13 NOVEMBER 1852

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The Spectator

Tim Speech with which Ministers have advised the Queen to com- mence the business of the Session, records the entire acceptation of the Free-trade policy by the recently...

The light thrown upon our Foreign relations by the Queen's

The Spectator

Speech is not rendered more brilliant by the lurid. glare which gradually illumines the dark prospect on the Continent. Belgium. has given way to the coercion put upon her :...

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Vthatto and Vrarrthings iu Vartiantut.

The Spectator

THE QUEEN'S SPEECH. THE Queen attended Parliament in person on Thursday, to deliver the sessional Speech from the Throne. As early as twelve o'clock .the doors of the House of...

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Inn 311rtropolio.

The Spectator

At a meeting of the Clergy of London, held in Sion College on Monday, it was resolved, on the motion of Dr. M°Caul, " That a report having been widely circulated that a majority...

Or Court

The Spectator

Tan Queen remained at Windsor Castle until Wednesday ; and enter- tained as her guests, successively, the Duke and Duchess of Terceira, the Earl of Hardwick, Professor Sedgwick,...

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4ht. Vronium

The Spectator

Government has officially notified to the local authorities at Portsmouth, that the construction of commercial docks on Government property will not be permitted. At a meeting...

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,furrior vat of FBANCE.The Moniker, in a supplement published_on: Sunday

The Spectator

last, gave an amount of the proceedings in the Senate on the 4th, 5th, and 7th November, respecting the establishment of. the.. Empire. Our readers already know that the•...

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The Spectator

Weimer Castle was thrown open to the inhabitants of Deal and the places adjacent on Tuesday and Wednesday, in order that they might have -an opportunity of beholding the remains...

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Convocation met yesterday in the Jerusalem Chamber, and actually did

The Spectator

some business. Reporters were not generally admitted into the - Upper House, which deliberated under the presidency of the Archbishop of Can- terbury ; but it appears that an...

Telegraphic despatches from Mate, announcing the arrival of the overland

The Spectator

mail, have been received; but we are still without any ampler accounts. The first brigadelad advanced to Prome.

The Paris correspondent of the Morning Chronicle has forwarded the

The Spectator

"protest" of the Count de Chambord against "the Empire." The Count says that the true and traditional monarchy, supported by hereditary right, can alone confer enduring...

Writing from Vienna on the 7th instant, a correspondent of

The Spectator

the Co- logne Gazette says— No deputation will represent the Austrian army at the funeral of the Duke of Wellington. It is the Emperor's own will and pleasure. Ministers had...

The general regulations hitherto issued by the Lord Chamberlain for

The Spectator

the state funeral are not very explicit. It is announced that the funeral " will be saemnized on Thursday the 18th instant, in St. Paul's Ca- thedral " ; but no hour is...


The Spectator

SATURDAY. Both Houses of Parliament sat yesterday, for a short time only. Both received messages from the Queen respecting the funeral of the Duke of Wellington. "Victoria B....

In consequence of the continuous rain lately, the Metropolis and

The Spectator

various parts of the country have been subjected to severe inundations. Yesterday an unusually high tide swept both banks of the Thames, as far as Putney doing considerable...


The Spectator

Beveral Letters on the controversy respecting the opening of the new Crystal _Palace on Sunday, pro and con, stand over, for want of room. Fluent letter-writers should bear in...

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Immense crowds went to Chelsea this morning to view the

The Spectator

lying in state. Every street was blocked up with vehicles and foot-passengers. The river conveyed its thousands. It will be no . exaggeration to say that thousands have been...

The accident at Chelsea Hospital is the result of ineffectual

The Spectator

arrange- ments. It is not the hat of the series. Scaffolds are multiplying of the hastiest construction, in the most hazardous quarters. When official arrangements prove so...

The Duke of Wellington's death has of course given rise

The Spectator

to a multitude of poetical and musical effusions, in the form of monodies, elegies, odes, songs, and ballads. Such things, made to order and to supply-a passing demand,...

Cktatus iitt 311104.

The Spectator

The revival of the old farce of A Wife for a Day, at the Adelphi Thea- tre, would scarcely serve as a pretext to contradict the person who might affirm that no theatrical...

Monsieur Jullien has commenced the annual series of promenade con-

The Spectator

certs, which ho has been in the habit of giving in Drury Lane Theatre for a month before Christmas. He announces this as his " saison d'adieu," before his departure for...

A new musical society has been formed, under the title

The Spectator

of " The Har- monic Union." Its meetings are to be held in Exeter "Hall ; and its ob- ject is the performance of vocal music both sacred and secular, with a special view to the...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. In the English Stock Market, the same want of animation alluded to last week has again prevailed. No effect was produced on Monday by the...

It has come to our ears that the most delightful

The Spectator

contribution to the nursery library, and one of the most promising first appearances in art, of .recent years, had a more than artistic significance.e allude to the lit- tle...

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The Spectator

TEE NEW HOUSE—NOT YET FUitNLSHED. IT might seem that the only stable thing amongst us just at pre- sent is the spirit of innovation. On the opening of the new Par- liament, it...


The Spectator

A FORTNIGHT since, we drew attention to various indications in the declarations of leading politicians, in special measures of acknowledged importance, and in physical and...

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The Spectator

" FBARCE wishes for stability "; "a necessary" reaction "con- ducts her towards order, stability, and repose"; • and yet nothing more strongly depicts the instability which...


The Spectator

This movement is indeed an epoch in the history of Law Re- form. It is at once more popular, more widely , spread through general society than any that has preceded, and more...

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The Spectator

IT is so painful to lose any man with whom you have been fa- miliar, though it be only by name, that the maxim " de mortuis " is natural if not laudable ; but it is liable to be...

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Erting tu t48 Mar.

The Spectator

SUBMARINE TELEGRAPH AND LOUIS NAPOLEON. Cornhill, 12th November. Six—My attention has been directed to an article that appeared in your last number, headed "Louis Napoleon on...


The Spectator

STATE PAPERS RELATING TO ENGLISH HISTORY. * UPWARDS of twenty years have passed since William the Fourth appointed a Commission for " printing and publishing State Papers." It...


The Spectator

London, 8th November 1862. Stit—In speaking of the inefficient state of our national defences, I find that the partisans both of the Russell and Derby Administrations are always...

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The Spectator

the result of the observation and ex- perience of an American who for some time resided in Paris for the education of his children. It has not that attraction of character and...

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The Spectator

THE attraction of this fiction turns more upon adventures and sketches of actual life than upon its story, which, though continu- ous enough for the autobiographical form, is...

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The Spectator

Boors. Notwithstanding the triple interest attending on the meeting of Parliament, the preparations for the great state funeral of next week, and the ominous reestablishment of...

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The Spectator

OFFICE or ORDNANCE, Nov. 8.-Ordnance Medical Department-Surg. W. Kelly, M.D. to be Senior Sorg. vice Chisholm, who retires on half-pay ; Assist: Sorg. J. Bent to be Surg. vice...


The Spectator

On the 3d September, at Mauritius, the Wife of the Hon. Rawson W. Rawson, Esq., Treasurer and Paymaster-General of that colony, of a son. On the 30th October, at Rome, the Wife...

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The Spectator

Tuesday, November 9. BARYNERanzes Dissozvam-Cheatham and Dixon, Wolsingham, Durham, tanners -Standen and Sautes, Northiam, Sussex, farmers-Eyre and Hanson, Liverpool,...


The Spectator

FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Satord. (Monday. riuoday.ilrednes. Thom Friday r --- 1004 1001 1001 1001 1003 1004 — 1001 1001 100 1 100 4 1004 991 991 994 994 991 991 103} 1031...