14 MAY 1937

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The Spectator

T HE Coronation of King George VI has passed into history, and the next day of like rejoicing, we may hope will be a Silver Jubilee. The ceremony within the Abbey and the...

The Fight for Bilbao News of the fighting in Spain

The Spectator

during the past week has been scanty, but the main struggle has been on the northern front, where the insurgents arc making desperate efforts to capture the mountains that...

The London Busmen The London bus strike, instead of dislocating

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Coronation arrangements, has been temporarily obliterated by them. But the deadlock persists and new attempts must be made to break it. Fortunately the executive of the...

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M. Blum's Victory The two days' debate in the Chamber

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on the Blum Govern- ment's internal policy ended in a vote of confidence which gave M. Blum the largest majority he has ever had on such an occasion, of 38o votes to 199 ; it is...

Jewish Migration Two events in the last week have emphasised

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the increasingly difficult position of the Jews in the modem world. In Poland the Medical Association announced that in future no Jews will be allowed to become doctors, and the...

The ' Hindenburg ' The destruction by fire of the

The Spectator

airship Hindenburg', which crashed last Thursday while landing at Lakehurst, New Jersey, and the loss of 34 lives, will have at least one perma- nent effect ; as Dr. Eckener...

Revolt in Barcelona The fighting which broke out in Barcelona

The Spectator

last week between the Catalan Government and the Anarchists is reported to be largely due to the efforts of the Trotskyist P.O.U.M. (Partido Obrero de Unificacion Marxista) ;...

Religion in Russia Many recent visitors to the U.S.S.R. have

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remarked on the growing freedom and practice of religion ; it is interesting to find the same comment made, though with less sympathy, in the Russian Press. Pravda indeed admits...

Egypt Untrammelled One of the few encouraging events in the

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international field—perhaps the most encouraging—in the past six months was the smooth negotiation of the treaty between Great Britain and Egypt whereby Egypt gained full...

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The Trade in Arms The Government's technique in handling the

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report of the Royal Commission on Arms Manufacture and Traffic (after a delay of six months) is admirably simple and effective. Whenever the Commission reaches a negative...

Lords and Sirs and Others Honours Lists are notoriously dull

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except to those whose names appear in them ; they are often more remarkable for what they omit than what they include. The Coronation Honours List compensates for its great...

Law Reform Among the unseen revolutions in English life is

The Spectator

the work done by Lord Wright's Law Revision Committee ; no doubt the committee, which is refashioning the law of England, prefers to work with as little publicity as possible....

Flight from the Facts The mental processes of dictators are

The Spectator

sui generis, and Signor Mussolini's decision to withdraw Italian correspondents from London because he does not like what British papers have said about Italian troops in Spain...

Diet and Plain Language At last week's meeting of the

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governing body of the International Labour Organisation, Mr. Arthur Hayday, the British Workers' delegate, pointed out very pertinently that the campaign for higher standards of...

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The Spectator

T HIS week the Imperial Conference begins its sessions. Except for the purely economic meeting at Ottawa in 1932, it is the first Imperial Con- ference for seven years ; and the...

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The Spectator

T HERE is an aspect of the present industrial unrest which deserves more attention than it has yet received. That is the inevitable tendency of extremism in one direction to...

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The Spectator

T HERE were a good many different ways of seeing the Coronation procession. You could pay six or eight or ten or fifteen guineas for a seat. And you could rise in the twilight...

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The Spectator

By ROBERT BERNAYS, M.P. I T is impossible to describe the scene in the Abbey. It was too immense, too splendid, too symbolic, to be set down in formal sentences and in normal...

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The Spectator

By SIR ARTHUR WILLERT [This is the concluding article in Sir Arthur Willert's short series on Anglo-American relations] It would be misleading to pretend that the majority of...

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The Spectator

By DOROTHY L. SAYERS T HERE lies upon my table a document calling itself a . " personal letter." It is manifolded from a typescript made by a machine with a dirty lower case "...

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The Spectator

" THE SPECTATOR," MAY 13TH, 1837. POSTAGE OF LEL iMtS. On Tuesday, the order of the day for going into Committee on the Irish Poor Bill having been read, Mr. Wallace (who...

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The Spectator

By LAWRENCE ATHILL W OMEN commonly enough profess to wish that they had been born boys, and from the days of the Amazons onward this wish has resulted in females borrowing from...

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The Spectator

By EVERARD ALLARDICE Wages are paid by the month and all taxes are deducted before payment, and as every income over 50o R.M. per annum is taxed, this means that the vast...

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The Spectator

By RONALD OGDEN "And quietness crept up the hill And the dark woods grew darker still." RUPERT BROOKE. IT was autumn. Jake Wackinson and I were going poaching. He was more'n...

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The Spectator

By E. L. WOODWARD My travelled fellow-countrymen will support me when I say that the gardens of Monte Carlo are very small ; one section, near the abattoir known as the Tir aux...

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" Farewell Again." At the Plaza—" 0-Kay for Sound." At the New Gallery Farewell Again is the story of a troopship coming home from Gibraltar, emotive fragments of sun and spray...


The Spectator

THE THEATRE "In Theatre Street." By H. R. Lenormand. At the Mercury ' Theatre WHEN you are (as M. Lenormand is) a distinguished and successful playwright, editors will usually...

" Sarah Simple." By A. A. Milne. At the Garrick

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Theatre. THIS is, once more, Mr. Milne in playful mood, Mr. Milne determined not to let the nursery down, Mr. Milne making certain that London shall have in Coronation week one...

DittEcr subscribers who are changing their addresses are asked to

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notify THE SPECTATOR office BEFORE MIDDAY on MONDAY OF EACH WEEK. The previous address to which the paper has been sent and receipt reference number should be quoted.

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[Von einem deutschen ICorrespondenten) DER Garten steht in Deutschland in dem gleichen hohen Ansehen wie in England. Die Weltanschauung des Mitten Reiches kommt dem Bestreben...


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Imaginative Humour IN his auto-obituary, printed at the beginning of the catalogue to the exhibition at the London Gallery, Low describes himself as " a simple, kindly man."...

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Forest Heyday England is at its loveliest point when some of the trees— ash, oak and elm—are still so small in leaf that the pattern of their boughs tells of winter, and the...

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The Spectator

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR [Correspondents are requested to keep their letters as brief as is reasonably possible. The most suitable length is that of one of our " News of the Week"...

Sta,—There is one aspect of the question to which very

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little [To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] prominence has so far been given, namely, the calibre of nurses and matrons employed in our public mental institutions (I am in no way...

SIR,—In view of the strictures passed recently on the conduct

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[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] of Mental Hospitals generally and of Licensed Houses par, ticularly, may I submit the enclosed unsolicited appreciation received on the 25th...

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[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIRS I was surprised

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to find the Dean of Exeter saying in his very interesting article of April 3oth, " When George IV received the Sacrament, no one was shocked. He was a rake ; but it was the...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR . ] SIR,—The question of corporal punishment will shortly be examined by a Departmental Committee appointed by the Home Secretary. Valuable...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The letter from Dr. L. J. Bendit, in your issue of May 7th, deserves the careful consideration of all Churchmen, for, among other things,...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR, —Mr. Blake tells us that from a wireless debate over which he presided, it emerged that the Highlander does very much want the security...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I am writing to you, knowing that your journal often gives a sympathetic hearing to matters which appear socially unjust. A member of my...

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Sta,—Mr. Sidnell asks what is the evidence for the claim

The Spectator

that " Java's Isle " is the original version and not " Ceylon's Isle " ? I was wrong when I said those were the words of the hymn as originally written. I should have said as...


The Spectator

THE SPECTATOR.] SIR, —In the Coronation issue of The Spectator appeared in most prominent positions two advertisements of publications questioning the continuance of the British...

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sta,—Anent the works of

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Ouida, a leading article in the his of November 23rd, 1895, protests : " What can people think, for example, of our rowing, when they base their opinions on the novels of Ouida,...

SIR,—I agree with Mr. P. Mortimer Maddox in thinking that

The Spectator

this votation is from one of Oujda's earlier novels and regret I cannot give the reference. In her Idalia : 1867: Vol. I : p..4 : she describes " Sir Fulke Erceldoune "...

SIR,—You rightly describe as " an unpleasant surprise " for

The Spectator

coal royalty owners the award of the Tribunal appointed to rssess the capital value of the agreed annual income of k,4A3o,000 derived from royalties on coal. It is more than a...

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I apologise for my

The Spectator

tardiness in supplying relevant information to this vital discussion. I have just returned from the Near East and had half a" dozen of my Spectators to catch up. Speaking as a...

" GREY STEEL" [To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—May

The Spectator

I call attention to a small point in Mr. D. 0. Malcolm's review of Mr. H. C. Armstrong's book on General Smuts, Grey Steel? He suggests that lack of knowledge of Afrikaans has...

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The Spectator

BOOKS OF THE DAY By J. A. SPENDER PROFESSOR Roman as uses the word " planning " in an extended sense which enables him to sweep into one net Socialists, Communists,...

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The Spectator

The Siege of the Alcazar. By H. R. Knickerbocker. (Hutchinson. 7s. 6d.) Franco Means Business. By Georges Rotuand. (Paladin Press. as.) Red, White and Spain. By Nigel Tangye....

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The Riddle of Napoleon. By Raoul Brice. Translated from the French by Basil Creighton. (Putnam. 15s.) A FEW years ago the historian Kircheisen, one of the greatest authorities...


The Spectator

Jr is strange that this book, the first thorough-going history of London, should have been written by a Dane. Mr. Rasmussen, well known as an architect, town-planner and...

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The Spectator

Count Your Dead : They are Alive. By Wyndham Lewis. (Lovat Dickson. 7s. 6d.) THIS is a repeat performance of last year's stirring knock-about turn Left Wings Over Europe....


The Spectator

Man's Worldly Goods. By Leo Huberman. (Gollancz. sos. 6d.( Property and Improperty. By John A. Hobson. (Gollancz. 4s. 6d.) " Civil. Government, so far as it is instituted for...

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THE INSOLUBLE MARRIAGE Swirr would have been gratified by the

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comb which scholars of all countries arc drawing through all his works and ways. So many books have appeared about Swift in recent years that very little seems to be left...

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The Spectator

French Painting of the Nineteenth Century. By S. Rocheblave. (The Commodore Press. 25s.) IN just over a hundred plates this book manages to give perhaps the best anthology of...

Illusion and Reality. A Study of the Sources of Poetry.

The Spectator

By Christopher Caudwell. (Macmillan. 18s.) POETRY AND MARXISM CHRISTOPHER ST. JOHN SPRIGG, or " Christopher Caudwell " as he preferred to call himself, was killed recently at...

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-Three Comrades. -By Erich Maria Reaurque. (Huzchimaa 8s. 6d.) All Quiet on the Western Front has made Remarque's name famous throughout the world and execrated in National...

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CURRENT LITERATURE Mr. Nicolson concludes one of these essays (Constable,

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6s.) with, " There ! I have actually written an essay which is not disagreeable," and one wonders, surprised by such self-misinterpretation, whether he considers all his readers...

In this useful, straightforward and interesting little book (Longmans, I2S.

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6d.), Mr. Bell tells again a number of the best-known stories of the English voyages of the sixteenth century, out of Hakluyt. It may be said to be a resume of the Principal...

ICY HELL By Will E. Hudson

The Spectator

The author of Icy Hell (Constable, los.), for 3o years a news cameraman, joined a hunting and collecting ex- pedition to the coasts and islands of the Behring Sea. The party...


The Spectator

By Dorothy Scarborough The work of the late Cecil Sharp has familiarised us with the idea that in the Appalachians the inhabitants have pre- served many of the songs and ballads...

PAMELA'S DAUGHTERS By Robert Palfrey Utter and Gwendolyn Needham Pamela's

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Daughters (Lovat Dickson, iss.) is a lively history of the heroine in fiction since Richardson. After the rise of Capitalism, woman was faced with the fact that " gentility...

Miss Joy Langton is the niece of the late Mr.

The Spectator

Charles Gordon-Frazer, the artist, and Cannibal Feast (Herbert Joseph, los. 6d.) is the story of his visit to the New Hebrides where he witnessed the cannibal feast which was...

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Kossuth, the hero of most nineteenth- century revolutionaries and of

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this book (Selwyn and Blount, as.), was un- doubtedly a man of character. But here the biographer exaggerates the quality of his subject and makes him into a genius. The author...

As a brief account of the sea-rovers from Norway and

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Denmark who harried the British and Irish coasts between the years 800 and 1200 nothing could be better than this lively and intelligent book (Allen and Unwin, 7s. 6d.). It is...

JONATHAN SWIFT By Bertram Newman

The Spectator

" The time is hardly yet," Mr. Bertram Newman observes, for " a full biography of Swift which would satisfy modern demands." This, the modern reader may feel, is an unduly...

The subjects of Biography of a Family (Longmans, 16s.) are

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Catherine de Medici and her children. Catherine, the consort of Henri II, lived to see three of her sons on the French throne, and to control the destinies of France during one...

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The Spectator

So far, so good. With a little leniency from the banks and from the stronger brethren towards tfie weaker brethren in the market, the settlement-day hurdle has been jumped and...

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The Spectator

FINANCE AND DEMOCRACY NOTHING, perhaps, is more striking at a moment when our home industries are apparently thriving, when the National Revenues are at record heights, and when...

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DIAMOND PROFITS. NOT the least interesting feature in the Mining Market, and one which has imparted special strength to Diamond shares, was the announcement that the directors...

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The Spectator

BY ZENO [A prize of a Book Token for one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution to this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be...


The Spectator

SOLUTION NEXT WEEK The winner of Crossword No. 241 is the Dowager Lady Ashton of Hyde, Vinehall, Robertsbridge.