18 NOVEMBER 1848

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As military occupant of Vienna under martial law, Prince Windischgriitz

The Spectator

has been executing " justice " on leaders of the late revolt, in a manner more accordant with established usages in such cases than conducive to the restoration of peace and...

The incidents in anticipation of the Presidential election in the

The Spectator

United States have taken a curious turn. Mr. Daniel Webster has been objecting to General Taylor on the ground that he is a successful- general, and that victorious':...


The Spectator

THE quarrel between the King of Prussia and the National As- sembly has come to a direct struggle for power, in which the Assembly is at the disadvantage of being a divided...

The present aspect of affairs in France is dismal enough.

The Spectator

The Constitution was proclaimed on Sunday, with a great military show; in a snow-storm ; and the manifestation of popular feeling was as cold as the weather. General Cavaignac...

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'Ube flilttropolis.

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The City Commissioners of Sewers held a Court on Tuesday; the Lord Mayor in the chair. A medical officer of one of the City unions waited on one of the Commis- sioners, and...

Ebt Qtourt.

The Spectator

THE Princess of Hohenlohe-Langenbourg, with the Princesses Eliza, Adelaide, and Feodere, took leave of the Queen and Prince Albert on Tues- day morning, and journeyed by way of...

Our home news is scanty and trivial. Appetite has been

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palled by the mass of exciting matter with which the newspaper-reader has been crammed for the last year. Even the plotting at Clon- mel, which created "hopes," last week, of...

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gbe 113robintes.

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The Morning Chronicle makes the following announcement, under the head of its Oxford news- " We understand that the Board of Heads of Houses have in contemplation a most...

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Sir James and Lady Graham arrived in Dublin early in the week, and have been guests at the table of the Chief Secretary. On Wednesday, Sir James and his wife visited the...

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Mr. Macaulay was elected Lord Rector of Glasgow University on Wed- nesday. The numbers were—for Macaulay, 255; for Colonel /lure, 203. The trials of the Scotch Chartists for...

_foreign anb Colonial.

The Spectator

FRANCE.—The ceremony of proclaiming the constitution in Paris passed OS' on Sunday without political excitement, and with indifferent success as a national fete. On the beating...

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The Queen has forwarded 10/. to two brothers at Cheadle to enable them to publish a work written on popular education.—Morning Post. The Cambrian prognosticates a fashion which...

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SeeruBDAY. The Morning Post publishes a declaration on the part of the Dec de Bordeaux to the French people, with this preface from the English editor- " It has been deemed...

The news from Berlin comes down to the evening of

The Spectator

the 14th. The position of affairs had not much changed: the people played their game with self-possession and the military had not made any attack; but the soldiers were much...


The Spectator

WAit-osvics, Nov. 17.-3d Drag. Guards—A. C. Shaw, Gent, to be Vet. Sung. vice Browne, deceased. 31st Regt. of Foot—Second Lieut. T. Trail, from half-pay list 'was to be Ensign,...

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The papers report the convalescence of Louis Philippe's family- "

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We are happy to learn that the Countess de Nenilly, who was very seriously indisposed, and obliged to keep her bed for several days after the arrival of the ex- Royal Family of...

nally Director) of the Provincial Branch Schools, have been transferred

The Spectator

to the office of Head Master of the Branch School in Glasgow, in the place of Mr. Macmanns, who has been removed. It is understood that no successor to Mr. Wilson ' as Director,...

The Gazette of last night contains a notification from the

The Spectator

Foreign Office, that the Venezuelan Government had renewed the Executive de- twee of the 11th of May last, and the explanatory resolution of the 17th Of the same month, by which...

Advices from Rome, of the 6th instant, state that the

The Spectator

Pontifical troops, joining the garrison of the Marches upon the Austrian frontier, had re- volted, had threatened an attack on the fortress of Ferrara, still in possess- ion of...

According to the Cork Constitution, there is reason to believe

The Spectator

that very extensive changes are about to be made in the Poor-law in Ireland, and that the entire system will undergo very extensive alterations— "Attention is in the first place...

An accident occurred yesterday on the London and Datcbet Railway,

The Spectator

by which one man was killed and several others were seriously hurt- The express-traiel which left the Waterloo Bridge station at half-past five p. m., reached the junction at...

The India mail has arrived in town late this morning,

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with news from itombay to the 17th October Affairs in Moultan have not changed. General Whish had obtained a good position near Moulton, and awaited reinforcements. Cashmere...

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By a certain farcical vigour of dialogue, and by considerable

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neatness in the structure of his pieelia, Mr. J. Maddison Morton has made for himself a distinctive position. -Ho equally avoids the Scylla of those who write random nonsense...

The Bride of Lammermoor was produced on Tuesday at Covent

The Spectator

Garden; Mr. Sims Reeves and Mademoiselle Nissen performing the parts of the hero and heroine. Reeves's Edgar Ravenswood is his happiest effort: taken as a whole—as a dramatic...


The Spectator

Characters which are preiiminently feminine, and stand as types of that deep tenderness which forms the essential virtue of woman's nature, are suited above all others to Mrs....

The Society of British Musicians gave the first of a

The Spectator

series of "Chamber Concerts," in the Hanover Square Rooms, on Monday evening. The au- dience was numerous, but, from the number of familiar faces we saw around us, it seemed of...

Mendelssohn's Elijah was again performed by the Sacred Harmonic Society,

The Spectator

at Exeter Hall, last night, to an immense audience. On Friday next, the oratorio will be the Messiah—Costa's first essay as conductor in the works of Handel, and Sims Reeves's...


The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. 15th November. Sin—By an accident I have only today seen the Spectator of lust Saturday, in which you do me the honour to insert my remarks...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The Stock Market has continued firm and to advance slowly during the whole week. The settlement of the Consol Account occurred on Tuesday....

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BRITISH GUIANA is in a state of financial revolt against the Government, and public affairs are administered through a Pro- visional Government appointed by Earl Grey. Though...


The Spectator

RESTORATION OF THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY. Jr you have watched the broad blue swelling disc of the ocean on a bright calm day with light snatches of breeze but without a cloud to...

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IT is not easy to understand how the Duke of Wellington or any other strict disciplinarian can uphold Lord Cardigan. We have no desire to bear hard upon one whose mishaps so...


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Jr the English nation had any degree of sensitiveness on the score of theoretical propriety, it never could endure the anomalous absurdities which exist in its scheme of...

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The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Monday, 14th November 1848. Sui—As I hold it to be a duty to the public to expose through the means of the press the irregularities of railway...


The Spectator

Paris, November 16. Amidst cold, and freezing, and snow, and the general indifference of the people, has the new Constitution of the country been promulgated. A popular feast...


The Spectator

CAPTAIN M'QuasE established the Great Sea Serpent, Professor Owen has demolished it: such is the tendency of the mind to hasten to conclusions, that, except after the most...


The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.. Windsor, 13th November 1848. Sin—Acting under the advice of my solicitor, I have hitherto abstained from noticing the many severe and painful...

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japan ARCHIEOLOOT, The Judges of England; with Sketches of their Lives and Miscellaneous Notices con- nected with the Courts at Westminster, from the Time of the Conquest. By...

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THE insignificance of action in the campaign of 1792, and the splen- dour of subsequent achievements under the Republic and the Empire, have rendered the Duke of Brunswick's...

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Is not equal in breadth and purpose to the writer's previous novel of The Henpecked Husband. Wherever some leading idea from which a general moral can be deduced is clearly...

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The Spectator

LADY WATERFORD'S "BABES IN THE WOOD." A BEAUTIFUL volume is sent to us by Mr. Candid', the publisher,—the ballad of "The Children in the Wood," in old English character, with...


The Spectator

BOOKS. The Judges of England; with Sketches of their Lives, and Miscellaneous Notices connected with the Courts at Westminster, from the time of the Conquest. By Edward Foss,...

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Six German Songs, by .I. Rosenhain. With an English Version,

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by Leopold Wray, Esq. M. Rosenhain, though he has visited this country, is less known in Eng- land than in Germany and France, where he has a high reputation as a pianist and...


The Spectator

Tared German Songs, by Felix Meuklssohn Bartholdy. With an English Version, by Leopold Wray, Esq. THESE songs though among the lamented author's earlier compositions, have only...

"Last night flay a sleeping." Composed by Henry John Gauntlet;

The Spectator

Meg. .D. Dr. Grauntlett has produced a tolerable imitation of the old Christmas eaF9l; but those antique melodies have an expression, in their rude sim- Plicity, which modern...

Marian; a Song. The Poetry by Thomas Carter junior; the

The Spectator

Music by William Jackson, Masham. Mr. Jackson is a provincial organist, whose sacred compositions we have bad occasion to mention with approbation. The song before us is a...


The Spectator

On the8th November, at Gagiollouse, Forfarshire, Mrs. Guthrie, of Guthrie, eta Iffin, On the 10th, at Winton House, Pencaltland, N.B., the Wife :of Captain Frederick Hutchinson,...

COMMERCIAL GAZETTE. Tuesday, November 14.

The Spectator

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. T. and R. Garton, Lincoln, tobacco-manufacturers-Hughes and Gerrard, Liverpool, anchor-smiths--T. and R. Waller, Manchester, ootton-spinners-Palmer and...

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The Spectator

BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) &aural. Monday. russchey. Walrus. 3 per Cent Consols sot esi 811 86/ 8_per Cents Reduced 31 per Cents Ditto for Account Long Annuities 851 851...