17 AUGUST 1867

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The House of Lords has decided that the shareholders in

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Overend , Gurney, and Co. are liable for the debts of that company. They pleaded that they were not liable because they had been deceived, but the Lords decide that though the...

The opponents of national representation cannot. recover their recent, and

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we believe final, defeat. The Pall Mall Gazette is in quite a feminine fury with the Times and the Spectator, and spiti little nicknames at them, like a child in a passion, ours...

The Emperor of the French visits the Emperor of Austria

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at Salzburg on Monday in strict incognito, but accompanied by his Foreign Minister, M. de Moustier, and by the Duke de Gram- _ mont. He will be met by the Austrian Chancellor of...

The elections to the Councils-General in France have not been

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favourable to Government. The Prefects have secured a large majority in the whole country, bat every great town, without ex- ception, has pronounced against them. As revolutions...

The only remaining Bill of national importance, the Bill pro-

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hibiting pablic meetings in the Parks, and enabling magistrates to imprison all who hold them by summary process, has been withdrawn. Mr. Hardy fought for it stoutly, and had a...

Mr. Welby Pugin has brought a very serious charge against

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the late Sir C. Barry. He says that the Houses of Parliament, which made Sir Charles's fortune, were not designed by him, but by the late Mr. Pugin, who sold his plans to the...


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rpHE Reform Bill became law on the 15th inst. Lord Derby on Mondaya.dvised the Peers to accept the Commons' amendments 'without further discussion, as being of no great moment...

The American papers are beginning to discuss the election to

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the White House, which comes off in November, 1868. Both parties are sadly puzzled. The Democrats have not a chance unless they can run General Grant, who will not speak out,...

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The Papacy is worrying again about mixed marriages, and in

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the oddest way. It has not prohibited them altogether, but has forbidden any priest to perform the ceremony if it is to be repeated in a Protestant church. It might as well...

Last week a woman named Sarah Dobner, aged 56, died

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suddenly at the Great Western Station, at Paddington, after hav- ing travelled by the Underground Railway from King's Cross. The medical evidence was that she had died from...

If the House of Commons is wise, it will next

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year increase the powers of its Speaker. It is possible the Householders may send up more than one Whalley, and if they do, gentlemen, unless armed with direct authority, will...

Sir Stafford Northcote introduced the Indian budget on Monday in

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a clear and not uninteresting speech, the main points of which were that he agreed with Mr. Massey's figures ; that he accepted Mr. Massey's budget ; that he disliked the extra...

The French used to be the frog-eating peoplepar excellence, and

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Englishmen, who eat pork, which Mussulmans consider unclean, and eggs, which Hindoos think filthy, and eels, which Scotchmen abhor, and black-pudding, which turns all decent...

Some of the Unions seem determined to make it impossible

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for decent men to advocate their cause. The Sawgrinders of Sheffield have resolved that the crimes of Unions arise from their want of legislative power—whether over their own...

Before the budget Mr. Ayrton produced his suggestions, which are,

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(1) that the Viceroy's Council shall consist of chiefs of depart- ments, each of whom, but not all of whom, shall be consulted on each subject ; (2) that there be a Minister for...

Englishmen are always buying, and, by their own account, never

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have anything. We spend 15,000,000/. a year on the Army and cannot find troops for the smallest expedition ; 17,000,0001. a year on the Navy, and have no ironclads ; Heaven...

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The mineral statistics for 1866 have been published this week,

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and show that we last year produced 101,630,000 tons of coal, or three and a half millions more than last year ; 4,530,000 tons of iron, of which more than a tithe was exported;...

S. Rattazzi has once again affirmed in the most solemn

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manner that the Italian Government does not intend to reduce the interest -on Italian Rentes. He says he can raise no loans outside Italy, and his policy, therefore, is to raise...

The Ministerial whitebait dinner came off on Wednesday. Lord Derby

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was not present, being probably afraid of temptation, but 'the Chancellor of the Exchequer was loudly cheered. It must have been an amusing dinner. If men's faces changed with...

Mr. Hunt on Thursday explained the position of the Indian

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-mail service, which is most unsatisfactory. The service ends in its present form on 2nd February, after which the Government must -send letters how it can, probably by paying...

Lord Derby on Thursday, in answer to a question from

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Lord Stratford de Itedeliffe, hinted that the Powers, England excepted, were pressing somewhat peremptory views with regard to Candia on Turkey. The British Government had...

Lord Derby, in the debate on the Commons' amendments, took

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-occasion to give an odd little rap to the Commons. It seems that when the Managers of the two Houses meet in conference, the Lords sit capped and the Commons stand uncovered....

There is a life raft now exhibiting at the Crystal

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Palace which appears for its purpose to be nearly perfect. It is the invention of an American, and consists of three cylinders of gutta percha 24 feet in length and 2 feet in...

We regret to notice this week the death of Mrs.

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Austin, probably the best translator from German into English ever known in literature. She had a faculty quite special to herself of making -Germans talk as they do talk, and...

The London Traffic Bill is, it appears, to pass. Its

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general principles are, that nothing in ordinary streets is to stop the way, and that in particular streets the police are to be absolute. The Bill is approved, but it will be...

The Government Broker having recommenced his purehases on account of

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the Sinking Fund, Home Securities have been steady this week ; nevertheless, prices have slightly given way. On Monday, Consols for money were quoted at 94, ; and for the 10th...

Yesterday and on Friday week the leading British Railways left

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off at the annexed quotations :— Friday, August 9. Frlday, August 16. Great Eastern .. _ .., .. • . .. 281 .. 291 Great Northern .. .. .. 1.11 .. 118i Great Viestera.., .. .. •...

The closing prices of the leading Foreign Securities yesterday and

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on Friday week are subjoined :- Friday, August 9. Friday, August 16. Mexican . - — . - 151 .. 14 — k Spanish Passives .. 21 .. 21k Do. Certificates. ... .. .. Mil .. 16k...

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A SPECULATION FOR THE CITY. T HE City is choking in its own fat. The two great national Banks, of France and England, which for many purposes form but one establishment, have...

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fr HE subdued, and yet earnest and suspicious curiosity with which Europe is watching for the results of the Con- ference of Salzburg, between the Emperor of the French and the...

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Indian politicians is their want of eclecticism. Each man who studies India, whether from within or from without, ends by acquiring certain fixed ideas, which he elevates into...

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THE PARKS BILL. 'tjR . HARDY has been well advised in

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withdrawing the Bill for the regulation of the Parks, and we trust we shall hear no more of it till 1869. The Cabinet, or rather the Tory section of the Cabinet, are doing a...

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GAS AND WATER. N EARLY six months ago we predicted that

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all the efforts of the Gas Reformers, backed as they are by the whole body of London householders, would be wrecked on a super- stition. Parliament will have it that for a...

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old lady of eighty, 1. who speaks in a very kindly though somewhat lofty tone, has been expressing to some Cumberland girls, scholars in a school maintained by Mr. George Moore,...

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T HE point of this Mertens affair, as it strikes us, is the bizarre mixture which it presents of "respectability," as English people understand respectability, and crime, of...

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X.XXVIII.--BERKSHIRE, OXFORDSHIRE BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. T HIS Province, as we have seen, was divided between the prin- cipalities of the West Saxons and Mercians, and most of it was...

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I MUST recall even the little I have said in a former letter in dis- praise of the Tasmanian climate. In the valleys it may be too mild and enervating, but there are other parts...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTA.TOR.'l SIR,-If we overstep the sacred cordon that surrounds the nine Schools of the Commission and the Primer, and include under the term "Public...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I am at a loss to conceive the meaning of "One who has Dabbled in Verse" when he speaks of "a language of which the pronunciation is...

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECT4TOR.1 SIR,—Had my friend "

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Valerius " been in England at the present time, I should have been content to have allowed him to answer your correspondent of last week. In his absence, and as the editor of...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Will you allow me

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to correct a blunder, I believe entirely my own, in a letter which you were good enough to insert last week? The last word in the second of the two quoted lines should be...


The Spectator

EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your article of the 10th inst., on "Mr. F. Newman and the New Social Danger," you appear to pass over slightingly, although you do not...


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IN darkest hour of God-forgetting peace, In bitterest woe, Rose the free spirit of awakened Greece, To strike one blow For sacred Freedom ; in the tyrants' face Blazed fierce...

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DUDLEY CASTLE AND THE DUDLEYS.* THE short pedigrees of nearly

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all our noble families are seen most strikingly if connected with the history of any place or building. • History of Dudley Castle and Priory, including a Genealogical Account...


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GWILT'S ARCHITECTURE.* As this is a book containing fifteen hundred very closely printed pages, it is scarcely a book for the most industrious reviewer to read from beginning...

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Mn. KAYE has done work well worth doing very fairly well. The one grand drawback of all Indian work, no matter what, conquest, soldiership, statesmanship, conversion, or...

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THERE is a pleasant Transatlantic flavour about this little volume which will prove the more grateful to Englishmen, since the author's admiration for the old country is...


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VERY few English people care much for French poetry ; and, as is often the case in one country's appreciation of the literary productions of another, what English people care...

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Out of Harness. Sketches, Narrative and Descriptive By Thomas Guthrie, D.D. (Strahan.)—Although Dr. Guthrie professes in this work to describe his vacation, we think the most...

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Heart Repose. A Dramatic Poem. In Three Acts. By Mary -

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Catherine Irvine. (Simpkin and Marshall.)—We must admit, though it is with sorrow, that this dramatic poem is tedious where it is meant to be touching, and comic where it is...

Meals for the Million. By Crefydd. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.)—

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This little book contains 125 dishes suited to incomes varying from 1001. to 250/. a year. There is no lack of variety, or of that wealth of resource which is so much needed in...

The Penns and the Peningtons of the Seventeenth Century. By

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Maria Webb. (F. B. Kitto.)—This is an undigested book, consisting partly of old family letters and partly of narrative, and dealing alternately with Thomas Ellwood, Milton's...

Mr. Mechi's Farm Balance - Sheets. (George Routledge and Sons.)— The use

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of the steam plough, the application of sewage to land, the ex- tension of limited liability and limited partnership to agriculture, the modification of game preserving, the...

The Law of the Building of Churches, Parsonages, and Schools;

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and of Divisions of Parishes and Places. By Charles Francis Trower. (Butterworths.)—We do not envy Mr. Trower the task he has under- taken. The law of most subjects is wanting...

The Reformatory and industrial Schools' Acts, 1866. With notes by

The Spectator

Robert Wilkinson, M.A. (Knight and Co.)—It is perfectly true that this book is all that it professes to be, but it is a pity that it does not profess to be something more. The...