17 OCTOBER 1874

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The Duchess of Edinburgh, Grand Duchess Marie of Russia, was

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on Thursday morning safely delivered of a son. Mother and child have since been doing well.

It will be remembered that Lord Carnarvon, in his latest

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speech on the Fiji Islands, stated that he had requested Sir Hercules Robinson to visit them and report finally on the expediency of annexation. It would now appear that Sir...

Rumours from the seat of war in Spain now all

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take one form. The Basques and Navarrese are growing rapidly tired of the war, of- which they bear the brunt. One day there is a report of a mutiny in the Carlist ranks, another...


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T HE Government of Spain has addressed to that of France a Note, in which it complains , bitterly of the assistance afforded by French officials, in the Basses Pyrenees, to the...

Lord Coleridge made a speech at Exeter on Tuesday, at

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the celebration of the anniversary of the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge and of that fOr the Propagation of the Gospel, in which he insisted much on the...

The general result of the elections to the French Councils

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- General seems to be that the Monarchists and Republicans are about equal, and that the Bonapartists, 150 in number, or say ten per cent. of the whole, hold the balance. This...

A Paris correspondent of last Saturday's Times asserted, on the

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authority of a letter in the Magdeburg Gazette, that it is in con- templation to choose Queen Victoria as arbitrator between Den- mark and Germany, giving her power to fix what...

It is stated that the new Bill on the Landsturm,

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to be intro- duced at the next Session of the German Parliament, will include every man under forty-two in the " first call ;" that is, every man in Germany under that age, and...

*,,,* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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Mr. Blaine, Speaker of the House of Representatives, has made

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a speech to the North Wisconsin Agricultural Association, in which he says that the total indebtedness of the American Union, including the National Debt, the State Debts, and...

It will be seen, by a letter in another column,

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that it was the paper of Canon Trevor, at the Church Congress, and not the paper of the Rev. D. Robertson (who only read it for the absent Canon,. though he was mistaken by the...

The Shanghai Correspondent of the Times forwards a curious document

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illustrative of public opinion in Japan. It is a memorial forwarded to the Japan Privy Council, by per- sons apparently powerful enough to secure the publica- tion of their...

The Church Congress at Brighton had an attempt at a

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discussion on a subject which seems singularly unsuited to Congresses, " The Spiritual Life, its Helps and Hindrances," on which the Dean of Norwich read a paper. The Very...

Sir T. D. Acland has had a correspondence with Mr.

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Mitchell, one of the most prominent leaders of the agricultural labourers, who has recently published a statement showing that a labourer, with four children, cannot be...

The Arnim scandal has presented no new feature this week.

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The Count remains in custody, but on the report of two physi- cians has been removed from prison to a maison de sante, where he , can have more exercise. The Berlin Tribunal...

The Directors of the Midland Railway, who were the first

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to carry third-class passengers by all trains, have found that experi- ment partially successful. The increase in the receipts from third-class passengers has been very great,...

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The Bishop of Manchester has almost as much good-sense and

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courage as all the rest of the Episcopal Bench put together. He hardly ever opens his mouth without saying something that wants saying, and yet he opens it very often. He made...

The Bishop of Lincoln, as we have more than once

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had occasion to observe, is a man the roots of whose ethics and theology appear to cling with the utmost tenacity to the stratum of the conventional. Not long ago he intimated...

Mr. Otway, ex-M.P. for Chatham, made a speech at Chatham

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ron Wednesday which showed that if the Conservatives of Chatham had given their votes to him instead of to Admiral Elliot, they would not have found themselves very much mis-...

Dr. Ferrier, the Professor of forensic medicine at King's Col-

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lege, in his address the other day at the opening of the session, made a rather eccentric remark on the strong objection enter- tained by many,—by us amongst the number,—to the...

Regent's Park had a narrow escape from a danger supple-

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mentary to that of the explosion of a fortnight ago, of which it little dreamed. The reptiles, including a large number of danger- ous snakes, West-African pythons twenty feet...

Mr. Robeson, Secretary of the United States' Navy, made a

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speech to a great Republican meeting held at Paterson on the 10th inst., in which he said that neither the Administration nor its Chief would depart from the traditions of the...

Consols were on Friday 921-921.

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THE REIGNING ECCLESIASTICISM IN POLITICS. T HERE can be nothing more remarkable to the secularist, assuredly there is nothing much more remarkable even to non-secularist...

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W E do not wonder that the Continent is interested in the Note addressed by the Spanish Government to the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, and forwarded almost in extenso to...

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European community in Bengal has recently been thrown into the wildest excitement by a sentence of imprisonment for two months passed upon a planter of Jessore, named Gerald...

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A PAMPHLET has just been published in Germany against the recent ecclesiastical legislation by an Evangelical pastor, who, not unnaturally, is afraid to give his name, lest he...

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W E see no reason for ecstasies over the latest move of the Midland Railway Company. It will, we believe help, after a year or two, to swell the dividend, but it will also...

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T HE ablest criticism which Professor Tyndall's eloquent but not altogether lucid lecture on the meaning and proper limits of the Materialistic hypothesis, has, so far as we...

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" I T'S a frightful bore, Sir, a frightful bore !" said a new-made Peer to a friend, who had hinted that dislike to a coronet was only another form of the Nolo episcopari. "Why,...

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I T may be presumed that when Lieutenant Payer makes his • appearance before our Geographical Society and explains, with the aid of maps and diagrams, the discoveries of the...

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THE CROFTERS IN LEWIS. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR:] have just read your article on Sir James Matheson and Iris Factor, Mr. Munro, as regards their treatment of the Lews...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 Sru,---As one of the 4,000 who listened to the papers, speeches, and sermons delivered at the Church Congress, will you allow me to make a...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"] Sidi,—In your remarks on a paper of mine in the current number of the Fortnightly Review, it is satisfactory to me to find that you regard...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTAT0a.1 .SIR ; The fact that Canon Trevor, not Mr. Robertson, was the -offender, against whom your artillery should have been levelled, has been...


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OF THE "SPEOTAT0R1 SIR,—My attention has been called to an article in your last issue, in which you comment on a paper read by me at the Church Con- gress, bearing on the...


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[TO THE Boma OF THE "SPECTATOR:'] SIR,—In reply to " An East-End Rector," who writes that he would be glad to know my authority for what he calls a startling assertion, I have...

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(To THE EDITOR OF THB "SPECTATOR"] have waited in vain for anything in answer to your correspondent "A.," in your issue of the 4th July, on the subject of the fresh-water...


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MR. JULIAN HAWTHORNE'S ROMANCE.* Mn. Gavroii should make much of Mr. Julian Hawthorne. An equally remarkable case of the inheritance of a faculty, and not merely of the...

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THE most important part of Lord Dalling's book is the

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chapters. in which he tells the sad and infamous story of the Spanish Mar- riages. As he was our Minister at the Court of Madrid during the time of the chief negotiations, and...

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Miss BRADDON'S latest novel is in her second manner, and adapted to her second public, the class of readers for whose favour she has entered into a brisk, but vain competition...

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DEKKER'S . DRAMATIC WORKS.* [FIRST NOTICE.] FEW of the Elizabethan dramatists

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have been more neglected by ordinary readers than Thomas Dekker, whose genius has, how- ever, been attested by some eminent critics. He has been lavishly praised for his songs...

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MR. SARGANT is already known as a thoughtful and a careful writer upon financial subjects. This, his latest work, is worthy of attentive perusal, both as a brief history of...

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The Portfolio. October. (Seeleys.)—The feature of this number is a

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singularly beautiful etching, " Spring," by M. E. Hedouin. It is the " spring " of life rather than that of nature, though the indications of the season are sufficiently...


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The New Quarterly Magazine. October. (Ward, Lock, and Tyler.) —The " Notes of Travel in Portugal" are concluded in this number with a chapter which certainly surpasses in...

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it ends the reader must see for himself ; he

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will thank us for having introduced him to a most charming little story.

No Alternative. By Annie Thomas (Mrs. Ponder Cudlip). 2 vols.

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(Chapman and Hall.)—Mrs. Ponder Cudlip always succeeds in giving to one, at least, of her characters a certain vividness and novelty which impress, if they do not attract, the...

Halicarnassus? remedy. At present, so to speak, the attack is,

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we fear, decidedly Diamonds and Precious Stones. From the French of Louis Dieu- stronger than the defence. Dr. Pavy's very able and complete treatise lafait....

lover. The climax comes in an adventure which is nearly

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real difficulty of her task. We are not permitted to see the experiment at work. The couple are separated after a very few days by the violent being tragical, when Mr. Arbuton...

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act, and the story is undeniably dismal, she has conquered

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these diffi- eulties to a surprising extent Still, one naturally opens a story of bankruptcy with misgiving, and in merely turning over the pages of this novel one perceives...

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We are not surprised to see, but are pleased to

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welcome, a second edition of Five Weeks in a Balloon, from the French of Jules Verne (Sampson Low and Co.)—A special word of gratitude is due to this book, on account of the...