12 JUNE 1852

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The Spectator

Emu what passed last week, it was expected that this week the - Chancellor of the Exchequer would proceed to the annual "massa- cre of the innocents " ; but instead of...

The most remarkable electieneering novelty of the week is Mr.

The Spectator

Disraeli's final removal of the Protectionist mask he has worn for so many , years. He has gone a step beyond Lord Derby in ac- cepting rree l trade as an irrevocable necessity;...

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The simultaneous nteating of two rival General A.ssembliea in Edinburgh,

The Spectator

at this season, reminds us that the Presbyterian Church in Scotland has its troubles and omens, nearly as perplexing as those of the Episcopal Establishment in England. A...

Vault)] nut Vtutbiug inVarlunurtit.

The Spectator

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OP THE WEEK. MOOSE OF LORDS. Monday, June 7. Railway from Halifax to Quebec; State- ment by Lord Derby—Cape of Good Hope: the Constitution Ordinances....

President Bonaparte has got himself into a dilemma, embarras- sing

The Spectator

and discreditable. The virulent threats addressed to Belgium by Grimier de Cassagnac in the Constitutionnel have obtained triumphant majorities for an increased number of...

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Chr Vranium.

The Spectator

Mr. Benjamin Disraeli, ci-devant leader of the Protectionist Opposition, but now Chancellor of her Majesty's Exchequer, has issued the following manifesto-address to the...

th Court

The Spectator

Tic Queen held a Court at Buckingham Palace on Monday. Count Col- leredo had an audience to present his credentials as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the...

Cbt 311ttru1InliE.

The Spectator

The animal meeting of the National Society seemed, beforehand, likely to be one of strenuous combat between Archdeacon Denison and his op- ponents. Both parties had given notice...

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The Spectator

ENGLAND. BRIGHTON. Mr. Ffooks, partner in a great Dorsetshire brewery, is a Free-trade and Liberal candidate. CHESTER. Mr. Samuel Holme ' one of the most strenuous opponents...


The Spectator

The election negotiations at Edinburgh seem still as veiled in intrigue as heretofore. Mr. Macaulay is put forward, with the understanding that he into make no personal effort...


The Spectator

The Lord-Lieutenant and the Countess of Eglinton left Dublin at noon on Wednesday, by the Great Southern and Western Railway, and arrived at Cork about half-past four o'clock,...


The Spectator

A rare instance has happened of "Queen Victoria's weather " being most ugly weather. The Royal Races have been totally spoiled as a spec- tacle, by the perverse skies. On...

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furtigu gut Calnial.

The Spectator

ERANCIL—We last week mentioned the menacing article in the Canal- tutionnel on the relations between France and Belgium. The effect of the article on Belgium was such that the...


The Spectator

Lieutenant-General Sir George II. F. Berkeley, K.C.B., has been ap- pointed Surveyor-General of the Ordnance, in the room of Major-General C. R. Fox. Mr. Roebuck has been ill,...

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"Will anybody tell us," asks the Times, " where legislation is

The Spectator

to end and electioneering begin ? "—a question suggested by the immense amount of electioneering done just now in both Houses of Parliament, in the shape of "measures" useless...

A great agricultural deputation waited on the Earl of Derby

The Spectator

yesterday, at Downing Street, to urge Government to take every possible means of getting guano more cheaply and abundantly—especially from Peru and the Lobos Islands. Lord Derby...

Lord Mandeville was returned for Huntingdonshire yesterday, in place of

The Spectator

the late Mr. George Thornhill. No opposition. Lord Mandeville was returned for Huntingdonshire yesterday, in place of the late Mr. George Thornhill. No opposition. Captain...


The Spectator

SATURDAY. In the House of Lords, last night, the Marquis of LA.NSDOWNE asked Lord Derby, whether any minute had been agreed to by the Committee In the House of Lords, last...

A petition has been presented from the Warden and officers

The Spectator

of New College, Oxford, to the Bishop of Winchester as Visitor, praying him to institute a special visitation. The College declares itself ready to submit to a thorough...

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The fire at the printing establishment of Messrs. Clowes is

The Spectator

now believed to have destroyed 50,000/. worth of property ; and the insurances did not cover more than about 25,000/. worth.


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY APTERNOON. The reduotion of the interest upon French Treasury Bonds calmed an im- provement both in English and Foreign Funds. A momentary reaction...

The °varietal mail which left Bombay on the 12th of

The Spectator

May has arrived a Marseilles. The telegraphic message in anticipation of the news is as follows-7 "Nothing was known relative to the future movements of the expe- dition, nor of...

tratrro nut( 311noir.

The Spectator

There are two kinds of strong drama which the poet may turn out of his studio,—the drama strong in ease, and the drama strong in posse, Dramas that are not strong in any sense...

The Exhibition of Irish Industry at Cork was opened on

The Spectator

Thursday by the Lord-Lieutenant, most auspiciously ; fine weather giving brilliancy to the whole proceedings, which were as grand on a smaller scale as the Royal opening of the...

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There was an extra matinee of the Musical Union on

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Tuesday, which derived peculiar interest from the appearance of Vieuxtemps, the cele- brated Belgian violinist. He played a solo written by himself, which excited unbounded...

Madame Jullienne, who made her debat at the Covent Garden

The Spectator

Opera in the Martiri, appeared on Tuesday in the part of Alice in Roberto ii Diavolo. Without making a great impression, she had what the French call a " succes d'estime."...


The Spectator

THE MINISTRY AND THE COUNTRY. THE Derby Cabinet has now existed long enough, and, been at work enough, to be judged practically ; and the judgment is not favourable. Nobody...


The Spectator

This distinguished exile terminated his course of lectures on French history, at Willis's Rooms, on Saturday last. The whole course has been occupied with the reign of Louis the...

It might be supposed that the only theatres in the

The Spectator

great European capitals whose actors might come forward in propria persona, would be the Palais Royal in Paris, and the Adelphi in London. Nevertheless, an English version of a...

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The Spectator

WM - LE Louis Napoleon is aiming new blows at the freedom of the press, and extending the circuit of his attacks, a rebellious spirt rises up within the very centre of his own...


The Spectator

SOMEWHAT more than two months ago,* we bad occasion to an- nounce, in commenting on Dr. Whewell's pamphlet on the report of the Cambridge Statute Syndicate, that the refusal of...

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frttrr5 tu tYr hitor.

The Spectator

THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY REPORT. London, 7th June. Sra—I regret very much to observe two things,—one, that Mr. Gladstone's seat at Oxford is about to be disputed by a strange...


The Spectator

A" TRAVELLER at home" has furnished us with a little narrative that has evidently moved the writer deeply, and the incident which it relates will move others. The writer was...


The Spectator

THE warning which we put forth last week respecting the proper custody of persons who are notoriously without the control of their own actions has not been long without a...

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The Spectator

Oxford, 7th June 1852. Sim—I think I have some reason to complain of the tone assumed by your correspondent X. Such expressions as "miserable party vulgarism," " dis- gust,"...

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The Spectator

this book is its being the record of the first journey in India made without any other purpose than to fulfil the traveller's destiny and "see strange things." Captain Egerton...


The Spectator

WHEWELL'S LECTURES ON THE HISTORY OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY IN ENGLAND. * THE history , of Moral Philosophy is the narrative of the account men have given to themselves of the meaning...

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MOIR'S SELECTED POEMS AND LIFE. * IT is remarked by Paley

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that the great dignitaries of a profession raise the status of all its members. Thus, the halo of the Lord. Chancellor sheds a glimmering of lustre even over an attorney, and...

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The Spectator

Booxs. Life of Marie de Medieis, Queen of France, Consort of Henry IF:, and Regent of the Kingdom under 'Allis NHL By Miss Pardee, Author of "Louis XIV. and the Court of France...

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The Spectator

BRITISH INSTITUTION: EXHIBITION OP OLD PICTURES. As in the case of last year, this is an exhibition considerably above the average. The concourse of foreign visitors, the...

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The Spectator

• Our Fine Arts columns have been of late so fully occupied by the Royal Academy, that we have not been able to notice the sale of Marshal Soult's pictures ; an event which...


The Spectator

A picture has been painted under this title by Mr. T. .1. Barker, and is now to be seen at Alderman Moon's in Threadneedle Street. It repre- sents an interesting incident in the...


The Spectator

WAR-OFFICE, June 8.-7th Light Drags.—Lieut. W. D. Bushe to be Capt. by pur- chase, vice Sartoris, who retires ; Cornet the Hon. I. De Vesci T. W. Finnes to be Lieut. by...


The Spectator

On the 31st May, at Fynecourt House, Broomfield, Somerset, the Wife of Andrew Crosse, Esq., of a son. On the 24 June, at Kippax Park, Yorkshire, the Wife of Thomas D. Bland,...

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The Spectator

PARTNERSHIPS DissoLvim.—Giiffin, Brothers, Beal's Wharf, Southwark—Smith and Co. Albion Place, Kin's Cross, furniture-dealers ; as far as regards J. Smith— Woodson and Co....


The Spectator

BRITISH FUND S. (Closing Prices.) &turd. Monday. Tneaday. 7Psdnes. 27surs. Friday. 13 1001 1001 100 1E1 1 1 bib 99 1 991 102 10j2 102 1021 102 1 02 6 6 61...