12 MAY 1961

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The Spectator

The Spectator

No. 6933 Established 1828 FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1961


The Spectator

It is also typical of the CIA, or for that matter any intelligence agency the world over, at its stalest: for the story, in different versions, has been circulating almost as...

—Portrait of the Week-

The Spectator

TIII UNITED STATES got an astronaut into space at last---Commander Alan Shepard, who soared 115 miles high. He did not go into orbit, as the Soviet astronaut had done, but he...

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Black Mischief

The Spectator

HE arrest of Mr. Tshombe and the announced I intention of the Leopoldville Government to place him on trial for offences ranging from treason to 'the massacre of the Baluba...

Progress to the Rope

The Spectator

A PROMINEN1 Abolitionist said the other day .that the state of a country's civilisation can be judged by its attitude to capital punishment. By this criterion, the Soviet Union...

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A Professor Grasps the Sword

The Spectator

By PATRICIA McGOWAN PINHEIRO* T HOUGH there is evidence of spontaneous tribal revenge for cruelties inflicted by the Portuguese over four centuries, the Angolan nationalists...

Professionals v. Amateurs

The Spectator

From RICHARD H. ROVERE NEW YORK T HE passage of time does not reduce the magnitude of the folly in Cuba. The more it is examined, the worse the whole affair looks. The...

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Westminster Commentary

The Spectator

But Westward, Look By BERNARD LEVIN FOR once the quick brown fox appears to have jumped over the lazy dogs. The remarkable turn- up for the book achieved by Mr. Gaitskell last...

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St. Helena Prisoners WITH only a very short time left

The Spectator

for suf- ficient funds to be collected tb enable the Bahraini prisoners on St. Helena to proceed with their defence, the Appeal Committee (Woodrow Wyatt, MP, Jeremy Thorpe, MP,...

The Other Exodus

The Spectator

By ERSKINE B. CHILDERS THE Palestine Arab refugees wait, and I multiply, and are debated at the United Nations. In thirteen years, their numbers have, increased from 650,000 to...

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Training Centres

The Spectator

By SIR BASIL HENRIQI.JES rr HE debate on the Criminal Justice Bill in the I House of Lords on May 1 showed how greatly perturbed the nation is by the continued increase in...

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John Bull's Schooldays

The Spectator

Led Astray By JONATHAN MILLER rrHE Friar House was a progressive school set 1 in large grounds with a gnarled orchard in which a moth-eaten donkey grazed. The build- ing was a...

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SIR,—In his review of Arthur Christiansen's book, Headlines All My

The Spectator

Life. Brian Inglis says: Among the critics he [Christiansen] had to bully into being 'amenable' [in the context the term has the sinister ring of a brainwashing ex- periment]...

Asian Discrimination S. Dharmavaratha and T. Thirunamachandran Christiansen and Beaverbrook

The Spectator

Tom Driberg, MP, Leonard Mosley. Daniel George Hospitals and Patients 'Another Consultant Surgeon,' Susan Coiling Ipsos Custodes G. W. Kerr Caged Men Mark Bonham Carter Day of...


The Spectator

SIR,--1 read with interest Brian Inglis's review of Arthur Christiansen's Headlines All M y Life, in which he refers to the 'rancorous passage in which Mi. Christiansen attacks...

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On the matter of the drip transfusion, I seem not

The Spectator

t i° have made myself clear. Obviously, as a layman, wouldn't have the faintest idea whether the drip should be continued for twelve hours at a time (as the consultant said he...

b ook, I much enjoyed Brian Inglis's review of Chris's ,u,ricik.

The Spectator

but suggest that he would have been nearer tne mark if in the sentence 'Among the critics he had to bully into being amenable' he had substituted tried for had.—Yours...

H OSPITALS AND PATIENTS S llt—No one working in hospitals is complacent

The Spectator

or satisfied with things as they arc. I would, however, li ke Mrs. Catling to know that diagnosis is not al- W,aYs easy and that the right treatment must wait on diagnosis; this...


The Spectator

SIR,--Mr. R. A. Cline illustrates the negative manner (by non-disclosure of vital information) in which local bureaucrats and government departments may together confound the...

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The Spectator

SIR,—In your last week's issue Mr. Nicholas Daven- port states that 'President Kennedy and Mr. Mac- millan arc backing the plan to turn the IMF into a credit-creating...


The Spectator

SIR,—I must apologise for an inaccuracy in ' my review of Christopher Burney's Solitary Confine- ment. I stated that one of Christopher Burney's colleagues was his sister and...

Stfi,—May I add something to Mrs. Furlong's corn - ments on

The Spectator

Dr. Vellay's lecture on painless child - birth? The method he practises does work—I have tried it. It is the loss of control which makes child- birth so distressing an...

SIR,—Leslie Adrian mentioned Aquascutum and Harrods where difficulty is experienced

The Spectator

when offering a cheque above £10 for goods. Departmental stores do not seem to have made up their collective mind on this question, and it is time they did, now that we are...


The Spectator

SIR,—I feel that I owe an apology to readers of the Spectator, since it was I, many years ago, who recruited Mr. Robert Conquest into the Communist Party. The awful results of...

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M u sic Faster ! Faster !

The Spectator

By DAVID CAIRNS TIIE London Syniphony Orchestra's concert at the Festival Hall last Friday, at which that brisky juvenal Pierre Monteux took over at short notice from Dr. Krips,...

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The Spectator

The Plot's Forsook By BAMBER GASCOIGNE Progress to the Park. (Saville.) — Belle. (Strand.)—The Depar- tures. (Royal Court.) A DRIFTING week. For want of a plot they were...


The Spectator

Promise and Frustration By ISABEL QUIGLY Exodus. (Astoria.) 'Exodus ('A' certificate) starts off as a big, excit- ing, promising balloon, buoyed up by its exhilar- ating subject...

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The Spectator

Italia 6i By PETER RAWSTORNE Tor extremes of poverty and wealth in Italy are Milan is one of the richest cities in Europe. and Turin is fast catching up. According to Dr....

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The Spectator

Dr. Toynbee's Snark By CHRISTOPHER HILL D R. TOYNBEE'S A Study of History is an in- teresting sociological phenomenon. Criti- cised and pooh-poohed by professional historians,...

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Uneasy Head

The Spectator

The Hollow Crown. By Harold F. Hutchinson. (Eyre and Spottiswoode, 30s.) THIS is the second volume to appear in what is apparently a series of royal lives, and the writer has...

Lost America

The Spectator

THIS is a book like a sprawling, variegated car- case of meat. There are fresh and delicious parts; there are chewy parts; there are layers of fat, and there are undeniably...

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Angel with Horn

The Spectator

To a Young Actress. The Letters of Bernard Shaw to Molly Tompkins. (Constable, 63s.) UNTIL the appearance of How to Become a Musical Critic, in which Mr. Dan Lawrence has...

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Out of Bounds

The Spectator

WHEN Ved Mehta returned to India after several years of Oxford and 'the indulgent West,' he found it unsatisfactory. Too many people, too many stone-wall problems; too many...

Cruise of State

The Spectator

Ilrilain in World Affairs. By Lord Strang. (Faber and Deutsch, 30s.) HERE is a book whose chief interest lies in its author's long diplomatic experience. Scholars have not been...

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Roundhead Utopia

The Spectator

There is No Refuge. By Gwen Kelly. (Heine- mann, 16s.) DAVID CAUTE'S At Fever Pitch, which came out in 1959. was one of the most remarkable first novels of the Fifties,...

Prophet at Oxford

The Spectator

The Young Mr. Wesley. By V. H. H. Green. (Edward Arnold, 35s.) THE senior tutor of Lincoln College has written this book upon the most distinguished Fellow in the history of...

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A Wages Policy

The Spectator

By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT copy of this report, which does not seem to have reached the English press, but which deserves the attention of Mr. Selwyn Lloyd. In the House of Commons...

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Investment Notes

The Spectator

By CUSTOS A N OTHER reason why this bull market is in need of a correction is that it is inducing more and more issues to come from the unit trusts, which make the prevailing...

Trade Below the Rio Grande

The Spectator

0 NE test of the development of a country is the number of international organisations to which it belongs; another, its willingness to free its trade and open up its markets to...

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Company Notes

The Spectator

MHERE has been a welcome upturn in the pre- I tax profits for 1960 of Babcock and Wilcox at £890,584 against £523,154, but'the group has a long way to go before it is out of the...

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The Spectator

The Greatest of These By KATHARINE WHITEHORN I KNOW a man who thinks that indulging in any kind 'of private charity in a Welfare State is like lending your horse to London...

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Parents and Children

The Spectator

Life with Mother . FURLONG By MONICA IT begins to appear as if nothing less than a mother of six throwing herself under Sir David's motor-car will secure the nursery schools...


The Spectator

Britain Could Make It By KENNETH I. ROBINSON The South Bank was so much more than an exhibition. It was a wonderful place to be in : it had the stimulating qualities of a...

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Consumint Interest

The Spectator

Talking Back By LESLIE ADRIAN National advertising expenditure, £450 million last year, is now lead'ng government spending on education by £100 million. The admen are swamp-...

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Postscript . .

The Spectator

Inside the doomed clubhouse, behind the tarpaulin and the scaffolding, there may well, for all 1 know, be major-generals who fought the Matabele, dozing uneasily in the...