15 JANUARY 1887

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The Spectator

T HE sudden death of Lord Iddesleigh on Wednesday, in his sixty-ninth year, while waiting to see Lord Salisbury in Downing Street, has been the shock of the week. He had...

We notice with some regret and more astonishment the shrieking

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of some of our contemporaries as to Lord Iddesleigh's " murder." No charge could be brought more entirely out of keeping with the thorough reasonableness and sobriety of tone...

Prince Bismarck made his expected speech in the Reichstag, in

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support of the Army Bill, on Tuesday, the 11th inst. It proved as important as had been anticipated. We have given our opinion of its general drift elsewhere, and need only say...


The Spectator

It is our intention occasionally to issue gratis with the " SPECTATOR " SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENTS, the outside pages of whioh will be devoted to Advertisements. The...

The Prince defended the Bill solely on account of danger

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from France, "a great and powerful country, as powerful as we." The victory of 1870 was an accident," and it was mere vanity to think that if war broke out with France the...

NOTICE. —With this week's number of the SPECTATOR are issued

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(gratis) the Index and Title-page for the Volume for 1386.

In Lord Iddesleigh, the Conservative Party have lost a genuine

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Conservative,—to whom Tory Democracy, as distin- guished from Conservatism, was utterly foreign,—a statesman sober in his very essence, whose first high office, the Secretary-...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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It appears that General Boulanger is really to have his

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sixteen millions, or something very like it, the Government having asked for a special military credit of £14,400,000. Of this large sum, the Finance Minister says he only wants...

A crowded meeting was held in St. James's Hall on

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Tuesday, to inaugurate the London Liberal and Radical Union, Mr. John Morley in the chair. Mr. Morley deprecated any attempt to interfere with local Associations. The local...

Mr. Goschen's address to the electors of the Exchange Division.

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of Liverpool is a very manly one. " A Liberal all my life," he says, " I have yet thought it the duty of men of all parties to close their ranks in the face of a common danger....

The different sections of the Opposition in the Reichstag have

The Spectator

determined on their course. They will grant the Military Bill as it stands, but limit its duration to three years. Prince Bismarck will not accept this, on the ground that if...

The much-talked-of " Conference" between Mr. Chamberlain, Sir George Trevelyan,

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Mr. Morley, Sir W. Harcourt, and Lord Hersohell began on Thursday, the first sitting lasting three hours. After to-day it will be adjourned for some days, and it is under- stood...

The Colonial Office, vacant by the appointment of Mr. Stan-

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hope to be Secretary of War, has been filled up by the pro- motion of Sir Henry Holland from the office of Vice-President of the Council, to be Secretary for the Colonies. The...

The judgment of the European Press upon Prince Bismarck's speech

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can hardly be gathered, the journalists, like the states- men, being too cautions to speak openly. The journalists of Paris all affect to consider the speech peaceful ; but...

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Mr. C. T. Ritchie, President of the Local Government Board,

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has issued a circular to the Metropolitan Vestries, asking them to consult with the Guardians, and commence any works that are practicable at once, the severe weather throwing...

We omitted to notice last week the account of the

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horrible experiments made in France on the starvation of dogs, by way of supplementing the information supposed to be conveyed by the recent observations on the fasting-men....

Mr. Morley's speech was followed by speeches from Professor 'Stuart

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and Mr. Bryce, after which an amendment was moved by the Radicals who did not like to amalgamate the Radicals with the Liberals, and thought that the result would be to weaken...

On Wednesday, at a great meeting of those interested in

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the proposed Imperial Institute, the Prince of Wales, who pre- sided, announced that the enterprise had the full approbation of the Queen, who thought the foundation of such an...

Yet how have the National League treated this typically "

The Spectator

good landlord ?" Mr. Hamilton states that the tenants had not even asked for a reduction, when one of the priests informed Mr. Hamilton that the rents due would not be paid to...

That there are cases in which the landlords attacked under

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Mr. Dillon's " Plan of Campaign" have been hard landlords, who endeavoured to get a rack-rent out of their tenants' reduced means, we have never doubted. But that there are...

No new policy has been decided on for Egypt, and

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so far as is known, there is no idea of quitting that country ; but the British garrison is being rapidly reduced, and within a few weeks will number only 5,000 men. The change...

Bank Rate, 5 per oent.

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Consols were on Friday 100/ to 1001.

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P ROBABLY no statesman's death since the death of Sir Robert Peel, has caused the public so keen a sense of having lost a friend, as Lord Iddesleigh's. There were very few who...


The Spectator

PRINCE BISMARCK'S SPEECH. " I AM not going to hit you, but I know you are going to hit me ; and if you do, I will break every bone in your skin !" That would not be accounted...

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irritating and alienating the responsible and sometimes powerful Ministers left outside the innermost circle. These considera- tions are familiar ; but there is another, less...

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T HE most curious political feature of the time is the evidence of the political power of names. Tories who have consented to a measure which renders Toryism in the old sense...

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I T was impossible that Mr. Goschen should say anything new in his address to the electors of the Exchange Division of Liverpool. The object of the Home-rule Party is the same...

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O N Tuesday last, the defendants in the prosecution insti- tuted by the Government against Mr. Dillon, Mr. William O'Brien, and their fellow-workers in the carrying out of the "...

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W E wish Sir John Lubbock, or some other man with the necessary knowledge and lucidity of expression, would deliver a special lecture on the rate of savage progress. He might be...

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T HERE is no quality in a religious critic which is more bewildering to deal with than what we may call the quality of crudeness,—i.e., unripeness of mind so great that it is...

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IS A LAND-PURCHASE SCHEME IN IRELAND NOW POSSIBLE ? [To TEE EDITOR OP TEE " BPECTATOR."] SIR,—There is a growing conviction that the agrarian die- culties of Ireland cannot...

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The Spectator

rTO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 S[R,—You have been good enough to draw attention in the Spectator to a letter of mine in the Times on "Unionist Home- rule." Would you...


The Spectator

ITo THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sm,—In your notice of my article on Mr. Dicey's book in the Contemporary Review, you quote the following sentence :— " How is Ireland to be...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—I should not have troubled you with any defence of my translation of Heine, had not your reviewer brought against me what is tantamount...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." SIR,—Yon were good enough some time ago to allow me a little space in the Spectator for a protest which was headed " Physio- logical...

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ire TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In reply to Mr. Wilson, allow me to refer him to the statement made by Mr. Zaehnsdorf at the Library Conference on September 30th....


The Spectator

THAT QUITE IMPOSSIBLE " SHE.". MR. RIDER HAGGARD must have meditated on "that not impossible She" of whom young men are apt to dream, till he determined to write a tale about a...


The Spectator

A FROSTY SUNRISE. Au, bitter beauty ! How the fair, false frost Burdens each leafless spray ! The ice-buds grow Thick midst the crystal foliage of the snow, Heaping their...

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"Tux University of the busy," as the Owens College has been named by the Spectator, has not had to wait for its tercentenary before finding its historian. Forty years only have...

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THE CANTERBURY TALES.* EVERY lover of our " first warbler"

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will give a glad welcome to the volume of selections from his tales which has just been added to the "Parchment Library." The merits of this series of classics are so well known...

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a Dissenting minister is not, one would say, a position to excite ambition or gratify self-love. Unlike that of the poorest curate, there is often little hope that it may lead...

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SIR PHILIP SIDNEY.* EvEN those who, except for Tennyson, have

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never heard the name of Burleigh, and who regard Thomas and Oliver Crom- well as identical, have all heard of Sir Philip Sidney. The story of his refusal of a draught of water...

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St. Paul the Author of the Last Twelve Verses of

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the Second Gospel. By Howard Heber Evans, B.A. (Nisbet.)—Mr. Evans is the ingenious author who finds the authorship of St. Paul in the Acts of the Apostles and in the Third...


The Spectator

A. Cruel Necessity. By Evangeline F. Smith. (Spottiswoode, Jones, and Co.)—This is a decidedly clever novel, with a good plot and some admirable character.drawing. What it needs...

Famous Plays. By F. Fitzgerald Molloy. (Ward and Downey.)— The

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first chapter of Mr. Molloy's book is devoted to Love for Love. About this play he has, indeed, little to tell us, but he gives us instead an interesting chapter on the...

Readers whose thoughts may be turning to a winter or

The Spectator

spring in Italy, may like to have mentioned to them The English Handbook of Rome and its Environs. With Plans. (Sampson Low and Co., London ; Fratelli Treves, Milan.)—It has an...

The Sporting Quixote ; or, The Life and Adventures of

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the Hon. Augustus Fitzmuddle. By S. Laing. (Ward and Lock.)—This is a sporting novel, but not of the ordinary type. Mr. Laing has a good deal to say about many questions, social...

The Eucharistic Life of Jesus Christ. By M. Jacques Bervat.

The Spectator

Translated from the fifth edition by Edward G. Varnish. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—These sermons were preached in the year 1657, and had a considerable success at the time, the...

Why I would Disestablish, edited by Andrew Reid (Longmans), is

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described by the editor as "a representative book by representative men." This is not the time to examine the reasons which this very mixed company give for their opinion. We...