12 MAY 1849

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The Spectator

ONE subject has overridden all others in Parliament this week— the Navigation Bill ; which stood for the second reading in the House of Lords, and by which the fate of the...

By the intervention in Italy, the French Government had placed

The Spectator

itself in a most embarrassing position. The Government at Paris, originating in a Republic that arose on the expulsion of a King, declines to recognize a Government at Rome...

Mr. Henry Drummond has a knack of putting an indisputable

The Spectator

proposition so as to make its acceptance impossible. His proposi- tion that the whole taxation system ought to be revised, is indis- Isatable; but when he declares that...

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" German" affairs are in the most blessed confusion. While

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the unauthorized Assembly at Frankfort continues to grind edicts, —while Prussia is maturing her efforts for crushing the Imperial authority which she was so near...

Rebates anb Ijiroteebings in tiarliament.

The Spectator

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF THE WEEK. House or Loans. Monday, May 7. Navigation-laws: second reading debated— Adjourned at 12 h. 15 m. Tuesday, Slay 8. Navigation-laws : debate...

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TEbt QD ourt.

The Spectator

TEE Queen granted audiences on Wednesday to Lord John Russell, the Judge-Advocate-General, and Viscount Ponsonby. Her Majesty gave a concert on Wednesday evening, at Buckingham...

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The Lady Mayoress gave a ball to upwards of' three hundred children, in the saloon of the Mansionhouse, on the evening of the 4th. Dissolving views were exhibited in the...

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The Spectator

The death of the Honourable Edmund Knox places the bishopric of Limerick at the disposal of Ministers. Bishop Knox died on Thursday week, at the Railway Hotel in. Birmingham,...

_foreign anti

The Spectator

FRANCIL—The Italian intervention, and the sudden check given to the French expedition under the•walls of Rome, are the engrossing topics of French discussion. In the...

Zbe Vrobinces.

The Spectator

We understand that Lord Campbell, the Chancellor of the Dntchy of Lancaster, has conferred the appointment of the Vice-Chancellorship of the County Palatine, which office is in...

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The Spectator

Despatches from Hanover were received on Sunday, announcing that the King has recovered from his serious indisposition. A deputation from the Cork and Bandon Railway Company...

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The Spectator

SATURDAY. The Lords were occupied yesterday evening with the second reading of the Rate-in-aid Bill; moved by the Earl of CARLISLE, in a speech of some length, with the usual...


The Spectator

On the 2d May, at Roland's Castle, Hants, the Lady of Captain O'Callaghan, R.N., of a daughter. On the 5th, at Newcastle-on-Tyne, the Lady Mary Hope Wallace, of a son. On the...

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The important towns of Elberfeld, Crefeld, and Dortmund, have de-

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clared in favour of Frankfort. The Landwebr of Elberfeld has refused to obey the King's officers, and have taken steps to oppose the entrance of the troops despatched to...

Letters from Vienna, of the 6th instant, state that the

The Spectator

Emperor is about to depart immediately, and take the personal command of his army against the Magyars; so to do away with all "the jealousies which exist between the different...

Yesterday's letters from Paris state, that " Paris is in

The Spectator

a state of great ex- citement today, more especially in the Faubonrgs of St. Antoine and St. Marcel, the ordinary hotbeds of insurrection. The Government appears to be seriously...


The Spectator

Jenny Lind has passed from the dramatic stage—to the stage of do- mestic life; a scene for which the bent of her genius indicates the most engaging qualifications. Her actual...

Drury Lane has just opened its doors as a German

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operahouse. Herr Raeder, the manager of the German opera at Amsterdam, has brought over his whole company, including the chorus and orchestra, with some addi- tions from...

Letters from Civita Vecchia to the 4th, and from Rome

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to the 1st in- stant, give details of the affair on the 30th, in which the French expedi- tion was repulsed from Rome. It seems that General Oudinot advanced in consequence of...

Last night's Gazette announces that the Queen has constituted Hong-

The Spectator

kong and its dependencies to be "the Bishopric of Victoria," and has ap- pointed the Reverend George Smith, D.D., to be its first Bishop. Her Majesty has promoted...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY srrsaneow. The English Funds have been very heavy; the unfavourable nature of the Con- tinental intelligence , in conjunction with the settlement of the...

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The Spectator

ENGLAND IN THE WEST. FORTUNE favours the Manchester school. As the potato-rot helped them to a repeal of the Corn-laws, so another triumph seems coming to them by means of...

The Adelphi Theatre, through-the curious means of popularity which it

The Spectator

has at command, enjoys such an uninterrupted course of good fortune, that the manager seems now and then to allow his prosperity to impede his dis- cerning faculty, and to...

At the old-established London theatres, " French classical tragedy "

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would be looked upon as a periphrastic euphuism for a bore. The pro- ductions of the modern Parisian taste are sought with avidity, but there is an instinctive shrinking from...

May is the month of concerts as well as of

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Exeter Hall meetings. This week there have been several that challenge a passing mention. First, there was the grand concert of the Royal Italian Opera at Covent Garden, on...

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The Spectator

SELF - SEBEING is apt to be suicidal in its results, but in Ireland the suicide stands so close upon the original act that to any people with faculties less perversely trained...


The Spectator

WHILE acknowledging the excellence of the institution, the neighbours of the Farm School which the Philanthropic Society is establishing at Redhill have taken alarm at certain...

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journal declared that the Hun- garians had been comp... : .. retreat upon Comore ; a phrase which would be unintelligible, it we nat. kpv to the trans- lation of the Austrian...


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com- bines the echoes of a long and vaulted hall with the buzz of a drawingroom; or, when there is a large attendance of Commons at the bar , the ham of a school- room. . . ....


The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Camberwell, 24th April 1849. $m—Perfection is not permitted to man: the most he is capable of is approxi- mation to it, and the power of...

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The Spectator

wAliBURTON ' fi PRINCE RUPERT AND THE. CAVALIERS.* ALruorrow the name of the fiery Rupert is familiar to every reader of E n glish history, yet it is only as a meteor of the...

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DRY LEAVES FROM YOUNG_ EGYPT. * TEE "young Egypt" of this

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volume is the Delta of the Indus. Its sub- ject is the adventures and observations of an assistant " Political" in that region ; his reflections and criticism on our policy in...

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The Spectator

AGRICULTURE. * Da. DAVY'S Lectures on Chemistry and Discourses on Agriculture were delivered before two societies at Barbados : the lectures, on the opening of a school named...

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The Spectator

BOOKS. Dry Leaves from Young Egypt; being s Glance at Sindh before the Arrival of Sir Charles Napier. By an Ex-Political. ' Letters on the Truths contained in Popular...

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The Spectator

WAR-OFFIcE, May 11.—Grenadier Guards—C. Alexander, Gent. te be Ensign and Lieut. by purchase, vice Ellison, promoted. Scots Fusilier Guards—Ensign and Lieut. Lord A. F. C....


The Spectator

EXHIBITION OF THB ROYAL ACADEMY. Tsa display of pictures this year is remarkable for the continued progress o f a change which we noted during the last few years—a general...


The Spectator

Tuesday, May 8. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Barnes, Brothers, Liverpool, and W. and H. Barnes and Co. Melbourne, New South Wales, merchants—Ogg sad Howard, Northampton,...

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The Spectator

BRITISH Solon:. Monday. , S per Cent Consols 92} 911 Ditto for Account 921 8 per Cents Reduced 901 9 90} 90} I} per Cents 911 91 Long Annuities 81 6 Bank Stock, 7 per...