19 MAY 1961

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The Spectator

The Spectator

No. 6934 Established FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1828 1961

— Portrait of the Week

The Spectator

GENEVA RANG to the sound of yet more deadlocks over the Laos talks. South Korea heard more martial noises as a military junta, led by General Chang and General Chung. staged a...


The Spectator

rr HE Government is delaying its policy state- ' ment on coal imports, the Commons were told this week, 'because of the importance of the issues involved.' It would be pleasant...

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Strengthening the Alliance

The Spectator

A LTHOUGH the communiqué issued after last .. week's NATO meeting in Oslo may have been 'one of total platitude,' as a disillusioned leader-writer put it, yet some solid results...

NEXT WEEK So many letters came in following Charles Brand's

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'The Teacher's Lot' in our March 31 issue that we suggested he should postpone his reply until he had time to digest them. He will be answering his critics in the Spectator next...

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Britain and The Six

The Spectator

From a Correspondents PARIS T HOUGH General de Gaulle and Dr. Adenauer meet as regally as ever on Friday, Europeans are for the moment paying more attention to Mr. Macmillan....

Westminster Commentary

The Spectator

Red Alert for Defence Policy ? By JULIAN CRITCHLEYt D EBATES on defence are strangely infrequent in the House of Commons; there have been only three since the election—two at...

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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

The Spectator

From TELFORD TAYLOR JERUSALEM O N the docket of the District Court of Jerusa- lem, Criminal Case No. 40/61 is entitled 'The Attorney-General of the Government of Israel v....

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Re-Assessing the Shah

The Spectator

By MICHAEL LEAPMAN NSIDE Iran, it is not difficult to discover the I state of the country. Talk to almost any educated Iranian and he will tell you about the poverty, the...

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The Churches

The Spectator

Outbreak UnCharitable By MONICA F URLONG T HE House of Lords, I learned from the Sunday Express the other week, is turning Roman Catholic at a rate of matrimonial knots as...

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The Spectator

`Peaceful' Bombs By JOHN WILLIAMSON I N 1957 the first atomic explosion whose effects were totally confined underground was let off in Nevada The first by the Americans, that...

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The Spectator

SIR,—How does Mr. Austin classify 'smaller circula- tion magazines,' which, he says, have a knack of 'going out of business'? He seems to misunderstand the present set-up in...

THE QUALITY OF MERCY Sig.—Nee,sptiper accounts of-criminal cases in the

The Spectator

Courts are necessarily brief. It may well be therefore that some exceptional evidence to the detriment of the defence of Mr. W. F. Walker, who was sentenced on May 11 to twelve...


The Spectator

SIR,—Criticism of medical education in Britain. directed mainly at the status of psychological medicine within the curriculum, has been growing in recent months, and demands...

Day of Dupes lain Hamilton, Ronald J. Fagan, Richard Windsor

The Spectator

Clive Psychiatric Training Kenneth Robinson, MP The Quality of Mercy Donald W. T. Bruce Printing and the Press Anthony M. Perry Hospitals and Patients Michael Joyce, E....

SIR. — Mr. Robert Conquest says, 'if the signatories [of the Tynan

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letter to the Times] really favour the professed aims of the Castro Government • . . then they should support the rebels. For that is precisely their programme—the original...

SIR,—What is interesting about Philip Toynbee's letter in last week's

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issue is the way he maintains that Hungary and Cuba were only different in degree. There arc, of course, two basic distinctions be- tween them of the utmost importance. (a) In...

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The Spectator

SIR, --Hospital patients and ex-patients get tired of reading letters written by doctors, matrons and nurses to explain how splendidly the hospitals are run. No doubt delay is...

SIR,- My indignation at Mrs. Catling's article en- titled 'Hospitals

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versus Patients' is not so much over SIR,- My indignation at Mrs. Catling's article en- titled 'Hospitals versus Patients' is not so much over the criticism that she levelled at...


The Spectator

SIR,—As a Sinhalese I fully endorse the ideas expressed by Christopher Hollis on the Tamil ques- tion in Ceylon. How could Mrs. Bandaranaika con- demn South Africa when she and...

SIR,—AS a hospital consultant in a non-teaching hospital, I welcome

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the publicity you have given to Mrs. Catling's disturbing article. It rings absolutely true, and though she arrives at some wrong assump- tions they are understandable, and do...

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SIR,-1 draw the attention of your readers to the all-star

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variety show which will take place at 11.45 p.m. at the Victoria Palace, on June 2, in aid of the Africa Bureau. Among those taking part will be Larry Adler, Dame Peggy...

FIREARMS Sut,—The sporting weapon used by Victor Terry for armed

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robbery was freely available to him; other deadly weapons are now the subject of strict public control. How much of the culpability of this youth is shared by the State, now...


The Spectator

Falstaff Immenso By DAVID CAIRNS I HAVE never been able to understand people who do not , see that Falstaff is one of the most wonderful things that ever happened to music....

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The Spectator

The Male Image By CLIVE BARNES 'STEVEDORES Love Bal- let.' Well, perhaps not quite; but the other day I was talking to a re- gular member of the ballet audience, who hap- pens...

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The Spectator

The Razor Quartet By BAMBER GASCOIGNE Jonathan Miller is the zombie of the party and his gangle is his fortune Forget Evolution, think of Man as having been developed along...

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The Spectator

Grateful Thanks to St. Jude By ISABEL QUIGLY MacLaine, the patroness of all hopeless cases. teal Every country has its anti-heroine, the charmer tior who gets away, through...

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The Unbeloved Republic BY PETER DUVAL SMITH I N these days every smiling liberal has his Panacea for the ills of South Africa, but seldom are their remedies founded on any more...

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River of Blood

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The Big Push. By Brian Gardner. (Cassell, 21s.) iN this fine chronicle of terrible events Mr. Gardner quickly disposes of the myth that the battle of the Somme was fought to...

Red Dan ubia

The Spectator

Bulgarian Background. By Bernard Newman. (Robert Hale, 21s.) IN a world divided and threatened by the challenge of Communism, books like these two, dealing with people and life...

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So Much Old Rope

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The Crusade against Capital Punishment in Great Britain. By Elizabeth Orman Tuttle. (Stevens, 30s.) IN a typical article published in "1908; writes D r, Tuttle, 'the Spectator...

Limpidity and Impudence

The Spectator

The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell. Edited by Lester E. Denonn and Robert E. Egner. (Allen and Unwin, 42s.) WHILE Russell himself, with seemingly un- diminished vitality,...

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Verb. Sap.

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The Strategy of Desire. By Ernest Dichter. (Boardman, 25s.) DR. Dictirea, the inventor of motivation!' research, says that : —we're all more emotional than rational and...

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Fid. Def.

The Spectator

H e nry VIII and Luther. By Erwin Doernberg. (Barrie and Rockliff, 21s.) full ;haft' titute oned than d so mis- ey're set- tract ple's it in lings :Olaf here will bout...

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The Premier and Maigret in Court. BY Simenon. (Hamish Hamilton,

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12s. 6d. each.) The one is little more than a character sketch of aII ageing—indeed, a dying—French politician, de- termined that his obvious successor shall not, in fact,...

Killing at the Big Tree. By David McCarthy. (Heinemann, 13s.

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6d.) White woman is killed in small Southern town where, whenever there has been a murder before, a Negro has paid for it. New sheriff is determined to find out who, in fact,...

It's a Crime

The Spectator

The Half Hunter. By John Sherwood. (Gollancz, 13s. 6d.) One would never know it from the wrapper or the flyleaf, but this is by an ex- perienced and versatile author, whose last...

A Question of Manner

The Spectator

Any Advance? By Geoffrey Johns. (Hutchinson, 16s.) To start by asking how much the Miltonism of Thyrsis or The Scholar-Gipsy detracts from either poem may seem remote; but...

h. ce

The Spectator

The Accused. By Harold R. Daniels. (Dent 12s. 6d.) Grim courtroom story, with the eviden gradually revealing, and the accused's memori echoing in greater depth, the relationship...

Mamie. By Winston Graham. (Hodder al Stoughton, 16s.) Long, immensely

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readat character study of young woman thief, a-moral ta her employers' pay-rolls, but highly puritanic as to her favours. It may be that both the lig fingers and the sexual...

The Dead Past. By Jean Scholey. (Heinemann, 16s.) A philandering

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adventurer is found dead in a Land-Rover in a remote corner of Tanganyika, and the District Commissioner has to find out who did it, and why: African or European; because of...

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Valuing Equities

The Spectator

By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT IF you investors have a little spare time this weekend turn to the back page of the Financial Times and consider the extra- ordinary variety of dividend...

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Company Notes

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E BEERS report that their diamond sales for 1960 were less by £1,435,000 than in 1959 and that a substantial quantity of diamonds mined in Russia were purchased by their sub-...

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The Spectator

Are There Other Wines? By KATHARINE WHITEHORN AT this time of year, there is no vintage in the champagne country. The great mechanical presses lie dismembered and empty; the...

Investment Notes

The Spectator

By CUSTOS W HAT brokers call 'consolidation' is at work in the share markets. Buying and selling is more evenly matched. The Trustee Bill is expected to pass before the summer...

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COhtiUmin interest

The Spectator

Clubs for Climbers By LESLIE ADRIAN There are other practical advantages, too. Members have first call on the use of mountain huts, as well as on their bedrooms (which can mean...

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The Spectator

• • • Well, it's a new thought, certainly. But what I remember respecting was the way the thing was worked so that when future generations look back through the files they will...