19 JULY 1935

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The Spectator

T HE Abyssinian situation has during the past week remained static on the political side, but by no means so on the military, for Italy continues to pour men and munitions into...

M. Laval's Economies M. Laval has tackled the economy question

The Spectator

heroically, but his courage may spell his downfall. Expenditure is to be reduced by no less than 11,000,000,000 francs-- 1146,000,000—as result of cuts ranging from 10 per...

There are indeed faint foreshadowings of possible developments. which might

The Spectator

assume either a hopeful or a sinister shape. The British Government shows signs of favouring a plan resembling that outlined in a leading article in last week's Spectator...

Ovricns : 99 Gower St., London, W.C. 1. Tel. llelusEum.

The Spectator

1721. Entered as seconcl.class Mail Matter at the New York, N.Y. Post Office, Dec. 23rd, 1896. Postal subscription 308. per annum, to any part of the world. Postage on this...

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A New Depression The report of the Commissioner for what

The Spectator

are euphemis- tically known as the Special Areas is a depressing document, and it derives a certain added importance from the fact that it is one of four notable contribu- tions...

Married Women in Professions A question that has been disputed

The Spectator

for twelve years was settled last Tuesday by the London County Council, so far as its own area was concerned, when it decided that marriage should no longer be a bar to the...

West Toxteth By-election Two or three interesting conclusions may be

The Spectator

drawn from the West Toxteth by-election in which the Labour candidate, Mr. Gibbins, re-won the seat from the Con- servatives by more than 5,000 votes. Firstly, there is no...

The 'Beet 'Subsidy's Cost The motion for the prolongation of

The Spectator

the sugar-beet subsidy' for another year, to give the Government time to resolve its hesitations about the future of the subsidy', provided the usual raking exposure of...

The British Legion in Germany The visit of the British

The Spectator

Legion delegation to Germany will no doubt do good, but it shows how easily in a country in the state of Germany foreigners may be involved against their will in internal...

Aeroplanes in Flames Shocking loss of life that would not

The Spectator

have occurred but for the outbreak of fire on a crashing aeroplane is again recorded this week. • The same story is constantly, repeated. In a lesser crash that might not...

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Sir john Simon, now that he is away from the

The Spectator

Foreign 'Office, may well achieve a real position of dominance in the House of Commons. He followed up his success in the vote of censure debate last Week With a fascinating...

Precautions Against Raids The Labour Party in the House of

The Spectator

Commons last Tuesday protested violently against the Government circular dealing with precautions to be taken by the civilian population in case of air raid. It is a tragic...

• Members arc awaiting anxiously the production of the Government's

The Spectator

answer to Mr. Lloyd George's programme. Many feel that the Government was lulled into a false feeling of security when the programme was debated in the Cabinet and made no real...

The Week in Parliament Our Parliamentary correspondent writes : The

The Spectator

triumph of the Labour Party at West Toxteth has reminded scores of National Government supporters who won " fiuke " victories in 1931 that in the words of Lord Snowden with...

Rioting in .Belfast The rioting which began 'in Belfast with

The Spectator

the Twelfth of July celebrations was resumed again and again in , the days that followed. Several lives were lost, and more than a hundred persons sent to hospital for...

Police Organization, Sir John Simon was no doubt justified in

The Spectator

saying that the improvement in police services and in other branches of Home Office work was very great since he was last at the Home Office, 20 years ago. And he is right in...

There was a curious incident at question time on Wednesday

The Spectator

afternoon when a Labour member complained that a question that he had put down to the Minister 'for League Affairs was answered by the Foreign Secretary. The Speaker ruled that...

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The Spectator

M R. LLOYD GEORGE'S long-heralded "New Deal" proposals* have now been published. They demand full consideration, and on their intrinsic merits alone. It is not a question of...

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The Spectator

N EVER at any time since the War have there been such impressive displays of Britain's armed forces as during the last fortnight. In succession the King ' has reviewed powerful...

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Italy's failure' to state her ease regarding Abyssinia publicly has

The Spectator

provided universal comment:: In the past week I have had the advantage of hearing the Case stated privately by a fully competent . exponent. I fully understand riowi Signor...

English Public life is singularly free from jobbery, and the

The Spectator

readiness of the average man to resent the smallest sespicion of it is striking. The average man, so far . as I have come across him, refuses resolutely to reconcile hirnself to...

The Indispensable Press - !` You remember, perhaps the lost,

The Spectator

luggage that was prayed for on Sunday morning. Its owner, a minister, stopped me in the street to Jet me know that it had been returned to him. Its recovery was due to the...

The death of Colonel Alfred Dreyfus can mean little to

The Spectator

anyone born within the last thirty years—though readers of Anatole France's L'Ile des Pingouins must find the political allusions with which the satire, teems very largely...

" On came the . King's yacht, with the welcome - signal,

The Spectator

Splice the main-brace,' , flying from her halliards." Why " splice the main-brace " ? , The order means; of Course, serve out a double allowance of rum---dr It conies down from....

, Mr. Rudyard Kipling's poem . on the King with his

The Spectator

fleet is announced as appearing thirty-eight years to the , day after "The Recessional.'" It is hardly a charity to invite the coniparison, for the two poems are, frankly,...

There was an old link between two public men _whose

The Spectator

deaths have been lately recorded, Lewd. Fitzmanrice and LordDalziel, who died on Tuesday. In 1892 a vacancy occurred at , Kirkcaldy and Lord Edmond , Fitzmaurice was about to be...


The Spectator

IIE holding of a plebiscite on the question of monarchy in Greece can now be taken for granted, but it does not follow that if the monarchists win the day their choice will...

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The Spectator

By FRANK MACDERMOT W HILE Mr. Thomas has been administering balm and consolation to Sir H. Craft, Mr. Churchill and Mr. de Valera by reasserting the sanctity of the Treaty as...

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The Spectator

By JOHN M. MELLY I T was a fortunate day for Abyssinia when the present Emperor; Haile Selassie I, came' 'MI-the throne; He is unquestionably by far the wisest and moSt...

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The Spectator

By GEOFFREY CROWTHER W HEN war broke out in 1914 it was, so we are told, the almost unanimous belief of the informed public that it could not possibly last beyond Christmas. And...

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The Spectator

By HECTOR BOLITHO T HE labour of writing and the satisfaction which may come to a biographer with publication can never be compared with the excitement which he enjoys while he...

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The Spectator

By J. R. GLORNEY BOLTON T HE question "Back to the Airship ? "raised recently' in The spectator awaken many memories—not, I think, irrelevant or without a certain value. Five...

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The Spectator

By E. L. WOODWARD T WO squared stones ; a monument smaller by how many times than the Great Pyramid, but how many times more distinguished. The pyramids, those hugious heapes of...

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The Spectator

By ROSE MACAULAY A POET resembles a war horse ; the glory of his nostrils is terrible, he paweth in the valley, he swalloweth the ground with fierceness and rage, he saith...

The Journey

The Spectator

THE days have dosed behind my back Since I came into these Wits. . Now 'memory is a distant field One peasant tills and tills. So far away, if I should turn I know I would...

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The Cinema

The Spectator

"Becky Sharp." At the New Gallery.—" Barcarole." At the Curzon. "Public Hero No. r." At the Empire Becky Sharp, the American film version of Vanity Pair, is a triumph for...


The Spectator

"Public Saviour No. 1." By John Frushard.. The Piccadilly Mn. FRE SHARD has succeeded, where others had failed, in circumventing the regulations which preserve members of the...

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Tour de France

The Spectator

[D'un corrcspondant francais] LE moms prevenu des touristes traversant Paris ces jours-ci peut, dans la rue, observer une animation qui, vraisemblable- ment, lui parait...


The Spectator

Italian Art in Paris NATIONALIST jealousy is perhaps the first feeling to be aroused by the exhibition of Italian Art at the Petit Palais in Paris. Is this a better or a worse...

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A Partridge Farm

The Spectator

Two queries have reached me about the zoological meaning of a reference in the speech of the chairman at the annual meeting of the I.C.I. The research work to which he referred...

A Bumfit Flourish

The Spectator

Some while ago I quoted a shepherd's sing-song numeration from the Sussex Downs. In her altogether charming little tale of her country experiences Miss Nancy Price, deserting...


The Spectator

Harvest and Haysel In many more places than is usual—in Scotland, as in Wales and England—we shall see this year the ceincidence of harvest and haysel. For various reasons...

Multiplying Birds I have just visited these several islands and

The Spectator

circumnavigated them. The birds' appreciation of their benefactors leaps to the eye. There are more puffin and perhaps more shear- Water on Skomer than there have ever been....

The friendly 'Goldcrest In a beautiful Warwickshire garden in the

The Spectator

Shakespeare country is a small pleasingly thatched aviary where a number of small Australian birds have their being. They Make a happy noise from 'morning to night, and breed...

Four Sanctuaries Off the coast of Pembrokeshire are four islands—Skokholm,

The Spectator

Skomer, Grassholm and Ramsey (familiar to me for years) that are marked out for bird sanctuaries. I have more than once urged their preservation for this purpose ; and suggested...

Large Families Partridges have been secured from many parts of

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Britain, from Scandinavia and,_ of course from Hungary, which is the partridges' paradise. They mate together freely, and show that marital fidelity and parental altruism which...

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The Spectator

[Correspondents are requested to keep their letters as brief as is reasonably possible. The most suitable length is that of one of our " News of the Week paragraphs. Signed...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—our correspondent, Mr. J. D. Jenkihs, whose letters on the India he knows I always read with interest, has once again returned to the...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sta,—May I take the liberty of commenting on one of your ' , contributor's statements, which does not seem to sit very well on his otherwise...

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The Spectator

[To the Editor of TILE SPECTATOR.] Sin.,—Before this letter reaches you the die may be cast, and one member of the League of Nations may be engaged in hostile operations...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Lying between the large island of Trinidad and Venezuela (still known here as " The Main ") is the leper island of Chaeachaeare. It is...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sia,—The speech of the Prince of Wales a few days ago to the British Council for relations with other Countries has encouraged...

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The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR;.] Sin,—On page 15 of the issue of The Spectator of July 5th, there appears an article headed " Music." The third paragraph of the article...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE • SeEcTAwort.] • Sut,—In your Parliamentary Correspondent's notes last week reference is made to a statement by Sir Stafford Cripps to the effect...


The Spectator

.[To the Editor of THE Stre,Iii, Northern India where, the roses make . excessive vegetative growth during the inonsoon it is, as Sir. William Beach Thomas notes in your issue...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of Tim SrEcrAron..] SIR,—The recent report of the Royal Commission on this enterprise is providing the controversy that might have been expected. The economist...

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]

The Spectator

SIR,-.-The course of the Italo-Abyssinian dispute shows the . necessity of, an Interna Nothing could tional Police Force. . show more clearly the bankruptcy, of the method of...

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Renaissance, Reformation, Reason

The Spectator

By A. F. POLLARD Mn. RIMER was once, . I believe, :urged .by his fellow-editors of the "Home University Library" to write for that series a history of the world compressed into...

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Declining Europe

The Spectator

Europe's Crisis. By Andr6 Siegfried. (Cape. 5s.) NOT merely one crisis, but two or more than two, for the political, economic and social crises are all distinct. M. Sieg- fried...

America and Collective Security

The Spectator

ANY publication bearing the imprint of,the American Council on Foreign Relations is sure of a welcome from British readers. The Council is the American counterpart of the Royal...

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Dux Redivivus

The Spectator

Wordsworth's Anti-climax. By Willard L. Sperry. (Harvard University Press . : Oxford University press. 10s. .8d.) !rim use—and abuse—Of Wordsworth as a controversial figure...

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Regent and King

The Spectator

. George the Fourth. By Roger Fulford. (Duckworth. Os.) Mn. FULFORD has not wished to add to the number of" wine, women and song" biographies of George IV, but to present " an...

Sidelights on Stage History

The Spectator

Those Nut-Cracking Elizabethans. By W. J. LawrCned, ' (Argonaut Press. 10s. bd.) WHAT is it that gives to certain affairs of history—the move- ments of the Roman legions, or...

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An Opmm Dream

The Spectator

Martha Brown, M.P. By Victoria Cross. (Werner Laurie. 7s. ed.) EUROPE discovered an American genius in Mr. T. S. Eliot. Now Anierica has repaid . the compliment she has...


The Spectator

Desolate Marches. By L. M. Nesbitt. (Cape. 10s. 6d.) LAST year Mr. Nesbitt published under the title of Desert and Forest the account of a journey through the Danakil country of...

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The Spectator

FicOon By WILLIAM PLOMER Republic. By Robert, Francis, _Translated by Fra.ngoise 1 Delisle. Introduction by Havelock Ellis. '(Allen and Unwin. 13s. 6d.) TALENT, says Mr....

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Motoring The Importance of Being Light Tim success of the

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American car in a field we have long con- sidered our own—in whioh, indeed, we have as long pre- dominated—compels one to the conclusion that if we are to retain any hold at...

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THE PLAYHOUSE OF PEPYS By Montague Summers Mr. Summers has

The Spectator

followed up his valuable The Restoration Theatre with this equally valuable volume (Regan Paul, 21s.), . which will be of inestimable use to all students of the theatre of the...

ODD MAN OUT By Douglas Goldring Mr. Goldring's autobiography (Chapman

The Spectator

and Hall, 15$.) familiarizes us with a person of unusual and remarkable character rather than with a particularly gifted writer. 'Reading it indeed is only occasionally a...

WITHOUT RESERVE By F. A. Hornlbrook A large proportion of

The Spectator

the adult population of Great. Britain has already reason to be grateful to Mr. Hornibrook for ttai benefits' received as a Consequence of that iafluentiar work; The Culture of...

Current Literature

The Spectator

WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE - By Thomas Marc Parrott, Thc Professor of English at Princeton University has pro- duced an extremely useful little handbook (Oxford University Press,...

EGYPT By Lt.-Col. P. G. Elgood

The Spectator

Perhaps ,Colonel Elgood had the hardest task of all the writers of this Modern States Series (Arrowsmith, 3s. ad.), of which this is No. 7 ' • for the history of Egypt...

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The Spectator


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New Era Bankirig ?

The Spectator

Political Factors rirgAT the present conditions in the banking world, as indeed in so many other directions, are abnormal everyone probably admit. What, however, is more...

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Bankers' Balance-Sheets The Rise in Investments

The Spectator

Iv has' often been said that the balance-sheets of the joint-stock banks give a fairly accurate reflection of the general business conditions of the country:: In normal times...

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Australia's Recovery GoVernment and Banks Co-operate

The Spectator

A rEw weeks ago I was present at a Dinner given by the Australian Bankers in London to the Right Hon. J. A. Lyons, Premier of the Australian Commonwealth, during his recent...

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Banking , in South Africa

The Spectator

BANKERS throughout the world have been faced with many difficult situations as a result of post-War economic and financial changes, and South Africa has been by no means immune...

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• The Jubilee Crown Piece • THE decision to issue a

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special crown piece to celebrate the King's Silver Jubilee is one that has fired the public imagination, and the demand for the new coin has exceeded all anticipation. To strike...

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The Corporate Trustee

The Spectator

GUARDING our money during life is difficult ; guarding it after death is infinitely more so. Few, men are capable of preserving their capital intact and making it earn a fair...

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Insurance Shares as • an Investment . The Yield on

The Spectator

Insurance Shares INSURANCE shares are an excellent illustration of the principle that the Merits of an investment should be judged not by its apparent yield but by the actual...

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1 1 Legitimate Tax-Saving

The Spectator

, INSURANCE PRIVILEGES.: irIIE heavily-burdened income-tax payer of today probably .d'oes not realize the extent to which he may lighten the iteal, '.burden of taxation;...

Page 50

ranted its Great Britain by W. SrEsitait AND SONS; LTD,

The Spectator

98 and 99 Fetter Lane, London, E.C. 4, and published by TILE SrECTATOR, LTD., at their offices, No. 99 Gower Street. London, W.C. 1—Friday, July 19, 1935.

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The Spectator

Prospectuses—if 'INVESTORS scarcely need to be told that just as the purchase of industrial, speculative or semi-speculative share; in the market requires more careful...

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The Spectator

• It is - common knowledge that the work of electrifying certain sections of the railways will extend well over five years, and at firSt sight some surprise may be felt that...

Financial Notes

The Spectator

BIG GOVERNMENT LOAN. TuE outstanding feature of the past week has been the issue of the 02,000,000 Loan for electrifying certain suburban sections of the trunk railways. The...

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The Spectator

• Especially does Mr. Withers bring out most strongly the extent to which fears of a disturbance of the international peace have interfered with the progress which should have...

COURTAULDS' DIVIDEND. • Some of the shareholders in Courtaulds Limited

The Spectator

doubtless felt disappointment with regard to the cautious statement which accompanied the recent interim dividend of 2i per cent., free of tax, against 14 .per cent, a year ago....

TUE WAY TO WEALTH.* I cannot too strongly recommend those

The Spectator

who are interested in the tangled economic problems of the present dag to secure the latest book by Mr. Hartley Withers, entitled The Way to Wealth. It is not, as perhaps may be...


The Spectator

Considerable interest was taken in the statements made by Sir William Firth at the recent annual meeting of Richard Thomas and Co. Interest centred on the capital plan outlined...


The Spectator

The recent announcement by the 'Standard Bank of South Africa of a bonus of 2s. per share, or 2 per cent. actual, ill addition to the 10 per cent. dividend paid for the two...


The Spectator

(Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1835.) Head Office: 4 THREADNEEDLE STREET, E.C. 2. West End Office, Temporary . Address: Norway House, Cockspur Street, I-ondon, S.W. 1, Paid...


The Spectator

At the recent general meeting of John Ismay and Sons, Ltd.' the Chairman and Managing Director, Mr. John Ismay, pre- sented a very satisfactory Report showing that during the...

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The Spectator

E+1 141 NI I I Fl El U RI R I El 0 LID E l 12 D I I 171T AI TI L /WI TI I C LI CI OIS RILIO GFG El RIII E AI Dr1 5 11E1 0 I A RI E10rx1 El =2 . 1 . EL . 12 . 11 A 141 054EIN I E...

the Spectator" Crossword No. 147

The Spectator

By ZENO 14 prire of one guinea will be given to the render of the fir, t correct solution of this week's crossword .pozzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked Crossword...