17 MARCH 1849

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Lord John Russell's last toudh atlibelrish Poor-law, the rate in

The Spectator

aid, promises to be a rate in aid of Repeal ; for Ulster is, figu- ratively, "up in arms" against it, and displays many a titlectemu- lator of the bold-spoken Confederates. It...

The Austrian Government has imparted a striking turn to events

The Spectator

in the Empire, by suddenly superseding the dilatory Con- stituent Assembly at Kremsier, and promulgating a constitution, which fully adopts the doctrine we have upheld, that...


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MINISTERS have carried the second reading of their bill to repeal the Navigation-laws, by a majority not overwhelming-266 to 210; and are yet threatened by an awkward amendment...

Page 2

Debates anb Vroceebingsin parliament.

The Spectator

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF THE WEER. HOME OP LOAM. Monday, March 12. Larceny Acts Amendment Bill, read a third time and passed—Adjourned at 5 h. 58 m. Tuesday, March 13. No business...

The state of Italy is more unsettled than ever. The

The Spectator

Republi- cans appear for the moment to have it all their own way in Tus- cany and Rome. Austrian troops threaten, but do not stir. Pied- mont resumes the war; on what mission...

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gbe A Special Court of Aldermen was held yesterday, to

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consider certai n clauses of a bill before Parliament, disqualifying Aldermen and other civic officers under certain circumstances. The Lord Mayor informed the Court of the...

Lb e eoult.

The Spectator

FEW guests have visited Osborne this week. Prince Ernest of Leinengen took leave of the queen on Saturday. Sir Charles Napier arrived on Thursday, to pay his respects to the...

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The "rate in aid" excitement has risen to a high pitch in Ulster. At a meeting of the County Antrim, held at Ballymena at the end of last week, under the presidency of the High...

Cbt Vrobintts.

The Spectator

The movement against the Malt-tax and Hop-tax continues in the agri- cultural districts, though with languor. Meetings held at Ely, North Wal- tham, Farringdon, and other...

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A preliminary meeting has been held in Edinburgh for the purpose of considering the best means to be adopted for obtaining suitable house accommodation for the lower classes....

fforrigtt attb FRANCE. — One of those " scenes" which have of

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late become compara- tively rare in the French Assembly occurred on Monday, upon the discus- sion of the articles of the budget. M. Passy, the Minister of Finance, having...

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Iflistellauto us .

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A deputation of Members of Parliament, representing the Irish landed interest, had an interview with the Chancellor of the Exchequer on Saturday, to request that Ministers would...

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SATURDAY. The House of Commons sat in Committee of Supply last night, on the Navy Estimates. Previously, however, Mr. HUME moved the following resolution, as an amendment on...

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The latest Paris news consists almost exclusively of details respect-

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ing a magnificent fete given by President Bonaparte on Thursday night. Upwards of 2,200 persons were present. The Times correspondent ob- serves that, "Fetes, concerts,...

It was currently reported in the National Assembly yesterday, that

The Spectator

Bing Charles Albert had left Turin for Alessandria, to take command of the army, and that hostilities would commence immediately. We understand from authority, that the steamer...

The opinion to be formed from witnessing Othello at the

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Haymarket, with the two different arrangements of cast—that is to say, with the Othello . and Desdanona of the one evening as the Iago and Emilia of the other--Is something like...

For some time reports have been current in Paris and

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London that Rus- sia bad demanded of the Porte liberty to pass a fleet from the Black Sea into the Mediterranean; that Turkey had demurred to granting the pas- sage of the...

The Spectator

The Deutsche Zeiiung publishes the text of a note, dated

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on the 9th in- stant, from the Prince Schwartzenberg to the Frankfort Cabinet, which is said to have been the cause of Welcker's changed policy and of his motion of the 12th:...


The Spectator

Both our Italian Operahouses opened for the season on Thursday; and it is a proof of the growing importance of the Italian stage as an entertain- ment, not for the aristocratic...

The Danish Consul in London received yesterday afternoon the follow-

The Spectator

ing notice, issued by the Ministry of Marine at Copenhagen on the 7th instant— "From the 27th instant, all harbours and rivers in the Dutchies of Schleswig and Holstein will be...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The English Stock Market has been subject to much fluctuation; the general result of which has been to cause a decline of about 1* per cent;...

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Mr. G. H. Lewes, a young author of mark, known

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in a wide range of literature from philosophy to fiction, has made his appearance on the stage at Manchester, in the part of Shybck. A local contemporary reports a successful...


The Spectator

The visitor to the Leicester Square rooms finds himself transported by Mr. Burford to the bleak top of Mount Righi, nearly 6,000 feet above the level of the sea, and surveys an...


The Spectator

The Philharmonic Society has begun its thirty-sixth season, under auspices that promise a long duration of its life, and of that prellminence at home and celebrity in every land...

The cycle of subjects from which the Adelphi melodramatist selects

The Spectator

a theme for his labour is not very extensive. A murder in a cross- road, or on a bridge, or in a lonely forest, coupled with the circum- stance that any one is suspected of the...

The elements of Separate Maintenance, the new Haymarket farce, may

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be found distributed among several other pieces. The bickerings of the husband and wife, who are the hero and heroine of the work, remind one of . Three Weeks After Marriage;...

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PROMOTION—SENIORITY AND CAPACITY. THAT blind adhesion to the rule of seniority which prevails at the Horse Guards appears to have been a resort from one abuse to another....


The Spectator

THERE is one question which those who undertake the responsi- bility of renewing convict transportation are bound to answer— By what moral right they inflict on the Colonies a...

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The Spectator

Tire constitution vouchsafed by the Austrian Government to its subjects at present stands on the records of Europe as a project. It is a plan to which the Government has pledged...

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For more than a century Austria and Hungary have continued

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to maintain an amicable union : how does it now happen that we find the descendants of those who rose as one man to save the throne of Maria Theresa—who turned a deaf ear to the...


The Spectator

IN the House of Lords, on the 15th of last month, Earl Grey said, or is reported to have said, that he had lately learned from the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope that the...

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The Spectator

FORSYTH'S HORTENSIIIS.. Mg. FORSYTH has passed his vacations in a course of study akin to his profession. He has examined the laws of Greece and Rome ; he has investigated the...

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THE Reverend T. W. Allies is one of those clergymen of the Established Church who hold opinions scarcely - consistent with its tenets as all but universally understood. He...

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E. W. LANDOR'S LOFODEN. * Iv is probable that the dramatic

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and narrative power, that essential mode in which the novelist presents his matter, is more common than the paucity o f go od novels might lead one to suppose. Once in...


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Tars volume is one of that rare class of works where extensive know- ledge and animated science endow a seemingly narrow subject with large- ness, variety, and interest, by...

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Labour and other Capital—the Rights of each &cured and the

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Wrongs of both Eradicated, is an American book with a species of Com- munist object. In Mr. Edward Kellogg's opinion, capital is increasing too that in the States, and...

Friends and Fortune is one of that class of tales

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which, though in the form of a juvenile book, contains as much thought, matter, and in- terest, as some three-volume novels. Margaret Armadale a young heiress, tired of the...

The number and startling events of the past year render

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a handy re- slime of its occurrences a desirable book, if not an actual necessity; and such is supplied in Mr. Kelly's History of the Year 1848. The arrangement is good, each...


The Spectator

BOOKS. Extracts from the Council Register of the Burgh ofAberdeen. 1570 - 1625. Volume 11. Essays on Subjects connected with the Reformation in England. Re- printed, with...

A prize or premium of 100/. was offered by advertisement

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for the best essay on Juvenile Depravity ; the institutor of the prize, however, requir- ing exposition rather than examination, by himself fixing the cause, which he traced to...

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The Spectator

On the 8th March, at Bath, the Hon. Mrs. Byron Cary, of a daughter. On the 8th, In Princes Street, Edinburgh, the Lady Anne Home Drummond, of a daughter. On the 9th, at...


The Spectator

Results of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last- Number of Winter Deaths. Average. Zymotle Diseases 243 .... 221...


The Spectator

Tuesday, March 13, PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Clay and Edwards, Nuneaton, mercers -Bickerton and Saunders, Oswestry, chemists -Barnes and Co. Lower Queen's Row, Pentonville,...


The Spectator

WAn-orrtee, March 16.-Ist Regt. of Life Guards-Cornet and Sub-Ltent. and AAR. G. Andrews to have the rank of Lieut. ; Lieut. W. George Earl of Munster to be Capt. by purchase,...

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The Spectator

FORBIG N FUNDS. (Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian Op. CI. 721 Massachusetts (SterlIng) 5 p.Ct Belgian 44 — — Brazilian 6 -- sli Ditto...