16 OCTOBER 1869

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The Irish Episcopalians are actively reorganizing their Church. A clerical

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conference, elected on the old diocesan plan, has arranged a plan of clerical representation, while a lay conference elected by "universal suffrage," i.e., by all nude...

We are glad to hear it said that those who

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know Mr. Mackar- ness—the Bishop Designate of Oxford—best, admire him most, and hope for most from him. We wrote of him, we confess, in com- plete and excusable ignorance, and...


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C IVIL war has been raging all the week in the great cities of Spain, except Madrid, where Prim has reviewed 10,000 men of all arms, to show the Republicans what they may...

There is a fierce agitation getting up against Dr. Temple's

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appoint- ment to the See of Exeter, which is grounded chiefly on his having contributed an essay, which was never declared heretical, to a heretical book—Essays and Reviews...

All accounts represent the alarm of the propertied classes as

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extreme, and wexuspect it is justifiable. For years no rioting has occurred in Spain without menaces to the rich ; in entire provin- ces like Andalusia the cultivators are...

Lord Derby has been and apparently still is lying at

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the point of death at Knowsley. The disease was, as usual, gout, but the danger appears to have arisen rather from exhaustion. At in- tervals he has been insensible, and there...

The coal-miners of Aubin, near Orleans, have had a serious

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conflict with the troops. The masters say the entente was entirely without provocation. The men say an overseer cheated them by refusing to allow for tubs not quite full—an old...

* * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in

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any case.

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A telegram from Bombay of 6th October, announces that Dr.

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Kirk, our Consul at Zanzibar, has received a letter from Dr. Livingstone, dated " Lake Banglewo, July 8, 1868, saying that he had found the sources of the Nile between 10 deg....

Mr. Gladstone has made nine Baronets. They are Alderman Salomons,

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the well-known Member for Greenwich ; Hardman Earle, great merchant of Liverpool ; Titus Salt, the chief of alpaca manufacturers ; T. Bazley, the old President of the Manchester...

Mr. Bernal Osborne does not appear at all clear in

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his mind about land tenure. He has been asked to stand for Tipperary, and, in reply, explains his views. He is willing to accept denomi- national education with a conscience...

On the other hand, the writer affirms that in many

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districts of Cork county "landlordism wears an unkindly aspect." Prefer- ence is given to Protestant tenants. Land is rack-rented. Leases are rare, and in many places " where...

The Times' correspondent in two successive letters describes the "

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good" and the " bad" system in Ireland. In Waterford, Lord Bessborough has an estate of 20,000 acres, with upwards of 600 tenants, but the estate is prosperous and quiet, the...

A tremendous panic has occurred in the Gold Market of

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New York. On 22nd September, the knot of millionaires and specu- lators known as the " Erie Ring" made a grand attempt to run up the price of gold, so as to extract enormous...

The French Government has felt itself constrained to prohibit political

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meetings, and has threatened the Press, which is speak- ing with revolutionary freedom, but the meeting of the Legislature is still postponed to November 29. The elections for...

A very large meeting was held near Dublin on Sunday,

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to de- mand amnesty for the Fenian prisoners. The numbers attending were variously estimated at from 40,000 to 80,000, but nearly two-thirds of the population of the capital...

The Birmingham education meeting has gone off with enthu- siasm,

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but though the League have avoided difficulties by keep- ing back their definitions of " compulsion," and leaving the ques- tion of Bible or no Bible, and unsectarian religion...

London Bridge is choked with the traffic on it, and

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the City Council has been considering and rejecting all manner of expen- sive proposals for widening it. Foot passengers especially suffer. They are often in danger, and as Mr....

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We have observed elsewhere on Lord Granville's remarkable despatch to

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the Governor of New Zealand, wherein he peremp- torily declines to allow the reteution of the 18th Regiment, and confesses that his object in weakening the colony is to compel...

Mr. Bagehot, and his London solicitor, Mr. Robbins, have both

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been examined this week before the Bridgewater Commission, and their examination has shown how impossible it is to fight a thoroughly corrupt borough on purity principles, even...

Consols were on Friday evening 93* to 93f.

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The Association of German Protestants assembled at Berlin, and numbering

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about 250 members in actual attendance, are doing all in their power to distinguish between faith and dogma, —in other words, to reduce the number of assumptions on which they...

North Cheshire, which returned two Conservatives without opposition at the

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general election last year, has this year, on the death of Mr. E. C. Egerton, been contested between a Liberal and a Conservative, Sir E. Watkin and Mr. Cunliffe Brooks, neither...

A murder of an old man of 73 by an

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older man of 81 is not a common event. Such a murder, however, took place at Whitton, near Hounslow, on Monday last, and was followed by the suicide of the murderer, who blew...

A German society which tries to punish and prevent cruelty

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to animals seems to have special work on its hands just now, no less than its English ally. At Bremen it has been prosecuting two gentlemen, one of whom for a bet bit off the...

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THE MiLLIONAIRES OF NEW YORK. N OTHING strikes us so strongly in this Gold Crisis in New York as the enormous and unrestrained power of the new American Plutocracy. They seem...

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W E do not wonder at the keen interest everywhere expressed in the reorganization of the Irish Church. Not only do English Churchmen see, or fancy they see, in vthe proceedings...

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THE decease of the Star newspaper, announced on Wed- nesday, is an event deserving more than a passing comment. It marks the extinction of that group of Middle-Class Radicals,....


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L ORD GRANVILLE is entitled to whatever credit there may be in the perfect consistency cf his Colonial policy. He is perfectly consistent in his carelessness of the lives of the...

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are in hearty sympathy with the chief ends of the National Education League, as placed before the coun- try in the Birmingham meeting of this week, but we must carefully compare...

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I T is hard for the Englishman who traverses the Italy of to-day, and observes her people with unprejudiced eyes, to doubt that she must at no distant period regain much of her...

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T HE murder and suicide at Whitton are really alarming events, if they can be fairly taken to indicate what some other recent double crimes of the same kind,—not, however, that...

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DENOMINATIONAL "ATMOSPHERE." [TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTITOR.1 Sia, — The article on "The Irish Catholic Bishops" in your paper of September 11, deals with a most important...

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(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Yoar dictum that school holidays " have increased, are- increasing, and ought to be diminished " will be heartily welcomed by a very...


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(TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—Will you allow me, as one of the " religionists " from whose control your correspondent " W. B." wishes to emancipate educa- tion, to...

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MR. DREW'S REASONS OF FAITH.* MR. DREW'S interesting and thoughtful little book has, to our minds, one great defect. While we admire his recast of the line of reasoning by...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Some remarks in your article of October 2 (" Dr. Ewing on Infallibility by Machinery ") caused me that sense of pleasure we experience...

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A COUNTY FAMILY.* Tans is a fairly readable story, though

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there is nothing in it that we have not met with a hundred times before now, and the hun- dred-and-first version is no improvement on its predecessors. With the modesty which...

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JOHN, bastard of Waurin, was born near the close of the fourteenth century. He was present, whether as a combatant is uncertain, with the French army at Agincourt, where his...

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THIS is a dismal tale, dismally told ! The writer, a woman, if we mistake not, can neither make a plot nor delineate a character. Nothing can be more ludicrously absurd than...

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SEBASTIAN CABOT.* WE hope readers will not be deterred from

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looking into this very pretty volume by the singularly objectionable style of the opening paragraph :— * The Remarkable Life, Adventures, and Discoveries of Sebastian Cabot, of...

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ON THE ART OF GETTING-ON.* AN English book of essays

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and a French book of essays, how different they be ! an English author who should gather up the quintessence of his life-long experience into a series of such wicked...

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The British Quarterly Review. October. (Hodder and Stoughton.) —We may be permitted to congratulate the British Quarterly on the publication of its hundredth number. We have...

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On Army Organization. By Sir Archibald Alison, Bart. (Blackwood.) —The

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lesson which Sir Archibald Alison seeks to enforce is the neces- sity of " discipline." By this he means something far beyond drilling or training; nothing less than the...

The Practitioner, October (Macmillan), contains an article of universal interest

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by the editor, Dr. Anstie, on "The Vaccination Question." The writer deals in this number with the first part of his subject, the validity of vaccination. He quotes statistics...

Lost Footsteps. A. Novel. By Joseph Verey. (Tinsley Brothers.)— The

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genius of the studio is such a well-known hero of modern novels that these form a class by themselves ; but Lost Footsteps is not quite a typical specimen, for no less than...

Mary Stanley ; or, the Secret Ones. 3 vols. (Chapman

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and Hall.)— This story consists of two parts, which are not very cleverly woven together. First, we have the adventures of an English governess in Russia, who, after a narrow...

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A new edition of the Venerable Bede's Historia Ecclesiastica appears

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under the care of Mr. G. H. Moberly, A.M. (The Clarendon Press.)— it is of a very convenient size and shape, and the editor has furnished it with an introduction, and with what...

A History of Modern Europe. By the Rev. H. Steinmetz,

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Ph.D. (Longmans.)—In how many volumes does the reader suppose this work to be included? In one of moderate size, containing about four hundred pages. That allows somewhat less...