19 JANUARY 1884

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As the time for the assembling of Parliament approaches, provincial

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orat4ry appears to lose something of its significance. i it has been a eek of innumerable speeches,—but not many of the -first imports_ e. Mr. Chamberlain, Sir Stafford...

But Mr. Chamberlain's most weighty speech at Newcastle was that

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of Wednesday, delivered to a somewhat hostile gather- ing of shipowners, at a luncheon given to him by the Marine Insurance Association of the Tyne, Wear, and Tees. Mr....

Lord Salisbury made a remarkable speech at Dorchester on Wednesday,

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in support of a new Conservative Association, which is to do without pay all the work which paid agents did before the Corrupt Practices Act passed. He warned his audience that...

Mr. Chamberlain made two short speeches on the same day,

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one of which was to the effect that the Conservative dread of the mob is dread of a mere bogey, which, if the people of Great Britain would but fairly face, they would find to...


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T HE news from Egypt is still bad. The Malidi is believed to be marching on Khartoum in two columns, which move down the Blue and the White Nile upon the city. It is certain -...

4 * * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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NOTICE.— With this week's number of the SPECTATOR are issued

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(gratis) the Index and Title-page for the Volume for 1883.

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The American papers report a meeting at Brooklyn, in which

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Mr. O'Donovan Rossa raved as follows :—" Let me assure you, gentlemen and reporters, that before the third anniversary of O'Donnell's death, we will be prepared to give Ireland...

Sir Stafford Northcote and Mr. Gibson both spoke at Exeter

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on Wednesday, on the occasion of the founding of a new Con- stitutional Club. Sir Stafford Northcote did little more than congratulate himself on the real existence of the...

The Irish Extremists are fond of saying that their race

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numbers eleven millions beyond the Atlantic, and that they all demand the separation of Ireland from Great Britain. It appears, however, from the Catholic Census of 1880, quoted...

The Times on Thursday published a statement, said to come

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from the Chinese Embassy, which would indicate that China has resolved on war. War, it is stated, will not be declared, but Bacninh will be defended by the "large bodies" of...

General Gordon has accepted the supreme control under the King

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of the Belgians of the establishments formed by the International Association upon the Congo. His plan, it is stated, is to come to an agreement with the French by ceding to...

The nephew of Colonel Soudiakin, who accompanied his uncle when

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attacked by the Nihilists, has died of his wounds, without being able to give evidence ; and it is believed that all his assailants have succeeded in quitting Russia. The Police...

As was expected, the Spanish Ministry has fallen, under a

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vote of censure, carried by 221 to 126. The Right voted with it, but S. Sagasta's friends, who form the permanent majority, the present Cortes having been elected during his...

A large meeting, attended by many Scotch nobles, was held

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in Edinburgh on Wednesday, to persuade Parliament to appoint a Cabinet Minister for Scotland. The argument was, of tourse, that Scotch business does not get on, which just now...

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Mr. Bourke, who addressed. the Lee Conservative Club at Blackheath

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on Thursday, seems to have endeavoured to mske -up for being very dull by being excessively spiteful to the present Government. "I have said over and over again," he declared,...

Mr. Barnum, misled by the enthusiasm manifested in this country

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for Jumbo, evidently thinks that the English are susceptible about elephants, and has sent over a beast pur- chased in Burmah, which he declares to be one of the "white" variety...

The Bishop of Chester (Dr. Jacobson) has expressed his wish

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to resign the active work of his diocese, and to retire, under the provisions of "The Bishops Resignation Act, 1869." Dr. Jacobson is in his eighty-first year, and has held the...

Mr. Bryce, M.P. for the Tower Hamlets, made a very

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interest- ing speech at Liverpool on Monday to the Council of the Liberal Association, on his return from the - United States, giving them the general drift of his political...

Bank Rate, 3 per cent.

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Consols were on Friday 101i to 101f.

Sir Charles Nike presided on Tuesday at the annual dinner

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of the Tricycle Club, and predicted a great future for cycling, in which he is probably right. But we suspect he was quite wrong in saying that "physical exertion was probably...

• Mr. W. H. Mallock, best known as yet by

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his very clever parodies of modern men of learning and letters in "The New Republic," is trying to persuade the St. Andrew's Burghs to accept him as their Conservative...

One wonders that more Joint-Stock Banks are not started in

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London, for the profits of the old institutions are very large. At the half-yearly meeting of the London and Westminster Bank on Wednesday, Mr. Francis, apparently a statist,...

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KHARTOUM. T HERE has been a muddle about Khartoum, but people are expressing extreme opinions both as to its extent and its kind, while most of the suggestions now offered for...

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W HATEVER the dangers of the coming Session, the Liberal Party will enter upon it with the best possible auguries. Not only are their own leaders united and firm, but the...

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T HERE were very instructive passages in Mr. Mundella's second speech at Glasgow on Saturday. The Vice- President, it is well known, takes an unusually personal interest in the...

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i rlt. CHAMBERLAIN'S many speeches at Newcastle-Ga- ff'. Tyne have shown him in his two very different aspects, —as a popular politician, and as a strong and even first-rate...


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T HERE run through all Lord Salisbury's recent speeches, and especially through his speech of Wednesday in Dorsetshire, two threads of thought which separate them widely from...

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W HEN Mr. Samuel Smith was returned for Liverpool, he was believed by many people to be at least half a Socialist. Readers of the address which he delivered at Kirk- dale this...

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p ERHA.PS the most interesting fact about the ghastly story reported this week fromVienna is that similar stories should be so rare in Europe. According to all the accounts...

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A YEAR or two ago, we had to complain of the parodies on Scott's novels which Miss Braddon put forth in the form of compressions and abbreviations,—of a new catastrophe, for...

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MR. ALBERT GREY ON REFORM. (To TIM EDITOZ OF TH " SPECTATOR.") Sna,—I think that in your comments on Mr. Albert Grey's recent speech you unduly exaggerate the points where you...

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rro THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.] must apologise for a mistake in my last letter. The loyalists would probably be able to hold their own under house- hold suffrage in four or...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " EIPIGTATOR."1 So.,-Now that Cabinet Ministers have prominently condemned non-resident franchises, now that the most able man of the Ministry outside the...

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SIR,—I do not know whether the Spectator ever reads the Rock. If it does, it will find something entertaining in the number for January 11th. On its first page it takes you to...


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THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTILTOR.1 Sin,—May I be allowed to point out to "Oxoniensis " what I really did say in my letter to you? He seems to be under some misapprehension on the...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " 8PECTATOR.1 Sui,—In the case referred to in your article on " Oaths " last week, the Coroner expressed surprise that a boy who went to church and school...


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[TO THE EDITOR 01 TIM "SPECTATOR."] Bra,—" The Financial Reform Almanack for 1884" contains a table of figures headed, "The Aristocracy and the Public Ser- vice," which is...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] Sra,—Your correspondents have been discussing whether dogs are colour-blind. Let me give you an instance which shows they are not. Once,...


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THE OLD MASTERS AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY. (MR. POOLE'S PAINTING.) THE chief attraction of this winter's collection of the works of deceased artists at Burlington House is the...


The Spectator

I To THE EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR:I p. 58, article "John Herring," is this phrase, "Devon- shire savages to whom the author has given the name of the Cobbledicks,' " Sze. The...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May I beg you to allow me, through your valuable paper, to make an earnest appeal for subscriptions, in order to carry on a case to...


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LTO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." J Sra,—Your remark that "the days of pamphlets seem to be over," if not altogether true, is nearly so. A " burning " ques- tion, however,...

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THE NEW Ll7CIAN.* Tins is a book of very unequal merit in its different sections, though the reason of that inequality may perhaps be that Mr. Train has aimed at different...

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LADY Thump very fairly estimates the value of her uncle Mr. Henry Greville's journal, when she tells us in her preface "that in this volume there will be found something to...

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THREE NOVELS.* IN spite of provoking inequalities of style and

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of several absurdi- ties of plot, Dr. MacDonald's new novel is a stronger and more careful piece of work than some of the fictions he has recently pr3duced. One gets a little...


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Tuts is as good a book of travels as we have met with for a long - time. It combines the qualities of brevity, clearness, and interestin.gness, and though it contains an account...

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WE have been kept waiting for this edition of the Annals for a long time, not less, to use an appropriate quotation, than " quindecim annos, grande mortalis aevi spatium." The...

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Scraps. By Lord Saltonn. 2 vols. (Longmans.)—These Scraps, or, as

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the author puts it in his second title, "Scenes, Tales, and Adventures from the Memories of my Earlier Days," consist mainly of military and sporting reminiscences. As Lord...


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The British Quarterly.—The first article in the number is an able survey of Mr. Gladstone's political career. It is not, perhaps, easy to say much that is new upon this theme,...

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Solar Physics ; an Almanac of the Christian Era. By

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G. H. Swinton. (Allen and Co.) —Mr. Swinton's contention, as we under- stand it, is that sun-spots have a great deal to do with the seasons and with earthquakes, a probable, and...

Adventures in Thule. By William Black. (Macmillan.)—These charming "stories for

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boys" came into our hands too late to be in- chided in our notices of the books of the season. And, indeed, they well deserve to have a place by themselves. With one of them,...

A Newport Aquarelle. (Roberts Brothers, Boston, 1:1.8.)—We have here a

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vivid sketch of fashionable life at an American summer resort. The English reader may learn how the Upper Ten of the States amuse themselves, and he may also learn, so far as it...

Bouquet. By William Bayley. (Bayley.)—There is no lack of elegant

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workmanship in this volume. But Mr. Bayley, though be can write pretty verse on occasions, is too apt to be diffuse. The fragment of Pinder, e.g., that is commonly placed first...

The Life of Schiller. By Heinrich Diintzer. Translated by Percy

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Pinkerton. (Macmillan.)—" Rain fell in torrents next morning, as Schiller, in a chair borne by two porters in canary-coloured livery, was carried to Fraulein Faust's house, No....

Whom Nature Leadeth. By G. Noel Hatton. 3 vols. (Longrnans.)

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—Mr. Hatton, following the custom of tragedians, has mixed with the somewhat tragical story which forms the main action of his drama what may be called a comic underplot. We...

Cape Cod Folks. By Sally Pratt McLean. (Griffith and Farran.)

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—In this book (which, though bearing the name of an English pub- lishing house, has in every respect an American aspect), we bear bow a young lady set forth to keep school at...

The Confessions of St. Augustine, Bishop of Rippe. (Suttaby and

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Co.)—This "new translation" is, we think, a success. It claims to give the author's meaning in "the fewest and clearest words, follow- ing the original text as closely as...

The Blue Veil. By Florence Montgomery. (Bentley and Son.)— These

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"moral tales for children "are written with a simplicity which shows no small amount of skill. Archie Forbes, who way be looked upon as the hero (the three tales form a...

The Alsatian Mountains : a Narrative of a Tour in

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the Vosges. By Katharine Lee. (Bentley and Son.)—We do not profess to look at this book from the point of view of a critic familiar with the scenery of Alsace. Whether Mrs. Lee...

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The History of The Year. — October let, 1882; September 30th, 1883.

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(Cassell and Co.)—This is the second annual volume of this publi- cation. It seems a well-planned and well-executed work, which can hardly fail to hold its place as a standard...

• Jenifer. By Annie Thomas (Mrs. Fender Cudlip). 3 vols.

The Spectator

(F. V. White and Co.)—This is about as strange a story as ever was seriously told. Mr. Ray dies suddenly, leaving a will which gives his property, excepting E200 a year settled...