14 NOVEMBER 1868

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Mr. Disraeli was amusingly impudent at Guildhall on Monday, but

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be spoke as if he had no real political hope. He compared the two parties contending in the State to " these two gigantic forms before me" (Gog and Magog), said the dinner...

Mr. Reverdy Johnson used the occasion of the Guildhall feast

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to announce the virtual solution of the quostions at issue between England and the United States. It has since been explained that a joint Commission is to be appointed, two by...

Mr. Reverdy Johnson, warmed by the Lord Mayor's hospitality, was

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so complimentary to England and to Lord Stanley, and to London and to Britisher institutions generally, that he seems to have been frightened when he read the next (lay a report...


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T HE last Parliament held under the Reform Bill of 1832 was dissolved on Wednesday, and the writs for a new one issued the same night. Most of the borough nominations take place...

An affair called the Baudin affair is exciting great interest

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in Paris. Baudin was a Deputy, killed on a barricade on December 3, 1851, resisting the coup de'lat, and the Republicans have opened subscriptions to provide him a monument. The...

The Rev. F. Burges is vicar of a parish in

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which the Duke of Beaufort owns some land, lie is rebuilding his schools, and he asked the Duke for a subscription. Three applications remained unanswered, but to the fourth the...

The Times publishes a gratifying account of the improvement of

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Venetia since her liberation. Her trade has increased from £6,480,000 to £9,160,000, her tonnage from 263,775 tons to 334,764, while associations are being formed to organize...

The Daily News has " reason to believe " that

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the Bishop of Ely, Dr. Harold Browne, is to be the new Archbishop of Can- terbury, but no other paper seems to know anything about the matter. It would be—not the best, but we...

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Mr. Mundella's prospects at Sheffield are, we believe, excellent ;

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and there is every prospect that the most foolish, boastful, and malignant of the cabal against Mr. Gladstone will not again be returned to Parliament. It will undoubtedly be an...

Mr. Henry Matthews, English Catholic and English barrister, —a man

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of great intellectual eminence, and Conservative candi- date for Dungarvan,—appears to be doing one of the dirtiest pieces of electoral work of the present elections. He is...

Mr. Coningham, formerly the firebrand Member for Brighton, is seized

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with a sudden aspiration for political moderation, and is contesting that constituency on the ground that Professor Faw- cett is too " extreme." To show his moderation, Mr....

Mr. Bright made a most dangerous proposal at Birmingham on

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Thursday. He recommended that, as the majority of members knew little about the Estimates, a Committee should be appointed every year, which should go into the whole question,...

Mr. Vernon Harcourt, in a speech delivered on Tuesday in

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aid of the Liberal candidates for the City, quoted an opinion of Lord Palmerston on the Irish Church which is worth remembering. His Lordship, certainly no revolutionist,...

Bloodshed is expected at Blackburn during this election, cavalry have

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been ordered into the town, and the streets will be watched by mounted police. The Liberal workmen are terribly excited, and the millowners who coerce their hands have been...

Mr. Odger has redeemed his promise of speaking for Sir

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H. Hoare and Mr. Dilke at Chelsea, and has done it heartily. He will be a real loss to the House, and Sir H. Hoare, if he gets in, no sort of gain, except as one of Mr....

Sir Henry Bulwer, in a speech to the electors of

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Tam worth, related a curious incident of his diplomatic career. Iu 1810 France and Spain in alliance were about to attack Morocco, and the British Government feared that if the...

Mr. Bright, in the same speech, made the first direct

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attack he has yet made on that frightful iniquity, the indelibility of orders, the law which binds a Protestant clergyman who has become a Catholic or a Deist to continue a...

That eminent Liberal " W. R. G." returns in the

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Pall Mall to his apology for the Irish Establishment,—an apology which natu- rally becomes weaker and weaker as it becomes less and less hypo- thetical, and more and more...

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The students in several Colleges in Cambridge have struck .against

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the cooks. They say their dinners are bad and dear, and that the cause of both defects is the custom of considering the cook a permanent College officer, irremovable by those he...

The demand for Home Securities has been firm on the

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whole, although at one time some heavy sales of money stock threatened to weaken the market. Yesterday, Consols closed at 94} to 94f for money and account. Reduced and New Three...

The Lancet, discussing Mr. Lewes's paper on tobacco pub- lished

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in the Cornhill, and our comments thereon, gives it as its opinion that tobacco poison cannot create a permanent suscep- tibility to the action of the drug. Every smoker is...

According to the latest accounts which have reached us, the

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Conservatives are exulting over their chances in the London boroughs with very little reason. It is not only possible, but quite probable, that the Metropolis will be as...

A correspondent of Tuesday's Times, who signs himself "C.," and

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dates from Lincoln's Inn, seems much incensed at the Spectator for attempting to solve the question of Mr. Gladstone's secret as to the disposal of the tithe rent-charge. He...

Yesterday and on Friday week the leading British Railway Shares

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left off at the annexed quotations :— Nov. G. Nov. 13. Nov. 0 Nov. 18. Great Eastern 431 441 Lon., Chatham, & Dover 16f 171 Great Northern 104 10:4 Metropolitan 1064 Great...

Little has been received from Spain this week except rumours.

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It is reported that Espartero, a childless man, is to be declared King, under the amazing name. of Baldomero I. ; that all Catalonia and Andalusia will declare for a Republic ;...

Yesterday and on Friday week the loading Foreign Bonds left

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off at the annexed quotations :— Nov. G. Nov. 13. Nov. C. Nov. 13. Brazilian, 1865. 781 771 Russian (Anglo-Dutch) 90f 901 Egyptian, 1864 82 81f Spanish, 1867 331 341...

The Lord Chief Justice decided on Monday, in the Queen's

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Bench, against the claims of women to be admitted as voters under the new Act of Parliament, on the very obvious principle that it was entirely contrary to the intention of the...

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THE POLITICAL ISSUES. I T is the greatest of mistakes to imagine or believe that the main issue before the country in this election is the fate of the Anglican Establishment in...

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Nk THEN a nation may be said to be using its national free will almost for the first time, a great deal more than merely political issues hang on the result. The new consti-...

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T HE New York Tribune published three days before the Presidential Election a very noteworthy contribution, occupying rather more than five columns of small type. It is a...

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O XFORD, it seems, rejects Sir Roundell Palmer. His Committee, foreseeing certain defeat, have withdrawn him, and Mr. Mowbray will walk over the course side by side with Mr....

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1111. DISRAELI'S vague hint at the Lord Mayor's dinner I/1 that Lord Stanley might successfully act as mediator between France and Prussia seems to have had something in it. The...

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T HAT Hungary's political history and condition closely resemble England's is a statement that has been made so often, the comparison has been so often based on merely...

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I T is just as well that the life of that unhappy lad, the Marquis of Hastings, who died this week, should have been, from his own point of view, a failure. He had done a vast...

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T HE war still rages high between physics and metaphysics, be- tween science and faith, between utilitarianism and the higher -ethics, between the philosophy of the phenomenal...

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P ERHAPS the most that can now be done towards represent- ing Shakespeare truly on the stage is done where actors or actresses with a special genius for individual parts, give...

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• 1 Crown, afterwards in the Church ; but this

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Church property was reduced by the Norman William first to the whole tithes, and afterwards to those of the Church of Oakham only. In the reign of Edward II. it appears that the...

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THE CRUISE OF THE GALATEA.* Is it too late to enter a protest against the absurd fashion, let us hope delightful only to snobs, which is making Royalty ridiculous by the...

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THERE are unmistakable signs that the ;mine of sensation incident has been by this time thoroughly worked out. Even the most skilful exploitation of the exhausted lodes of...

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MR. BnErr has had good materials to work with, but lie has not used them well. We make no objection, except on the score of taste, to the odd little tags or sentences of...

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MR. STANFORD'S map and register will be useful if the latter is made accurate, as we have no doubt the former is. At present, how- ever, the list of names is far from either...

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MAXIMILIAN.* WE have seldom read fresher, sunnier, more cheerful descriptions

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of travel than are found in these volumes. The greater portion of the work was written when the author was a very young man, and the warm, healthy tone, the keen sense of...

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Good Woods for the Young is edited by Dr. Macleod, and is, therefore, sure of a large circulation in the thousands of families who already enjoy the genial, generous, and...

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A Winter in Corsica. By Two Ladies. (Sampson Low.)—This is

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a very good book of its kind ; that is to say, it gives any one who may be thinking of passing the winter in Corsica a great amount of information which it would be very useful...

The Bramble Hut. By James Hutchings. (Newry.) — This tale

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is so weakly written that it never could, under any circum- stances, have produced an effect upon public opinion. As it is, it comes fifty years too late. Why attempt to harrow...


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Antient Parliamentary Elections. By Homorsham Cox, M.A. (Long - mans.)—Mr. Cox makes in this volume a contribution to constitutional history which, besides its permanent value,...

The Hermits. By the Rev. Charles Kingsley. (Macmillan.)—This is one

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of tho things which Mr. Kingsley does admirably well. The subject challenges at once all his sense of justice and all his power of sympathy, challenges them by its very...

Charles Stennis, Writer to the Signet. A. Novel. By John

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Lane Ford. 3 vols. (Saunders and Otloy.)—We found the first volume of this novel a piece of as intolerably hard reading as we have often come across. Wo make this criticism with...

Vestiariunz Christianum, by the Rev. Wharton B. Marriott, M.A. (Rivingtons);

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Church Vestments, by Anastasia Dolby (Chapman and Hall).—Wo feel that wo owe something like an apology to Mr. Marriott for putting these two hooks together. They treat, indeed,...

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An Illustrated history of Ireland. (Longmans.)—Of all works, a history

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of Ireland would most seem to require in the writer a calm and critical mind. Nowhere are the fires more thinly covered, the ashes more treacherous. The early chapters of this...

Mount Vesuvius. By T. Logan Lobley. (Stanford.)—This is an exceedingly

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interesting account, both historical and scientific, of Vesuvius. Mr. Lobley, who has the art of graphic description, tells us what the mountain is like now and what it has...

Messrs. De la Rue and Co. have sent us as

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usual their diaries and pocket- books for 1869, which contain this year an article on the great Nebula of Orion by Mr. Warren De la Rue himself, and a fine photograph of the...