18 JUNE 1864

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Conference drags. It was to meet on Wednesday, but did

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not ; on Thursday, but did not ; and is now ordered to assemble to- day, when it may not. The secret of the precise hitch in its discussions has this time been pretty carefully...

The Emperor of Russia, the King of Prussia, and the

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Emperor of Austria are about, it is believed, to hold an interview at Kis- Bingen, with the object, it is presumed, of recementing the Holy Alliance. The interview is certain,...

The King of Denmark has declared that if the treaty

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of London is to be thrown over he will not object to the principle of a . . territorial cession, "provided he shall obtain theretly not Only • peace, but perfect autonomy" for...

Mr. Ferrand made on Friday a speech characteristically calum- nious

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against the Board of Charitable Trusts. He spared the Com- missioners, but thought most of the remaining employes were either snobs, or fraudulent persons, or men appointed in...

The American news of the week is that General Grant

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has re- peated the mancouvre by which he turned General Lee's position at Spobsylvania Court House, by another flank movement, on the 26th May, which took him to the Pamunkey...

On this day week, which was "Election-day" - at Merchant Taylors'

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School, otherwise the day on which the elections to the exhibitions at the Universities are publicly announced and the annual feast held, .various great personages made...


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rip EIE week has been one of deadly dreariness before the curtain, and lively excitement behind the scenes. The Opposition, it is stated, nearly made up their minds to make an...

The papers on the origin of the Ashantee war have

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been pub- lished, and reveal three rather remarkable facts. First, that Mr. Rickard Pine, Governor of Cape Coast Castle, really proposed a war of aggression, asking permission...

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An English clergyman, the Rev. B. Philpot, Rector of Lydney,

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confirms from personal observation the statements of the frightful distress of the Circassians. He found at Czernavoda 20,000 men encamped, and swarming out detachments under...

The Yelverton case has proceeded all through the week, the

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Attorney-General occupying most of the time with an able speech intended to prove that Mrs. Yelverton's letters were perfectly proper. The discussion seems to amuse the public...

Lord Gage has introduced a Bill empowering, but not compel-

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ling, clergymen, when the Church's first lesson is taken from the Apocrypha, to read instead thereof a portion of one of the Canoni- cal books of the Old Testament. It might be...

Mr. John Coleman, of Marshall's House, Prescot, is quite con-

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vinced that his client Mr. George Shakespeare, of 6, Great Berry Street, Wolverhampton, is the descendant of the poet's brother Humphrey, and publishes his pedigree. It is...

Sir Charles Wood has resolved to admit gold as quasi

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currency into India in a very odd way. He told the House in answer to a speech from Mr. .1. B. Smith in favour of the introduction of gold that, as the sovereign was worth ten...

The Conservative dinner for entrapping undergraduates into the party of

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Lord Robert Cecil, and alienating them from Mr. Glad- stone, has led to a short passage of arms between the Chancellor of the University (Lord Derby) and the Professor of Latin,...

Mr. Stansfeld, the member for Halifax, took the chair on

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Wed- nesday last at a public dinner given by the Unitarians of Man- chester, after laying the foundation-stone of a Bicentenary Memorial Hall, and made a speech, in which he...

Captain Semmes, of the Alabama, has given us this week

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a letter, in all but its last paragraph temperate, and not without ability, to prove that England, as a neutral Power, instead of prohibiting both belligerents from bringing...

An address, expressing "deep gratitude" to the Archbishops of York

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and Canterbury for their recent pastorals on the Privy Council judgment in the case of "Essays and Reviews," and fervently praying that their Graces "may be richly endowed with...

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The New Zealand mails show that General Cameron had incurred

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no defeat, but, on the contrary, had achieved new and very import- ant successes. The disaster reported last week was to a force in the Taranaki settlement, ever the most...

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Sir G. Bowyer on Friday night raised a discussion as

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to the use of a British Consul at Rome, and other members wanted to know why Mr. Odo Russell, member of the Italian Legation, but resident at Rome, should not be Consul also....

On Tuesday morning the Factory Act Extension Bill, which limits

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the age of children employed, regulates the sanitary condi- tions under which they are employed, and extends to the Potteries the half-time system for children so successfully...

On Saturday last consols closed at 90k 1 for money,

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and 00f 1 for account. Yesterday the latest price for delivery was 891 90; for time, 00k 1.

Somebody is beginning, we perceive, to pull down the buildings

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round Lincoln's Inn Fields, in preparation, we trust, for the new Palace of Justice. The present arrangements in Westminster Hall would disgrace a third-rate Republic in South...

The annual meeting of the Bayswater "Home" for young women

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was held on Friday last, under the presidency of Lord Radfltock, a gentleman who seems much inclined to follow in Lord Shaftesbury's path. It was announced that a new branch...

The " question Renal]." has at last been settled by the

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dismissal of M. Renan from the Professorship of the Hebrew, Syriac, and Chaldee, and the appointment of M. Munk, a Jew, in his place, an appointment intended to show that...

The Albert Fire and Marine Insurance Company, to which the

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Marine business of the Oriental:and General has been transferred, will commence business on the 24th inst. Mr. Morrell Theobald will superintend the Fire, and Mr. Secretan the...

On Tuesday Sir Hugh Cairns brought on his vote of

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censure on the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland for the resolutions adopted by them with regard to giving aid to convent and monastic schools on the 21st of...

The closing transactions in the leading Foreign Securities yesterday and

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on Friday week were at the following prices :- Friday, June 10. Friday, June 17. Greek • • 243 281 Do. Coupons .. 101 Mexican 451 411 Spanish Passive .. 321...

The stock of bullion in the Bank of England having

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increased to 14,304,205/., and the reserve of notes and coin to 8,826,3551., the directors have lowered their minimum rate of discount to six per cent. In the open market the...

General J. E. B. Stuart, the greatest of the Confederate

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cavalry officers, who was mortally wounded in the fight with Sheridan's cavalry near Richmond, died at Richmond on Thursday, the 19th of May. He met death as bravely as he had...

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THE SOCIAL WAR IN IRELAND. I F Colonel Fulke Greville, memberfor

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Longford, and landlords like him, were wicked men, or imbecile men, or even men besotted with an idea, there would be hope for Ireland. It is because they are none of these...


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THE WEAKNESS OF THE OPPOSITION. A STRONG Opposition, it has been said, makes in England a strong Government, and whether that paradox is true or not, its converse that a weak...

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"D A.GBLA.DET" calls upon the Government of Denmark, if England and Sweden should continue that policy of apathetic desertion which appears to be regarded as a good joke in the...

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I T is probably within the knowledge of most persons who pay any attention to what is going on abroad that an angry suit is now pending between the clergy of the diocese- of...

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FORFEITURES FOR FELONY. T HE debate on Mr. Forster's proposal to

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abolish forfeiture of property as part of the punishment of convicted felons was in many respects a disappointing one. The House was very much too unanimous, and in consequence...

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T HE alarm expressed in some quarters at the breakdown of the recruiting system is possibly a little exaggerated, but the difficulty is grave enough to call for the anxious at-...

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W E do not suppose that many persons not Yorkshiremen read the odd little debate in the Lords on Monday which ended in the defeat of the Government, but it had an interest of...

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'TITHE ghostly genius of Hawthorne is a great loss to the American people. He has been called a mystic, which he was not, —and psychological dreamer, which he was in very...

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MEE Duke of Beaufort, the head of this splendid clan, whose name has for four centuries been synonymous with aristocracy, is the lineal representative of a branch of the...


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A DESCENDANT of the lady in question corrects a state- ment in our account of this family. It was not the Lord Jefferies, as Collins says, who married the daughter of the Earl...

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[Yaws OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.] New York, Tune 4, 1864. ANOTHER week has passed without any engagement of sufficient importance, either in Virginia or in Georgia, for us to...

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London, Tune 11, 1884. Sns,—In your reply of to-day to my letter which you published last week on the connection of the Irish convent schools with the Irish Board of Education,...

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THE imitative part of a painter's art, especially a landscape

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painter's, commonly passes for its entire and only scope. Let any portion of the earth's surface be selected with more or less care, and let it, with what grows upon it, be so...

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MR. BROWNING'S NEW POEMS.* THERE are no more original works of imagination in the English language,—though it is hard to call them poems, and harder still to call them anything...

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HENRI MourtoT belongs to a class of travellers very rare in England, but very valuable,—the savans who travel not to describe or enjoy, but to acquire and to diffuse knowledge....

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THE DANES IN CAMP.* [SEcosin Noncx.]

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"I HAVE been in Arcadia," says Mr. Herbert in the book before us, and I have seen a patriot army." A sad interest gathers round the words when read by the light of subsequent...

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LOST SIR MASSINGBERD.* WE are informed, in a prefatory notice

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by the author, that he was led to republish Lost Sir Massingberd in consequence of the "uncommon favour" with which it had been rec-ived while appearing in the columns of a...

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IT is curious to see what excuses authors offer for having com- mitted themselves to book-making. Now it is "on the urgent desire of friends," then, again, to "employ usefully...


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thing to separate this admirable little dissertation on the duties of England to other nations, and the conditions under which alone she can fulfil those duties, from the...

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The Crisis of Being. By David Thomas, D.D. (Jackson, Walford,

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and Hodder.)—With this name the author labels six lectures on what he calls religions Decision. It is to be hoped that the Stockwell Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association...


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Manual of Elementary Geography. By J. S. Laurie. (Thomas Murby.) —Another of this indefatigable author's excellent manuals for village schools. Nothing can make such a work...

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Stiinulants and Narcotics. By Francis E. Anstie, M.D., M.R.O.P. (Macmillan

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and Co.)—As to the confused state of the science of therapeutics all writers are pretty well agreed, and we are disposed to think that Dr. Anstie is right in attributing the...

National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Report of

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the Standing Committee of Jurisprudence on the County Courts Acts Amendment Bill — This is a statement, temperate and exhaustive, like all other reports of the association, of...

The Encouragement of Ordination. A sermon preached at the Ordi-

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nation of the Bishop of London on Trinity Sunday, 1864. By the Dean of Westminster. (John H. and James Parker.)—An admir- able address, because it refutes the common error that...

Three Days of a Father's Sorrow. A Book of Consolation,

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from the French of Felix Bungener. (Smith, Elder, and Co.)—This is a good translation of a good book. Indeed, M. Bungener's "Three Days" is one of the most simply and naturally...

The Progress of Being. By the Rev. David Thomas. (Jackson

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WaHord, and Hodder.)—Mr. Thomas "respectfully recommends" people to read his book on the "Crisis of Being" before they read this. We have pleasure in seconding the...

Kitto's Cydopaclia of Biblical Literature. Vol. II. Third Edition. By

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W. L. Alexander, D.D. (Adam and Charles Black.)—The value of this work as a repertory of the facts necessary to explain the Scriptures is well known to the public. It has been...

Biographical Sketch of Sir .Benjamin Brodie. By Dr. Acland. (Long-

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man and Co.)—A reprint from the obtivary notices of the Royal Society, stating the facts of Sir jlenjamin's life, and estimating his per- sonal character rather than his...

Index Geographicus. (W. Blackwood and Sons.)—A handsome volume, intended chiefly

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as an index to Mr. Keith Johnston's Royal Atlas. It is also in fact a gazetteer of unparalleled fulness. It must contain at least 63,000 names, of which it tells us the province...