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As we have explained elsewhere, it is this necessity for

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Russian success in Bulgaria which constitutes the immediate danger in Eastern Europe. The Czar may be compelled to use force ; and if he is, Austria will be almost unable to...

The mingled anger and fright of the Bulgarians comes out

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strongly in the reply of the Sobranje to the speech of the Regents. The Deputies, without a division, assented to a reply which calls the seizure of Pi ince Alslander an...

The week has been markel by a distin t resi

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:al of the policy of obstruction. Using their right to discuss any vote in Supply, the Parnellites, aided by a few Radicals, keep the Committee sitting for hours, partly by...

The Bulgarians are not out of their difficulties, yet. The

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Sobranje has assembled, but the Deputies are unable to act. A large majority, certainly 200 to 80, are in favour of Prince Alexander, and would, if they dared, regard the...


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M DE FREYCINET has beaten the Pope in a grave die- • pute. It was officially announced in Paris on Wednesday that the French representative at the Vatican had received on Sunday...


The Spectator

It is our intention occasionally to issue gratis with the " SPECTATOR" SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENTS, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. The Eighteenth...

*O r The Editors cannot undertate to return Manuscript, in any

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The Statist of Saturday last published evidence which certainly proves

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a heavy fall in the prices of Irish produce, though it must be remembered that the tenant benefits by the quantity as well as price of his crop, and a bumper harvest might be as...

The best proof that many Radical Members are not un-

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favourable to the delay of business is to be found in a little speech by Mr. Sexton on Monday night. Lord R. Churchill, with much tact, had suggested at a late hour that the...

The Gwernment has appointed a strong Commission, with Sir Matthew

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Ridley as chairman, to inquire into the expenditure The Gwernment has appointed a strong Commission, with Sir Matthew Ridley as chairman, to inquire into the expenditure -of...

The text of Mr. Parnell's Land Bill has been published,

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and differs considerably from forecasts of it. After affirming that a great depression has occurred in the prices of agricultural produce since the judicial rents were fixed, it...

Our countrymen make one perverse mistake in arguing this question

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of eviction. They think that when they have assured Irishmen that they will not be evicted they have settled every- thing, whereas the Irishman's crave is to know that he cannot...

Lord Randolph Churchill, who has shown a patient temper throughout

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these proceedings, made on Wednesday an im- portant announcement. The Irishmen were nominally exposing "the mistakes and iniquities " of the Irish Board of Works, when the...

It is a carious comment on Lord Randolph's speech that

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the United Ireland recommends all dispossessed tenants to enter the workhouse, and make it "an encampment against landlordism." "In the districts where the majority of the Board...

It is announced that Mr. Gladstone will return on Sunday,

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and take part in the debate on Mr. Parnell's Bill. He is greatly required. Sir W. Harcourt leads as if he secretly sympathised with obstruction ; and Mr. J. Morley, who does...

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The Board of Trade has sent us the first two

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numbers of a journal, which is for the future to be issued monthly, and to contain all the commercial intelligence transmitted to the Government from all parts of the world by...

The Paris correspondent of the Times makes much of the

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appointment of M. Herbette to the French Embassy in Berlin. In two bitterly sarcastic letters, the writer describes M. Herbette as an able but irritating Jacobin of extreme...

The English denunciations of early marriage in India have recently

The Spectator

been so vigorous that the Hindoos of Bombay have taken the alarm, suspecting the Government of an intention to legislate on the subject. A great meeting has been held to protest...

An odd little incident marked the Parliamentary chat on Monday

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night. Mr. Clancy moved the abolition of the Ulster King-at-Arms, and Sir M. Hicks-Beach said he really did not know of what use he was. The office, however, had existed for...

A Special Committee has been ordered to inquire into the

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merits and demerits of the new rifle ; but it is possible that before it can report all existing rifles will have been super- seded. The great soldiers of the Continent appear...

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THE CHANCE OF WAR. W E are by no means willing to believe in war, still less to prophesy it, but it is impossible to deny that there are ugly circumstances in the present...

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inspect " the daily life of a people without an army of costly functionaries—and it is also true that much of the new expenditure, for example that of the Telegraph Department,...


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M R. PARNELL'S Land Bill, as it stands, is inadmissible, but we cannot like the spirit in which it is discussed, or the summary style in which the whole of it is ruled out of...

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D URING the past week, obstruction in the House of Commons has been in full swing. It began, it is true, on the Irish votes, under the pretext of discussing local griev- ances...

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T HE meeting of the Synod of Old Catholics at Vienna on the 7th inst. excited but a faint interest among the liberal orthodox of Europe, serving, indeed, principally to re- mind...

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I N the rush and roar of imperial politics and national news, in which the London newspapers and the London speak- ing and thinking public spend themselves, London itself and...

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D OGMAS are the bones of religion, and positive law is the backbone of morality. Those rather priggish though perfectly true apophthegms, now becoming rather unpopular, but...

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- LIVER since the great expansion of electrical engineering which has been the chief scientific feature of the last ten -12.1 years, the world has been eagerly looking for some...

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T HE steady popularity of Sheridan's comedies, the unfailing interest they excite, are not in themselves surprising, even in a day of essentially bad taste like the present ;...

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W HY do not the coughers of England "in their thousands" go to the loveliest of spas, where sulphurous water, with a dozen other mineral ingredients expressly suited to fortify...

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THE RIPON MILLENARY. fro THE EDITOR 07 THE spur-Li:Ton:1 SIR,—If Mr. Freeman will look again at your article on "The Ripon Millenary," he will see that he is in substantial...


The Spectator

LEO THE EDITOR 07 THE " SPECTATOR." J SIR,—Unless Dr. M. Foster addresses you on the subject of your paragraph relating to colour-blindness, may I crave space for a few remarks...


The Spectator

or THE " SPECTATOR." J SIR,—Allow me to inform Sir Charles Warren, through the columns of your paper, that the story of the gentleman's dog sent to Battersea in company with...

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MORTE POINT. A NIGHT of roaring, wild, tempestuous winds, And blinding mist, and cruel sweeping surge, Deadening the light, drowning the fog-horn's dirge, While on the Rock the...


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LETTERS OF CHARLES LAMB.* THE two volumes of Lamb's letters published by Talfourd in 1837 and 1848, were of necessity not chronologically arranged.. We are grateful to Mr....


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[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In your issue of November 7th, 1885, you ask the ques- tion, "Will anybody jest tell us what we want with Kilimanjaro, the great...

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IN this little book, Mr. Freeman touches upon a subject on which the public at present requires enlightenment, perhaps we might add, rebuke. Although this is not stated on the...

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WHILE her more ambitious 31ohau:ke is running its serial course in Belgravia, Miss Braddon keeps herself in evidence by enlivening the dull season with two stories which make up...

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HENRY VAUGHAN.* THE production of fac similes of first editions

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is one of the fashions of the day, and being a fashion, proves, we suppose, a profitable speculation. The fac-simile craze, like the pursuit of the bibliomaniae in search of "...

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de Tourzel, Governess of the Royal Children: she who came hooded with the two hooded little ones ; little Dauphin ; little Madame Royale, known long afterwards as Duchesse...

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A VOLUME of comments and criticisms on matters poetical from the most fluent master of verse and the most ardent critic of the day is certain to command attention. Mr. Swinbnrne...

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THE colonising energy of France has been of late causing an amount of disturbance quite out of proportion to any benefits which are likely to accrue to the country,—benefits,...

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The Red Dragon, for August and September. (Daniel Owen and Co.; W. Kent and Co.)—In these numbers of the Red Dragon, a maga- zine which devotes itself chiefly to Welsh subjects,...

careful description of elementary experiments such as would be needed

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by students for the first part of Natural Sciences Tripes. The theory of the balance is fully worked out, and great attention is paid to thermometry and calorimetry, and a very...

Page 23

Colonel Cheswick's Campaign. By Flora L. Shaw. 3 vols. (Long-

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mans, Green, and Co.) —Accident has delayed, far too long, our notice of this very interesting, very clever, and very unique novel, which deserves, but does not require, full...

A Fallen Ido'. By F. Anstey. (Smith, Elder, and Co.)—The

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only objection to this cleverly told story is its length. A farce or joke in three hundred and thirty pages loses its interest long ere the denoue- ment is reached. It may be...

A Sketch of the History of Hindustdn. By H. G.

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Keene. (W. H. Allen and Co.)—This sketch of the history of Hindustan, from the first Moslem conquest in 1525, to the fall of the Mogul Empire in 1802, should do much to increase...

American Diplomacy and the Furtherance of Commerce. By Eugene Schuyler,

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Ph.D., LLD. (Sampson Low and Co.)—Under this title, Mr. Schuyler has given us a very comprehensive and interesting account of the manner in which the United States manages its...

A Chronicle History of the Life and Work of William

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Shakeveare. By F. G. Fleay. With two Etched Illustrations. (J. C. Nimmo.)— This volume is an addition to the woild's stock of well-printed and nicely got-up books, but can...

flat Little Girl : a Novel. By Curtis Yorke. (Bevington

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and Co.) —This is a novel of considerable spirit and interest. As usual, the characters which are not meant to be the most heroic, interest us more than those which are, and we...

A Diamond in the Rough. By Alice O'Hanlon. 3 vols.

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(Hurst and Blackett.)—We remember a rather clever story called "Louisiana," where a girl was ashamed of her father, who was a rough Californian farmer, and practised a deception...

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Effie Ogilvie. By Mrs. Oliphant. (Macmillan.)—The interest of this book

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depends on the careful analysis of a simple girl's heart. We should almost doubt whether any girl could be quite so inexperienced and innocent as Mrs. Oliphant's heroine. No...

That Most Distressful Country. By E. C. Boyse. 3 vols.

The Spectator

(F. V: White and Co.)—This novel reminds us, in a way, of "Lorna Doone." Not that the incidents are in the least the same, or even tint there is any marked resemblance between...

Gardens of Light and Shade. Bf " G. S. C." (Elliot

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Stock.)—The tempting title and appearance of this book, which indulges in affecta- tions of type and elaborate photographic illustration, led us to think that we might have got...

The Silver Dial. By Mary C. Rowell. 3 vols. (Swan

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Sonnen- schein and Co.)—This is a tale of Strasburg in the sixteenth century, and the authoress has succeeded in putting before us a lively picture of the active life of the...

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Claldren's Stories in American History. By Henrietta Christian Wright. (Bickers

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and Son.)—These stories open up, as far as we are aware, a new field for the quite young English children, for whom they are specially written. The style, language, and...

Quiet Waters : Essays on Some Streams of Scotland. By

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" H. W. H.' (J. and II. Parlane, Paisley.)—This little book, of a hundred and seventy pages, has, no doubt, been a labour of love, and will have sympathetic readers in the...

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UNIVERSITY PRESS LIST. LECTURES on the PHYSIOLOGY of PLANTS. By S. H. VINES, MA., D.Sc.. Fellow of Christ's College Cambridge. With Illn.stra. tions, dewy 8vo, 21;. A HISTORY...