Spectator

(W. Allan and Co.) A Grammar of the French L'reguage. First Part —" Accidence." By Henri van Latin. ( 1 Britbner and Co.)—The first of these works is an old favourite. Within...

The Orphans. By Mrs. Oliphant. Third edition.—One of the latest

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and best additions to the select Library of Fiction, issued at two shillings by Messrs. Chapman and Hall. This little tale is interesting as a proof how utterly unnecessary what...

An Easy Introduction to Spanish Conversation. — By M. Velazquez de

The Spectator

in Cadens. A new edition. (Triibner and Co.)-139 12mo. pages suffice to give the student a synopsis of Spanish grammar, a vocabulary, dialogues, proverbs; and forms of letters,...

Messrs. Bacon, with their usual alacrity, have published a very

The Spectator

good Map of Charleston, showing all the more important fortifications, with elaborate plans of Fort Wagner and Fort Sumter, and some indication of all the known fortifications...

A Dictionary of Chemistry. Part HI. By H. Watts. (Longman

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and Co.) —We expressed a very favourable opinion of this work when the first part was published (supra, p. 2015), from which we see as yet no reason to depart. It was originally...