17 FEBRUARY 1872

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The history of the murderer appears to be pretty clearly

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ascer- tained. Major-General Reynell Taylor, Commissioner of Um- ritsur, informs the Times that Shore Ali was his mounted orderly in 1862, was known to be engaged in a blood...

The prospect of some sort of settlement cif the Alabama

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Claims is somewhat better this week. All reports from the States show that the people and press are taking the matter very quietly, and understand both the nature and the...

The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any case.

The Spectator

It appears to be understood that Lady Mayo will be

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created a Peeress in her own right, the late Viceroy not having a seat in the House of Lords. His successor has not yet been named, but it appears to be certain that the Duke of...

The Government laid before the House of Lords early in

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the week copies of the correspondence of the Lord Chancellor with the Lord Chief Justice Cockburn, with the Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas (Sir W. Bovill), and with Mr....


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fr HE week has been saddened by a great crime. On Monday .1 the Duke of Argyll announced in the Lords, and Mr. Gladstone in the Commons, that Lord Mayo, the Viceroy of India,...

Mr. G. W. Smalley, the very able correspondent of the

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New York Tribune, has written two letters to the Times to show that in the United States, directly after the conclusion of the Treaty, the statesmen there were as confident and...

We have given elsewhere an account of " the extraordinary

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story," the disappearance of the Russian L. R. Bauer from Euston Square Station, and have suggested reasons for' venturing to dis- trust the popular opinion that he has...

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Lord Granville's reply that a Vice-President of the Board °DM.%

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Education, who must be a member of the Privy Council, is often• made a Privy Councillor only to qualify him to be Vice-President -4 is irrelevant, because there the Privy...

The Lord Chancellor himself spoke with very great effect, vin-

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dicating himself, however, for not answering the Lord Chief Justice's letter on grounds which would hardly apply if the cor- respondence had been kept private, as it might have...

The rumours from France are very bad. It is impossible

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to- ascertain clearly to what degree of credit they are entitled, but the story is that the Bonapartists and the Orleanists are contending for the control of the Army, and that...

Of the Duke of Argyll's violent, vigorous, and very imprudent

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speech we have said enough elsewhere ; he certainly took upon the Government all the responsibility which previous speeches had attempted to fix on the Lord Chancellor, but...

But the real attack began with Lord Salisbury, who was,

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as usual, very telling and rather bitter, reflecting on the Lord Chan- cellor for decoying "a cautious old man into his private room," instead of defending himself openly in the...

Three very important elections took place in France on Sunday..

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In the first, for Corsica, M. Rouher obtained the seat by a majority of more than five to one, the Corsican soldiers throughout France- voting for him in nearly equal...

Lord Cairns' rejoinder was the most convincing and masterly speech

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of the debate. Of the part of it in which he maintained that the selection was to be made from amongst the class of exist- ing Judges, we have spoken elsewhere. But his argument...

American 4,170 German 3,520 Spanish 3,157 Norwegian 1,316.

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Portuguese 919 Danish 660 Burmanian 408 771,409 Some of our readers may remember the shower of prophecies with which Continental journals received the news of the success of...

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Mr. Sinclair Aytoun raised a debate on Tuesday on the

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recent acquisition of territory in West Africa, but it added very little to the information we gave last week. The Colonial Office has acquired Dutch possessions on the West...

Mr. Vernon Harcourt is in a great state of mind

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about the -Parks' Bill, a measure introduced by Mr Ayrton giving the Rangers of the Royal Parks the same powers as are given to any municipality which possesses one, and...

The Scotch Education Bill was introduced by the Lord-Advocate last

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Monday, and met, on this its first appearance, with the mildest possible treatment by the Education League party. It provides a School Board for every burgh and parish, and...

The filling of two great Indian appointments has, we are

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told, been arranged, Lord Hobart having accepted the Governorship of Madras, and Mr. Arthur Hobhouse the succession to the Legisla- tive Membership resigned by Mr. Fitzjames...

The Ballot Bill passed its second reading on Thursday by

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a majority of 109 to 51, in a very languid and inattentive House. At one time only two members were present. Mr. Forster moved the second reading without any observations, and...

At a Colonial dinner given last Saturday to Sir G.

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Verdon, the outgoing general agent in England for the Australian Colony of Victoria, who has just been succeeded by Mr. Childers, the general tone of the speeches was...

Consols were on Friday 921 to 92g.

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Mr. Blennerhasaett was elected as the Home-Rule candidate for Kerry

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last week by a great majority, Mr. Dease, however, polling a respectable minority in the county, and in Killarney itself, where Bishop Moriarty's personal influence is...

Mr. Vernon Harcourt also objected to the exclusion of hired

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vehicles from Hyde Park as an aristocratic arrangement, a com- plaint very frequently heard, and worth, perhaps, a word of answer. It is not an aristocratic arrangement, but a...

In answer to Mr. Dixon on Monday night, Mr. Forster

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gave some very interesting statistics about the recent building grants. His estimate was nothing but an estimate, as he had not the data for a complete calculation ; but he...

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LORD MAYO. the facts that his policy was large and decided, that it. met the approval of highly experienced men, that it was the one which best became an absolute ruler...

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TT would be unworthy and uncandid to deny that the 1. Lord Chancellor, in his singularly dignified, temper- ate, and impressive speech, made by far the most of a defence for the...

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THE tendency on both sides of the Atlantic to argue about the Alabama Claims as if they were the subject-matter of a suit at law is very natural, and not a little unfortunate....

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T HE real difficulty about Episcopacy,—Protestant Episco- pacy, at all events,—is the Bishops. One would almost think that they believed themselves selected for their high...


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AMONG the various important matters which are shortly to engage the attention of Parliament, there are few of greater consequence than the proposed legislation on Sanitary...

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courses are open to English statesmen. They may of disorder,

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Mr. Bruce goes, we fear, too far for his end. either repeal the Acts and wait for a change of opinion, Nothing is gained to morality by hunting prostitutes from or they may...

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A. SUGGESTION has come from the very well-informed and usually accurate correspondent of the Daily News in the United States which, if it be founded on authentic information,...


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T HERE is one point of considerable intellectual interest in the " extraordinary story" published this week in the Times and the Birmingham papers, and it is this. The immense...

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T HE Swiss Times alarmed half the world the other day by threatening us with that particular form of sensa- tional bogy which, because it has a quasi-scientific authority,...

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THE MAORIS. [Fsom I CORRESPONDKNT.] November 6, 1871. I BELIEVE there is a prevalent impression that the Northern Island of New Zealand is a possession of the British Crown. I...

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THE " SPROTAT013.1 SIR ) -011 Friday last the Upper Chamber of Convocation, under the presidency of the Primate of All England, held a discussion on the (so-called) "...


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Six,—You say in your last, speaking of the Alabama Case, " It must be shown that the failure of duty, or negligence, if any, was beyond any to which a Government is habitually...


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THE AMERICAN CASE. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR-"J SIR,—It seems to me that the Indirect claims put forward in the American Case are shut out by the very words of the...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In answer to an article headed " A Wolf in Sheep's' Clothing" which appeared in the Spectator of January 27, L have a few words to...

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LAMARTLNE'S YOUTH.* ALPHONSE DE LAMARTINE died without having completed a work which would probably have been exceedingly interesting, and must have been highly characteristic....


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AN OLD COLONEL ON FASHIONABLE POETRY. YES, Locksley, fifteen years have fled, This day, since you were born, And grandfather will wish you joy Upon your birthday morn. And...

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WE have often had occasion to observe, that if "new writers," where they do not give their names, would but give their ages and the dates of their poetical compositions, they...

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The title of Mr. Jeaffreson's new story is skilfully chosen with the 'view of exciting our curiosity, and the interest which readers are forced to feel in his heroine never...

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Ii Colonel Malleson's book we have a well-uttered expression of what may not improperly be called the Anglo-Indian School of feelings and opinions. It is a large school, and...

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THERE could be little doubt that the author of the volume of poems that contains, amongst others, the Pike County Ballads, would describe with spirit and originality his...

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Our Poor Relations: a Philozoic Essay. By Colonel E. B. Hamley. (Blackwood and Son.)—This is a charming little book, such as may be read through in half an hour ; nor would it...

some miscellaneous papers illustrating the subject of Scottish life. We

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infer from the different signatures which are appended to some of them that they are not all of the same authorship, and they certainly vary considerably in merit and interest....

The Medea, Alcestis, and Hippolytus of Euripides Translated. By the

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Rev. H. Williams. (Longmans.)—We cannot compliment Mr. Williams on his versification, which is singularly bald and unmelodious ; nor generally on his success in what be calls...

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Elements of Law Considered with Reference to Principles of General

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Jurivrudence. By William Markby. (Oxford : Clarendon Press.)— Students who are beginning to acquaint themselves with law will find this little book in many respects a clear and...

Erummacher : an Autobiography. Translated by Rev. M. G. Easton,

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A.M. (T. and T. Clarke. Edinburgh. 1871.)—We do not know that this really valuable "life" has gained much by the very considerable additions supplied by the editor in this...

Insects at Home. By the Rev. J. G. Wood. (Longmans.)—This

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very handsome volume is one which we must content ourselves with describing rather than reviewing. It is, to borrow from the title-page, "a popular account of British insects,...

Crumbs Swept Up. By T. Delvitt Talmage. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—

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Mr. Talmage is, we presume, a " minister " ; not that there is anything of a professional tone about what he writes, but that he is evidently at home in the topics of the...

Tregarthen Hall. By James Garland. 3 vols. (Tinsley).—There is one

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charge which a critic has not uncommonly to bring against an author, but which he cannot justify by quotations,—we mean the charge of dullness. It would be possible, indeed, to...