14 AUGUST 1841

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The Spectator

LITTLE has been done in public this week. The announcements of preparatives for the opening session and the transfer of power have ceased for the time. In Ireland alone has...

The statesman's glance at the sky is scarcely more inspiriting

The Spectator

than it was last week. This week began with a better promise, but it has not been kept : there have been glimpses of sunshine, which have served little purpose but to tantalize...

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CZ be liattropolis.

The Spectator

After an interval of twenty years, a Court of Conservancy of the River Thames and waters of the Medway, for the county and city of London, was held at Guildhall, on Thursday....

Poor Spain is also an object of suspicion, less in

The Spectator

alarm for others than for herself. Queen CHRISTINA'S angry protest against her dismissal from the guardianship of her children has caused a com- motion among her late subjects....

Ebe Court.

The Spectator

THE business of the approaching session has already begun to break in upon the unusual quiet which the Queen and Prince Albert have been enjoying at Windsor. The Queen held a...

Considering that the Four Powers at least, if not all

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Christen- dom, are bent upon preserving " the peace of Europe," that peace seems to stand in remarkable jeopardy. Not a month passes with- out some unaccountable movement on the...

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Lord Howiek has addressed a circular to each of the electors who voted for him at the late election, thanking the whole number for their kindness. The circumstances under which...

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A preparatory meeting was held at the Royal Exchange in Dublin, on Monday, Colonel Henry White, M.P. in the chair, to make arrange- ments for a public meeting bf the Reformers...

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The election of the sixteen Representative Peers of Scotland took place in the Picture-gallery, Holyrood House, on Thursday week. The attendance of ladies was, as usual, very...

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The sky has not been quite so gloomy as it

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was last week, and the accounts of the crops are not so cheerless; but as yet the change far the better is uncertain. The prices of wheat in Monday's market had advanced from...

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A Free Trade dinner was given at Warrington, on Thursday,

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by three hundred friends of Mr. Kershaw, the unsuccessful candidate at the late election. Sir Thomas Potter, Mr. Cobden, Mr. Hindley, Mr. Brother- ton, and several leading...

The address in the House of Lords, in reply to

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her Majesty's speech on the opening of the new Parliament, will, we understand, be moved by Earl Spencer, and be seconded by the Marquis of Clanricarde.— Globe.

By the sudden death of Mr. W. C. Lister, the

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Member for Bradford, another vacancy in the new House of Commons has occurred. The following particulars are from the Leeds Mercury of this morning- " We announce with very...


The Spectator

The Whigs are beginning to pay of their supporters : last night's Gazette contains a list of new Peerages, creations or promotions ; and a batch of Baronetcies will be...

Further accounts have been received from Madrid of the 5th

The Spectator

instant. The manifesto of the Spanish Government in reply to the allocation of the Pope has been published. The point at issue is, that the Pope claims to make ecclesiastical...

The Spectator

Some disturbance at Dudley in Staffordshire, on Thursday, caused an

The Spectator

apprehension that serious riots would take place. The iron-masters of the district agreed some months back to blow out several fur- naces, with the view of raising the price of...

A SINCERE ADMIRER will perceive that, with our views of

The Spectator

politics and the existing stock of public men, it would serve no useful purpose to continue the discussion of party tactics. When a prospect of clang any thing for the public...

Papers from New York to the 23d July, received by

The Spectator

way of Havre, say that the venue of Mr. M`Leod's trial had been removed from Lock- port to another county.

The Paris papers of Thursday speak in gloomy terms of

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the harvest. It rained all Wednesday and Wednesday night, and part of Thursday. It was said in Paris that the crop in Austria will be a bad one. Among the naval movements in...


The Spectator

STOCK EICFIENGE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The gloomy weather, the decline in the Exchanges, and the occurrence or some sales of Stock by the broker of the Equitable Assurance, have...

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The Spectator

" HISTORY IS PHILOSOPHY TEACHING BY EXAMPLE." SOME passages in the Correspondence of' the Earl of CHATHAM during the year 1766 afford matter for reflection at present. Not a...


The Spectator

Arrived-At Gravesend, Aug,. 8th, Richard Webbe, State. from New South Wales; 9th. Engle, Beckley ; and Palestine, Sim, for ditto ; idle Kin g , Bristowe, from Mau- ritius ; and...

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The Spectator

" Now comes in the sweetest morsel of the night, and we must hence and leave it unpick't," growls Falstaff when he is told, " As I came Rion:, I met and overtook a dozen...


The Spectator

EVERY great controversy has a tendency to expand into a range of discussion too wide to admit of its being viewed as a whole. Minor points are cavilled at, defended, and...

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The Spectator

THE Standard admits that an increased export-trade has been accompanied by diminished home consumption ; but attributes this anomaly to the operation of the New Poor-law. The...


The Spectator

UPWARDS of four hundred ministers of religion have intimated their intention to be present at this convocation. Our opinion of the movement is upon record ; and we have seen...

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THE " Musical Antiquarian Society," of whose progress we have lately been enabled to give so gratifying an account, has produced another, formed on the same plan, with a more...


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BEFORE London has well recovered from the consternation into which her mighty frame was thrown by the vigorously-renewed assertion of mysterious powers emanating from...

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Miss FOBTESCUE has announced her first benefit for Friday next

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; when we hope the deserved popularity of this charming young actress will meet with a reward proportioned to her merits.

Another version of Barnaby Budge has been produced this week

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at the New Strand ; Mrs. KEELEY playing the idiot boy. Her personation is admirable as an effort of art, but her pathos is not so artless as that of • Miss FORTEECUE : Mrs....


The Spectator

BELLES LETIRES, Amenities of Literature ; consisting of Sketches and Characters of English Liters. tine. By I. D.C.L.. F.S.A. In three volumes. 110206. TRAVELS, Tour in...

The Lyceum now fills well from the combined attractions of

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Barnaby Budge and KEELEY; the latter being the more potential, however. KEELEY is most amusing in a comic scene where he and Mrs. WAYLETT represent the embarrassments of A Lady...


The Spectator

As the time approaches for the opening of one of the Great Houses at least, the Haymarket is showing signs of unwonted activity : three nights this week has some new performance...

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AND BAVARIA. THIS volume is the result of another of Mr. BARROW ' S six or seven weeks holyday-tours; and though often passing over well-beaten ground, it is more amusing than...

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THIS work is wrongly named. Containing an amusing digest of various phases of superstitious belief, whether caused by the arta of impostors or arising directly from a...

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NATIONAL GALLERY. SOME valuable acquisitions have been recently made to the National collection of paintings, that are deserving of particular attention. The finest and most...


The Spectator

Is a paraphrastic account of the Gunpowder Plot ; the known par- ticulars of which have been expanded into the prescribed measure of three volumes, by the introduction of...

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The Spectator

CURIOUS to see Mr. Bern's Magnetic Printing Telegraph, we made one of the - throng that crowded the spacious galleries of this repository of the wonders of science and art,...


The Spectator

BIRTHS. On the 10th inst., at Lawrence Eud. Luton. the Hon. Mrs. MACLEOD, of a son. On the 10th inst., in St. Andrew's Place, Regent's Park, the Lady of It. Hear MIDPLEMASS,...


The Spectator

AN exhibition under the title of Kalorama has been recently opened at No. 17 Old Bond Street, by an ingenious but mistaken artist, who paints landscapes in relief; producing a...

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The Spectator

Tuesday, August 10. PARTNERSHIPS nee:ocean. Bamforib and Maite, Holmfirth. paiuters-F. stew and Palmer, Upper Whitecross Street, builders-Wiunall and Farmer, Wellington...


The Spectator

BRITISH FUN D S. (Closing Prices.) Saturday Monday. Tuesday. Wedges. Thurs. 894 89* 89} 891 89} 84 89* 89* Sae 891 90 90 90 89} 891 99e 99 98* 981 98* 95} 981 9E4 93} 98} 121...