19 MARCH 1983

Page 3

Steady and she stays

The Spectator

T he Chancellor has been in Number 11 as long as the Prime Minister has been in Number 10. Throughout her administra- tion Sir Geoffrey has been at the Treasury, which is to say...

Page 4

Political commentary

The Spectator

Admirably boring Colin Welch O f Sir Geoffrey Howe it is said that even in him there is imprisoned a politician struggling to get out. If any compliment is intended, it is not...

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The Spectator

t was quite a good joke by the Russians, if it was they, to land on the uninhabited island of Thule, one of the Falkland Islands D ependencies, take down the Union Jack (why do...


The Spectator

UK Eire Surface mail Air mail 6 months: £15.50 111£17.75 £18.50 £24.50 One year: £31.00 112£35.50 £ 37.00 £49.00 US subscription price: $65.00 (Cheques to be made payable to...

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Another voice

The Spectator

The wealth trap Auberon Waugh Tt was James Callaghan who, as Chan- cellor cellor of the Exchequer, made the discovery, which he announced to the Labour Party conference at...

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France's shrinking Left

The Spectator

Sam White Paris T he French Left did not fare so badly in the municipal elections, but on the other hand not so well either. To have done r easonably well, as the...

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A question of taste

The Spectator

Murray Sayle Tokyo T wee, sickly, or just sick? Harsh words to use about the current condition of any ancient literary tradition, but today's Japanese writers, it must be...

Page 10

Love for sale in Zimbabwe

The Spectator

Richard West Harare W hen Joshua Nkomo last week fled to Botswana 'disguised as a fat old woman', as it was written here, a govern- ment spokesman made a sarcastic apology to...

Page 11

Power and irresponsibility

The Spectator

William Deedes D inner in the other man ' s club, they say, always tastes nicer than dinner in your o wn. A fortnight with Australia ' s news Media on their election campaign...

Page 12

What is left of Marxism?

The Spectator

A. L. Rowse T he influence that Karl Marx has had on the 20th century is simply astounding, or even fantastic when you consider that there were other thinkers who were as...

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One hundred years ago

The Spectator

There was a 'No-Popery' tumult at Pembroke College about a fortnight ago, the cause being the presence of a " Papal Chamberlain, an MA of Brasenose College, of the name of...

Page 15

A fallen angel

The Spectator

Robert Cecil W hile Maclean lay dying in Moscow, another former Cambridge under- graduate, Michael Straight, was in London, t rying to explain to unsympathetic au- diences what...

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Dust-up in Darlington

The Spectator

Geoffrey Wheatcroft Darlington E lectioneering used to mean canvassing from door to door, holding public meetings, sending out pamphlets, address- ing the populace from a soap...

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The men of Merthyr

The Spectator

Gerda Cohen W ales so mild and vulnerable, meeting us out of the Severn Tunnel with flooded terraces, meek crushed chimney pots and, for Saint David's Day, daffodils, a big...

Page 19

Rebecca West

The Spectator

Terence de Vere White S he took the nom de guerre because she had been acting the part — her first ambition was the theatre — not as a state- ment about herself. She wanted to...

The Spectator Index for July- December 1982 is now available,

The Spectator

price £5, from: The Spectator (Index), 56 Doughty Street, London WCIN 2LL.

Page 20

The press

The Spectator

Girl talk Paul Johnson Tt is a matter of opinion whether Newbury District Council did the right thing in getting a High Court judge, Mr Justice Croom-Johnson, to shift the...

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The Spectator

Sir: It came as something of a shock to this American to read an article by Nicholas von Hoffman (`Old American bones', 12 March) with which I could not quarrel on any score. I...

Proud wet

The Spectator

Sir: Colin Welch in his review of Sir Ian G ilmour's Britain Can Work (12 March) is most tiresome in repeating the absurd fa llacy that the only way to provide new r esources is...


The Spectator

Tribalism Sir: I don't think it will do for Richard West (12 March) to project the tribal con- flict in Zimbabwe as a product of the geographic conditions of the civil war....

Number One Son

The Spectator

Sir: John Derbyshire spoiled an excellent piece (12 March) on North Korea by sug- gesting that Kim Jong-il's real identity might be unknown in the DPRK. He forgot the stamp on...

Restrictive practice

The Spectator

Sir: Simon Courtauld (Notebook, 12 March) rightly laments the failure of governments which appoint Royal Commis- sions and then ignore the outcome. The British Legal Association...

Dynamic Glasgow

The Spectator

Sir: It was only predictable that Gavin Stamp, when writing about Glasgow (5 March), would reject the true character of this most dynamic of British cities, whose name has, over...

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Spring books I

The Spectator

The Imperial Tragedy J. Enoch Powell Escape from Empire: the Attlee Government and the Indian problem R. J. Moore (OUP £19.50) T he ending of the Indian Empire is a tremendous...

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Cotton wool

The Spectator

Harriet Waugh The Swan Villa Martin Walser (Secker & Warburg £7.95) M artin Walser is a German writer and his novel, The Swan Villa, has been translated by Leila Lennewitz....


The Spectator

A. N. Wilson O xford University Press have just issued another armful in their Past Masters series, little volumes about 80 pages in length which give an account of such...

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Teachers extraordinary

The Spectator

P. J. Kavanagh The Brothers Powys Richard Perceval Graves (Routledge & Kegan Paul £14.95) - En 1967 Kenneth Hopkins published The 'Powys Brothers, which covers the ground in...

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A cottage industry

The Spectator

Peter Levi The Penguin Book of Homosexual Verse Edited by Stephen Coote (Allen Lane £8.95, Penguin £3.95) N early all my homosexual friends have been gentle, amusing, delicate...

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The Spectator

Richard Calvocoressi Modern Germany: Society, Economy and Politics in the Twentieth Century V. R. Berghahn (Cambridge University Press £20, £6.95) H itler studies in this...

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Hardfur Huttle

The Spectator

Terence de Vere White The Playwright and the Pirate Bernard Shaw and Frank Harris: A Correspondence Edited with an introduction by Stanley Weintraub (Colin Smythe £11.50) W e...

Leathery limbs

The Spectator

Rupert Lycett Green Lambourn, Village of Racing Alan Lee (Arthur Barker £7.95) 11 Mrs Thatcher ever has to leave Down- ing Street I would suggest Lambourn, Berkshire, as an...

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Sexual chaos

The Spectator

Kay Dick D . M. Thomas's unacknowledged use of Kuznetsov's Babi Zar in The White Hotel opened him to accusations of plagiarism. Personally I see no reason why a novelist should...

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The Spectator

Fantasia Peter Ackroyd Local Hero (` PG', Odeon Haymarket) M isty hills, whacky characters, dogs loitering in the middle of the road, Whisky Galore and Brigadoon combined:...


The Spectator

Carissimoore John McEwen Anthony Caro — recent sculptures, steel and bronze (Waddington Galleries, 4 & 34 Cork Street, WI; and Knoedler Gallery, 22 Cork Street, WI, till 26...

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The Spectator

Sacred cows A.S. Henry T o judge from their latest monthly classical release' sheets, some of the major record companies are in the throes of panic. Their choice of music can...

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The Spectator

Unanswered Richard Ingrams A rather scrappy World in Action Pr °- .gramme this week called 'What th e Papers Pay' focused on the topical question of chequebook journalism....


The Spectator

New view Giles Gordon Brighton Beach Memoirs (Curran) Loot (Geary) Uncle Vanya (Geary) San Francisco N ew readers don't start here. In the latest Neil Simon comedy, Brighton...

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High life

The Spectator

Over the hill Taki T hate to admit it but the only good thing I about grey hair is that it makes it hard to see the dandruff. Believe me, if anyone tries to tell you that it...

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The Spectator

Trifles P. J. Kavanagh I n a recent article in the Times about the marketing jamboree for the Twenty Bes t Young British Novelists, Philip Howard , decently wanting to do the...

Low life

The Spectator

Indisposed Jeffrey Bernard A last, after years of trying, I've finally landed the Spring Double. Pneumonia and pleurisy. I wonder how much Lad- broke's would have laid me...

Page 35

No. 1258: The winners

The Spectator

Jaspistos reports: Competitors were asked for a letter from Maggie Thatcher to her friend Pam written in the same spirit of sex- ual solidarity as the letters of Denis to Bill...


The Spectator

No. 1261: Parker's hatchet Set by Jaspistos: You are invited to write a poem (maximum 12 lines) to commemorate the abolition by BR of the chamber-pot in sleeping compartments,...

Page 36

Crossword 599

The Spectator

Comings and goings by Doc A prize of ten pounds will be awarded for the first correct solution opened on 5 April. Entries to: Crossword 599, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street,...


The Spectator

Pterodactyl Raymond Keene M any readers may have been puzzled by my reference some weeks ago to this extinct airborne saurian in the chess menagerie. The usage derives from...

Solution to 596: Decagona l

The Spectator

U L LF A C R .E ,W EIA L 'E The ten sides are the names of fiv e English and five Scottish football teams. Winner: E. A. Side, 9 Aycote Close. Gloucester.

Page 37

Special offer

The Spectator

Wine Club Auberon Waugh I must start with a grovel. Avery's under- estimated the greed of Spectator readers, buying only 70 cases of the Pinot Nero delle Venezie 1979 which I...


The Spectator

PRODUCT Please despatch wines to:— NAME ADDRESS PRICE NO. OF VALUE INC. VAT CASES 7 Park Street, Bristol BSI 5NG Telephone: 0272-214141 GOLDEN OLDIES CASE A 9750683FX 2...

Page 38

Books Wanted

The Spectator

RUSSIAN SURNAMES by B. 0. Unbegaun (1972) and 'Our Italian Surnames' by J. Fucilla (1949). M. Heenan, 25 Albert Rd, Canterbury CT1 1UJ. TEN YEARS OF MY LIFE by Agnes Princess...

Portrait of the week

The Spectator

S ir Geoffrey Howe's fifth Budget, of- ficially unveiled on Tuesday, though widely predicted in outline by the Sunday newspapers, pleased Conservative MPs but failed to earn...