17 JANUARY 1852

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Queen Victoria meets her Parliament on the 3d of February..

The Spectator

The mystery of the Ministerial position remains unsolved, and there are few indications of the temper in which Members are- likely to come together. The only indication,...

The mutual strike of the operative engineers and their em-

The Spectator

ployers is now in full operation. On the part of the employers, the closing of the work-shops does not appear to be so general as was anticipated. That step having been adopted...

The belligerent proceedings of the West African squadron at Lagos

The Spectator

have received the inferential sanction of Government. A. proclamation, declaring a considerable extent of coast, both on the East and West of that country, under blockade, has...


The Spectator

N. BONAPARTE has published his new Constitution for France, with an explanatory preface in the form of a proclamation. Both docu- ments are of the least possible importance. The...

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A new Governor has been sent to South Africa :

The Spectator

whether he is instructed or permitted to adopt a new policy, remains to be seen. Major-General Cathcart succeeds to all the offices held by Sir Harry Smith ; but a...

itt Court.

The Spectator

Tux Queen held a Privy Council, at Windsor Castle, on Saturday after- noon. It was ordered that Parliament be further prorogued from the 15th of January until Tuesday the 3d of...

'ht Vrouiurro.

The Spectator

The constituents of Mr. Roebuck at Sheffield came to their " annual reckoning " with their Member, at a public meeting in their Council Hall, on Tuesday afternoon; Mr. Isaac...

ibt 31ittrovolio.

The Spectator

The Morning Post has had authority to state that there is no founda- tion whatever for the paragraph which appeared in its own columns last week, and which we quoted, respecting...

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The Spectator

The Dublin Protestant Association have proclaimed Lord Palmerston a martyr to his discouragement of Popery and Despotism ; and have ad- vertised a meeting for next Monday, to...

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furtign gull Colonial.

The Spectator

Faswea.—The Constitution has been brought forth. As the only re- maining charter of a famous and once great nation, we give it entire. It was preceded in the Moniteur which...


The Spectator

At the annual meeting of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, held in Edinburgh on Tuesday, a memorial to the President of the Board of Trade was unanimously...

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The Spectator

The House of Lords and the House of Commons assembled in skeleton form on Thursday—represented wholly by their clerks and other officers —and were finally prorogued by...

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After the defeat of Ministers in the Prussian Second Chamber,

The Spectator

in the debate upon M. Clacpen's motion, Manteuffel agreed to accept the amend- ment of M. Eynem, which exonerated the Ministry on the ground that the law alleged to be violated...


The Spectator

SATURDAY. Cabinet Councils, announced beforehand last week, were held on Wed- nesday and Thursday; another was to be held today at noon; and another is announced for Tuesday...

An interesting letter on the differences between the engineer workmen

The Spectator

and their masters, by Lord Cranworth, appears in the Times this morn- ing; sent for publication by Lord Ashburton. Lord Ashburton had been asked to be an arbiter between the men...

The Medical Times and Gazette seta forth a case worthy

The Spectator

of consideration, not only by the "benevolent public," but also by the public professedly under the rule of an "enlightened selfishness." In sickness, next to the physician, a...

Another boatfull of the Amazon's people has been brought home

The Spectator

to Plymouth. The cutter Royal Charlotte arrived at that port on Thurs- day evening, with four of the passengers and nine engineers and seamen, who were picked up in the Bay of...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANOK, Forams APTEKNOON. The English Stock Market has been comparatively tranquil; the fluctua- tion not having exceeded f per cent. The course of the market has been...

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Mr. Aguilar, the pianist, has begun a series of Chamber

The Spectator

Soirees, appro- priated to the pianoforte compositions of Beethoven. In adopting a plan of such severity, he must have calculated on the improved and im- proving state of...

The Madrigal Society held its hundred-and-eleventh anniversary festi- val on

The Spectator

Thursday, at Freemasons' Hall. Lord Saltoun, the President, was in the chair, and the attendance was numerous both of members and visi- tors. The music of the evening was...

thtatrts anit 311,uotr.

The Spectator

The feverish desire for something new, constantly kept alive by cease- less platitudes in every department of theatrical action, no doubt gave rise to the notion of opening a...


The Spectator

Mr. Catlin has recently been exerting himself in the advocacy of a "museum of mankind, to contain and perpetuate the familiar looks, the manufactures, history, and records of...


The Spectator

Mr. Hobbs of lock-controversy celebrity, delivered at the Society of Arts, on Thu rsday, a lecture on locks,—one of the series now in progress on the several departments of the...

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The Spectator

MEETING OF PARLIAMENT. NOT for many years has the meeting of Parliament been looked for with so much curiosity. There is, indeed, no change in that b ody since it last sat and...


The Spectator

SIR — In addition to an increase of the Army and Navy—a precautionary measure imperatively required owing to the present state of Europe—it ap- pears to me that a large...

Irttrro to frattar.

The Spectator

EXISTING MEANS OF DEFENCE. &B. — The letter in last week's Spectator from a "New Subscriber" ap- pears to me to be more sensible and practical than most people will allow, and...

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The Spectator

"WHAT is commercially wrong cannot be morally right," is a maxim of practical philosophy in our day ; and attempts have been made to blast the character of Mr. Mechi as an...


The Spectator

PEACE at all price is the maxim of a party still numerous in England, and it is an official boast that we do keep the peace. But while we talk of it, we are in fact continually...


The Spectator

APROPOS to the disclosures in the meat-stores at Gosport, the Times says ' "We demand that a scrutiny which has proved so un- expectedly fruitful shall not stop at this point,...

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The Spectator

MERIVA LE'S ROMANS UNDER THE EMPIRE.. Mn. Mnarver..E's third volume includes the period from the assas- sination of julius Ciesar to the consolidation of the Roman Empire under...


The Spectator

WitAT is a " lunatic " ? In all cases of inquiry, the fundamental question is suggested, but constantly deferred. We have seen that one physician considered all persons to be...

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The Spectator

ENGLAND.. WHEN the particulars of the late revolution in France became fully known, every thoughtful politician saw that this country was threat, cued with danger, not merely...

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THE TWO FAMILIES. * THE materials of this novel are not

The Spectator

superior to those of its prede- cessor .Rose Douglas, perhaps not equal to them in depth and inte- rest; but the reader has the advantage of change of scene. He is taken from a...


The Spectator

BOOKS. The Grenvilk Papers : being the Correspondence of Richard Grenville Earl Temple, KG. ' and the Right Honourable George Grenville, their Friends and Contemporaries. Now...

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The Spectator

THE ARCHITECTURAL EXHIBITION. Those who have imagined that the few architectural drawings which occupied the scanty space allotted to them upon the walls of the Aca- demy...


The Spectator

The new year brings its usual tribute of books in this kind; but we do not often find among them evidence of such true and original powers in art as one of those lying before us...

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The Spectator

On the Sd January, at Cranley Rectory*, the Hoe. Mrs. Sante, of a daughter. On the 7th, at Ince Blundell Hall, the Wife of Thomas Weld Blundell, Esq., of a • On the 7th, in...


The Spectator

[From the Official _Return.] Ten Weeks Week of 1841-50. of 1851. Zymotic Diseases 5,249 .... 228 Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat 536 .......


The Spectator

WAR-OFFICE, Jan. 13.-24th Regiment of Foot—Lieut. S. Head, from the 80th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Montgomerie, who exchanges. 80th Foot—Lieut. R. H. Montgo- merle, from the 24th...

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The Spectator

SNIT'S IL FUNDS. Sastsrd (Closing Prices.) Monday I Tisuslay Thurs. Tracy 4. 3 per Cent Consols 4 ex d. 95I 961 es} no 981 1 Ditto for Account 971ez u. 964 961 9e1...


The Spectator

Tuesday, January 13. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLPED.-Taylor and Co. Brampton, Cumberland, mercers: as far as regards J. Taylor-Taylors and Gardhouse, Carlisle, mercers-Croptons and Co....